Author Topic: Nicolette von Wiegandt and John Tozeland  (Read 2900 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Nicolette von Wiegandt and John Tozeland
« on: December 03, 2016, 03:17:18 pm »
Ceremony sellers in Hawaii. On top of that, they are both "licensed therapists" though the term means little.

Tozeland is a Huna fraud based in Winnipeg who passes off faux-Lakota ceremony as faux-Hawaiian, NLLP, faux Hindu teachings about "crystal chakras." Mentioned here before.
John Tozeland, B.S.W., R.S.W. is a world class certified Neuro-linguistic Programming Trainer, a Time Line Therapy™ Master Trainer, a Certified Hypnotist and member of the advisory board for the International Board of Hypnotherapy, and a Huna Alaka'i (the equivalent of being a Pipe Carrier).
Ancient Hawaiian Chants
Connecting with the Elements
Toning & sound vibration
Ancient Initiations
Opening up to spiritual energies
The remembrance of your essence
Connecting with your Higher Self
The Secrets of Huna Magic
Connecting with your Spirit Guides
Ancient Hawaiian Energy Symbols
$995 if paid in advance, $1095.00 if paid over time.

Wiegandt is the host for fraud ceremony. A masseuse who trained with a series of frauds and then trained others.
1972 Trained in Transcendental meditation, Reno, Nevada
1977 licensed Massage Therapist, Santa Barbara CA Studied acupressure, polarity, chakra balancing, nutrition,Swedish massage, applied kinesiology. Practiced as massage therapist for years
1978-1984 Studied variety of massage techniques...
1985 Personal audience and meditation training with Saat Takar Singh. Meditations of Light and Sound
1986 Personal audience with Babaji's master teacher
1986-1990 Studied rebirthing with Leonard Orr. Sponsored his visit to Hawaii and managed his trainings in Puna Hawaii.
Also studied with Louisa Schillacci, a famous rebirther from Los Angeles CA., and a personal friend with Louisa Hay
1988-1990 Was introduced to Recreation Therapy, under water with snorkel breathing process to release birth trauma which was  developed by Bill and Marilyn Rodgers in Puna Hawaii
1987-1990 Studied Tibetian Buddism with Lama Tensin of Maui. Attended many retreats and trainings in Kona, Hawaii.
1989-1992 Participated in 3 years of 10 day  Vipassana Silent Meditation at Wood Valley Temple, Big Island.
1991-1992 Took a very special one week training in all the step for a true spiritual Lakota Sweat lodge from the grandson of Black Elk. [Likely Wallace Black Elk Cow] Also studied another native American spiritual sweat lodge building, medicine Sheild Making and Vision Quest with Little Moon Medicine Wind. Taught in Canada and Hawaii at many retreats over 20 years.
1990-1994 Began four year apprenticeship with elders (Kumu, Kahu, and Kahunas) on Big Island. Studied Ancient Hawaiian Healing arts and was organizer (all prep, etc) for 10, 15 day retreats...Had many audiences with George Naope.
1994 Received recognition as expert in Hawaiian Huna Kane healing arts. Took practice to Manitoba, Canada and over the next 4 years built a practice of hundreds of people and trained over thirty Huna Kane practitioners.
1996-1999 Two year apprenticeship in Transformational Hypnotherapy in Winnipeg MB with John Tozeland. Studied NLP and recieved Mastery level acknowlegement
2000 Combined forces with John Tozeland to offer a 3 week retreat on Big Island
1998-2002 Met with and studied directly with George Naope, Aunt Mary, Aunty Margret Machado and other kumus in Big Island.
2002 I Haleakala (Lew Yeun) came to my home for a small gathering I held for him where he talked to us about real Ho'o pono pono. I continued to go to 5 weekend trainings with him in kona and Volcano and after two years received the 6th training which was Level II.
2002-2016 Practice Personal Ho'o pono pono daily as taught by I Haleakala.


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Re: Nicolette von Wiegandt and John Tozeland
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2016, 02:15:27 am »
I never met Wiegandt, but the fact that she keeps Leonard Orr on her bio tells us quite a bit.

I lived at Leonard Orr's ramshackle hot spring resort in CA for about six months in the early 80s. He often was in residence and I have many stories about him. Leonard Orr is a con artist. Ruthless, abusive, narcissistic, grandiose, delusional, sociopathic.

Examples : Orr was an hour late to a staff meeting. He told us he was late because our energy was bad, we supposedly were not chanting properly. He told us that it was a good thing that he invented fire meditation, because otherwise he would have killed someone by now, as he finds most humans very annoying.

A tour group from Sweden arrived. His very first words to them were "How much money have you brought me?"

Orr convinces followers that he is a holy guru. He rips people off, including grieving widows. His "rebirthing" is b.s. It is hyperventilating with ritual and woo.

Leonard Orr claims that he is immortal and that he can teach others to be immortal. He claims his practices can bring people prosperity. He claims he has met with indigenous immortals.

He preaches worship of himself and of a specific Indian man who was one of many to use the name Babaji. Orr says this man (who is dead) is immortal.