Author Topic: William "Blue Otter" Anderson  (Read 19723 times)

Offline educatedindian

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William "Blue Otter" Anderson
« on: September 28, 2006, 05:54:09 pm »
The NCOLT denounced Anderson for feeding off their membership.
It has been brought to my attention that there is a web sight titled "Chickamauga or Western Cherokee"
that is soliciting Green family members to enroll in a newly formed group calling themselves the "Green Band." Included in the web sight under the heading of "background" is an alleged testimony by a Scott
Anderson, also, calling himself Blue Otter.

Much of the information allegedly authored by Mr. Anderson is erroneous. For any part that is true, he displays no knowledge that has not been previously published by me concerning our Northern
Cherokee history and the Green family of Cherokees.

The group purports to be seceding from the Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory and other splinter groups for traditional reasons. There is no evidence in the web sight that they were ever a part of us.

Like groups who have broken away from the original Northern Cherokee Nation and/or have been formed by the inspiration of the existence of the same, this one again is evidently trying to nibble away at the membership of the Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory.

For example, he says they are breaking away for traditional reasons, and I would venture to say that the authors of this web sight have no idea of our Green family traditions. In his list of chiefs, Benjamin
Franklin Green is wrong. Benjamin "Franklin" Green was not the father of James Green. The middle name is erroneous.

Benjamin Green, James Green and John Harvey Neal were my direct ancestors, and I am very aware of their tradition, which values we follow closely today.

Isn't it ironic that those who wish to break away from us, attempt to display continuity to the old nation through the ancestral leaders of those whom they are allegedly trying to break away from. These
groups evidently are not aware that they can never attain federal recognition by using our ancestral leaders. If they are legitimate Cherokees, they must do the research to find their own bonified
leaders, and not piggy back on us.

I am not aware of a Scott Anderson on our membership roll; he certainly has never taken a leadership roll or assumed a role of influence among the original Northern Cherokees. This appears to me to be no more than another Indian membership-card mill which, like others, may be to only get funds for a card, identifying one as a Cherokee, but doing no research of genealogy to affirm such to be true.

It would be nice if all these groups who know nothing about us, yet try to steal away our identify and history, would at least come and learn something about us, so that instead of having 100 fragramented
groups, we could be united again into a great nation.

Beverly Baker-Northup
Principal Chief
Northern Cherokee Nation Old Louisiana Territory
Jan. 4, 2001
But check out what the NCOLT preaches.
Missouri Cherokee Tribes proclaim Jewish Heritage

by Staff
February 7, 2003

The Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory has recently shocked the world by claiming their ancient Oral legends tell of a Cherokee migration made to America from the area known as Masada.

This startling evidence is being offered to the public by Beverly Baker Northup whom is the spokesperson for their organization. The evidence offered in support of this connection to Cherokees escaping the mountain fortress of Masada is based in part of what Northup claims is stories passed down from elders and the similarity between ancient words.

Beverly Baker Northup believes there is a connection between these two peoples based on evidence of Jews of the region around Masada during Roman times wearing braided hair and the similarities that the spokesperson attributes to Hebrew language.

In explaining this connection Beverly Baker Northup is quoted as saying:

"The story has been kept alive among our Cherokee people that the Sicarii who escaped from Masada, are some of our ancestors who managed to cross the water to this land, and later became known as Cherokees. (Please note the phonetic resemblance of Si'cari'i and, Cherokee or Tsa'ra-gi'.)"

Northup claims that the famous scholar Josephus wrote that there were escapees from Masada in which the spokesperson for the Northern Cherokee states that this is evidence that gives credence to this connection between the Cherokee Indians and the Jews.

In addition to other startling claims, there is also the belief by the Northern Cherokee that a rock that was uncovered in Tennessee in 1889 that is named the Bat Creek Stone, proves a transatlantic connection to Jews. Northup believes that the scratched writings on the rock indicate that the stone is evidence of a first century Atlantic Crossing to America by these escaped Jews that later became known as the Northern Cherokee Indians.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2006, 06:01:59 pm »
Other members of that board refuting her.
This particular group is a fraud. This is easily proven by contacting the secretary of state in Arkansas and Missouri, both of which Beverly Baker Northup claims state recognition for her tribe. Both states deny this claim. Beverly Baker Northup also charges a fee to apply to her tribe. She claims this is for genealogical purposes (she is not a registered genealogist) however when one applies, one must provide one's own genealogy.

More recently, she has sent out a newsletter stating anyone enrolled before 1980 (if memory serves) will be dropped from the rolls. Beverly split from another tribe, the Northern Cherokee Nation of Missouri and Arkansas some years back and has since festered close to a half million dollars out of applicants and Federal Assistance to Native American (ANA) grants claiming they are for preparation for federal recognition. By BIA standards, the Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory have never, do not now, nor ever hope to fit the criteria for federal recognition.

Beverly's husband Bob, is an AnaBaptist preacher with his own church and he is the one who originally began the rumor that the Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory are the lost tribe of Jews. Anyone who questions Beverly Baker Northup's genealogy is in for a long haul, as she makes it available to no one. She claims a gentleman from Arkansas "stole" her genealogy... please tell me how one's genealogy is stolen and how is it stolen if no one has ever seen it? She refuses to make it available to anyone, just as she refuses to make available financial disclosures of the monies taken in by her tribe although their constitution demands that it be made available when requested.

If she doesn't like you, she drops you from the rolls. There is no rhyme or reason to her madness, she just does as she wants. The rolls are closed, then open, then closed, then open again. The Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory is a famiy run business. Nothing else. Sure, there are people of Cherokee descent who have enrolled with her tribe, and there are people of no native descent who have enrolled in her tribe and if they kiss her butt enough, they are awarded high ranking positions in her organization.

When cornered, she claims that whoever is demanding she be forthright is out to take over the tribe and replace her as chief. She's chief for life, by the way. She keeps threatening to step down, but only when she's being asked for the truth. Of course, if you face up to her, she'll tell you God is going to get you because she is honest (gag) and doing His will (double gag) and He is protecting her (eyes rolling).

And people wonder why many natives want nothing to do with "Christian" religions.

One day, it will all catch up to her. And when it does, I'll be there, as will hundreds if not thousands of others that she has scammed.

1.] Cherokees today are CHRISTIAN.

2.] There are people today who think Cherokee are Jeewish or part Jewish, but I am not one of them. I respect their opinion, but the vast majority of Cherokee, by vast I mean 98 percent or more likely 99.9 % -- think this is another way for White people to say They we had "Old World" blood because we were so "civilized".

Truth is practically ALL Cherokee converted to Christianity between 1790s when the Moravian (German), Presbytrerian, and Methodist missions were established. I think maybe some Baptists also. Traditional dances were mostly forgotten but Keetoowah Nitehawk Societies (nitehawk is owl) started springin' up after the American (really during) Civil War (1860s) and some of the old dances were revived -- but these societies were all started by Christian Ministers.

3. There is no resembence at all between the Cherokee language and the Israeli tongue, well, the word for God is similar. My friend will probably dispute this, but that's okay. Coincidences happen. It takes a lotta coincidences taken together before an event can be said not to be random.

4. Cherokee tradition says the people origiinally came "from the South", and there are people or the Orinoco River in South American that are said to be related according to Margaret (sp?) Meade I think it was -- same pottery designs or something . . . Same was said to be true for the Yucatan, some similarities. That was interesting what somebody said about Oaxaca (Olmecs). But Olmec are not related to Aztecs -- Aztecs are related to Utes and Comanches and came from the North to settle in the Valley of Mexico.

5. Cherokee language is most closely related to Six Nations (Iriquois) and they are related also to Siousian Languages. If you look at where these people all settles, they "could have" come up the Mississippi from Louisiana with the Cherokee goin' up the Tennessee River to its head waters, the Iriquois turnin North at the Ohio river to the headwaters, and the Lakota (Sioux) goin' strait north up the Mississippi. But I am just guessin' as to how they got to where they wound up.

6. Word of advise, never go up to a full blood Cherokee and tell him his people are really "Jewish" -- as an Oklahoman and a mixed blood Cherokee -- I know how they get mad at people who make this claiim. Makin' this claim is gonna discredit Ms. Northup if she really believes it, to most other Cherokee.

Tsa-la-ghee (corrupted to Cherokee) is NOT what Cherokees call each other -- Cherokee call ourselves Ani-Yunwiya -- I think Tsa-la-ghee is Muskogee (Creek) or Shawnee or Chickasaw -- I forget which. Some white man I guess asked one of their enemies "who are those folks?" and that name stuck.

So if this word was found at Masada that sounded a little like Tsa-la-ghee -- well maybe it was one o' these tribes that was Jewish. Oops, Tsa-la-ghee was a word for the enemy of these people, so maybe the enemy of the Jews came here too and started . . . oops, that doesn't make any sense any way you look at it, does it?


Aye Vance,
...One of the ways Beverly Baker Northup offers "evidence" for her tribe coming from the Jews is one of the many words we use for God. Yehowa. Sounds a bit like Jehova, huh? That's because the literal translation is Jehova. We also use the words Unelanvhi, Uhelotequah, Galv Ladi, Agidoda, and Adanvdo.

What people don't understand is, the translation from Enlgish to Cherokee can be very tricky and some sounds are hard to pronounce in the old vernacular. Native languages tend to have gutteral and nasal sounds and many have little of any at all, lip movements. In time, certain words become corrupted and end up as "slang," taking away from the original meanings.

I agree with your statement about being able to disagree with someone and still have the ability to respect them. However I must forcefully say, that I cannot respect anyone so dishonest and dishonorable as Beverly Baker Northup or her husband Bob, not to mention those in her "government" who know what she is doing and help her hide it in trade for monetary gain.

Of course, I tend to agree with you most often than not Vance, and I always enjoy our conversations. It's good to see you again oginali.
I can't speak about ms. northrup, but speaking as a Jew, I can tell you that there were NO survivors of Masada; any who would've been left after the suicide would've been killed by the Romans, who were quite thorough.

I have been to Masada, btw; like the upper portion of Devil's Tower in Wyoming, it rises straight up, with the exception of the ramp the romans built (which is pretty steep in its own right). It's not by accident that the jews took it over as a fortress; it was a pretty tough nut to invade (remember; it took the romans something like a year or two just to build the ramp).

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2006, 06:20:33 pm »
Review of Northup's book on Amazon.
This book is a gross genealogical and historical fraud. This book is filled with inaccurate information regarding the Cherokee People and makes many false claims including the claim that the Cherokee People are descended from Jews whom escaped Masada.
The book makes this false claim based on the fact that the Jews of that era wore braided hair.

Other false claims are made including the falsehood that a race of "Pre-Cherokees" inhabited the state of Arkansas prior to the arrival of the spainairds which is entirely false.

This book should NEVER be considered for historical & genealogical use, and I strongly urge readers to eschew it's contents as they are almost entirely based on deceit to the detriment of authentic Cherokee People.

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2006, 08:38:42 pm »
Not to take anyone's writing apart, especially christian mixed blood Cherokees, but I find it very interesting that Cherokees, and many other tribes jump on the white christian band wagon. In my opinion, christianity is in NO way a traditional religion of my people. Traditions take more ? than a few hundreds years of brain washing. Keetowah is the traditional Cherokee religion, not christianity. And why do so many get so upset about this jewish theory. I don't believe it for a moment but I think those that get upset, full blood, mixed blood, whatever, get upset because they have learned the sick, hateful lessons of christian anti-semitism.

James Adair wrote a very humorous book in the 1700s theorizing that the Cherokee were one of the lost tribes of Isreal. He was chrsitian if I am not mistaken. Those that have agreed have been christian. I don't think I have ever heard a Jewish person agree with this theory.

Anyway, the tone of some folks here and at that ridiculous site called the Cherokee Elder Society, have an anti-semetic tone. Don't forget all you christian folks out there, your Jesus was a Jew first.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by JosephSWM »

Offline Mo

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2006, 11:03:56 pm »
maybe its just being angry that once again indigenous peoples on this continent are being told they are from elsewhere. personally i don't care if its jewish siberian or people came from right here. period.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2006, 03:47:19 pm »
One of my sisters lives in a Jewish neighborhood. Several of her neighbors have told her "I'm Indian too! Because I'm Jewish, lost tribes, etc." This is used as a recruiting tactic by several Nuage frauds like Ven Running Wolf that prey specifically on Jews. There's several "institutes" set up by Jewish organizations that do sweats and invite Nuagers to tell them how they're all related, etc. And it's made worse by the fact that it's considered OK in Jewish tradition to charge for spiritual services. People pay to attend temple each week.
These Nuage ploys aimed at Jews is such a widespread problem it'll be one of the chapters in the book.

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2006, 01:16:43 pm »

I didn't know this. I live in a neighborhood next to a Hassidic Jewish neighborhood and it would be hard to believe that they would deviate from thier traditions. But then the Jewish people you talk of may be reform or reconstructionist.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wm Anderson & Green Band/Chickamauga W Cheroke
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2006, 09:08:31 pm »
I think the neighborhood's local temple is Reform. It wouldn't surprise me if those neighbors were lapsed, nonpracticing, secular, whatever you want to call it. I'd be surprised too if many Orthodox or Hasidic Jews would have anything to do with Nuage. I'd guess most Jewish Nuage recruits are from the less strict less traditional denominations, if they ever go much to temple at all.

Offline White Horse

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William "Blue Otter" Anderson
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2016, 02:48:34 pm »
Mr. Anderson is at it again, now hosting an "original" Ghost dance in Illinois.

He is also asking for money, here is a copy of his link:

I see Mr. Anderson has been discussed on NAFPS on several different links.

I just wanted everyone to know he is still actively exploiting American Indian Ceremonies.

THis Waschiu does NOT have the right to hold a Ghost Dance. 
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: William "Blue Otter" Anderson
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2016, 01:45:34 am »
good........let them dance to their own deaths lol