Author Topic: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active  (Read 11478 times)

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 410
Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2024, 12:55:13 am »
Looks like Miguel Rivera is still on the board of Spring of Evolution, Inc – DBA Wolf Connection.

He is a founding member of the Western Gate Roots and Wings Foundation, a member of the Guild of Future Architects and a Board Member for Wolf Connection

Episode #22 Miguel Rivera - Sweat Lodges, Native American Teachings & Wolves March 2024

Fairbanks, cross over work with teens between these organizations (and maybe others) is a good idea, I'll keep an eye out for it too. There looks to be a lot of grant money potential. The grant providers don't seem to check for new age indoctrination, cultural appropriation etc.

Rivera in this podcast says the plan is to do events at the Wolf Connection place. So maybe the Western Gate Roots and Wings Foundation now works as a pipeline to Wolf Connection.

So much money:

Wolf Connection is growing, thanks to a $2 million expansion through a partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health that will tripled the capacity at the 165-acre ranch and further support LA County youth and veterans’ wellbeing

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 410
Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2024, 01:10:36 am »
Wolf Connection
When: October 30, 2024
Time: 09:00 AM To 12:00 PM
Registration Fee: $50

Hello Los Angeles County Management Council Members.

In collaboration with Supervisor Kathryn Barger, we want extend this exclusive and unique invitation to the first 100 LACMC active members to join us on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at The Wolf Connection located at 29063 Aliso Canyon Road, Palmdale, CA 93550.

From flyer: "The Wolf Connection works with several LA county departments to serve their clients."

So this is advertised as exclusive, unique, leadership insights, networking, wolf interaction, human empowerment.

The chair of board of directors of Wolf Connection is Steven Golightly. Retired Director of Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department.

The Wolf Connection property recieves a property tax "wefare exemption".

Alfero also has his Teo Alfero LLC consulting business. He initially filed for that in 2021 and it is active. Who knows how much money he is able to run through that.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 410
Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2024, 12:07:53 am »
2012 event:

Scientists consider wolves among the most successful ‘social animals.’ The seers of don Juan’s lineage, which originates in ancient Mexico, suggest we would do well to consider ourselves social animals too.

From this weekend of Tensegrity® at The Wolf Connection Ranch, this is what each of you will have the opportunity to do:

Go on hikes, designed for the light to mature walker, throughout the conservancy, with the intent of focusing attention, becoming more conscious and ‘slowing down;’

Uncover, through self-inquiry exercises, your likelihood to currently experience groups the same as your early family group – replaying roles related to sibling birth-order, scapegoating and blame...

Practice movements of Tensegrity® to open up channels in your physical form, allowing your energetic core to shine through...

Explore and gather new ways of being from experiences with the elements – air, water, fire and earth – and from frequent visitations with the wolves;

Sleep at night in tents arranged in a dreaming circle to enhance dreams;

Rise with the sun; eat out of doors; assemble in a native teepee; partake in a fire-pit storytelling event and give away the habits you want to release; recapture how your ancestors, in alignment with the surrounding natural energies, once walked in harmony with other beings upon this earth.

2022 "A Taste of Teo's Energy Practices: Journey Through Your Energy Layers"
Play with the membrane of your energy field. Build energetic capacity by shifting quickly from the fire within, to the physical glow, to the energy field.

Currently on the site I don't find any mention of Tensegrity, Castaneda, or Don Juan now other than in Alfero's bio . The only mention of "shaman" is concering two of the canines.

Wolf Connection is pitched as therapeutic and educational. So Teo Alfero's actual core teachings are "wolf washed" here.

Ideally funding agencies would know to look closer at the "medicine circles" and other signs of fraud, but they don't seem to be doing so.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 410
Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2024, 12:43:13 am »
Teo Alfero's operation Wolf Connection is "wolf washed". His Teo Alfero LLC business is more overt pseudo-shaman, life coach, "energy pathways" - much of which is from the fraud Carlos Castaneda.

Teo Alfero and two of his inner circle mentioned earlier - Amy Harris and Erin Kinney - sell a four month course "The Threshold" for 12,500

The Initiatory Course
Are you being called?

Also available:

Advanced Training: Invitation only 9- month deep dive into applied consciousness and mystic arts.

All of this new age salesmanship we've seen a zillion times before here on NAFPS. Same sales tactics, this with a Castaneda dangerous twist.

The "Apply to Study with Teo" application requires indepth personal information. Just say no to frauds, don't give him information that he and team will use against you.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 410
Re: Teo Alfero - Castaneda disciple - very active
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2024, 02:40:06 am »
Over the next five months or so several of Teo Alfero's inner circle will do events for his "Transmission: The Experience, Sessions in Applied Consciousness".

Jen Zieger, Stefanie Menack, Wendy Cirello, Janet Douglas, Lauren Jane Heller. (I'm not providing links to their respective life coach businesses because don't want to drive traffic to them.)

These events will teach people to "manifest like a sorcerer" and go on "a shapeshifting journey to access discernment". This is all Castaneda destructive, controlling cult talk.