Author Topic: Christians, fraud and freud  (Read 11467 times)


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Christians, fraud and freud
« on: June 09, 2006, 06:18:33 pm »
This is a very broad scope theory relating to fraud and Christians.  This is a fraud site and well, let's face it these guys are frauds. I realize your focus is relating to Indian cultural appropriation. Well, these guys are potentially one of the original collective culturally confused bent on conquering and control.

The Christians and Christian government ,,, always talking about good fighting evil aka: Satan. The Christians "talk" about unity and benevolence yet in action when they engage in "fighting" or praying for the demise of evil, they themselves are perpetuating and giving life to evil/Satan. Therefore, with all their hot air, guns and money, they are the evil, and in essence they are fighting themselves. There are no winners, there can be no victory. They seem to desire chaos, power yet profess order and benevolence. Seems a lot to do with translations and interpretations over time. The Euros and many "Christian" religions seem to have adopted a greco roman foundation based on perceptions adapted over time from greco roman translations and interpretations complete with flaws, maybe even tests or challenges for individuals who try to understand or question or reach for something closer to truth.

We all know England and Spain went around conquering, colonizing, assimilating, destroying, doing horible horrible things to cultures and peoples. The missionary concept has always puzzled me. But where ever England or Spain went, so did the church. The (euro) church and government have always been closely related. Like it or not the Christian/government/society are evil simply for the fact they wish to exterminate, eliminate, dominate evil while they "save" our souls. They refuse to accept responsibility for the evil they keep alive by fighting their evil. They keep fighting the "monster" when it is themselves they are fighting. They deny responsibility thinking the evil is some other thing separate from themselves blaming the concept of evil. Talk about your vicious circles. A church preaching morals where none exist. To "fight" evil is not moral. Evil is not the enemy, some people do horrible evil things, but it is not the evil doing the people, it is the people doing the evil.
Too many lies too. Lies are part of the illness of society.

Poop scoop of the day. You have a good one !

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Christians, fraud and freud
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 06:35:59 pm »
This is getting close to becoming trolling on your part: Elaborate theories with no evidence and not much sense.

Kindly tell us how claiming all Christians or Christian churches are frauds is supposed to help anyone. This is a pragmatic forum designed to try and help and/or warn people, not spout theories and writing that seem to have come from hitting the bong too much.

If a Nuage leader had claimed to be Bishop of New York when they are not, or that true Christians believe in reincarnation and ritual sex, then they'd be something we'd consider fraud. Of course they'd immediately be recognized as such by the general public, unlike what we talk about in here.

Any more wasting our time will get you kicked out.