Author Topic: Abdullah Shariati and Black Wasp Nation  (Read 6865 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Abdullah Shariati and Black Wasp Nation
« on: September 14, 2010, 05:25:03 pm »
The shaman's portal site included this message, calling for the formation of this new "tribe."

RAVEN'S SACRED VOICE   Post subject: A Revelutionary, New Tribe of Shamans  Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:17 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:33 am
Posts: 56  Peace be upon All.

I am Abdullah Shariati,
and I have begun organizing my fellow shamans into a new tribe with it's
own system of government, a shamanic government whose laws are based
upon Islam.

I am a messenger of Allah and I know it is time for a new country ,
called the Black Wasp Tribe of Shamans , to arise.
Please do not prejudge, just give us a chance. Hear us out. Hear my message, join our tribe. To join, just tell me that you wish to be a
Black Wasp Shaman and I will tell you what your positions can be.
....I am Abdullah Hamza Shari'ati, the
Sufi, Raven's Sacred Vioce The Shaman, and Sattvananda the
Yogi. I am a sage, and I am a
messenger of Allah.

....Peace be upon all.
My name is Raven's Sacred Voice, AKA Abdullah Hamza Shariati.
A sufi is a muslim mystic.
I do not want to promise that my views are definitely right, because maybe
I am wrong and unwise. I do, however, fully trust my views. My religioun is
called Islam, which means Submission, as in the same submission to the
Almighty that all the prophets, saints, martyrs and messengers have taught.
The Black Wasp Nation welcomes all faiths, yet are laws are rooted in Islam.
We want to unify and consolidate all the faiths in Submission to the Almighty. We are Native American muslims and we also want the land of our
forefathers rightfully returned to us from the U.S.A, because our forefathers'
dying wishes were that their lands would remaine in our hands. It is Islamic
Law that the dying wishes of people must be respected. We also have many
other goals, too.


....Any one, according to our Holy Quran who fulfills the criteria for what is
a believer is a muslim, even if they do not call themselves a muslim.
Ofcourse there are Bhudhists, Hindus, Jews, Christians, and others who
are muslims, so long as they submit to one God and fulfill the "Believer
Criteria", but also a beliver does not hesitate to join other believers or to
accept the Quran aswell as other Scriptures from God.

Black Wasp, A.K.A. AnnasAllah, ( People of God) is New Tribe of Shamans
God has told me to start, and our government is a Muslim Government
whose laws are based upon, founded upon, and/or found in The Holy Quran
and some of the previous of God's Scriptures.

crowstandingarrow1   Post subject:   Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:22 pm 
Joined: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:20 pm
Posts: 8
Location: In the land of the towering Sound, U.S. 042  Abdullah:
Michael Sloughbert also known real well as Mr. Crane from (Samms and Carson) medicine deck has flown away with the Dark Knights. Michael has gone on one of his night walks. . . Totally dedicated to the cult of the dark knights .
Did the Black Wasp medicine Tribe care to state positions of us going to India to find a spiritual teacher?

Offline nemesis

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Re: Abdullah Shariati and Black Wasp Nation
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2010, 12:40:52 pm »

This is very interesting, although there is not yet much data available so I will observe and wait

My limited experience individuals with an interest in Islam and shamanism is that they tend to be interested in Sufism (unsurprisingly) and also in Rumi about whom I know very little.

There tends to be a pseudo-tantra / Sufi / McShamanism connection, at least going by observing the interests and "like" pages of various people on Facebook.

I would imagine that most serious Sufis would be as disconcerted by this newage mishmash of beliefs as real tantrics are by the flood of pseudo-tanra that is currently everywhere.

Also it is my understanding that within Al Islam, the Sufis are generally regarded as infidels and not as "proper" Muslims.

This is interesting to me simply because I am fascinated by the nodes of connection between seemingly disparate spiritual and pseudo-spiritual movements and how they evolve over time

Thanks for the OP Al I will observe any development re this with interest. 
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 12:43:19 pm by nemesis »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Abdullah Shariati and Black Wasp Nation
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2010, 07:46:09 pm »
You're over in England, right? In the US most of these types tend to be similar to the Nation of Islam, Black supremacists muttering mangled versions of Islam that are really pseudo leftist Black nationalism dressed up in religious cover. See our other threads on the Nuwaubians and Washitaws and Erie Moundbuilders. They tend to splinter a lot but also to support each other's claims. I suspect "Shariati" is another hopeful cult leader looking to gather followers around him. Even the the US, "WASP" was once a common nickname for those in power, White Anglo Saxon Protestants. But I haven't heard the term since I was a kid in the 70s.