Author Topic: Laurie Pettigrew et al, the Art Ranch American Indian Protocol *sigh*  (Read 7559 times)

Offline nemesis

  • Posts: 526
I found this organisation via Sandra Ingerman's website, which is co-promoted with the Global Alliance of Shamanic Women Entrepreneurs website

in the Practitioners section is an interesting Austrian McShaman called Eva Rupert Berger, her website is here

and I noticed on it, in relation to her training - which includes a long list of the usual frauds - is the following information

Student of Red Bird, Tewa Pueblo, Conchiti, New Mexico, in November 2009 gave me the name Quim Mapa - White Dove.

I was amused that "Red Bird" (whoever he or she is) had given this woman such a hilarious name.  Perhaps if English is not her first language she does not understand its meaning?

So I did a bit of googling and came up with this

where the following text appears (emphasis mine)

THE ART RANCH offers an expansive education through its unique art programs and workshops, and a coming together of all cultures and all nations to share knowledge.
It has been prophesized amongst Indigenous Cultures that a time would come for the sharing of their deep knowledge with the world. Knowing the importance of this union of the cultures and the sharing of Ancient Earth Wisdom, Laurie Pettigrew lays the groundwork by honoring specific codes of practice. In her initial steps, she invites the support of the Indigenous communities and makes agreements to initiate the work that they will set in motion together at The Art Ranch. This protocol has been recognized by many of the Indigenous Nations' First People of America and they've embraced The Art Ranch as a place where they can share their deep knowledge, and keep traditions alive by passing it down to their children, as well as to children of all cultures.

This protocol has been recognized and honored by many of the Indigenous Nations First People of America. In 2005, she met Red Bird, of the Cochiti Pueblo, who aided Laurie in producing the first Art Ranch program, the White Buffalo Camp. In 2007, Laurie met Blue Thunder, an Eastern Shoshone Tribal Member and Younger Elder/Spiritual Leader whose guidance has deepened her knowledge of the sacred ways. These protocols hold a great reflection for peace of the First Nation's Teachings. Blue Thunder is currently a consultant to the Art Ranch and performs the ceremonies to initiate these unions. He also performs Earth Ceremonies around the America's and abroad.

The awareness of, sensitivity to and practice of these ways is the foundation to The Art Ranch.

In 2005, Laurie met Red Bird, of the Cochiti Pueblo, who aided her in creating The Art Ranch/White Buffalo Camp. In 2007, she met Blue Thunder, an Eastern Shoshone Tribal Member and Younger Elder/Spiritual Leader whose guidance has deepened her knowledge of the sacred ways. Blue Thunder is currently a consultant to the Art Ranch and performs the earth ceremonies to initiate the Projects. Susan Stewart, of the Crow Reservation, and Steward of Chief Plenty Coups’ property, also joined the group in 2007. With her deep wisdom and dedication to honoring “all ways”, Susan is a huge support in guiding the Art Ranch’s mission. Chief Plenty Coups had a dream vision as a child that foretold of his having land where all nations would come together to share knowledge. The Art Ranch held the first program to fulfill this vision and has be invited to continue its programs on his property.

Ohlone leader Charlene Sul is currently working with The Art Ranch to create The Art Ranch Ohlone Black Bear Village in Northern California, slated for 2010. Recently Laurie met Warfield Moose, a Lakota Medicine Man, whose dedication to his path will have a significant effect on The Art Ranch and it’s future programs. Through this union The Pine Ridge Sustainable Project is being developed for Lakota children and families. First phase is scheduled for Summer, 2010.

and also, I was amused and dismayed, but not surprised, to read this gem

TUITION/GIFTING: Indigenous cultures do not charge for their ceremonies or sharing of their ancient knowledge, therefore, gifting is appropriate. To honor this, The Art Ranch has created a system whereby the American Indian teachers and Elders are gifted for their work at The Art Ranch. Tuitions for student, adult and family camps are based on a suggested donation.

I feel very concerned about this as, apart from all the Pay to Pray nonsense it seems that these people are masquerading as saviours of native people and possibly soliciting funds fraudulently on this basis.

Not much time right not to google more re this but I just wanted to share.