Author Topic: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec  (Read 57680 times)

Offline Sparks

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2017, 10:32:52 pm »
I searched the forum for information about that guy without finding this 2008 thread, so I started a new topic: (Dabadi Thaayrohyadi — "Toltec Healing")


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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2017, 11:04:16 pm »
Some of those old links are available in archived form:

Check to see if a url is archived: Checking archives for sites that still exist can be useful too, looking through past versions may churn up valuable info.

I wonder if he is still doing gigs with Kiesha Crowther / "Little Grandmother"

Offline waterfalls

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2017, 06:06:03 pm »
We strongly advise against any single healing session with Dabadi Thaayrohyadi. At least if you are a woman. My wife had a terrible experience with him.


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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2017, 07:35:32 pm »
We strongly advise against any single healing session with Dabadi Thaayrohyadi. At least if you are a woman. My wife had a terrible experience with him.

Thank you very much for your report, information from people's experiences is valuable.

I'm so sorry that your wife was harmed. If you want to, let us know any details that you can.

Offline waterfalls

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2018, 12:31:55 pm »
Dear Piff

Thank you for your reply. We don't want to go into details to protect my wife's dignity. What we can say is that there was no physical violence. Dabadi Thaayrohyadi (aka Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz) is taking advantage on a much more subtle level. The issue was the unfulfilled wish for a child so he had all doors open, my wife not knowing what is correct in such a ritual and what not. He made sure I'm not there. We wanted to come to him as a couple but he said that he wants to start with my wife. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is extremely manipulative.

In the meantime we had contact with other people who had to deal with him. This is why we have to extend our warning to a general advice of better having nothing to do with him at all. He seems to be after women like hell (inviting only women to a happening from him).
He obviously doesn't even know exactly how to handle the fire like a real shaman should. He invites himself to happenings, claiming that he had the contact through friends of the organisers. Obviously Dabadi is using Facebook for collecting contacts to mention them when being asked at an event.
In front of real Maya Elders apparently he avoided to mention that he is an Elder from the Toltec Tribe. The Toltec Tribe is part of the Mayan Tribe so he obviously had his reasons not to be in the spotlight. Seems also that his "Toltec Tribe" consits of him and his three daughters. So no wonder he is the Eldest. Dabadi or Serafin seems to be a swindler through and through. If this homepage didn't already exist it would have to be invented just for him.

So thank you for this platform. It is so important to warn people from people like Dabadi. It is such a shame that with his behaviour he is discrediting the whole sector. With our posting we want to make our contribution to avoid more people being harmed through Dabadi.

All the best

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2018, 04:15:29 pm »
It's worth pointing out for anyone reading:

There are NO "Toltec people" anymore. The Toltecs were gone 800 years.

Teotihuacan is an ancient city and civilization that ended 1200 years ago. Not only is it not a people who are still around, there's no agreement on who the people were. Nahua? Otomi? Totonac? A mix of all these and others? We're not sure.

And of course his claiming as a tribe a total of three people. He seems to be preying upon Europeans knowing very little about NDNs or Mexico. It's like going around claiming to be the Holy Roman Emperor.

Offline Starseed

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2020, 10:37:31 pm »
Hello waterfall,
i also had a bad experience with Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz. It was about 8 years ago. Also taking sexual advantage. Using his knowledge to manipulate. I definitly not recommend him as a healer. I would appreciate women to manifest more because i'm sure they are so many. It is realy heart healing to talk about what's not ok and prevent others not to fall in this trap. Be sure i will manifest my disaccord and do as much as i can to protect other women.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2022, 04:15:51 pm »
I searched the forum for information about that guy without finding this 2008 thread, so I started a new topic: (Dabadi Thaayrohyadi — "Toltec Healing")

That topic has now been merged into this older one. This was my first post in the new topic:

Offline Sparks

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2022, 11:17:25 am »
There is a Facebook page:

There was a lot of activity in 2019, since then, nothing.

Same with Twitter: [Thaayrohyadi Serafín] [Serafín Bermúdez De la Cruz]

Has he discontinued his activities, or is he working under another name by now?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2022, 01:58:57 pm »
Earlier, he actually did good things. Which is only proof of how wrong and fraudulent his later actions were.

Thaayrohyadi Serafín [Bermúdez de la Cruz] is an Otomí poet. He has contributed to the promotion, dissemination and defense of self-determination and the historical rights of the cultural heritage of Indigenous Peoples. He received a grant from the State Fund for Culture and the Arts in 1998. In 2003, he received the Acomiltizn Nezahualcóyotl National Award for Young Indigenous Poetry. His work is written in Otomi and later translated.

Reference work:
Encyclopedia of literature in Mexico

Offline moonshine

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Re: Serafin Bermudez de la Cruz AKA Dabadi Thaayrohyadi alleged Toltec
« Reply #25 on: February 22, 2022, 09:19:18 pm »
I’ve been being abused spiritually, energetically, sexually by this man for nearly 2 years now.

When I met him, he called himself Taï, - that time he was with his daughter, whom he called Sunflower - now I can see he changes names to hide his shady past.

He has zero integrity, as said before, extremely manipulative with his acts, words, and he misuses his abilities for his monetary benefit and sexual pleasure. Stay far away from him!

He - perhaps amongst others - targets western women to take advantage of their connections, arrange events for him, so he can have ‘safe’ places to come back again and again, and eventually invites people to Mexico on a ‘pilgrimage’ for great deals of money. Also I heard of complaints of his behaviour with other women.
He is careful with words and not lying in a sense of telling something untrue, he just goes around things and doesn’t mention some major facts, he is silent about the truth… He is a great storyteller though, what he says and writes sound sublime and genuine, but in reality it isn't coming from a place of honesty, transparency or integrity.

We met in an annual gathering for Wisdom keepers, where he participated for the first - and the last time.
After arranging him events in my town, we got together as a couple for a few months - he told me he was separated from his wife. Looking back I see all the red flags and how he manipulated me in the whole thing, also where my wounds are at, which both led to the unfolding of this this situation.
When I started to see clearly and finally listened to my intuition, I left the relationship around 1,5 years ago, but ever since he keeps on violating my energetic boundaries, 24/7, in my wake hours and dream state. I’m sensitive to energy and feel exactly what’s going on… and it's more than something subtle.
It’s all against my will and despite asking him to respect my souverignity, denying my permission to access my energy field and being a ‘no’ with my bodies.

I consider myself a rather resourced and emotionally stable person, who is not afraid of looking inside and embracing her shadows to her best knowledge, and I’ve been through traumatic events - that last for weeks - I was close to a nervous breakdown, have been having so many sleepless nights and continuous and various tortures in my bodies, constant manipulation of my womb, genitals and other body parts, sexual abuse every day… and I’m still in the healing process.

This journey has brought probably the greatest insights and opportunities to look at and heal my deepest wounds and even though it has been - and still is - really really tough, so challenging on many levels, I am grateful for this possibility to slowly, but steadily grow into a new version of myself.
I’m certainly not grateful to him though.

His new 'tribe' is in the Netherlands now, where he is at the moment and has people in Germany, France and who knows where else.
In Mexico he is involved in Centro Ceremonial Otomi and he lives either in Temoaya or Jiquipilco el Viejo.
I really don’t wish anyone to go through this, or to be abused in or outside of a healing session with him. Never engage with this man, just walk away.