Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663572 times)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #315 on: August 17, 2014, 11:46:56 pm »
From 2013: Prize offering from Frankfurter Ring, you lucky dogs! Participate and win! Don't let these prizes pass you by!

What is there about this image that screams out "hustle!!!" ?

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #316 on: August 18, 2014, 07:08:03 am »
This face ....
this gesture ...


my first feeling:
face: aggressive,
gesture: threat

if I don´t make this offering it is my fault if lose my life, but I will get a second chance, my ultimate last one: I can buy for just some little bucks to rescue my life. If I don´t do ... well, but what is waiting for me?

(These feelings are coming up, when I saw this advertising)

Oh what a real positive advertising ......  ;D

« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 01:21:23 pm by Sturmboe »

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #317 on: August 18, 2014, 04:03:58 pm »
it makes me think ... now who is C Spezzano targeting  ?? a lot of people are reading about the poV cult and spreading the word that they are a high demand group to be extremely wary of, so now he's becoming like a used car salesman selling an old jalopy with a burnt out motor, a bad suspension and unsafe running gear, just like the shape of  Psychology of vision is proving to be,
 to use his cheap tactics with a Price discount to the first few unsuspecting victims...can we take this as chuck spezzano is getting desperate for more unsuspecting that haven't researched hi cult group.

  my, my how this has changed from promising a wonderful life by joining to offering a price discount to the first few victims , somehow i don't think this will work, I hope it doesn't.. people are on to chubby chuckie now and there is more than one of us here with critical objective thinking minds becoming educated about chuck and Pov, and with sites like this one- nafps, there are more and more people waking up not only to this scam but to a lot of other frauds as well
  i hope with all the sites on the internet that disclose and expose what the spezzanos are really so they think whether they want to belong to chuck and lency or seek true healing that helps themselves to heal themselves instead of following chucks Pov dogma,
 chuck spezzanos poster ad reminds me of the old USA army recruitment poster where it shows Uncle Sam pointing his finger and saying ..
I want you for the US army.
 Chuck's picture strikes me as something similar and it gives me the creeps

« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 07:11:24 pm by moreinfo »


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #318 on: August 19, 2014, 04:31:26 pm »
Chuck Spezzano told a white non-NDN woman that in a past life she was a famous respected chief of the local Nation. This triggered a melt down: she thought she could speak the local First Nation language but she was talking gibberish, she thought she was remembering and practicing original ceremonies but she actually was acting crazy and putting herself in unsafe situations.

Eventually she asked help from two elders who are very active in POV. They did not help, they instead called the RCMP on her, which resulted in some serious life repercussions for her. So she was messed over twice, first by Chuck, then by his people.

She was fortunately able to get stable again, no thanks to Chuck and his crew.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #319 on: August 20, 2014, 02:45:29 am »
The Spezzanos have placed themselves comfortably at the center of a very profitable personality cult. Couple this with the amount of damage they have created in Canada and I propose we should start an "Idol No More" movement in North America to educate the greater public about the destructive activities of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision.


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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #320 on: August 21, 2014, 08:42:17 pm »
Many of the attacks accuse us of targeting First Nations people for financial gain. In actuality, rather than “take” money from First Nations, Chuck and I have donated around 30 3-day seminars to First Nations communities over the last 20 years

An example that disproves Lency's claims: Upcoming 3 day workshop by Chuck in B.C. "First Nations - $360 (+ tax) by October 10 * After October 10 - $380 (+ tax)"

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #321 on: August 21, 2014, 10:00:35 pm »
  am I missing something here ??
the spezzanos say they donate free "workshops" and pro Bono to first nations , but i see the spezzanos ask the Europeans and the Asian market for money to hold first nations "workshops, that doesn't add up to free to me, the spezannos still get paid money for "saving" first nations culture and spirituality by and from other cultures .bumming money from them to save first nations?? how insulting to first nations and even the people led to believe with their fantasy and romanticism about first nations "having the answer" to give the spezzanos money for the poor noble savages,
 i hope the federal governments, health agencies and real legit healing organizations start their own idle no more campaign and start asking questions about the money the spezzanos are targeting from world citizens to "save" the first nations race of people.
 Better yet i hope all the first nations people see the damage resulting from PoV involvement and seriously start their own idle no more movement for public education and accountability of chuck spezzano and his cult group - psychology of vision, a more fitting discription for them is psychology of DIVISION,
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 11:57:20 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #322 on: August 22, 2014, 03:37:11 am »
The Esoteric Terminology Inside the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) Snowglobe

As I have read through the piles of documents regarding SALPOV, online and hardcopy, it quickly becomes apparent that one of the Spezzano methods of control over their vulnerable and gullible pay-through-the-nose clients is the use of esoteric terminology. By employing their own  language we can see they set up an enclosed little world where the participants feel exclusive and special, and, dare I say, "independent" and elevated from the dark world of us unenlightened lowlifes-- which is to say most people on the planet. So much for "Oneness."

SALPOV is a very tiny elitist group, isolated from reality, where two individuals reap enormous financial profit from the followers. I think that makes it a cult.

Needless to say, this linguistic method aids in creating an "us vs. them" mentality. It sets up what I will call a "spiritual class system," which is reinforced by the artificial "ranks" of trainers (based on how much money and time the cult follower has invested in SALPOV brainwashing sessions) and the incredibly complex SALPOV triangle, which was swiped from Bob Trask and made more complicated. The concept of "keeping it simple" is not in the SALPOV theology.

One of the ways this scam is kept alive is through the use of having a special language. We know SALPOV was strongly influenced by Oneness University and A Course in Miracles--

The Spezzanos’ greatest inspirations come from A Course in Miracles and Oneness University. As time draws closer to 2012, their travel has increased from 50% to 75% of their time in an effort to help the planet move from competitive, dissociative independence into partnership and interdependence.

Somewhere in the vicinity of Kahalu'u, the local toads and frogs are croaking through the sides of their mouths, "bullshit, bullshit."

As we have demonstrated on NAFPS, the terms "Oneness" and "Deeksha" did not really appear on SALPOV websites to any important degree until after the Spezzanos had their salvation salivation at the feet of Amma and Bhagavan in 2007. Then, in early 2014, the Spezzano family betrayed their mentors on Internet by purging all traces of Oneness University from their online history in a very clumsy manner. It was a foolish and self-destructive effort. This act revealed, on multiple levels, how SALPOV is nothing but a sham. Fortunately, we were around to document the whole thing. The coordination of this data purge among all the international SALPOV websites revealed that Hawaii HQ still called all the shots and is ultimately responsible for all fallacies expounded abroad such as the UK site still calling Charles a (*snicker*) "psychologist."   

But removing the actual Oneness University philosophy from the SALPOV core curriculum is as difficult as removing a tattoo. They are stuck with it no matter how much Lenora tries to cover it up or call it other names.

However on this post, we are going to look at the other half of their greatest inspirations, A Course in Miracles.

As you will recall, A Course in Miracles had its origin when the basic text of the dogma was dictated by Jesus through the mortal body of Helen Schucman.

Although it was written in English, the definitions of key words do not fall into the category of mainstream understanding by most of the English-speaking world. When one reads the ACIM interpretation of certain words, you can start to see how the language of SALPOV as used by the cult leaders becomes sort of a code that cannot be fully comprehended unless you have sat for long mind-numbing hours in indoctrination sessions while dishing out the big bucks for the experience.

I was fortunate enough to find this website: Glossary (adapted from the Glossary-Index for A Course in Miracles, Fourth Edition) by Kenneth Wapnick--

There is also an ACIM glossary at the Circle of Atonement website--

Let us take some samples from this cornucopia of crap, shall we? We can start with the word "Attack," which is a pretty loaded term in ACIM and favored by Lenora Kay Spezzano. I now see that when she uses it so often she is not trying to convince anyone in the outside world, rather she is using the word as a method of reactive damage control in order to keep the paying customers in line.

It also works as a tool cult leaders can use to brush away criticism and avoid answering uncomfortable questions, such as Charles Lee Spezzano did in his January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter: "Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong. How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse." 


the attempt to justify the projection of guilt onto others, demonstrating their sinfulness and guilt so that we may feel free of it; because attack is always a projection of responsibility for the separation, it is never justified; also used to denote the thought of separation from God, for which we believe God will attack and punish us in return.

(Note -- " attack" and " anger" are used as virtual synonyms.)


The expression of anger, in the attempt to punish others for their sins and defend oneself from their attack. Its true result is guilt and fear of retaliation. It is the fundamental expression of the ego. It blots out the awareness of Heaven and is the cause of all of our experience of being attacked. Exists first on the thought level (see attack thoughts), from which it may also be expressed physically. Attack is one of the primary purposes the ego sees in the body (since only bodies can actually attack), a purpose which is the source of physical sickness. Attack, however, is not real. Minds cannot attack each other, for they are joined. And minds cannot be attacked, for they cannot be truly injured. Thus, since it is unreal, attack is never a sin. It is merely a call for love.

Next, the justification for the "Shut up and do as you're told" aspect so evident in SALPOV--

Authority problem

Conventional: Our problem with other people wielding authority over us, stemming from our desire for self-determination.

ACIM: Our problem with the fact that God is our Author, and our attempt to author ourselves, to usurp God's power, throne, place or function. This attempt, which we believed seriously attacked or killed God, is the hidden source of all guilt. In the separation, we rejected His role as Creator and tried to be creator in His stead. We tried to create our own self and even to create God (see T-21.II.10:4). However, we only succeeded in making a self-image, the ego. Now we believe we can change ourselves (a form of creating ourselves) by modifying our image. A conventional authority problem results from projecting this belief (in self-creation) onto another person, which leads us to fear that he or she can take our function of self-creation away from us and can exercise creative power over us, can modify us against our will. All of this, though, is illusion. Since we did not author ourselves we have no power over what we are, nor do others. We have not usurped God's power and have no cause for guilt (see "I am as God created me"). See T-3.VI.7-8, T-11.In.2.

Claiming that "nothing is real" is part of the SALPOV mantra. Interesting that the use of "Oneness" was also found in ACIM, but we have shown that word was basically not part of the repeated SALPOV vocabulary until after the Spezzanos attended Oneness University. The ACIM definition of "awakening" comes across to me as the complete opposite of what it means to normal people. I find myself using air quotes when I use the ACIM meaning of "awakening"--


the Course speaks of the separation as being a dream from which we need to awaken; salvation therefore consists of hearing the Holy Spirit -- the Call to awaken -- in ourselves and in our brothers: thus accepting the oneness with each other that undoes the separation which gave rise to the dream in the beginning.

Along with demons, the Devil is a frequent character in the SALPOV narrative where it isn't always made clear just how metaphorically the name is used--


Conventional: a supernatural being that opposes God and is the cause of all that is wrong in the world.

ACIM: the ego, the self we made (and think we have become) that opposes God and is the sole cause of all suffering and "evil." See T-3.VII.2:4-8, 5:1-4.

In his last minute phone call to APTN reporter Rob Smith during last year's broadcast entitled "Plastic Healers," Charles Lee Spezzano came across as sounding like some kind of nut when he talked about the "split mind" as if the world knew the background of this reference. I suppose it is possible the Spezzanos have actually brainwashed themselves and are unaware of the image they, and the rest of SALPOV, project to the normal world. Anyway, the "split mind" concept as used by Charles apparently has its origin in ACIM as demonstrated below.

The ego, that bugaboo of SALPOV, is something that Lenora keeps telling us needs to be "annihilated." That is a very powerful word but it comes across as a negative and destructive action to me. "Annihilate" is a word that evokes images of a Holocaust, an ethnic cleansing. It is a poor phrase to use, but I don't think she lifted it from ACIM. It appears to have been employed in the past by fake mystics in India, from what I can see.


the belief in the reality of the separated or false self, made as substitute for the Self Which God created; the thought of separation that gives rise to sin, guilt, fear, and a thought system based on specialness to protect itself; the part of the mind that believes it is separate from the Mind of Christ; this split mind has two parts: wrong- and right-mindedness; almost always used to denote " wrong-mindedness," but can include the part of the split mind that can learn to choose right-mindedness.

(Note -- not to be equated with the " ego" of psychoanalysis, but can be roughly equated with the entire psyche, of which the psychoanalytic " ego" is a part.)


Root meaning: The individual self, as distinct from other selves or the world. Ego is Latin for "I," and when you say "I" you are referring to a self distinct from others.

ACIM: The entire self you think you are, the "I" you think you are. This self is false, was made by you, and is actually only a belief: The belief that you are a separate entity—a separate mind living within a separate body—that you have your own personal history and future, your own will and private thoughts, that you create yourself and sustain yourself. This is not who you are (see Christ and Son of God) and so the ego is a contradiction, an insane belief (see insanity), a mistaken identity. The ego is in direct, fundamental and total opposition to God (see devil). Its basic mood is fear of God, fear that it will disappear into His Love and Oneness. Its single motivation is to protect its "existence" from the "threat" of God and make itself a permanent, eternal reality. Its goal is to conquer and kill God and replace Him on His throne (see authority problem). To do this it must keep your eternal allegiance (as its maker) while at the same time trying to kill you, since you are God's Son. It hopes to attain this paradoxical goal through persuading you to constantly attack. By promising you that attack will bring you pleasure and safety it keeps your allegiance. Yet it knows that attack will really bring death, since attack makes you think you deserve to die for your sins. The ego, however, is merely an idea, and thus has had no effect on who you really are. It has no power over you and can be relinquished whenever you choose, at which time it will simply disappear, be reinterpreted. See separation. See T-4.II, W-pII.12, C-2.

The following odious Orwellian piece would give any cult leader all the justification they would need to gain control over followers and their pocketbooks. No wonder these SALPOV followers are so messed up in their thinking. I consider this definition to be spiritual fascism, or something cooked up by Kim Jung-un's stooges. I won't mince words. It is evil and anti-human. I find it highly ironic, and fascinating, that the leaders of the SALPOV cult are natives of the Home of the Brave and the Land of Free, yet have no USA citizens in their stable of trainers. Other than the fact their activities would be considered illegal in most states, could it also be their fellow Americans could more easily see through their bullshit? Also interesting that SALPOV has made no real headway in another country that values freedom-- Australia.


Root meaning: The ability to express your will without any impediment or obstacle; "to do your will" (T-30.II.2:1).

Conventional: The ability of your body to say and do whatever you want without impediment or obstacle (see T-22.VI.1-2).

ACIM: The ability of the mind to express its will to love and join, without the obstruction of the ego (which is an alien will). 1. True freedom is our natural state in Heaven, where our wills extend infinitely outward without any hindrance whatsoever (see creation and extension). 2. We are not free to change this native state, only to deny it. 3. This world is a state of imprisonment, in which we seem to be imprisoned by the body (see W-pI.199.1) and by external circumstances. 4. Yet the real imprisonment here is being a slave, a hostage, to the ego; obeying its alien will. Bondage to the ego results in guilt, which is imprisoning, for guilt says we deserve imprisonment. 5. In this world our only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice (see T-12.VII.9:1, C-1.7:1), the choice between the ego and the Holy Spirit. 6. We find our freedom through freeing our brothers from guilt. Conversely, finding our own freedom enables us to free the world.

Now here's the Big One, tailor-made for Charles and the Catholic priest within, the bait used to lure the vulnerable--


the feeling experienced in relation to sin; its reflection from our minds is seen in all the negative feelings and beliefs we have about ourselves, mostly unconscious; rests on a sense of inherent unworthiness, seemingly beyond even the forgiving power of God, Who we erroneously believe demands punishment for our seeming sin of separation against Him; following the ego's counsel that to look on guilt would destroy us, we deny its presence in our minds, and then project it outward in the form of attack, either onto others as anger or onto our own bodies as sickness.


Conventional: The state or status of someone who has broken the legal code, the ethical code or the law of God (we will call this the state of guilt). An inner experience of the state of guilt, a feeling which says you are bad because you sinned (the feeling of guilt).

ACIM: The emotional experience of the belief that a) because you committed a sin, b) you have made yourself into a bad person and c) deserve punishment and death. Guilt's ultimate basis is the belief that a) we attacked and separated from God (see separation), thus b) murdered our divine innocence and turned ourselves into egos, who now c) deserve death and hell. This belief is utterly false, for a) we are incapable of sinning or separating, b) cannot remake ourselves and c) cannot die. Hence, there is no such thing as the state of guilt. There is only the unfounded feeling of guilt. Guilt is at the core of our experience here. It maintains linear time, for it rests on past mistakes and demands future punishment (see T-13.I.8-9). It made the physical world, which is why the world constantly seems to be punishing us (see T-13.In.2-4). It is the essence of our perception of the world. It is the sole cause of all pain. We think that feeling guilt is honest humility which motivates us to obey God's laws. Yet guilt is purely an ego device for arrogantly demonstrating that we are separate from God and should fear Him. Guilt maintains the ego's existence. For this reason, the ego is attracted to guilt (see attraction of guilt). Thus, the ego tells us to "sin" in order to obtain certain pleasures, to attack in order to find safety, and to project guilt onto others in order to rid ourselves of guilt. Yet the real motivation behind all of these, and their real result, is the accumulation of more guilt. Since guilt is the only thing that keeps us from God, the journey home consists entirely of teaching and learning the unreality of guilt through forgiveness. See T-5.V.

The SALPOV Trainer Application Process 2015 includes this bit among their Prerequisites of the PoV Trainers’ Training Program--

Is able to attain and pass on Miracles easily. PoV uses the word miracle as described in the Course in Miracles - receiving a miracle is allowing the indwelling of Spirit through an act of complete forgiveness.

Actually it appears the use of the word "miracle" in ACIM has some very strong Christian connections. Heck, what am I thinking? The thing was written by Jesus Christ Himself!

Also, please notice the use of the word "joining" in this definition--


the change of mind that shifts our perception from the ego's world of sin, guilt, and fear, to the Holy Spirit's world of forgiveness; reverses projection by restoring to the mind its causative function, allowing us to choose again; transcends the laws of this world to reflect the laws of God; accomplished by our joining with the Holy Spirit or Jesus, being the means of healing our own and others' minds.

(Note -- not to be confused with the traditional understanding of miracles as changes in external phenomena.)

And here is another strong Christian connection, that ol' split mind!

Split Mind

A mind divided against itself, in which the more conscious half of the mind is walled off from its own true nature by denial, fear and dissociation. This split, which is apparent but not real, is then projected outward and symbolized by a split between the mind and other minds (see T-12.III.7). In this divided state, the mind cannot truly create or communicate, for what it produces is ambivalent and contradictory. 1. The primary split is between the separated mind and its real Identity, the Christ Mind. 2. The secondary split is within the separated mind, between the ego and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Guide out of the split, for He is a unified Presence in the mind (see T-25.I.7:2-3).

Imagine trying to re-enter the real world after being steeped in this nonsense for any length of time. SALPOV survivors in North America and the UK have to relearn how to speak in normal English. It can't be easy. Hopefully exit-counselors are very aware of this.

SALPOV can count a number of influences in their patchwork theology: Bob Trask, Louise Hay, Oneness University, the Catholic Church, and A Course in Miracles being the most obvious among many others. With the exception of Trask, I would not count the rest as a stellar lineup. However it is the last named, ACIM, that is the most credited by SALPOV.

Lenora Kay Spezzano felt compelled to address this issue in her recent "Truth" screed--

Is A Course in Miracles A Cult?

Psychology of Vision is compatible with A Course in Miracles, which is a self-study spiritual thought system. Its primary teaching is that the way to universal love and peace—or, in their terms, remembering God—is by undoing guilt through forgiving others. It is a set of 3 books. There is no leader, no group, and therefore, it is not a cult.

The teachings of A Course in Miracles have been supported by such commentators and authors as Robert Schuller, Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle.

The last three names listed in her statement all link to Wikipedia (interestingly, a website that very solidly rejected an entry on her husband since he was not notable enough). First off, Wikipedia is a not really considered a valid academic source. It is junk that no real professional would cite. Secondly, all three of these testimonials can hardly be considered objective or from people respected by the world at large for being critical thinkers. 

Of course ACIM is not a cult. Anyone who has raised children know how they manipulate semantics and act like little lawyers in order to make their point. Lenora is doing the same thing with this topic. ACIM is not an organisation, it is a text. It is up to groups like SALPOV to use this manuscript and make it a cult, which they have done with the result being profitable to the Spezzano bank account.

Rather than being a cult itself, A Course in Miracles provides a general public domain foundation for opportunists like the Spezzanos to build a personality cult. It serves as a springboard for predators to victimize the vulnerable without accepting responsibility for the negative consequences of their actions. Instead they can always point to ACIM and say, "Jesus made me do it." 

Y'know, the historical Jesus was probably a pretty cool guy. A troublemaker who bugged The Man. A guy who challenged authority, which is something ACIM does not approve of. But I don't think He channeled ACIM. That assertion is as fake as Lenora's claim of "downloading" heavenly forces or whatever. In both cases, the burden of proof rests on the sources, and of course there is no way they can provide solid evidence.

You'll notice that SALPOV has not been growing and thriving. Quite the reverse. As the Boomer generation enters their final life stages, the social forces that created monstrosities like SALPOV have also long passed. If SALPOV was really "cutting edge" it would be more vibrant today. But it isn't. New generations regard SALPOV for what it is, a corny old fashioned medicine show selling nothing but air and attempting to pass it off as being distributors of Heaven's grace.

The sooner SALPOV and others of their ilk are gone, the faster the world can progress. As moreinfo said, "Psychology of Division" is a more appropriate term for the Spezzano invention. They claim to strive for Oneness, but in reality this cult isolates their victims and then sucks their bank accounts dry. These people are vampires.

The only "Oneness" here is how SALPOV has universal victims in Asia, North America, and Europe-- all providing tributaries that join into a river of cash going into the Spezzano bank account.  It's all about the money.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 03:46:57 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #323 on: August 23, 2014, 03:56:25 pm »
Manifesting and Magical Thinking: Mixed Messages and Split Minds

The concept of "Manifesting" is one of the pillars of SALPOV theology, although the term appears to be a later addition to the lineup of SALPOV spiritual merchandise. In direct contradiction to the philosophy of A Course in Miracles, the use of "Manifesting" is merely Spezzanospeak for "Magical Thinking."

Three examples of "Manifesting" in SALPOV media: First, a Youtube video devoted to the topic by Charles Lee Spezzano--

Secondly, Lenora Kay Spezzano made a reference that the weather could be controlled by exerting human thought--

And third, in talking about a subject dear to his heart, money, Charles says in this Mo Money Youtube--

I once decided I was going to get moved to Hawaii without having to pay for it and that's exactly what happened. Somebody moved me to Hawaii a couple years later, paid for all the expenses

In the above video he also talks about "Manifesting" different realities in order to achieve "abundance."

It is interesting in that all the other SALPOV propaganda the general idea is a surrender to and acceptance of Oneness and following the orders of theological authority figures and surrogate parents who know better than you what is best for your life (i.e., the Spezzanos). But the idea of "Manifesting," particularly for material gain, seems to be in conflict with the rest of the program. What if God intends for you to be a pauper as part of your spiritual journey? What if your Life Purpose requires sacrifice and suffering? Exercising your independent will is considered bad in all other SALPOV cases, but not in "Manifesting." There is a mixed message going on here.

In fact, the Charles Lee Spezzano Youtube God and I seems to spell out that "our ego always want to make us God" and that is a bad thing.
Hmm, wait a minute, I'm getting confused. If "Manifesting" is using our will to make things change then ... ow! My brain hurts. My mind is splitting. Ow! Ow! Ow!--

Also the Charles Lee Spezzano Youtube Living Your Purpose seems to contradict the more marketable aspects of "Manifesting." Your Life Purpose is just hanging out there waiting for you to find it, he says. So in essence, when you are sitting around selfishly "Manifesting" a new boyfriend or job or "abundance" you are exerting your will over that of God and extending the detour to the dead end of your egotistical desires that ... Ow! Ow! Ow!, that darn split mind is hurting again!

Anyway, back to the Youtube Living Your Purpose. Please note Charles also makes a mention of performing past life regression sessions here--

You might very well ask, what the heck is "Manifesting" anyway? Here is a definition from the New Age friendly Spiritual Glossary--

Manifesting is a term often used in New Thought and New Age circles to refer to the belief that one can by force of will, desire, and focused energy, make something come true on the physical level.

Now compare this with the definition from the same source of "Magic"--

Magic and sorcery are the influencing of events, objects, people and physical phenomena by mystical, paranormal or supernatural means. The terms can also refer to the practices employed by a person to wield this influence, and to beliefs that explain various events and phenomena in such terms.

Now I suppose to the students of the esoteric, there is an enormous difference between these two terms. But to this simple and unsophisticated ol' hayseed, they look like the same thing.

"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." In short-- Quack! Quack! Quack!

Wapnick's A Course in Miracles glossary has a low opinion of "Magic"--


the attempt to solve a problem where it is not, i.e., trying to solve a problem in the mind through physical or " mindless" measures: the ego's strategy to keep the real problem -- the belief in separation -- from God's Answer; guilt is projected outside our minds onto others (attack) or our bodies (sickness) and sought to be corrected there, rather than being undone in our minds by bringing it to the Holy Spirit; referred to as " false healing" in " The Song of Prayer."

The Circle of Atonement website is even more detailed (the "stage magic" reference of course makes me think of Lenora's "Downloading/Joining" Youtubes)--


Conventional: Supernaturally exercised power over something, whether actual (as in sorcery) or illusory (as in stage magic). In sorcery, the words of a spell can exercise power over a person, even though under natural law these words would have no such power. In stage magic, an illusionist can seem to produce a supernatural effect (e.g. causing someone to disappear), when actually he has produced only an illusion of that effect.

ACIM: The ego's alternative to the miracle. Any unnatural (or "super-natural") power, which means any power apart from the Will of God, for His Will is the only power. Specifically, the power to save (or heal) that we ascribe to our own separate self, to certain special people (see T-7.V.3-4), or to various external things (see the list in W-pI.50.1:3). These powers have no real power to save us, for they have no power at all. Like the stage magician, all they can do is rearrange illusions and thus produce an illusion of salvation. Somewhere inside we know this, and so we only turn to magic when we believe that healing is impossible. From the Course's standpoint, a doctor using medicine to cure the body is a magician using magical powers and potions to produce an illusion of healing—an illusion because what has been healed (the body) is illusory and what is real (the mind) remains unhealed. However, turning to such magic can sometimes be the best approach due to our high level of fear of true healing (see T-2.IV.4, T-2.V.2:5-6). The Course mentions two types of magic (see T-2.V.2:1): 1. Mindless magic, which means using external agents (such as physical medicine) to rearrange external conditions (such as the condition of the body). 2. Miscreative magic, which means using the mind itself to directly rearrange external conditions.

Magic Thoughts

Thoughts which claim that we can be saved by our own separate will, by certain special people, by various external things—by anything other than the miracle, the Will of God healing our minds. The teacher of God will encounter magic thoughts in his pupils and must learn how to react to them without anger. Found only in sections 17 and 18 in the Manual. See magic.

Seems to me that the Spezzano definition of "Manifestion" fits perfectly into the "Magic" and "Magic Thoughts" category, putting them in direct conflict with ACIM dogma. Obviously SALPOV is suffering from a Split Mind. So what else is new?

Of course, to be fair, using ACIM and SALPOV as two poles apart is like using quackery and scamming as two poles apart. Not an enormous gulf there. And let us not forget Charles was self-employed as a psychic in the early 1980s--

In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops.

Obviously, there was no money in being a psychic at the dawn of the Reagan Recession. A new angle had to be found.

Direct magical terminology is rarely employed by SALPOV or their circle. Here are some of the few examples--

Chuck and Lency Seminars are magical, extraordinary. Do make contact with your local Psychology of Vision Trainer and see what practical healing steps you can take for yourself - and your family

A workshop is transformational. Highly experienced trainer Pam Carruthers works with Aura-Soma, Soul Astrology and the principles of Psychology of Vision. She creates a magical space for you to make deep and lasting changes in your life with the support of like minded people.

10/20/11--07:11: Joining with Heaven

Come and join us for the magical experience of JOINING. The quickest and simplest form of healing to put you back in Heavens arms. Facilitated by Alison Banks

Although the term "Manifesting" is not used, the concept remains alive in Lenora Kay Spezzano's "Downloading/Joining" Youtubes. In the following example the client (Ian, a SALPOV trainer) has requested "lots of money and lots of friends" as a "gift from Heaven." In addition to presenting another form of "Manifesting" this also appears to be a classic example of hypnosis at work. Notice that Lenora accurately calls this presentation "show business"--

So as a reality check I do not think it would be unreasonable for all of those who consume SALPOV media in the future to simply substitute the term "Magical Thinking" whenever this cult uses the word "Manifesting" (or "Downloading" or "Joining" for that matter). And "Magical Thinking" appears to be in direct conflict with ACIM, so you SALPOV victims need to be aware you are in the clutches of a corporation suffering from a Split Mind.

Run away from Psychology of Vision! Run for your life-- Your life-- which belongs to you and not the Spezzanos. "Manifesting" large amounts of cash for the Spezzano bank account is definitely not Living Your Purpose. 


Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #324 on: August 27, 2014, 03:13:31 am »
Charles Lee Spezzano appeared in a just released Youtube promoting his September book selling tour through Europe--

The book is entitled Emotionale Reife (Emotional Maturity).

Charles appears tired and whines a bit in this short advertisement. He tells us emotions are all bad, but feelings are all good. Does not look like there's any middle ground or shades of grey there.

Here's how he starts out--

Most people don't understand their emotions. And so they are gradually polluting the world with their intrapsychic pollution, which is what emotions are, they are pain.

Feeling guilty yet? That was a very finger-wagging, blaming, righteous and judgmental introduction designed to make you feel bad and seek help from "Uncle Chuck." In ACIM terms, it was an attack by an attacker. And the crap just piles up higher with every word he utters. In fact he later tells us how bad it is to be finger-wagging, blaming, righteous and judgmental.

I find it amusing that a guy who uses lewd and juvenile dirty jokes in his presentations is now beating the drum for "emotional maturity." This is the same guy who thought he was being so clever when he co-authored the following "Healing Metaphors" (now pulled from public view)--


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of abnormally watery bowel movements.

This symptom comes from the feeling that we "don’t have our shit together" about some issue or area in our life. There are feelings of loss of control and courage or feeling unprepared and disorganized.

Diarrhea reflects a fear of the next step because we have not yet handled this particular area of our life. We are "running" for it.

Diarrhea, by the way, is one of the biggest killers for populations not as affluent as Charles the rich American. It is particularly hard on children.


If we are constipated, then we are having difficulty with our bowel movements, due to the passage of hard and dry fecal material and sluggish action of the bowels.

Constipation shows us that we are holding on to the past. We are holding on to our "shit" (emotional detritus), with a conflict between the need to let go and the refusal to let go.

He's a funny guy, eh?

The title of his new book reminds me that of the people we have been in contact who are are very critical of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision, but for various reasons, mostly fear of reprisal or understandable embarrassment in the case of survivors, will not go public. This is especially true in British Columbia. Seems to be a common problem with investigating destructive groups. Those who are in it are too blind to see, those who are out of it are too frightened or wounded to talk. 

But others are actually quite close to the center of action and we learn a few things. Two former trainers have contacted me and were not entirely complementary of SALPOV. Another person who knows Charles well said they did not want to go public because they didn't want to deal with yet another one of "Chuck's tantrums."

Emotional maturity indeed.

As Charles himself wrote in his January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter: "How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse." 

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #325 on: August 27, 2014, 02:22:20 pm »
Charles Lee Spezzano appeared in a just released Youtube promoting his September book selling tour through Europe--

The book is entitled Emotionale Reife (Emotional Maturity).

Charles appears tired and whines a bit in this short advertisement. He tells us emotions are all bad, but feelings are all good. Does not look like there's any middle ground or shades of grey there.

Here's how he starts out--

Most people don't understand their emotions. And so they are gradually polluting the world with their intrapsychic pollution, which is what emotions are, they are pain.

Feeling guilty yet? That was a very finger-wagging, blaming, righteous and judgmental introduction designed to make you feel bad and seek help from "Uncle Chuck." In ACIM terms, it was an attack by an attacker. And the crap just piles up higher with every word he utters. In fact he later tells us how bad it is to be finger-wagging, blaming, righteous and judgmental.

I find it amusing that a guy who uses lewd and juvenile dirty jokes in his presentations is now beating the drum for "emotional maturity." This is the same guy who thought he was being so clever when he co-authored the following "Healing Metaphors" (now pulled from public view)--


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of abnormally watery bowel movements.

This symptom comes from the feeling that we "don’t have our shit together" about some issue or area in our life. There are feelings of loss of control and courage or feeling unprepared and disorganized.

Diarrhea reflects a fear of the next step because we have not yet handled this particular area of our life. We are "running" for it.

Diarrhea, by the way, is one of the biggest killers for populations not as affluent as Charles the rich American. It is particularly hard on children.


If we are constipated, then we are having difficulty with our bowel movements, due to the passage of hard and dry fecal material and sluggish action of the bowels.

Constipation shows us that we are holding on to the past. We are holding on to our "shit" (emotional detritus), with a conflict between the need to let go and the refusal to let go.

He's a funny guy, eh?

The title of his new book reminds me that of the people we have been in contact with who are very critical of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision, most fear reprisal or feel understandable embarrassment in the case of survivors, and will not go public. This is especially true in British Columbia. Seems to be a common problem with investigating destructive groups. Those who are in it are too blind to see, those who are out of it are too frightened or wounded to talk. 

But others are actually quite close to the center of action and we learn a few things. Two former trainers have contacted me and were not entirely complementary of SALPOV. Another person who knows Charles well said they did not want to go public because they didn't want to deal with yet another one of "Chuck's tantrums."

Emotional maturity indeed.

As Charles himself wrote in his January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter: "How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse."

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #326 on: August 27, 2014, 02:23:23 pm »
Charles Lee Spezzano appeared in a just released Youtube promoting his September book selling tour through Europe--

The book is entitled Emotionale Reife (Emotional Maturity).

Charles appears tired and whines a bit in this short advertisement. He tells us emotions are all bad, but feelings are all good. Does not look like there's any middle ground or shades of grey there.

Here's how he starts out--

Most people don't understand their emotions. And so they are gradually polluting the world with their intrapsychic pollution, which is what emotions are, they are pain.

Feeling guilty yet? That was a very finger-wagging, blaming, righteous and judgmental introduction designed to make you feel bad and seek help from "Uncle Chuck." In ACIM terms, it was an attack by an attacker. And the crap just piles up higher with every word he utters. In fact he later tells us how bad it is to be finger-wagging, blaming, righteous and judgmental.

I find it amusing that a guy who uses lewd and juvenile dirty jokes in his presentations is now beating the drum for "emotional maturity." This is the same guy who thought he was being so clever when he co-authored the following "Healing Metaphors" (now pulled from public view)--


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of abnormally watery bowel movements.

This symptom comes from the feeling that we "don’t have our shit together" about some issue or area in our life. There are feelings of loss of control and courage or feeling unprepared and disorganized.

Diarrhea reflects a fear of the next step because we have not yet handled this particular area of our life. We are "running" for it.

Diarrhea, by the way, is one of the biggest killers for populations not as affluent as Charles the rich American. It is particularly hard on children.


If we are constipated, then we are having difficulty with our bowel movements, due to the passage of hard and dry fecal material and sluggish action of the bowels.

Constipation shows us that we are holding on to the past. We are holding on to our "shit" (emotional detritus), with a conflict between the need to let go and the refusal to let go.

He's a funny guy, eh?

The title of his new book reminds me that of the people we have been in contact with who are very critical of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision, most fear reprisal or feel understandable embarrassment in the case of survivors, and will not go public. This is especially true in British Columbia. Seems to be a common problem with investigating destructive groups. Those who are in it are too blind to see, those who are out of it are too frightened or wounded to talk. 

But others are actually quite close to the center of action and we learn a few things. Two former trainers have contacted me and were not entirely complementary of SALPOV. Another person who knows Charles well said they did not want to go public because they didn't want to deal with yet another one of "Chuck's tantrums."

Emotional maturity indeed.

As Charles himself wrote in his January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter: "How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse."

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #327 on: August 31, 2014, 08:49:53 pm »
Yes, I know my previous post was presented in triplicate. A technical glitch. Well, I guess you SALPOV trainers can't get too much of a good thing. Sometimes you guys need to hear things 99 times before it hits home at #100. When Lenora Kay Spezzano tells you that your life is a dream she's right, a dream invented by SALPOV in order to pad their bank account. Those of us living in reality await your return. Especially in British Columbia.

As Bill Wilson said: "Approaching 70, with my privileged life nearly half over, I reflect on the condition of Indian Peoples:- I have seen the effects of the Whiteman's government, religion and foolish assumption of superiority. It is a sad and sorry litany of abuse.-My Mum often spoke lovingly of the time when the POTLATCH was our only form of government AND religion. She lived this ideal all her life, remaining a strong MUSGAMAGW even in the face of the destruction brought by the churches, DIA, welfare and industry. I am glad that she did not get to see the PHONY HEALERS & THEIR CULTS, the most recent group of maggots feeding on the decaying flesh of our Nations.- They are the NEW SMALLPOX sent to destroy Our Peoples."

The Spezzanos have created so much damage in BC, but there is no point in waiting for them to come back and repair the results of their destructive cult activities. Although they gas around a lot about accepting responsibility, their response to the wounds they caused in BC has been denial, cover up, and making bogus legal threats to silence their critics. They are spiritual fascists and bullies, ruling their tiny empire through fear and intimidation. The day this couple admit they have committed erroneous acts in the line of "healing" with the result being something that will have a negative impact on their profit margin is the same day a REAL miracle will happen!

And then I found the following.

I was going to cover another topic of the Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) fakery, but then became fascinated by the following document when it crossed my path in the course of my research. I will intersperse with my comments.

October 2008 Nightlight Newsletter - Chuck Spezzano

The big news of October continues to be the money crisis and economic downturn. I wrote the first draft of this newsletter two days before the announcement on the news of the US crisis. And though it seems bad, more is threatened. For some people in October it may seem like it is the end of the road monetarily. Don’t be fooled by the death temptation, in money or in life, it is really a birth invitation. If you have the eyes to see it, there is the beginning of a positive trend once more. This positive trend may easily be covered over by endings and much that is old news just catching up to you. If you see the rays of sunshine over the horizon, you will know the dawn is coming.

After the Bush Depression started, which continues to this day, interest in SALPOV began to go into a death spiral. Check out the Google Trends history for SALPOV. It is a dying corporate entity. The 2015 European tour of Charles Lee Spezzano is going to be as pathetic as some wrinkly old 'sixties rock group still performing their old original act from a half century ago. Obviously the Spezzanos could care less about legacy or reputation. If they did they wouldn't be pulling such obvious scams. It's all about the money. The already affluent can afford to waste their Euros and dollars on this nonsense, but average wage slaves do so at great sacrifice.  I suspect SALPOV has experienced an economic downturn just like other corporations.

Spezzano continues--

I got a warning notice from the Arlington Think Tank in mid-September. Six months before 9/11 people in the US began to have dire dreams about it. Two months before 9/11 people all over the world began to have similar dreams. The same thing has occurred now about a possible dire event in the US and it seems that the next two months is the danger zone. This may be the banking crisis or something else. What I do know is that these dire events are terrible births but there could be an easy birth instead. I have been actively working to change events like this into easy births. What I know is that if you see (or know) an event is possible or probable you can change it. I once had a friend of mine who was quite psychic by the name of Alex Tanous. He got on a small commuter flight that he knew was going to crash. He knew he could stop it from being catastrophic. No one on the same plane was injured when it crashed except him, and it wasn’t serious.

Let's keep whipping up the anxiety and fear factor to keep the flock close to surrogate Daddy Chuck, who is working hard to save us from dire events! Our hero!

That "Arlington Think Tank" is actually The Arlington Institute (TAI), founded by former military man John L. Petersen and self-described as "The Arlington Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research institute that specializes in thinking about global futures and trying to influence rapid, positive change. We strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool sets for understanding the transition in which we are living."

But it is a bad sign when Petersen's book A Vision for 2012 was praised by the likes of Newt Gingrich, and even worse that TAI advertised that positive review. Hmm. Come to think of it Gingrich and Spezzano are sort of similar characters in terms of shameless self-promotion.

The group used to release something called the TAI Alert. In TAI Alert #15 (Sept. 9, 2008), they did indeed sound a call for psychics to participate in predicting a dire event within the next two months--

TAI's "Whether Map" project is an attempt to institutionalise the idea of capturing predictions--

Superficially, TAI appears to be a legitimate futurist non-profit, but as you start to dig deeper it is obvious it is a haven for the same sort of superstitious and magical thinkers who embrace the paranormal/supernatural and would uncritically swallow the SALPOV dogma hook, line, and sinker.

By the way there was no event on the scale of 9/11 within the following 60 days of the prediction, unless, of course, you count the elevation of Sarah Palin in the international media as an unqualified world catastrophe during the 2008 US presidential campaign that continues to inflict the planet to this day. Well, I will grant you could make a good case there.

The psychic friend Spezzano mentions, Alex Tanous (1926-1990), was a controversial figure. In addition to predicting the future, he claimed he could astral project, bi-locate, employ ESP, communicate with ghosts, etc. etc. Here's a link to the Alex Tanous Foundation, which presents a glowing view of the subject--

And here's a link to a forum of critical thinkers examining the Tanous claims--

Tanous spent most of his life in Maine. It is unclear in looking at a chronology of his life where and how he would have become friends with Charles Lee Spezzano. I'd be interested to know how these two knew each other and the nature of their relationship--

Now let's return to the newsletter--   

In other ways October will provide some time for reflection and thoughtfulness. There is quiet intelligence that provides insight. Used rightly, this energy gives you elements of your life to savour. Used in a better way, it becomes the energy for art. Used in the best way it becomes the energy that opens to grace.

Einstein was once quoted as saying, ‘ I want to think God’s thoughts. The rest are just details’. If you allowed yourself to think God’s thoughts, you would see how ludicrous it is that we think we are a body and not a spirit. We would recognize that God’s thoughts for us are all about happiness. So if God wanted only what love brings to us, it must be our thoughts that bring us pain. There is a lesson in A Course in Miracles that states, ‘It is only my thoughts that hurt me.’ Having access to the subconscious and unconscious mind, I have found this to be true, which is why we can change whatever is hurting us, especially with the help of grace. We were created as love. Love created us as love. The rest we made up and became frightened of. We could choose love this month and melt away the fear.

So who is Charles Lee Spezzano that he can say "God’s thoughts for us are all about happiness"? He's a self-appointed "High Priest," that's who! He knows more about God than you do! Isn't that great? And if you pay obscene amounts of cash, he'll share that special knowledge with you! Wow! What a deal! 

It is with this in mind that I ask you to help the US with your prayers, with your forgiveness, your love and gratitude, your manifesting and blessings, your faith and truth, your letting go of grievance, and finally your invoking Divine Presence to receive grace and miracles for the US. Everything we give is given to ourselves.

As a quick aside, notice the use of "manifesting." Remember to always insert "magical thinking" as the REAL term here. It should read: "It is with this in mind that I ask you to help the US with your prayers, with your forgiveness, your love and gratitude, your magical thinking and blessings, your faith and truth, your letting go of grievance, and finally your invoking Divine Presence to receive grace and miracles for the US."

Back to the main point--

This is a rare example of Spezzano bringing up his nationality. Since the economic crisis was in fact global and Spezzano frequently invoked the "Oneness" mantra he had just recently picked up from his studies at Oneness University, it seems strange that he would focus on the United States.

But he probably saw what was coming and you don't have to be a psychic to figure it out. With disposable income becoming scarce, it was going to become harder to sucker people into paying $1000 an hour for a personal consultation with Charles Lee Spezzano, it was going to be harder to fool trainers into spending thousands of dollars for their annual "license fee," harder to scam vulnerable people into an endless series of pricey workshops and seminars, and it was going to be very difficult to recruit new cult members.

And that is exactly what happened. The shrinkage and slow death of SALPOV can be counted as one of the few benefits of the Bush Depression. Or as Charles himself might have put it, "If you see the rays of sunshine over the horizon, you will know the dawn is coming." I'm no High Priest, but I suspect God must have a sense of humor.

And speaking of High Priests, let us continue with the newsletter--

There is also High Priest/High Priestess energy available this month. This is a very high calling, lifting people up to experience God and bringing Heaven closer to Earth. A High Priest/High Priestess is a great receiver and sharer of grace and miracles, seeing past the pain and illusion for what is truly possible.

Well, whaddya know? Just a few days ago on his blog, Spezzano's "card of the day" was "HIGH PRIEST (ARCHETYPE) is the card for today .It reflects someone who is a bridge between Heaven and earth; someone who works to heal the collective: someone who brings people up to God and brings God down to people so it doesn't seem too far... Have a very sweet day!!"

Someone named ... Charles Lee Spezzano! Ta-daaa! Here I come to save the daaaay, "Chuck" Spezzano is on his waaaay! For a price, that is. A very expensive price. Given the Catholic background and education of Charles, I'm sure he feels right at home thinking of himself in these "High Priest" terms. What is so very sad is that he has conned a small group of followers into believing this scam.

Some people in the worst circumstances are using such distractions to hide their great calling of being a High Priest/High Priestess. Imagine yourself lifting up to the Heavens, letting grace and miracles pour through you as an expression of God’s love, into your life and into whomever is in need. In October we are all called to take advantage of this rare and beautiful opening that is unfolding. Let this be a month of graceful birth for you. Let it be a month you follow the guidance available. In quiet moments, your higher mind can speak to the archetypes of Wise Man/Wise Woman inside you, and your lives can flourish, even in downturns of life and economics. You can empower and inspire others by taking your place and helping them to take theirs.
Wishing you love and miracles,
Chuck Spezzano
Conil de la Frontera, Spain
October 2008

When it comes down to it, I suspect the only "unfolding" that matters here is the unfolding of wallets and chequebooks. In British Columbia the tide is turning on SALPOV. People are waking up to what it is. And there are hopeful signs that Germany might be the next place where people experience "enlightenment" about the truth of SALPOV.

It's all about the Euro!

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #328 on: September 03, 2014, 01:56:22 pm »
From 2013: Prize offering from Frankfurter Ring, you lucky dogs! Participate and win! Don't let these prizes pass you by!

What is there about this image that screams out "hustle!!!" ?

Another of Spezzano's events in Germany comes with a prize offer – this time one near Duesseldorf. The title is the same as for the Frankfort event.

Sept 1, 2014

Goooood news – it's prize draw time again!!! Everyone who feels like gaining a seat for the evening seminar or even the day's seminar in Ratingen with heart opener Chuck Spezzano, please sign up here quickly. We're keeping our fingers crossed for all of you! You may also pass on the message.[...]

The event is also advertised here:

Emotional maturity – the path to true partnership


The evening seminar consists of an interactive lecture followed by „questions & answers“. The seminars of Psychology of Vision® are process oriented and involve lecture units, individual and partner/group work, meditative as well as integrative transfer and exercises in constellations.

Seminar fee:
Advance booking: € 25
Box office: € 30

Registration and Info:
Powerful Events
Hediger & Früh GbR
Tel.: +49 (0)2102 / 30xxxx

And for the day's seminar:

Seminar Fee:
up to Aug 3, 2014: € 115
€ 135
Price for couples: € 100

Registration and Info:
Powerful Events
Hediger & Früh GbR
Tel.: +49 (0)2102 / 30xxxxx

Much of the monies taken in will sort of stay in the family:
The events are organised by a company „Powerful Events Hediger & Früh GbR“.
Django Hediger & Bianca Früh
Gründer & Geschäftsführer von Powerful Events

This says Hediger and Früh are "founders and managers" of the company.

Hediger's profile at Xing:

In 2010, Hediger did an interview with Spezzano for Nuage magazine „Sein“.

Hediger has a profile with Momanda, a German language Nuage social network and advertising platform:

Hediger and Früh are also named in the imprint of the German PoV Shop:
Hediger & Früh GbR
40880 Ratingen
E-Mail xxxx
Tel +49 (0) 2102-30 xxxxx

Hediger is a longterm PoVer, as becomes apparent from this post:,43,371244/In-12-Stunden-380Mails-von-newsletter-pov-int-com.html
This is a website offering a multitude of recipes which can be commented by regular users; one regular complained of having received several hundred spam mails from after opening an ad provided by this site. This was in January 2008. On July 1, 2008, there is a reply by Hediger:

01.07.2008 12:54
… this is a dated thread but I have been made aware of it via google.
As I am the admin of I want to correct this: We don't send spam messages and only registered users will receive our info. […]
Best regards,
Django Hediger

Hediger also registerd a few websites for PoV:

Quote is 6 months old . The website was registered by  () and has its servers in Germany . The site has a Pagerank of 0, which suggests that it is not so well connected on the internet.

Hediger is also the registrant of the famous „the truth about chuck and lency“ site launched in March 2014:

An in-depths analysis of the-truth-about-chuck-and-lency has been given here:
First post # 260

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #329 on: September 13, 2014, 08:24:50 pm »
The Company They Keep

Lenora Kay Spezzano, Charles Lee Spezzano and even young Christopher Spezzano's reactive statements to criticism of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) for-profit corporation reveal an insecurity that they are not taken seriously as professionals. But remember, even though the word "Psychology" is used in a misleading way in their company name, neither of the Spezzanos are psychologists.

So they are not professionals. At least not as psychologists. Aside from an enthusiastic attendance at Oneness University ca. 2007, I see no evidence of either Spezzano engaging in academic continuing education in psychology for over 35 years. Far from being "cutting edge," they are dinosaurs who are trapped in a commercial dead zone of habitual thinking.

Between the two of them the Spezzanos practice what is best described as Junk Science. In the early 1980s, Charles Lee Spezzano tried his hand at being a psychic, but it quickly became apparent the "healing" game was more profitable--

In 1980 Chuck travelled to Vancouver, Canada for his first lecture. He began doing psychic development workshops up the west coast but by 1982 seeing the need he switched to only conducting healing workshops.

But the practice of pseudoscience is cynically continued in SALPOV and merchandised as "science" (e.g. the constant references to quantum physics, which I doubt either Spezzano really understand. True scientists call the Spezzano interpretation "Quantum Flapdoodle") or "spirituality" (e.g. Lenora's "downloading" of Heavenly forces). They switch from one to the other, whichever is more convenient at the time depending on the customer base they are trying to cultivate. In addition, they also have branched out into business consulting, which is sort of a joke as SALPOV itself is basically dying according to all indicators.

Past life regression, Deeksha blessings, hearing messages from God, downloading Heaven's Grace (even with an elephant!), ersatz Tarot cards, mind control over the weather, magical thinking (i.e. "Manifesting"),Healing Metaphors, "Joining," Louise Hay, Oneness University, A Course in Miracles, empath powers, dire predictions of the future, law of attraction, "every emotion is a mistake," Amma and Bhagavan, Alex Tanous, all sickness boils down to guilt, over $1000 an hour for personal consultations, split minds, demons, the Devil, astral attacks, ego annihilation, "Enlightenment," Swiss bank accounts, affinity fraud (in Section K of the German POV Trainers Manual), "intrapsychic pollution," high priest and priestess, personality cult, a complicated triangle chart, expensive annual "license fees" for the trainers, a rigid hierarchy, etc., etc. These are hardly the influences and activities of serious professionals-- unless you are talking about professional grifters!

Lenora frequently mentions her "research." If she was a real professional in the field of psychology, we could expect to find her writings in academic and peer-reviewed journals. But, big surprise, academic peer-reviewed articles by Lenora Kay Spezzano are there none, at least that I can locate.

Instead, we find SALPOV lumped in with a multitude of other "New Age" business enterprises, which is where it belongs. It isn't the belief system that bothers me, in fact I will be the first to openly grant there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Dear Reader, than are dreamt of in our philosophy. What bothers me is the commercialisation of this belief system.

As long as there are wounded and desperately vulnerable people in the world, there will always be confidence artists like the Spezzanos to victimize and profit off of them. And leaving them to suffer the consequences with no follow up. This scenario is played out by thousands and thousands of frauds every day, too many for the media to focus on. Just look at how many of these charlatans are covered in NAFPS alone. So why, out of all these fakes, do I zero in on the Spezzanos? I have an answer even SALPOV cult followers should appreciate.

I'm on a mission from God.

And who is to say my voice from God is not as genuine as that heard by Helen Schucman who said she wrote ACIM as dictated by Jesus, which serves as the Spezzano's "greatest inspiration"?

Me and the Lord, we have an understanding.

See, you don't know if ol' Sandy S. is pulling your leg or not, do you?

So, to demonstrate the "professionalism" in the field of psychology the Spezzanos claim, let us take a look at the company they keep. In listing these examples I am merely pointing out where SALPOV has found a receptive clientele in the New Age community and in no way am I suggesting the individuals below share the same "fraud" status the Spezzanos have earned on this forum. Unless proven otherwise, I start with the assumption they are sincere--

The Paranormal and Shamanic Mind

For the most part, the model of the Psychology of Vision goes beyond the scope of present day therapy. Some of the key insights and experiences came to me in 1975 as I developed an intuitive method that I use as an alternative to hypnosis. This allowed me to explore subconscious areas all the way into the unconscious, which is the area of the paranormal and shamanic mind.

--Pam Carruthers, Soul Astrologer

In the following, notice the repeat of the fable that Charles Lee Spezzano is a "psychologist." As Lenora said in her infamous "Truth" screed: "Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers." So true, so true.

Hi everyone! My name is Tina and I’m a psychic reader with seven years of experiences with Tarot and other tools of divination and fortune telling.

My purpose is to help people on different areas of their lives and I find out that my readings are very uplifting, honest, meaningful and the most importantly helpful on their paths.

I don't consider I have a unique gift from birth to help people, because I think that everybody has that gift in themselves. I like to help people discover that special gift in themselves! We Are all One, and only fears and limits separates us.

I found that out, through my life, when I was learning things about myself. Nature, plants and different tools have helped me to become who I am now and I am grateful that all experiences have given me the knowledge to help others.

I work with Vision Quest Tarot, Oracle Cards, Runes, Ancient Mayan Tz'ite Seeds and Healing Cards. I mostly use the Healing Cards from Ph.D. Chuck Spezzano. He is a psychologist with 30 years of experiences. These cards are really the most effective tool to discover hidden factors, which are preventing us to live our true life purpose and with this experiencing our innate potential of true love, success and joy.

It is only important to be in the state of Love, Happiness and Peace. In this state we can achieve everything we desire to.

(AAMET = Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques, EFT = Emotional Freedom Techniques)

For many years, prior to becoming a mother, I was involved in personal development. Among my teachers were Deepak Chopra (meditation), Chuck Spezzano (Psychology of Vision) and Brandon Bays (The Journey). I spent time traveling and visited sacred centres in Peru and Egypt.

--Tamara Donn, AAMET-accredited EFT practitioner and childbirth educator

My Expert Service
Peace of mind is the key to mental and emotional health. To find it, we have to live according to our values and to release any suppressed love in our conscious or subconscious mind. I will coach you in a compassionate, competent and focussed way, spotting on any area of your life you wish. We may look together for a healthy attitude for yourself in your daily life and for a new view on yourself and your role in any of your relationships. Leonard Shaw's Love and Forgiveness Approach is the main frame for our work, but I may support you also using tools from neurolinguistic programming (NLP), from the 'Psychology of Vision' of Chuck Spezzano and from new developments in the Family Constellations Therapy of Bernd Hellinger. Where appropriate, to identify the places where work has to be done, I may use also my medial abilities, kinesiology and tarot. We may find further supportive elements in the Hawaiian HUNA System, in Dr. Yuen's Energy Medicine and by sending you tantric Reiki comming from Maria Magdalena. My email coaching is effective, as you have the space to reflect and to integrate new insights. Paying per minutes is very efficient, because I will usually give you in each mail only the insights useful for you in that moment. You may take your time to reflect on them and integrate them step by step. Often, I let you question yourself and what you wrote to me. Such questioning unveils not-conscious patterns limiting your choices in life. Making unconscious patterns conscious has often a freeing effect.

--Ligia Calina

Notice that in the following piece, Charles Lee Spezzano has graduated to being a clinical psychologist! (NES = Neutrienergetics)

Because many life problems stem from relationship issues, Arielle trained with clinical psychologist, Dr. Chuck Spezzano to learn how to apply the transformative thinking of ‘A Course in Miracles’ to problematic issues. She works with individuals and couples using a blend of these principles, combined with NLP and John Gottman’s well researched approach.

Integrating her NLP know how with insights from non verbal and emotional intelligence, makes her a much sought after guide for executives desiring better leadership skills. Arielle mentors them on improving their delivery style, resolving interpersonal issues, making strategic career moves, and helping to design and deliver presentations.

Arielle’s broad base of experience makes for a truly holistic and deep approach. She has full certification in: NLP master practitioner and trainer (USA), hypnotherapy & time line re-imprinting, coaching (Erickson College), NVI (non verbal intelligence), EI (emotional intelligence), cranial/sacral therapy, allergy therapy, naturopathy, kinesiology, and she is a fully qualified NES practitioner.

--Arielle Essex

Whilst pursuing a career in the Stockbroking Industry and the Australian manufacturing sector during the 1980’s and 1990’s, Andrew undertook a series of part time studies to pursue his passion–understanding human nature and personality and exploring the diversity of people’s life experiences.

During the period 1986 -1993 Andrew undertook studies in holistic based therapies and operated his business from a private practice in Richmond.  He trained in energy body work therapy such as Energy Meditation (Chakras and Meridian Points), Ki Force (similar to Reiki), Shiatsu and psychological based Jungian Astrology.

In 1994, Andrew commenced studies at The NSW College of Hypnotic Sciences and graduated with a Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy in 1995, and undertook post graduate studies in advanced hypnotherapy techniques, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy and Ericksonian techniques thereafter.

In 1998-2002 after relocating to the UK, he undertook extensive training in Family Dynamics, Leadership and Effecting Change Therapies under Master Trainers Dr Chuck Spezzano & Jeff Allen in the UK, Canada, Switzerland and Germany.

2002-2003 was a period of living in Germany to learn German and to experience living in a non-English speaking country. Andrew expanded his own awareness and worked with ex-pats in Mönchengladbach in a clinic, furthering his studies including a 6 month commute to Gosport, Portsmouth, Hampshire studying Emotional Freedom Technique and EmoTrance.

Returning to Australia at the end of 2003 Andrew consolidated his experience and knowledge by undertaking further studies in Metaphysics gaining a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s Degree in 2007, with exploration into the areas of the subconscious mind, dreams, hypnotic language and the power of symbols in communication.

In 2009 further studies include Certificate in Power Hypnosis conducted by Dr Rick Collingwood and a Diploma in Ego State Therapy conducted by Dr Gordon Emmerson.

Andrew has studied and completed certification as a Past Life Regression Therapist and is a certified practitioner of Life Between Lives Spiritual Integration training by The Newton Institute.

Andrew is in the final stages of completing a Master’s Degree in Counselling from Monash University. He is also completing his PhD in Metaphysics.  His doctoral dissertation explores the use of Metaphors and Archetypes as therapeutic interventions.

--Andrew Reay

Her education as Coach and Trainer

Heidi Stein is a certified Breathwork Therapist and a teaching therapist at the Institut für ganzheitliche integrative Atemtherapie Holland/Kleve. Among her many other qualifications are Skydancing Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Mental Training, NLP-Practice and Steps to Leadership (Psychology of Vision, Chuck Spezzano).

Laura’s work has evolved out of her own journey and life experience as much as through her broad base of professional qualifications.

She has trained with many Masters who have inspired her with their leading-edge methodologies all of which have in common the intention to restore Oneness to body, soul, spirit and all relationships.  Her therapeutic ‘tool box’ includes:

    Holistic Image Consultant and Coach
    Aura-Soma Colour Therapist
    Face-Soul Reading Teacher
    NLP Compassionate Coaching Practitioner
    Graduate of Dr. Chuck Spezzano’s Psychology of Vision 100 Day Training with whom she has completed 200 days of training since 1998
    Reiki & Seichem Master
    Oneness Facilitator/ Deeksha Blessing Giver
    EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
    NPA Non-Personal Awareness
    Hyperton-X: Mind-Body Integration

Her journey has taken her all over the world, including India several times. She has received Satsang with many Enlightened Masters, her favourites being Srinivas Arka, Swami Vishwananda, Mooji, Amma, Mother Meera and Sai Baba. She has attended Goddess, Wise Woman, Heart Circle and Shamanic Retreats, Tantra and Biodanza dance trainings and many events within the Course in Miracles community.

After many years ‘seeking’ her searching has been replaced by a readiness to share her wisdom, inspiration and love with the world. Clients are experiencing spiritual awakenings and deep, sustained shifts in consciousness following visits with Laura ~ many reporting finding an inner peace and joy they had always yearned for.

--Laura Berridge, Goddess Coaching

Life Coach, Oneness Blessing Giver, Reiki Level 2, l Life Coach, Healing Workshop Facilitator
Psychology of Vision Trainer, Skidegate Band Council CAO

1972 – Present (42 years)
Leadership and Business
Skidegate Band Council

1972 – Present (42 years)

--Babs Stevens

In 1982 the Wizard underwent a 13 year period of psycho-analysis three times a week, followed by 15 years participation in both individual and group work with various Bioenergetics, Biosynthesis, Humanistic, Gestalt, Primal and Re-Birthing practitioners.

In 1988 he completed a full-time 3 year degree in Theology and Philosophy at London University (Heythrop College) and in 1990 underwent a 4 year training in Neo-Reichian bodywork within an object-relations framework.

Other influences include a 2 year training in Existential and Group psychotherapy at Regents College, London and a Masters Degree in The Psychology of Psychotherapy and Counselling from Antioch University.

He has also experienced the Hoffman Process and four levels of training/process with the Oneness University in India: Doors to Oneness – Level 1, Oneness Awakening – Level 2, Oneness Training Programme and the Advanced Training Programme.

The Wizard has participated in various courses at the Penninghame Foundation, of which he is now Chairman, including the Oneness Intensive, the Primal Intensive and the Health Process. He continues to attend at least 2 deep processes each year and has worked with Chuck Spezzano, Arjuna Ardagh, Armand, Kari Paues, Anthony Robbins and many other great teachers.

--The Modern Day Wizard

My name is Gabriele. Anjeli is my spiritual name. It means "a gift, a gift." I would like to share my (spiritual) gifts with you.

I am part-time working as a life coach since 2006.

My advice is thematically and is based on specific questions and your voice.

My offers for you:

- Clairvoyant Tarot reader with different card decks and oracles.

(By Chuck Spezzano, Doreen Virtue, Jeanne Ruland, etc.)

- Angel contacts (channeled messages)

- Awareness Coaching / recognizing one's own perception / Partnership

Relations (new) make / soul mate u. Dual Soul Link

- Chakra harmonization

- Shamanic clairvoyance (including spirit guides, power animals, Beyond Contacts)

- Animal Communication on a soul level / connection between man and animal.

- Energy work with crystals and crystal skulls

- Work with dolphins u Walenergie.

- Quantum energy work

- Heart Soul Travel

These offers are tools to open you access to the answers to your questions and to identify solutions. Through a different perspective you get the opportunity for change to see their own solutions or to find.

With the right questions we will find the key to the messages of your soul, hiding behind your problems. It is my heart's desire to assist you in recognizing and using your own potential.

I'm usually in the afternoon and evening to reach, Friday to Sunday mornings also. Please also use the callback function.

If you even just can not make calls, but urgently need a current pulse, then use Just my e-mail offers. Until September 30, 2014 You get it with 10% discount.

2004 - 2006 I completed the training in the School of Spiritual Healing by Horst Krohne, where he made some fundamental and widening experiences that I give with a joyful heart to my patients.
2006 Spiritual Spine - Dragica Alsalk
2006 - 2008 Graduate repatriation therapist and teacher -. Defiance Hardo
2007 Clearing manager training - Zinaida Adomat
2008 Consecration Deeksha - Oneness University
2009 Channeling Education - Dorothee Peters contested
2006 - 2013 shadowed Systemic Constellations Hellinger - Rosemarie Brieger
2010 - 2011 POV (Psychology of Vision) Leadership - by Chuck Spezzano
2012 - 2014 Beyond Contacts and trance mediumship training by the English school of mediumship - Insight - Stefanie Keise

--Manuela Maler

The examples are endless. Although SALPOV can be solidly classified as a New Age business venture, it is interesting that we have documented elsewhere on this forum several cases of other healers in the New Age community who have a low opinion of the Spezzano's methods.

Using public funds to sponsor SALPOV for any sort of "healing" or "therapy" activity should be considered a ripoff and worthy of government investigation.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!