Author Topic: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero  (Read 62651 times)

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2018, 11:33:28 pm »
Thank you.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2018, 11:45:37 pm »
This newage mess is not Lakota. Tiospaye is a Lakota word, but what they told you is not what it means. Those fake ceremonies are newage, not Lakota. The red tent stuff is particularly concerning, especially with the oppressive sex-role stereotypes they are force-feeding women about being submissive to men. That is right in line with what others have reported about some of those groups being recruiting fronts for sex traffickers. I don't know if this group is involved in that stuff, but it's a red flag, and something to watch out for.

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #62 on: June 05, 2018, 12:13:35 am »
Yes, that was a concern of mine. One of my leaders said, by 4th weekend you won’t care if everyone sees you naked, a big red flag went up. Especially because they take you to an undisclosed location for a “love fest.” Even if nothing occurs there, I feel they’re grooming.

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #63 on: June 05, 2018, 02:41:02 am »
To answer the question about the jackets, if you complete leadership you get a jacket. Groups are numbered. LV1 - wherever they are currently. It stands for Living Vision.


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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #64 on: June 05, 2018, 04:27:43 am »
I've uploaded here some photo clips of the jackets.

Are group members told to wear these in public too?

I've been able to identify Della, Crystal, and Monica in photos. Also Crystal's partner in a group leadership photo. I don't know if Monica's husband is involved.

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2018, 09:59:26 am »
Crystal is no longer with her partner (Sage) they have a child together but parted ways. He is a really good friend of my sisters, which is how we came to be involved in it at all. I don’t know the circumstances but I’m hoping he is waking up. Monica’s husband was involved when I went through level one. I’ve only seen the Jackets once when I was in leadership, on two of our leaders. We were at a public event, doing a fundraiser. This town is well aware of Tiospaye, she uses the local Agape to recruit/enroll. At a local restaurant here, they stream Agape every Sunday. They are also very loyal to Crystal, and most affiliated have attended Tiospaye.


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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #66 on: June 05, 2018, 02:07:01 pm »
What sort of healing claims do they make? Do they claim they can heal cancer?

Also, do they claim that health challenges may be due to past lives or "wrong thoughts"? Do they apply metaphors as supposed causes of health challenges?

I see that Crystal Wolfchild did some heavy recruiting after a Romero family reunion:

I want to extend my hand and heart to everyone of you if there's anyone in need of physical healing through the body and mental emotional healing...that often shows up in the body (waking us up).

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #67 on: June 05, 2018, 02:52:02 pm »
They are big advocators of ho’oponopono. The mindset here is very open or closed, depending on how you want to view it. Everyone practices Reiki, yoga, body talk, energy work. It’s very hippie here, very loving compassionate people. So yes, they believe they are healing people, and that anything can be healed. Most everyone smudges, and things of that nature. I never heard any specific claims. I wasn’t enrolled in a typical way though.

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #68 on: June 05, 2018, 03:00:55 pm »
My sister was LV1 and I was LV3, they are constantly tweaking it, by what works and what doesn’t. They also have to adjust to the type of group they’re training.

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2018, 09:34:15 pm »
Are these groups being told, or just talked about? Why aren’t they being protested, if ingenious people feel they are perverting teachings? Why not send someone through to see, and know? I’m white, and I told them, and I protest them, but my voice doesn’t seem to matter?

Offline Water

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2018, 09:42:43 pm »
I’m on an IPhone, that makes ridiculous mistakes I don’t catch. I apologize for the typing errors.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #71 on: June 08, 2018, 08:45:07 pm »
Yes, sometimes these groups have been picketed by Native activists. Sometimes there has been very direct, in-person, intervention to stop theses sorts of groups. Some of us here on this board have been involved in doing this over the decades.

Of course Indigenous people know they are frauds. It's only non-Natives who are fooled. It's actually very kind of the Native people who have stepped up to protect the nons who are being harmed.

It's not Indigenous people who are keeping these frauds in business. Yes, there are Native sellouts here and there that have allowed this to happen, but it's the fact non-Natives will pay for these fake teachings that keeps these scammers going. The thing is, there are so many of these frauds, and only so many of us who are willing to step up. It is hard, tiring work.

What generally happens with the groups that have lots of white followers and money, is they hold their events on private property. When Natives show up to protest, the workshop leaders and their white hosts call the cops. You know what is happening in America and Canada now when white people call the cops on Brown people.

Natives who have shown up to protest the theft of Indigenous ceremony have been assaulted by cops. They have been beaten and arrested for "trespassing". Just for showing up to talk to the frauds. The frauds have lied to the cops and claimed the Natives were drunk (they were not), they have claimed the Native protestors/protectors were violent (they were not). But guess who the white cops have believed?

There are events coming up this summer that will be protested, and and hopefully stopped. Every year some are chosen and targeted to be dealt with. But it's a matter of triage. There are way more white people who want to play Indian than there are people who can risk their lives and freedom to stop them.

What will you do to help stop it? Speaking up here is good. It is a great start, to help get the word out, and I thank you for that. But Natives are at very high risk for being murdered and imprisoned for doing this work. It can't all be on Natives. It also takes allies stepping up to stop exploiters, and to stop the many nuagers they know who line the exploiters pockets. Until that happens, these groups will continue to flourish.


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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #72 on: June 11, 2018, 03:08:28 pm »
Info from

Level 1 - Explore- July 27-29 2018 ($495.00)

Level One, Two and Three Combo Deal ($2,395.00)

Level One: July 27th-29th,
Level Two: August 15th-19th,
Level Three:
Kickoff Meeting: August 23, 2018
1st Weekend: September 7-9, 2018
2nd Weekend: October 5-7, 2018
3rd Weekend: November 2-4 2018
4th Weekend: November 30 - December 2 2018

Tuition paid is non refundable.

Money back guarantee on level one and two but you have to fully complete one and two first. No exceptions. Written request has to come in within 48 hours.

No participants allowed who are or will be pregnant during the training.


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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #73 on: June 11, 2018, 04:04:44 pm »
Sylvia Badasci is a freelance trainer working with them.

Sylvia is with ChoiceCenter . Tiospaye Durango is a Crystal Wolfchild / Monica Colvig/ Della Romero spin off of ChoiceCenter. The two companies use many of the same terms such as "experiential learning" and  "Emotional Intelligence".

Sylvia Badasci used to work with Lifespring.

About Lifespring:

Lawsuits were filed against Lifespring for charges ranging from involuntary servitude to wrongful death. The suits often said that the trainings placed participants under extreme psychological stress in order to elicit change. Lifespring was ordered to pay money to participants who required psychiatric hospitalization and to relatives of members who committed suicide, or otherwise died.

From a former member of a large group awareness training that included Sylvia Badasci:

They brainwashed me and now I have to undo the damage that was brought about by my "experiential education"

Sylvia Badasci is leading the upcoming Tiospaye Durango Relationships Course. Prerequisite is the Level One course.


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Re: Tiospaye Durango,, Della Romero
« Reply #74 on: June 11, 2018, 04:34:00 pm »

Recruiting teens:

Tiospaye is excited to invite and share the 1st Teen Tio training coming this summer, June 8-10, 2018. Thanks to the Living Vision 5 Leadership Team, many people and businesses in our local community have provided financial support to make this happen! The funds raised provide this gift of transformation free of charge for 50 teens, ages 13-17.

$21,749 in donations.

Three day training for teens then coaching for four weeks by phone.

From one of the fund raising trainers:

Are you as alarmed as I am about the recent increase of suicides among our youth? Do you struggle to find a way to contribute the way you would like to? I felt that way too, but then I found this amazing nonprofit called "Tiospaye".
As part of a leadership program I am involved with through Tiospaye we are creating “Teen Tio”, designed for ages 13-17. Teen Tio is a camp that guides youth to empower themselves in developing profound self-acceptance, understanding, connection to others, and a deep sense of purpose and belonging, including stepping into leadership and community service.

Jani McGuire "is facilitating our Teen Tiospaye Transformational Trainings".

From her site:  "I am a Medium, Certified Professional Coach, Facilitator, Author, Entrepreneur, Goddess and Speaker." She does psychic tarot readings, chakra readings, and something to do with indigo children.