General > Frauds
Robin Powell AKA Robin Youngblood
Pono Aloha:
That Maui Well-Being show you notice has no native Hawaiians on it. It's the typical Maui NewAger crowd.
Robin says on her website that she studied "L'au" (should be La'au) lapa'au with Henry Awae -- it's Auwae. I've posted on another site to see if any of Papa Auwae's students recognize her name. But as noted by someone above, it is typical for these people to say they "studied" with someone when they might have attended a one hour lecture at a conference.
Robin Youngblood appears as one of the "inspiring women" listed on an extremely dubious pseudo-feminist website the "Inspiring Women's Summit"
Other "inspiring women" listed include:
Margot Anand - Runs her own school of "tantra" business - SkyDancing Tantra® and is also on the advisory panel of the Hoffman Institute (an "interesting" LGA cult promoted by many dodgy psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologist and other mental health professionals)
Devaa Haley Mitchell - according to the blurb on the site:
Rev. Devaa Haley Mitchell works as a spiritual guide and leadership coach. She runs ongoing programs to support women in awakening to their full potential through the organization she founded, Radiant Essence Services (
Recently, along with her husband Stephen Dinan, Devaa founded the Inspiring Women Summit, the largest virtual gathering of women in history. Over 28,000 women from more than 121 countries gathered together in dialogues and networking circles to expand the capacities of women. "
this woman has lots of FB friends involved in the Osho movement. Unsurprisingly. She also hosts the FB page for 20th Annaul Women of Wisdom Conference, Seattle, WA 2/16-20th 2012 Public Event · By Devaa Haley Mitchell (worthy of further scrutiny IMO)
Grandmother Susan Ka'iulani Stanton (Nemake Sumake - Chiefmoon Lady) - I'm not sure what to make of this - according to the blurb she "was born on the island of Oahu and raised her children on their 6-acre Kuleana in a remote valley on the North Shore. Adopted at birth, she grew up believing that her mixed blood Native Ancestry was Hawaiian, and it was not until she entered her pre-Elder years that she learned that her birthmother is Jeanne House, Six Nations of the Grand River, Mohawk/Wolf Clan. Bi-cultural, Susan was a member for a short time of the Hui Hooulu Aloha Halau, under the direction of Kumu Hula Cy Bridges. She Sundanced at the Chiefmoon Sundance on the Blood Reserve in Alberta, Canada, and has been initiated to carry Crystal Medicine. She is an initiate of the White Buffalo Cow Society (Mandan) and has worked for 23 years with incarcerated Men, Women and Youth of many Tribes as a Spiritual counselor. She is grateful for the Teachings of her Elders, who include Priscilla Vigil (Tewa), Leon Secataro (Canoncito Navajo), Chief Marie Campbell (Eyak), Jr. Thompson (Red House Clan - Dineh) and others. She believes in the importance of the Grandmothers in these times of the Coming Earth Changes, and supports all Grandmothers of All Nations in this work"
There are lots of "interesting" women listed on the site, it would take many hours to check them all out. A brief perusal suggests that several of them, at least, are promoting workshops relating to the "divine feminine" and / or Osho.
I may start a new thread on the Inspiring Women's Summit once I have time to check it out more thoroughly
she recently held a "vision quest" in a twinkie laden "secret grove" place in NC
Robin Youngblood survived the devastating 2014 Oso Landslide in Washington state. She is prominent in quite a few reports about the disaster. I wish her and her family well as they recover.
Many of the reports have quotes from her about her heritage claims.
--- Quote ---In the early 1900s, Youngblood’s family helped establish the community of Darrington. They were Cherokee who had been forced to move to Oklahoma and Arkansas, but decided to move to Washington. Youngblood’s great grandmother is buried a few blocks from the Darrington town center, she said.
--- End quote ---
This would mean that Ada E (Conner) Youngblood is the great grandmother that Robin claims Cherokee heritage from.
Well, Robin needs to have professional genealogy work done.
I've looked over census and other documents, genealogy forums that discuss this particular line, and relevant family trees.
Maybe she has distant Cherokee heritage, but there is no evidence of this. Not in census. Researchers say the Youngblood on the relevant rolls is not this particular Youngblood line. This Youngblood family is said to be originally from the Netherlands in the 1600s with surname Jongbloedt. Repeated often, without any sources, is the claim that a Jeremiah Youngblood Jr (1797 South Carolina - 1880 Arkansas) married a "Full blood Cherokee". No sources, no attribution - nothing to back this up. Some family members claim things like "My grandfather could count to ten in Cherokee." as their "proof".
Robin is not enrolled Cherokee and she hasn't done enough work yet to even begin to properly claim distant heritage. As for the Okanagon claim, she did own land in that area, I think she is equating "living here" with "being Native" inaccurately.
--- Quote ---She is enrolled in the Bear Clan Metis
--- End quote ---
Pay $25 a year and you too can be a member:
Her birth name is Robin Powell.
--- Quote ---Robin (Powell) Youngblood
North Salem High School 1968
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Oh, my - from good li'l Catholic girl to Native American teacher . . . . After high school, 2 kids and 2 marriages, I went back to the Rez to study with my elders, and now I share their teachings around the world. Recently wrote a book called "Path of the White Wolf", available at most Borders and on Amazon. Now I've got 7 grandkids and 1 great-grand!! I've lived in Maui, Hawaii for over 15 years . . . . Life is great, and totally different than I would have expected.
--- End quote ---
This is from the Classmates site. I don't know when it was written.
I believe Youngblood is surname of some of her ancestors. A Robin Powell has a private family tree up on Ancestry that includes the same Youngbloods I have been researching.
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