Author Topic: Minneapolis-St. Paul and the Dakota  (Read 3265 times)

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Minneapolis-St. Paul and the Dakota
« on: January 11, 2010, 04:36:09 pm »
I enjoyed this story:

"The history of this township, if more or less obscure records are to be relied upon, antedates that of any other part of the county. An article in the Fergus Falls Journal, June 21, 1878, tells of the ruins on the shores of Leaf Lake of a British trading post established about one hundred years ago. This trading post was maintained by the British Northwest Trading Company in what is now known as Otter Tail county, and dates back as far as 1812. The writer of the article says "In our recent trip to Deer Creek there was pointed out to us in the thick woods along the north shore of Leaf Lake some overgrown mounds, partially covering tolerably well preserved chimney stacks, which marked the site of this former trading post. On the spot where once stood houses now stand trees eight to ten inches in diameter.

"Our first definte information in regard to this post was obtained from Donald McDonald of Otter Tail City. He says that about 1812 Colonel Dixon of the British Army had charge of this trading post at Leaf Lake. The portage from Otter Tail lake to Leaf lake is only about half a mile, and was one of the favorite portages from the waters of the Red river to those of the Mississippi. "

It is known that the Otter Tail and Crow Wing trail was first opened for the passage of Red River carts some eighty years ago. This led east from Otter Tail City past the site of the old post on the north side of Leaf lake, on through the present townships of Deer Creek, Compton and Wadena to Crow Wing. There are reasons for the conjecture that a trail for carts may have extended to the Leaf lake post from Selcurks in Dixon's time.

McDonald also speaks in this article of a division line which was established in the early day, known by Indians then living, which led up to Crow Wing and Leaf river, thence by the Leaf lakes to Otter Tail.

These were the days when the Sioux and Chippewas disputed the occupancy of the region. Beautiful Battle lake took its name from a desperate contest in which twenty-six Ojibways, all that were engaged, were cut down by a much larger party of Sioux.

McDonald, the authority quoted above, says that he subsequently knew Colonel Dixon at Montreal. He describes him as a large man of full face, tall and commanding. It is also recorded of him that although engaged in inciting the northwestern Indians against the Limited States in the War of 1812, he was humane to prisoners and rescued many from the Indians. In connection with the article referred to, Rev. E. D. Neill, who was regarded as the best historical authority on early events in Minnesota, has the following to say of Col. Robert Dixon and the Leaf lake trading post:

"At the commencement of the last century the leading spirit of the fur traders of the region west of Lake Superior was an Englishman named Robert Dixon. He came to this region about 1790, and had supervision of the trading posts at Cass, or Red Cedar, and Leach lakes. In December, 1805, Lieutenant Pike of the United States army, while in camp at the rapids below Swan River, was visited by Dixon, who assured him that no liquor was sold to the Indians at any of the trading posts under his direction and Pike in his report writes, "he seemed to be a gentleman of general knowledge and in possession of much geographical information of the western county, of open frank manners.

``In 1811 Dixon was the British agent and superintendent of the west­ern Indians, and was active in his opposition to the United States in the War of 1812. In February, 1814, he was at Green Bay influencing the Indians to support the British flag, and in the summer of that year he was at Fort McKay, the British post at Prairie du Chien."

On February 16, 1818, the United States Indian agent at Prairie du Chien wrote to the governor of Illinois: "A courier who arrived a few days since confirmed the belief that Dixon is endeavoring to secure to the British government the affection of the Sioux. Dixon, as I have before observed, is situated near the head of the St. Peters, to which place he transports his goods from Selcurks Red river establish­ment in carts made for the purpose. The trip is performed in five days, sometimes less. He is directed to build a fort in the highest land between Lac du Travers and Red river (perhaps Otter Tail lake), which he supposes will be the established line between the two countries. This fort will be defended by twenty men with two small pieces of artillery.''

Early in January, 1822, Dixon arrived from Selcurk's settlement at Fort Snelling, accompanied by Alex Bailley, who is subsequent years lived at Wabshaw shore, below Lake Pepin and was a member of the Minnesota Legislature.

In 1824 Major Talliaferro went from Fort Snelling to Washington with a delegation of Chippewas and Dakotas. On their return they visited New York City and William Dixon, a half-breed son of Robert Dixon, took the Dakotas to see the Rev. Samuel Peters. The latter gave to Little Crow, the grandfather of the Sioux Chief who led the Indians in the massacre of the whites of the Minnesota valley, a new gun in consideration of the signing of a certain paper by which the heirs of Jonathan Carger hoped to attain from Congress the land upon which St. Paul and Minneapolis is built.

The next year there arrived in a keel boat at Fort Snelling a box marked "Col. Robert Dixon,'' which was found to contain a few presents from Bishop Peters to Dixon's Indian wife, and a long letter and a copy of Carter's alleged grant of land from the Sioux, written on parchment. Colonel Dixon died at Queenstown, Canada. The wife of Joseph LaFramboise, an old settler of the Minnesota valley, was a granddaughter of Dixon. "

Offline E.P. Grondine

  • Posts: 401
    • Man and Impact in the Americas
This one is interesting too
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 11:47:09 pm »

Trygg Historical Maps – compiled from Original survey data & other documentary sources. A total of 46 maps cover all of Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin, Michigan & Iowa (Minnesota is covered by 23 maps).

These maps were developed by J. William Trygg as a result of his employment as an appraiser for several Indian Tribes in their suits against the United States for adjustments of the amounts paid them for their lands when ceded to the government. The lands were valued as of the date of the cession and were not surveyed until after the cession, but before development was legally permitted. Inasmuch as the surveyors were required to furnish a plat (map) of each 6-mile square township with the section lines run in a grid at 1-mile intervals along with a written record describing the areas as they passed over it, their records were the prime source of information for preparing the Composite Maps.