Author Topic: The Great White Brother  (Read 7646 times)

Offline sylvia

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The Great White Brother
« on: October 02, 2007, 02:55:48 pm »
One thing I've seen -- and which I find absolutely ludicrous -- is how misunderstood and exploited the Hopi myth of the "True White Brother" is.

I don't know why, but New Age males seem to be especially vulnerable to suffer from a Messiah complex. These days, instead of claiming they're the Second Coming of Jesus, they say they're the Great White Brother the Hopi are waiting for.

I know of two guys (one used to live in Sedona, the other in Germany), who truly BELIEVE that they're him. The one in Sedona was at one point ready to go to Hopiland and "introduce" himself. Too bad he didn't... they would probably have laughed their asses off.  ;o)

The other, in Germany, has actually written a book about his delusions, called "The Return of the White Buffalo Woman." He makes a living by buying and selling crystals and has some huge ones he calls the "Earthkeepers." He does crystal healings and all kinds of workshops.

I actually translated the book for a small German publisher and was amused and appalled at the same time. It's a personal account of how he got into the possession of 13 buffalo skulls from Australia that are overgrown with selenite crystals so that they look like white buffalos.

When he "received" the first one, he did a meditation with it and was allegedly contacted by the spirit of White Buffalo Calf Woman. All the subsequent skulls "that were led to him" were manifestations of her other aspects (child--innocence, male--warrior, etc.). Anyway, ever since, the spirit of the White Buffalo Calf Woman has been taking him on astral journeys to save the planet, and has been giving him the most breathtaking insights about spiritual truths and the future of our species, incl. warnings of the impending Day of Purification if mankind doesn't change its ways. She also told him that "one day, you will bring much healing to the Native Americans."

That's his mission now, and through various synchronicities, he's "found out" that he is the reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl and Pahana, the Hopi's true white brother who will at some point come and save the day. He even has an "emissary" whom he calls "Geronimo" (why? because he's the reincarnation of the legendary Indian chief... duh), and who regularly travels to the U.S. and gives "selected Native American shamans" crystals that are supposedly charged with the White Buffalo Calf Woman's energy and by being spread out, will create a healing energy grid all over America.

At the same time that he's worshipping Native American spirituality, he displays a complete ignorance of native culture, and it seems to me that he kind of looks down on natives as sort of little children that need to be taught how the world works. I tried to tell the publisher numerous times that this book wouldn't go over too well with Native Americans and that they'd probably hate it, but of course they didn't listen.

Just for shits and giggles, here's some snippets from the book, so you can see what I'm talking about.

Since my childhood, I had loved nature and Mother Earth more than anything, and throughout my life I was shocked by the blind, destructive rage and stupidity of people when I had to watch another piece of nature fall victim to human greed and be destroyed. So I decided that as a healer, I would from then on have only one patient: the Earth itself.

It was absolutely clear to me that the Earth can only recover if the entire human consciousness is transformed and elevated. But I knew this couldn’t be achieved in painstaking patchwork, and so the “Great Spirit??? of the universe gave me specific instructions during my meditations—how to arrange a mandala from special healing stones, and which meditations I should perform so that a new crystal grid of light energies can be formed, which will, over time, be able to change the consciousness of the entire human race.

I looked at the crystallized buffalo skull, which appeared so real and alive that one was tempted to gently stroke the seemingly soft white fur. Due to the candle light, the eye sockets appeared as though gentle eyes were watching me. Totally immersed in the contemplation of this crystal work of art, I wondered why this skull didn’t exhibit the typical fork-shaped, upward-pointing horns like, for example, the skulls of American bisons but had horns that were curled like spirals and stood sideways.

Promptly I received her answer in my mind. Namely that she had intentionally chosen the skull of a former species of water buffalos since their spiral-shaped horns were wonderfully suited to work as an antenna that was needed to send and receive clear energy pulses through the crystallized skull.

Here's one of his astral travels on the back of the white buffalo/White Buffalo Calf Woman:

But this time we seemed to be in a hurry, and I felt that the White Buffalo Woman was aiming for a specific target towards which we thundered with incredible speed so that my body and my breath quivered and vibrated. I was stunned when our target appeared in front of us at which we now came to an abrupt halt.
It was the White House in Washington D.C., the seat of the government of the American president, George W. Bush!

But before I could express my amazement and ask the Buffalo Woman about it, she became downright frantic, rose on her hind legs and let out an ear-piercing scream. First I had to cling to the mane of the buffalo when it abruptly rose on its hind legs. But in a split-second, such a light and power of divine consciousness came over me that deeply distressed, I too let out a long-lasting power cry, which united with the cry of the buffalo to a mighty crescendo.

While I could see from the corner of my eye that in front of the White House—alerted by this piercing scream—all kinds of politicians came running, among whom, with an anxious expression, was also the American president, one of my most impressive and lasting experiences with the White Buffalo Woman occurred. For while we both let out this jolting cry, all of a sudden an angel handed me a light sword that I thrust to the sky, and a thundering voice shouted through my mouth, powerful and enraged at the same time: “Woe onto you! If you do this, you will all die! This is the last warning! If you take the sword, the sword of God will destroy you! Then your lives will be forfeited!???

I was, and am to this day, three years after this experience, deeply impressed and shaken about what happened then (at the beginning of 2002). At that time, as we know today, the U.S. was in Afghanistan, waging a murderous and inhumane war, planning next the attack on Iraq, which may spread in no time to become a wildfire in the entire Middle East and—as we also know now—has really heated up the terrorist activities of Islamic extremists and made them leap to Europe.

I think that back then, the White Buffalo Woman and I followed an order from the highest divine level, namely to insistently warn Bush and his political cronies on a spiritual level and to vehemently show them the consequences of their murderous actions. I’m sure that these politicians did receive this warning on the mental, emotional and astral level (for example, as a vision). But as it is so often, politicians, even more so than ordinary people, are not only guided by their own interests of power and prestige and repress such internal experiences, they also are the puppets of the military-industrial complex whose only goal is to make huge profits through wars and which would only have a weary smile for such visionary experiences of politicians.

But the plane of divine consciousness and Mother Earth won’t suffer this unbelievable ignorance any longer and increasingly make good on their warnings. While I’m writing these lines (January 2006), gigantic firestorms are raging across the American East, and at the same time California is drowning in huge floods. Last year, one devastating hurricane after the other hit the U.S. and caused immense destruction. But what else has to happen in terms of natural disasters in the U.S. before the responsible people there listen to the ever-louder admonitions of Mother Earth and recognize the connection to their actions? Apparently, much more…

How he found out that he's Quetzalcoatl:

Even more fascinating was that, in this picture, Quetzalcoatl is holding this apparatus like a typical left hander, by putting the main weight into the left hand, just like I do it as a left-handed person. Only then the keys of my laser crystal come to sit exactly below the fingers of the right hand, which is not the case in reversed position with a right-handed person; then even the tapered part at the hip doesn’t fit anymore.

However, I was completely baffled when I realized that Quetzalcoatl was portrayed with a mustache like I had it all those years, and like the woman who visited me had seen it in her vision of the White Buffalo Woman and the return of Quetzalcoatl. Now, Indians as the only race in the world have no beards and barely any body hair. Should someone have received the same vision hundreds of years ago that I had at the purchase of the laser crystal and immortalized it on a stone stele?

His latest purchase, a red (male) buffalo skull, speaks to him:

But when I asked it for the third time to open up and show its energy to me, it happened. Before me appeared a giant, male white buffalo with shaggy fur that snorted with fury and tossed its head from side to side while aggressively pawing the ground. Even though I wasn’t afraid of the apparition, it extremely confused me, of course, and quickly I asked it if it was mad at me and why.

Promptly I received the answer: “No, of course not! Otherwise we wouldn’t have chosen you to come to you and settle with you. If all people had as much compassion and love for all animals, plants and the entire Earth as you, there would have long been paradise on Earth. No, my friend. I am enraged about the people who, without feeling and with an unbelievable arrogance and ignorance, damage and destroy the Earth more and more. I am the manifested masculine power of the White Buffalo Woman. I am her fury at the hubris and the power hunger of the people that all nature beings are increasingly suffering from. But her motherly patience has come to an end! Now I will take action! But enough talking, now is the time to act. Get on, we’re ready to go!???

(On his astral travel with the red buffalo, they shatter the HAARP antennas in Alaska and kill a dangerous African warlock...  *rolling my eyes*

Here's his meeting with "Geronimo":

While we still excitedly talked about all that, the spirit of the White Buffalo Woman came through and unexpectedly told me: “You have often asked in your mind for a suitable messenger for me because you felt overwhelmed with everything, and because the so far lukewarm reaction of people to my appearance has rightfully depressed you. Thus I have sent you the strongest of all warriors, who has proven his tenacity, his courage, his perseverance and his readiness to act in his last as well as this life, and who has—like you—emotionally grown and spiritually matured through the challenges. There are few people like the two of you, who have managed to unite strength and love. That’s why I picked you.

Most people lose themselves in romantic feelings of love but don’t have any inner power, whereas others go through life tough and cold-hearted, using their elbow strength, without knowing compassion for weaker creatures or true love.

“With you two I know that you would risk your lives without hesitating, and that your love of nature would let you fight with all your might if you were to protect the life of a child or animal. That’s the cloth my spiritual warriors have to be cut from, who within the next years shall exert themselves with me for the life of nature and the preservation of spirituality in the indigenous peo¬ples. Otherwise they will have no chance and perish in the act. But enough of the explanations now. Bring him up to your shamanic room to my crystal skulls so that I can initiate him!???

The mission to rescue Native Americans:

When Geronimo, after he had visited me a couple times, was planning another trip to the U.S. to visit different Indian reservations, I got the assignment from the White Buffalo Woman to give him some special crystals for the trip, which we were to charge with her energy and link to each other. At closer inquiry what kind of stones I should make available, four about fist-sized amethyst crystals turned up; amethysts of which I had just received numerous beautiful samples from Bolivia for my healing work. Such large amethyst crystals are very rare and can be powerful energy carriers, pulse generators and transmitters of transformative energies.

The four selected samples were to build the energetic bridge for the spirit of the White Buffalo Woman and were to be given to four open-minded people in the U.S. who lived in the four differrent directions. That way, the connection to the crystal buffalo skulls would be created across the entire territory of the U.S.

To charge the amethysts with her energy, we set them up around the spiral-shaped horns of the red buffalo skull and asked the spirit of the White Buffalo Woman in a mutual meditation to energize and link them. In doing that, I received a message from her that I was to write down and give to Geronimo to take it with him. He was to read it out loud wherever people would be interested in the White Buffalo Woman, to give them her message. Additionally, we took photos of the crystal buffalo skulls to emphasize her first message to the Native Americans. I was certain that—like the photos of the Earth keeper crystals—the energy of the White Buffalo Woman would be perceptible for sensitive people just by looking at the pictures.


When Geronimo returned a few months later, I immediately felt that his journey had been a total success, and enthusiastically he described the most important events to me. The first amethyst crystal had already told him clearly where it wanted to go, which had felt absolutely right to him. The recipient was a female shaman and Native American healer he had visited several times before and with which he had such a heartfelt connection that every time he came to visit, she didn’t want to let him go anymore.

When he had read the message of the White Buffalo Woman to her, she had burst into tears because she was so touched, and when he then told her that she was to be the keeper of one of the four amethysts, she hadn’t dared to touch it and had said very humbly that she felt this were a very sacred stone and she were not worthy to keep it. But precisely through this she proved that she was the right person to anchor and carry on the energy of the White Buffalo Woman.

He had similar experiences with the other three amethysts, which also found worthy keepers and were indeed distributed to the four directions of the U.S. So all the preparations were made and the energetic transmitters of the White Buffalo Woman installed, as she had wanted it. Now it will be only a question of time until the seed of her spirit will germinate and the heartfelt desire of the people over there for her coming will spread like a wildfire in the continent-spanning field of consciousness, and her consciousness will manifest there.

Another trip to the U.S.:

Interestingly, three of the four linked amethysts had gone to medicine women in Wyoming, Missouri, and Lake Michigan. The fourth amethyst had been placed into the hands of a medicine man in Idaho, who runs an art school for Native Americans. Those people were representatives of four different traditional Indian tribes, and two of the medicine women had names like Blue Star and Morning Star.


When Geronimo returned from his U.S. trip after several weeks, he described how thrilled the people whom he met had been, and how strong the interest in this story had been, particularly with Native Americans of various tribes. He had given away all the amethysts we had charged to individuals who had a connection or a strong resonance to this tale. He had brought photos of the crystal buffalo skulls and of the stone circle of eight giant quartz Earth keepers and had shown them around when he talked about it or held a lecture. The people, he said, were often deeply moved and taken with them, and had reacted with great openness and a feeling of familiarity. All of them were very interested and asked when I finally would come with him. But I felt that it was Geronimo’s task to make the contacts over there, while I have to energetically prepare and engineer everything here. Still, I found it touching to hear his stories and to sense the related feelings of those who have waited for such signs for many generations of decline of their peoples.

As we exchanged our experiences of the last months, I could not wait any longer to finally tell Geronimo the amazing news. But when I told him that a seventh buffalo skull had arrived, he didn’t act very surprised. With a wide grin, he told me that during his trip some Native Americans, who were involved with the White Buffalo Woman, had announced that another crystal skull would appear at my home. I was stunned how clairvoyant and intimately connected with this story many Native Americans are—especially the women he had met. Yet it was still a surprise for him to hear that the seventh buffalo skull was meant for him and his work. His eyes lit up, and he assumed an air of serenity, since the outer events confirmed what he had already felt within.

Namely, he told me that during his last journey his task had become totally apparent to him, and that in the future he wanted to engage with all his power in being the messenger and assistant of the White Buffalo Woman. Around the same time when this realization ripened inside of him, the spirit of the White Buffalo Woman must have sent off the seventh crystal skull from the other end of the Earth so that it would be there upon his return.

This was a sign and a thank-you by the White Buffalo Woman for his years of work in the Native American reservations and spurred on Geronimo even more to give attention to this story and get involved in it. Since that time, I heard, he has been meditating two hours daily with the crystal skull and lets nothing else get in the way. I’m just excited to see what messages he will get from the White Buffalo Woman and what his next action will be. One thing I know for sure: the two of us will still have lots to do together and go through many adventures.

He talks about Hopi prophecies in the book and extensively quotes Black Elk's book "The Sacred Pipe." He also met Craig Carpenter, the alleged "Hopi ambassador," whom he was very impressed with, and many other "shamans," who are, in my view, just as suspect as he himself.

A good recent example was that [the White Buffalo Calf Woman] pointed out an authentic Native American medicine man to me, who also lives in Southern Germany. His tribe had been nearly extinguished by smallpox, thus he had been adopted by Germans as a child. Later he returned to the U.S., was trained as a medicine man by Native American medicine men over there, and now works as such in the entire German-speaking region.

As soon as I had contacted him by phone, we immediately got to the point and it turned out that he had been maintaining a very close connection to the White Buffalo Woman and was involved in the story of the white buffalo calves. He told me that in 1753, in almost every Native American tribe certain people had received visions of the White Buffalo Woman. She had told them that the Indian people would get back onto its true path when one day four white buffalo calves will turn four years old and freely roam the hills. He helped take care of, and temporarily even hid, the four white buffalo calves born in 2000. Because, as he assured me, there had been an FBI assignment to kill these white buffalos. Certain circles in the U.S. tried to prevent by all means that the appearance of the white buffalos would strengthen the self-confidence of the Native Americans and awaken them from their resignation and lethargy. After all, they had witnessed several times in the past how Native Americans—as environmental activists or for the enforcement of their rights—had stepped on the toes of the established power structures, causing a great stir.

Spreading the (spiritual) wealth:

The White Buffalo Woman once announced to me in a meditation that I would bring much healing to the Indian peoples, but back then I couldn’t imagine how I would manage to do that. Only a few years later, now I realize how that can happen, after she has sent me her crystal buffalo skulls. For in their presence, no one has so far remained unmoved by her unconditional love. And the blessing and emotional healing she emanates are so intense that one can hardly put these experiences into words. So I hope and pray that the future keepers of these crystal skulls, to whom I will pass on the newly arrived samples, will prove themselves worthy to this great and important cause. That their hearts may be filled with compassion for all beings, and that they will have the humility and devotion to let themselves be faithfully guided and filled by the spirit of the White Buffalo Woman. And that they may not forget their red brother, who is waiting on the other side of the ocean for us to come and fulfill the prophecy.

For while the white, the black and the yellow race explosively spread across the Earth, with the last living Indians increasing dwindles away the one race that lives most in harmony with Mother Nature and is most naturally connected with the Divine Consciousness, the “Great Spirit,??? in daily life. Therefore, may the keepers of these crystal skulls muster the courage and faith to walk new and unimagined paths to bring our red brothers and sisters healing and help.

May they let themselves be inspired by the Divine Spirit and feel deep love and compassion even for the smallest creatures and their own relationship with all beings. May they be able to open up completely, to be a perfect channel for the Divine Consciousness and the spirit of the Great Mother and keeper of this Earth. And may they pave the way for the return of the White Buffalo Woman, so that she may lead the children of the Earth on the true spiritual path again, heal their souls and reconcile them, so the dream of the Great Spirit can manifest he has been dreaming for us since the beginning of time. The dream of a paradise on Earth, where lion and goat drink from the same well and the four races of the Earth work on the realization of this dream as siblings, hand in hand. That the children of all beings of this Earth may have a future and the Divine Light may shine everywhere!

Hey, at least *I* wanted to LEARN from Native Americans... he wants to TEACH them! :o)

Enough of this... this post is getting too long.

Full disclosure, by the way: Don't worry about the length of the quotes and "fair use" -- I never got paid for the translation, so legally it should still be under my copyright. And no, even though I was mad at first that the publisher didn't pay me, I'm not posting this here to "get even." Rather, I wanted to show you how spiritual seekers can get drawn into this kind of stuff -- this author has quite a (regional) following in Germany -- and I thought you'd get a kick out of it, it's just so totally wacky.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 03:03:19 pm by sylvia »


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Re: The Great White Brother
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2008, 01:40:12 am »
I read such things and look back somewhat more objectively from my own experience from my own culture, and I find this sadly tragic. My experience as a child was in the public library in Duncan, Oklahoma that there was quite a selection of 'spiritualist' and other 'occult' books and had a naturally naive mind of a child that if it is written in a book, then this must be true. Some of the things written are so strange as to be hypnotic in appeal.

Part of 'western culture' is that from time to time there are 'religious' movements, 'great awakenings', or what ever and people go seeking en-masse for significance and hope of acceptance by something 'greater than themselves'.

This can be very enthralling and intoxicating because I think that my culture has lost something in attempting to replace 'spirituality' with 'religion', but I digress.

My personal feeling is that you are doing a good job of pointing out the factual from the fraudulent and I really appreciate your research here. Thank you.


Offline TelGega

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Re: The Great White Brother
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2008, 01:59:18 am »
I knew a guy from a the first spirit fourm I was in talk that same way. talk about how stupid everyone else was and how grand he was.

Someone needs to ask these "Super Healers" if they are so good why can't they find a cure for their own arrogance?

Offline earthw7

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Re: The Great White Brother
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2008, 12:09:29 am »
I just don't understand why these people do this but DO NOTHING FOR THE NATIVE PEOPLE_NONE LIVE ON THE RESERVATION TO HELP ALL WANT MONEY AND ~WANT TO BE ..............................
In Spirit


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Re: The Great White Brother
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2008, 02:39:47 am »
I have it figured out, 'earthw7' ! ... set up this web-site up under an 'umbrella organization'  that has been in 501(c)3 status for at least 5 years - have all these people 'out-there' raising funds for the 'indians' checked out and verified as legitimate sponsors to your web-site here in return for your 'seal of approval' - and take proceeds from business sponsors and private donors to fund legitimate on-reservation social service providers. Maybe money will begin to actually find it's way to the people in need.



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Re: The Great White Brother
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2008, 02:44:57 am »
Well, if you come up with an answer let me know. I thought and thought about it and sometimes I think I have got it, but no. I think it complicated with the person. Plus you have to get through all their smoke screens of why they do it. Like preserving the culture, saving the people and blah, blah, blah. Aside from making a living at this, I wonder if they really believe their own hype, if they think they can do it better, or just want to take over.