Author Topic: Brian David Andersen &  (Read 8005 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Brian David Andersen &
« on: May 26, 2018, 10:51:27 pm »
Another Nemenhah cult member and operator.

Tri-Vortex Technology is a Nemenhah Certified Provider of Sacraments and Services.

The Following Tri-Vortex Technology products are Nemenhah Certified Sacraments:

Tri-Vortex Technology Disc – Certificate

Tri-Vortex Technology Tri-Vibes – Certificate

Tri-Vortex Technology Transformed Plant Oils – Certificate

Tri-Vortex Technology Electric Power Meter Ring – Certificate

Tri-Vortex Technology Star Laser – Certificate

Tri-Vortex Technology Stainless Rings – Certificate

Tri-Vortex Technology Stem Cell Stimulator – Certificate

....With his journalism background, Brian entered the fields of chemistry, physics and alternative health care as an investigator seeking the truth rather than a student seeking a passing grade. Brian was free to take any kind of risks and follow all kinds of paths and he did not care what others thought about his theories, directions, methods, or goals.
The starting gun had fired for the marathon that was to become Tri-Vortex Technology.

In 1988, Brian David Andersen was exposed to a popular water treatment that was purported to structure water and provide better hydration to the body. He also became involved with the Chi Lamp....

The new compact unit used batteries to power a small crystal oscillator to pulse a single frequency through iron oxides. Multy-Tranz II worked well and the company that produced a popular, but foul tasting, seaweed liquid dietary supplement purchased the rights to the unit. Promises by the company to fund further research by Andersen were not forthcoming....

Working in the San Diego lab of Cleve Backster in 1992, Andersen discovered a chemistry book published in 1901 for doctors, nurses and dentists.

His study led to the work of Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater. In their book “Occult Chemistry” written in 1908, they predicted 96 chemical elements....

The Great Pyramid Has The Power of Purpose

While he was studying the spiral table of elements, Andersen was exposed to the research of Bill Schul and Ed Pettit....Their experiments proved that the novel geometry of the Great Pyramid focuses light particles.
....All liquids exposed to the treatment field tasted better and became silkier and smoother to the palate.
....According to the spiral chart, a chemical element exists before Hydrogen and has nine harmonic frequencies with specific phases and amplitudes.

Andersen named this chemical elem

....Probably 99 percent of the Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Phosphorous molecules of the Galaxy have Cb attached.

....Is Cb the ignition element for the massive explosive force of our Sun?

....Once the programming software had been developed, the frequencies of the chemical elements were added to those of geometric shapes to create the field in the Tri-Vortex Treatment Chamber. 

I actually just left up the most coherent parts of his claims. So...

An ex photo journalist proud of not doing well in science classes he took as an adult has spent decades doing research that claims that energy from pyramids is somehow related to an undiscovered element in a spiral form of the periodic table that only occult researchers from 1903 were able to uncover and...

This energy does something to water that healed his knee and therefore you should buy his technology. Oh, and it's also somehow part of Nemenhah's practice of being a secret lost history and religion of Native peoples discovered by Landis that just happens to fit with the Book of Mormon.

Every review I found of Trivrtex refers to it as a scam, and a rip off of Masuru Emoto, another pseudo science Nuage type.
ETA:Fixed my messing up the name.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1462
Re: Brian David Andersen &
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2018, 11:45:16 pm »
Every review I found of Trivrtex refers to it as a scam, and a rip off of Emeru Masoto, another pseudo science Nuage type.

My bolding. Google finds no combo there, but lots of stuff comparing Mr. Andersen's Tri-Vortex to "Dr." Masaru Emoto. These articles are revealing about that last character: