Dangerous Cult Like Leader, Claims to Channel "God", "Highest Source" and refers to other Channeled spirit, including North American Native American, From only "highest" spirit, or "Spirit" of highest source.
IS ACTIVELY SOLICITING SELLOUTS Teaches, holds workshops, Cult Leader tendencies/tactics and followers.
Uses a lot of psycho new age babble, and or convince he is the only one that speaks to a "highest spirit".
Known for online abuse, bullying, anyone that questions his "work". (admits being in industry for thirty years)
In his country of Ireland, amongst people in communities, online groups, chat rooms, and websites.
Has brought Black Elk to Ireland. Teaches his followers Black Elk "teachings" as authentic Native American spirituality to followers via online and in workshops.
Charges for "Spiritual Healing", psychic readings, and workshops to train others to become "Spiritual Healers" in Ireland. Lures vulnerable people via "psychic" readings of lost ones, preys upon females primarily who've lost children or have been abused.
Of particular concern is the fear that victims have of retaliation, which indicates Cult leader, and possible history of sexual and financial abuse of women.
This bullying tactic is encouraged by him and his followers in community (real life) and online.
(further making difficult for victims to come forward, and fearful)
He has twenty years of forming this cult, and self admitted "leader" there is a long list of victims and survivors of abuse by him. 
Discourages people to seek medical help, claiming spiritual healing will heal their physical ailments, also claim can talk to deceased ones to bring healing.
Has done some world traveling, but primarily stays in Ireland.
Book is given as basis of all teachings at paid workshops.
Never claims responsibility for the written content, always refers to others "editing" or "spirit" as source of any changes of his words.
Has been at this since mid 90s.Oversees FB Groups and an two online websites.
Two FB groups:
Distant/Absent Healinghttp://www.facebook.com/groups/212709865455139/ The later is where he utilizes social media to further build an online presence of Cult Leader, Man who talks to God or highest source of spirit.
Any member who questions outside Brendan's work, is immediately bullied by him and his followers, with pseudo-new age babble, blaming their ego, (never his own) Labels such and other derogatory comments - this behavior by him and followers are carried into other groups by him, his followers and even on personal FB "wall pages".
There are no boundaries for his behavior, a man who claims to be a "spiritual" person and he will stop at nothing to continue his efforts as cult leader