These are some of his "heros". Some familiar and notorius names are posted. Especially Ed McGaa, Dhyani Wahoo, and worst of all Brooke Medicine Eagle. This does not impress.
Grandfather Rolling Thunder, Ed McGaa, Dhyani Ywahoo, J.T. Garrett, Michael Tlanuwa Garrett, Tsali, Yonaguska, Junaluska, Chief Tuffy, Walt~ my helper for life, Chief Stone Bear, Chief Katey Lee Ross, Rose Little Deer, Terri Buffalo Star, Darryl Young Elk, Joanne Shenandoah, Mary Youngblood, George Daniels, Tommy Lee, Jack Russell, Lawrence Jacobs, Grandmother Roberta, Grandmother Wilma, Grandmother Beverly, Jan Seiden, Rod Jackson, Sonny Ledford - Ani Kituwah, Brooke Medicine Eagle