Author Topic: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"  (Read 106971 times)

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #75 on: April 07, 2009, 02:22:29 pm »
For the convenience of our German readers I'll translate this entry, as powwowndn raises very valuable points which unfortunately many people from the German powwow and hobbyist scenes do not seem to know - or perhaps they don't care about fakes, only about those trying to pass on correct info whom they will treat as spoilsports trying to prevent them from 'having fun':

From what I've been reading and hearing, it seems de Carlo is claiming to be Kiowa just for "himself". How about de Carlo's family? On any reservation or Indian lands, everyone knows who everyone is just by who their parents and grandparents are. Every time de Carlo says he is Kiowa, then he should be able to say who his mother and father is, his grandmother and grandfather and his relatives. If not, then the Kiowa nation is correct stating that there is no record of him ever being enrolled in their tribe.

Soweit ich sehe, reklamiert de Carlo nur "für sich", Kiowa zu sein. Wie ist es denn mit de Carlos Familie? Auf jeder Reservation oder indianischem Land weiß jeder, wer die anderen sind, weil Eltern und Großeltern jeder Person bekannt sind. Jedesmal wenn de Carlo sagt, er sei Kiowa, sollte er in der Lage sein anzugeben, wer seine Mutter und sein Vater sind, seine Großmütter und Großväter und seine weitere Verwandten. Kann er dies nicht, dann hat die Kiowa Nation völlig recht, wenn sie schreiben, daß es keine Einträge gibt, nach denen er jemals bei ihnen eingetragen war.

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #76 on: April 16, 2009, 12:00:11 pm »
Although the event 10th Westerwald Contest Powwow formally is organised by the non-profit „Powwow-Freunde e.V.“ [Powwow Friends], it is also advertised by Mr de Carlo at his site. De Carlo publishes a letter by Ms Jackie Fischer which is quite noteworthy, and not only for its nuagey wording and racist tones:

10th anniversary Westerwald-Contest Powwow

To the members of this club,
friends, followers and all of those interested in other cultures, be these from the Americas, from Germany, from Africa or any where else in the world we like to invite you to our 10th gathering - the 10th Aniversary Westerwald Powwow event. 

In this club we do not represent, nor endorse any Tribe, Nation or organization from any particular country or countries of the Americas. We like to think that we represent the peoples of the world and their love to express their right to do what is in their hearts.

All of our guest, dancers, friends and visitors, regardless of the style of dance they have chosen within their hearts to represent, are welcomed. We open our hearts and friendship to all Nations - Original Natives, or from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or any where else in this world.

All of you are welcome to join others to show and compete with your heart and soul in a day of brotherhood and friendship.
In this event, and their members, do not condone your right to do as your heart tells you about your feelings and we respect your desires to do as you feel within your soul. Many of you feel that by participating in these dances and these kinds of events your true believes come to life and that is what this gathering is all about it. To show who you feel you are and show the world you have the right and pleasure of doing so. Many of you don´t carry the Indian blood, but you carry the spirit and the feelings of the people you like to represent and that is what The Creator had in mind when He created this so called Human Race. Many of you have had the struggle of discrimination because of different circumstances and doings of our ancestors and the color of your skin. This should not be a factor in the colors you like to represent. This powwow looks to reunite all bloods in one big color in a day of brotherhood and togetherness in one small arena but in a big heart where it would show the world that people can be from different location but from one single place `Mother Earth`, where at the end, we are live. All of you are welcomed to share with us the music, the songs and the feelings of the Americas. 

We all might not have the traces of Indian Blood in our bodies, but our Spirits give and show the world that we are all brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of this: our great Mother Earth.In this event, and their members, do not condone your right to do as your heart tells you about your feelings and we respect your desires to do as you feel within your soul. Many of you feel that by participating in these dances and these kinds of events your true believes come to life and that is what this gathering is all about it. To show who you feel you are and show the world you have the right and pleasure of doing so. Many of you don´t carry the Indian blood, but you carry the spirit and the feelings of the people you like to represent and that is what The Creator had in mind when He created this so called Human Race. Many of you have had the struggle of discrimination because of different circumstances and doings of our ancestors and the color of your skin. This should not be a factor in the colors you like to represent. This powwow looks to reunite all bloods in one big color in a day of brotherhood and togetherness in one small arena but in a big heart where it would show the world that people can be from different location but from one single place `Mother Earth`, where at the end, we are live. All of you are welcomed to share with us the music, the songs and the feelings of the Americas. 

So we may see this event as a 'white supremacist' powwow of Euros perceiving a *right* to do whatever they like – and this is repeated and reinforced several times in Ms Fischer's letter. She has clearly crossed the line between claims of admiring ndn cultures, of which powwows are a part, and claiming rights to do whatever she pleases in the way of appropriating and exploiting these cultures ('If you're white, you're right'?). Persons with any respect for ndn cultures at all should avoid participation in this event in order to take a clear stand and to express that they do not tolerate racist garbage spoken in their name.

However, there is a very important difference between the English and the German versions of Ms Fischer's letter which does not seem to be due to her knowledge of the English language:

Wir empfangen jeden mit offenem Herzen und Freundschaft – alle Ureinwohner aus Österreich, Belgien, Tschechische Republik, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, die Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden oder sonst wo in der Welt.

My translation: We welcome every person with an open heart and with friendship – all  native inhabitants from Austria, Belgium [...]

Ms Fischer's translation:
We open our hearts and friendship to all Nations - Original Natives, or from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or any where else in this world.
[Emphasis added]

So while the English version speaks of Natives *and* Austrians, Belgians, etc, the German letter mentions citizens of various European states as 'natives'. We may perhaps see this as a Freudian slip. Or perhaps it isn't – as I found reports about Ms Fischer dancing at an event at which only ndns were allowed on the dancing ground.

These entries are from another German language forum. It's replies to a person mentioning that Ms Jackie Fischer was honoured with a song at the event at Mannheim in 2007 and Ms Fischer apparently danced, the only white person to go to the dancing ground, which caused some commotion among the ndns present:

[…] We pointed out that there are persons who damage the reputation of the powwow scene with their arrogance, their disrespect, and their greed for profit. This very well includes Ms Fischer and her Wanabi Indian.

[…] White persons in „Indian costumes“ were not allowed at all to mix with the native dancers. Frau Fischer as always believed to be an exception to the rule as she allegedly met friends there who allowed her on the dancing ground. […]
To get back to Ms Fischer: she does not even stop short of performing in bars and biker pubs in a jingle dress with her Gio de Carlo. This is a grave insult for all traditional Jingle dancers to whom the meaning of the Jingle Dance is sacred.

Apparently, these hobbyists won't back off from anything for a profit. Therefore, most of the active membership of 'her' association have left the non-profit. What  else will this lady do  in order to make her Gio stay.

[…] a drum group who knew Ms Fischer played a honouring song for her. 90% of the Natives did not know Ms Fischer at all. [...]

[…] Of course the other Natives didn't know Ms Fischer and therefore her behaviour was inappropriate. [...]

Some posters contend it is the association „Powwow-Freunde“ organising the event, and that people should leave them alone now to prepare the powwow and stop posting about Mr de Carlo and Ms Fischer.

The remaining members of this association have been given substantial information that de Carlo is a fake posing as a Kiowa and making a good profit on people who prefer to believe his fairy tales. He is exploiting ndn cultures for his personal profit, and so is Ms Fischer; they are disrespectful towards ndn cultures and ndn persons. The membership of this assoiation apparently tolerates this behaviour, as they still cooperate with de Carlo (by accepting his company offering a prize for the best female dancer at the event) and they do not seem to have further comments to their chairperson Ms Fischer on her continued cooperation with de Carlo, her ridiculous attempts to reinforce de Carlo's claims of being ndn, nor about her being disrespectful. As far as we learn from the website of Powwow-Freunde, there was an additional general meeting of members at the end of March 2009, and members did not address these issues but voted two new persons into the committee who will fully support the chairperson without criticism (one of them being her son and the other a business contact from the USA). In fact, members thus have just given Ms Fischer the means to continue as she pleases. Due to this silence and inactivity of the association's membership, members in fact must take over a responsibility for what de Carlo and Fischer do.

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #77 on: April 16, 2009, 12:07:37 pm »
For the convenience of German readers, I translated my above post:

Obwohl das 10. Westerwald Contest Powwow vom gemeinnützigen Verein „Powwow-Freunde e.V.“ organisiert wird, verlinkt deren Seite nur zur entsprechenden Sektion der Seite von Herrn de Carlo. Dort veröffentlicht de Carlo ua einem Brief von Frau Fischer in englischer Sprache, der nicht nur aufgrund seiner Newage-Phrasen und rassistischen Töne bemerkenswert ist:

An die Mitglieder dieses Vereins,
Freunde und Anhänger und all diejenigen, die an anderen Kulturen interessiert sind. Egal ob aus Amerika, Deutschland, aus Afrika oder sonst wo in der Welt möchten wir Euch zum 10. Treffen, zum “10. Westerwald – Contest – Powwow“ einladen.

In diesem Verein repräsentieren, noch unterstützen wir irgendeinen bestimmten Stamm, eine Nation oder einen Staat in Amerika. Wir möchten alle Menschen der Welt repräsentieren und deren Wunsch, ihr Recht auszudrücken, was ihr Herz ihnen sagt. Alle unsere Gäste, Freunde und Besucher, egal für welche Tanzkategorie sie sich in ihrem Herzen entschieden haben, sie herzlich willkommen.

Wir empfangen jeden mit offenem Herzen und Freundschaft – alle Ureinwohner aus Österreich, Belgien, Tschechische Republik, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, die Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden oder sonst wo in der Welt.

Alle sind willkommen, zusammenzukommen und im Tanz mit Herz und Seele gegeneinander anzutreten, in Brüderlichkeit und Freundschaft.

In diesem Event mit all seinen Teilnehmern, soll niemand von Euch sein Recht unterdrücken, das zu tun, was Euer Herz Euch sagt, und wir respektieren Euren Wunsch, das zu tut, was ihr in Eurer Seele fühlt. Viele von Euch erleben, bei den Tänzen, das Eure Träume zum leben erwachen und das ist es, was dieses Fest ausmacht, zu zeigen, was ihr fühlt und wer ihr seid. Zeigt der Welt, das ihr das Recht und das Vergnügen habt, dieses zu tun. Die meisten von Euch haben kein indianisches Blut, aber ihr tragt den Geist und die Gefühle dieser Menschen und repräsentiert diese, dass ist es was der Schöpfer wohl im Sinn hatte, als er die menschliche Rasse schuf. Viele von Euch haben mit Diskriminierung zu kämpfen, wegen der Dinge, die Eure Vorfahren taten oder auch Eurer Hautfarbe. Dieses wird keinen Einfluss nehmen, auf die Fahne die Ihr repräsentieren möchtet. Dieses Powwow möchte alle unter einer Flagge vereinen und ein Wochenende der Brüderlichkeit und Zusammengehörigkeit, in einer kleinen Arena aber mit einem großen Herzen feiern, wo wir der Welt zeigen, das Menschen zwar von verschiedenen Ländern und doch einem Ort kommen, „Mutter Erde“, wo wir letztendlich alle leben. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen, die Musik, die Lieder und die Gefühle der Ureinwohner Amerikas zu teilen. Wir mögen vielleicht kein indianisches Blut in uns haben, dennoch zeigt mit eurer guten Stimmung der Welt, das wir alle Brüder und Schwestern, Söhne und Töchter sind von dieser einen Mutter Erde.

Es scheint sich um ein 'White Pride'-Powwow von Europäern zu handeln, die meinen, ein *Recht* auf alles zu haben, was sie begehren – und dies wird in Frau Fischers Brief mehrfach angesprochen und bestätigt. Sie hat die Grenze zwischen einer angeblichen Bewunderung für indianische Kulturen, von denen Powwows nur ein Teil sind, überschritten und maßt sich Rechte an, alles zu tun, wonach ihr der Sinn steht ('If you're white, you're right'?). Leute, die überhaupt irgendwelchen Respekt vor indianischen Kulturen haben, sollten sich von diesem Powwow fernhalten, einen deutlichen Standpunkt beziehen und zum Ausdruck bringen, daß sie rassistischen Müll nicht tolerieren und dieser nicht in ihrem Namen verzapft wird.

Es gibt jedoch einen sehr entscheidenden Unterschied zwischen der englischen und deutschen Version des Briefes von Frau Fischer, der nicht an mangelnden sprachlichen Fähigkeiten zu liegen scheint:

Wir empfangen jeden mit offenem Herzen und Freundschaft – alle Ureinwohner aus Österreich, Belgien, Tschechische Republik, Dänemark, Estland, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Griechenland, Ungarn, Island, Italien, Lettland, Litauen, Luxemburg, Malta, den Niederlanden, Norwegen, Polen, Portugal, die Slowakei, Slowenien, Spanien, Schweden oder sonst wo in der Welt.

Meine Übersetzung: We accept everybody with an open heart and with friendship – all native inhabitants of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic [...]

Frau Fischers Übersetzung:
We open our hearts and friendship to all Nations - Original Natives, or from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden or any where else in this world.
[Hervorhebung von mir]

Während die englische Version von Natives *und* Österreichern, Belgiern etc spricht, werden in der deutschen Version die Bürger europäischer Staaten als „Ureinwohner“ bezeichnet. Vielleicht ist dies ein Freudscher Verschreiber – und möglicherweise ist es keiner, wenn man die Berichte einbezieht, nach denen Frau Fischer in Mannheim 2007 als einzige Deutsche getanzt hat, obwohl nur Natives tanzen sollten und Deutsche im 'Outfit' ausdrücklich nicht auf der Tanzfläche erwünscht waren.

Einige Poster äußern, es sei der Verein „Powwow-Freunde“, der das Event organisiert und nun solle man sie doch in Ruhe das Powwow vorbereiten lassen und nicht mehr zu Frau Fischer und Herrn de Carlo posten.

Die im Verein verbliebenen Mitglieder haben umfangreiche Informationen erhalten, daß de Carlo sich zu Unrecht als Kiowa ausgibt und einen guten Profit aus Leuten zieht, die es vorziehen, seine Märchen zu glauben. Er beutet indianische Kulturen für seinen persönlichen Gewinn aus und Frau Fischer tut dasselbe; sie sind respektlos gegenüber indianischen Kulturen und indianischen Personen. Die Vereinsmitglieder tolerieren dies offenbar, da sie immer noch mit de Carlo kooperieren (zb indem sie einen von seiner Firma ausgesetzten Preis für die beste Tänzerin des Powwow akzeptieren) und sie haben offenbar auch nichts weiter zu ihrer Vorsitzenden Frau Fischer hinsichtlich deren fortgesetzter Zusammenarbeit mit de Carlo zu sagen, zu ihren lächerlichen Versuchen, de Carlos Behauptungen, er sei native, zu stützen – noch zu ihren Respektlosigkeiten. Wie der Webseite der Powwow-Freunde zu entnehmen ist, gab es Ende März 2009 gerade eine außerordentliche Mitgliederversammlung, bei der die Mitglieder diese Themen nicht erörterten, sondern zwei neue Personen in den Vorstand wählten, die die Vorsitzende ebenso kritiklos voll unterstützen werden (da eine der Personen ihr Sohn ist und die andere eine Geschäftspartnerin aus den USA). Dadurch haben die Mitglieder es gerade Frau Fischer ermöglicht, ganz nach ihrem Gutdünken fortzufahren. Aufgrund des Stillhaltens und der Inaktivität der Vereinsmitglieder müssen diese jedoch Verantwortung dafür übernehmen, was de Carlo und Fischer tun.

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #78 on: April 16, 2009, 05:47:42 pm »
This is so sickening. All of it.

performing in bars and biker pubs in a jingle dress with her Gio de Carlo.


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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #79 on: June 10, 2009, 12:01:27 am »

There's something new on de Carlo's site – is this a first attempt to establish a career as a medicine person?:

The Oil of Thieves helps to boost the immune system and fights off colds and flu, while killing airborne bacteria and viruses that promotes the spread of illness.
The essential oils contained in this blend are also known to stimulate circulation and help clear the respiratory system.
This oil was developed according to the legend about 4 thieves in 15th century England who used a blend of clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, lemon and rosemary, as well as other protective aromatics to guard their health while robbing plague victims - These men did not get sick - The oils were studied and the combination was proven to work wonders.
1.Equal amounts of eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon, clove and lemon. Mix with base of olive oil. I usually put a tablespoon of each in a 2 oz. bottle and then fill the rest with olive oil. you can make a larger batch in a quart jar following the same proportion method.
2.Same ingredients, but measured out in different strength's. Clove Bud Oil 200 drops, Lemon Oil 175 drops, Cinnamon Oil 100 drops, Eucalyptus Oil 75 drops, Rosemary 50 drops.
How to use: Diffuse for short periods of time (1/2 hour or less) in the work or home environment. Apply to the bottom of the feet or dilute with a Massage Oil Base for a stimulating massage under the arms and on the chest at the base of the neck. Common Ingredients: Clove (Syzygium aromaticum), lemon (Citrus limon), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), Eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis).

The exploiter of ndn cultures advocating thieves oil.... Congrats on your apt choice, Mr de Carlo!

De Carlo is also advertising an 'Indian Dance Festival', June 20/21st at his site:

On June 20 and 21 an Indian Festival will take place at Erlbruchpark, called 'Powwow' by the American Natives.
Organisator Jaqueline Fischer and her son Marc presented the festival and its programme to Mayor Wolfgang Pantförder.
Both had donned original costumes, sown by hand and beaded in hundreds of hours – a strange view for many employees at the town hall.
The Indian Festival plans to give a complete view of Indian culture [sic!] in the USA. Therefore, there will be a tipi, the classical Indian tent, a small dance workshop, tables to do handicrafts like Indian jewelry and dreamcatchers („You've got to pray while making them or else they don't work“), and well-known Indian Tdom Bah (The Flute Keeper) will play some of his most beautiful melodies.
Several traditional dances will be shown and social dances, too, for which everybody is welcome to join in. Fun for the whole family.
The organisators believe one thing to be important: authenticity. „We don't offer Karl-May-romantics, but want to inform about life and history of the still more than 2 million natives „Indians““, says Jaqueline Fischer.
The festival will start at 10 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m. every day.

Persons who would like to be more than visitors are invited to wear their Indian regalia. Hobbyists and Powwow-dancers, no matter which tribe they represent, are very welcome. The premises offer space to change gear, washing facilities, food will be offered. All dancers will receive a small thankyou and a certificate as a souvenir.“

First of all it is remarkable that de Carlo did not translate this article...
Then of course!, dear Ms Fischer, you do not have original costumes, as you aren't Indian. It is quite a cheek of you to claim what you wear is original.

You also speak of one Indian culture – it may come as a surprise to you, but there are hundreds of ndn cultures in North America. Remember the film title „500 nations“?

And pardon me, but a complete view of several hundred cultures in one weekend? Alright, anthropologists spend all their professional life and don't manage to do this by far. Perhaps you can help them out... On a less cynical note: no, you cannot give a complete view of ndn cultures, not during your lifetime, much less in a weekend. If you seriously believe this can be done, you must assume these cultures offer so little it's hardly worth mentioning. And this would be quite racist. Ndn cultures are more than powwows and one tipi.

Your audience will not be able to do their own 'Indian jewelry – they're not ndn, after all. All they can do is more or less well done imitations. You are giving them a completely wrong idea if you tell them they can make 'Indian jewelry'. Again, this is racist.

And I beg your pardon: Senor Giovanni and a „well-known Indian“???? Oh my. He is a poser and a liar, you have been told this several times. Giovanni is not known by the Kiowa nation, he is not enrolled and never was.

All the above renders your claim of authenticity completely worthless. You cannot be authentic ndn, same as Senor Giovanni.

So you're inviting hobbyists and powwow dancers along to the event – they can dance and present that „complete view“ for your audience. You even announce publically that the payment these hobbyists and powwow dancers will receive is a worthless piece of paper. Who then is cashing in on the event? We may assume there are at least two persons: Senor de Carlo and you. Because you and de Carlo won't be doing anything there for a mere 'thanx, people'. In a German language forum you wrote it is your company organising the event – a company is a profit-oriented enterprise. So you expect others to help you cash in and receive a lukewarm thanx in return? Now, what a great idea to make other people work for you without pay....

Therefore my appeal to German hobbyists and powwow dancers:

Do NOT go to Recklinghausen to earn de Carlo and Ms Fischer money! He and Ms Fischer need you (and want to use you) to have people in clothes of many nations present ('no matter which tribe they represent'...), and in the end, you'll be sent home with a lame handshake and a piece of paper. Guess whether the 'organisers' will walk home with a similarly moderate pay.

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #80 on: June 10, 2009, 12:07:22 am »
Again a German translation for the convenience of German readers:

Zunächst mal ist es bemerkenswert, daß de Carlo diesen Artikel [über das Tanz-Festival in Recklinghausen] nicht ins Englische übersetzt...
Natürlich!, liebe Frau Fischer, haben Sie keine originale Tracht, denn Sie sind keine Indianerin. Es ist reichlich frech von Ihnen zu behaupten, sie trügen Originalkleidung.

Außerdem sprechen sie nur von einer indianischen Kultur – es mag Sie überraschen, aber es gibt hunderte indianischer Kulturen in Nordamerika. Kennen Sie den Filmtitel „500 nations“?

Und entschuldigen Sie schon, aber eine komplette Übersicht über mehrere hundert Kulturen an einem Wochenende? Also, Ethnologen schaffen dies in einem ganzen Berufsleben bei weitem nicht. Vielleicht können Sie denen ja behilflich sein.... Mit weniger Zynismus gesagt: Sie können es nicht schaffen, an einem Wochenende einen Überblick über alle indianischen Kulturen zu geben. Wenn Sie ernsthaft glauben, daß dies machbar ist, müssen Sie meinen, diese Kulturen hätten so wenig anzubieten, daß es kaum der Rede wert ist. Dies wäre jedoch arg rassistisch. Indianische Kulturen sind sehr viel mehr als Powwows und Tipis.

Ebenso wird Ihr Publikum keinen „Indianerschmuck“ herstellen können – da sie keine Indianer sind. Die Leute können nur mehr oder weniger gelungene Imitationen herstellen. Sie vermitteln ein völlig falsches Bild, wenn Sie Ihrem Publikum erzählen, es könne 'Indianerschmuck' basteln. Auch dies ist rassistisch.

Und ich muß doch sehr bitten: Senor Giovanni und ein „bekannter Indianer“????? Auweia! Er ist ein Poser und Lügner, und darauf sind Sie bereits mehrfach aufmerksam gemacht worden. Die Kiowa Nation kennt Giovanni nicht, er ist nicht eingetragen und war es nie.

All dies macht Ihren Anspruch auf „Authentizität“ völlig wertlos. Sie können keine authentische Indianerin sein, ebenso wie Senor Giovanni kein authentischer Indianer ist.

Ach, und Sie laden Hobbyisten und Powwowtänzer zu der Veranstaltung ein – die können tanzen und diesen „kompletten Überblick“ für Ihr Publikum herstellen. Sie kündigen auch noch öffentlich an, daß die Bezahlung für Hobbyisten und Powwowtänzer ein wertloses Stück Papier ist. Wer kassiert denn bei dem Event? Wir können annehmen, daß zwei Personen abkassieren: Senor de Carlo und Sie. Denn Sie und de Carlo werden da gewiß nicht nur für ein lahmes „Danke, Leute“ auftreten. In einem deutschen Forum schrieben Sie gerade, das Event werde von Ihrer Firma organisiert – eine Firma ist ein profitorientiertes Unternehmen. Und Sie erwarten, daß andere Ihnen für nothing ordentlich dabei helfen abzukassieren und dafür nur ein lauwarmes Danke erhalten? Klar, eine tolle Idee, andere für sich arbeiten zu lassen, ohne Bezahlung....

Daher mein Appell an die deutschen Hobbyisten und Powwowtänzer:

Geht NICHT nach Recklinghausen und ermöglicht es de Carlo und Frau Fischer, Geld zu verdienen! Er und Frau Fischer brauchen euch (und wollen euch benutzen), um Leute in indianischer Kleidung dort zu haben, die die versprochenen vielen Nationen und den Überblick ermöglichen („Hobbyisten und Powwow-Tänzer, egal welchen Stamm sie darstellen....“). Am Ende der Veranstaltung gibt es für euch einen lahmen Händedruck und einen Wisch. Ratet doch mal, ob die 'Organisatoren' auch mit so bescheidenem Lohn nach Hause gehen.

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #81 on: August 13, 2009, 12:09:15 pm »

Mr de Carlo has once again taken to fraud to evoke the impression of his being such excellent an artist that awards come in from here, there, and everywhere.
He has put up a poster from Australian An'R at his website (upper left corner) which seems to announce he was given an award by An'R. De Carlo's photo is in the second row to the right.

An inquiry with An'R, however, brought the reply that de Carlo received no award by them, and that the original poster in fact displays the photo of a Russian artist.

Perhaps Mr de Carlo also aims at the award for the world's most proficient photoshop user....

And in translation for the convenience of our German readers:

Herr de Carlo hat wieder einmal sein Bildbearbeitungsprogramm bemüht, um den Eindruck zu erwecken, er sei ein so großer Künstler, daß die Auszeichnungen von überallher nur so auf ihn herunterregnen.
Auf seiner Webseite http://httP:// veröffentlicht er ein Poster (oben links), aus dem hervorzugehen scheint, daß er eine Auszeichnungen vom australischen An'R erhalten hat. Auf dem Poster ist de Carlos Foto in der zweiten Reihe rechts abgebildet.

Eine Nachfrage bei An'R ergab jedoch, daß de Carlo von ihnen keine Auszeichnung erhielt und das Originalposter zeige an dieser Stelle das Foto eines russischen Künstlers.

Vielleicht bewirbt sich Herr de Carlo vielmehr um den Titel als weltbester Photoshop-Anwender ...?

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2009, 01:02:21 pm »,+18.+November+2009&stime=

still calling himself a flute keeper from Kiowa Nation....

and still the same event-organizing praktices.....


Offline Adept

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #83 on: October 24, 2009, 04:00:50 pm »,+18.+November+2009&stime=

still calling himself a flute keeper from Kiowa Nation....

and still the same event-organizing praktices.....

Strange that this Dortmunder organizer turns out to be an youth welfare office - which engaged every year the same fraudster...
How many blind staff member allowed to work at a youth welfare office? - Thought it´s a Responsible Job?
It's enough to drive you up the wall - that sucks!!!! It should be reported to some newspapers....

Seltsam, daß dieser Dortmunder Veranstalter sich als ein Jugendamt entpuppt - und selbiger jedes Jahr den gleichen Betrüger engagiert...
Wie viele blinde Mitarbeiter sind bei diesem Jugendamt beschäftigt? - Ich dachte bisher, dies sei eine sehr verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe?
Doch genau solche Ämter mit ihren beschissenen Mitarbeitern bzw. Beamtenfuzzi´s zeichnen sich für die Jugend verantwortlich - es ist eine Skandal!!!!
Man sollte damit an die Presse gehen...

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee - does anyone know if he's ok or not?
« Reply #84 on: April 30, 2010, 08:36:54 pm »
Apparently, de Carlo has a few very rare talents. Oh no, not playing flute, but quite mysterious ones. On de Carlo's GiLa Music site, he supplies information about his gigs this year. Scroll down to see that de Carlo is a musician of world renown and is sought for even in Australia....:

Underneath the poster, de Carlo has added the following information:


Flute and Cigar Box Guitar Workshops with The Flute Keeper

NOTICE: In addition to the live presentation scheduled during this event, I will host workshops during the term of the event at the following times: Friday 30 April 5pm - 10pm - Saturday 1 May 8am - 4pm - Sunday 2 May 8am - 4pm - Monday 3 May 8am - 3pm - I encourage you to reserve your space to do your Flute or Cigar Box Guitar workshop. Materials and others tools needed for these workshops are taken from overseas (USA via Germany to Singapore and so on) and weight is a factor. Thank you for your patronage and understanding and look forward to seeing you there. To those of you not interested in doing the workshop but would like to have a handmade Flute or Cigar Box Guitar, I would have a few pieces available for you to choose from... still if you like to get one let me know and I would make sure it gets to you...

Gio - the flute keeper - de Carlo

The site of his partner Jackie Fischer, however, claims they are doing an event in the South of Germany at a place called Diana's Horsefarm at the very weekend de Carlo claims to do a gig in Australia:

Spend the weekend with Indians and learn to do Indian craft. Day event.

Friday: 4.00 p.m. - 9 p.m. Make your own Indian cedarwood flute with the Indian flutemaker Tdom Bah, an Indian artist from Oklahoma.
Learn how to make your own Cowboy.Blues guitar, a genuine American Old Fashion instrument. This is the first workshop in Germany (2 hours).
Further events: dreamcatchers, mocassins from deer leather (approx 4 hrs), children's flutes, mini-tipis, pearl works etc.

Saturday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.: Pony riding, handicraft work for children, workshops for making cedar flutes, country-blues guitars etc.
Two concerts: 4 p.m. - 6 p.m., 7 p.m.- 9 p.m. Enjoy 2 hours of flute music with prize-winning Tdom Bah, creator of „Sacred Spirit“, „Sacred Ground“ and Indian dances.

Sunday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Craft and children's events, many activties

Come and spend one day at the horsefarm, make your own craft, meet real Indians, enjoy riding a pony, throwing horse shoes, we have got Indian cuisine, enjoy this Indian day.

Now, aren't we impressed. The man is able to appear in two places at the same time, Australia and Germany!

Unfortunately, the official site of that event in Australia doesn't present any artist by the name of Giovanni de Carlo or Tdom Bah Toden Xkee – he is not listed among the artists performing there.
As you might have guessed already, their promotion poster also looks somewhat different than the version de Carlo publishes:

And their list of artists:

Mr de Carlo seems to have ceased giving himself the air of a reputable musician, or perhaps he's running for an entry in the Guiness Book of Records: fastest flight to Australia and back.

[edited at Ingeborg's request to fix image tags -kpn]
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 03:58:28 pm by Kathryn NicDhàna »

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Re: Giovanni de Carlo aka Tdom Bah Toden Xkee
« Reply #85 on: May 02, 2010, 04:26:31 pm »
Wow. That's a clumsy photoshop job if I've ever seen one. I'll also load the before and after versions here in case he takes his down. Just click on the images to make them full size.

First attachment below is the original image, a screencap from

Below that is de Carlo's version, from his website  The image has been badly altered to include a picture of himself, doing his shameon schtick for the tourists.  :o

ETA: Hey, is that him in the image on the right, too? So... he'll market himself as a cowboy, or an Indian, or both, depending on what sells better? I've added another pic he's posted of himself on his website. Looks like he's selling other services, as well.  ::)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 04:44:52 pm by Kathryn NicDhàna »

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #86 on: May 02, 2010, 05:41:44 pm »

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #87 on: May 04, 2010, 07:37:02 pm »

 who the hell are the Huron-Dakota-Tribe????????????

I'm errecting tipis since many years, but I didn't know that you need a ledder to the top of your lodge...mhmmm....

funny things go on in the world of di Carlos friends...

Greetings from Elke

Offline Elke

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #88 on: May 04, 2010, 07:45:32 pm »
 a friend of Johannes..... look at the Shaman video

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Re: Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"
« Reply #89 on: May 04, 2010, 10:43:14 pm »
Yup, that's a great one! Senor de Carlo joins the nuage crowd.....
The organizer of the event taking place May 8 and 9, 2010 goes by the name of Johannes Martin Rohmann, genuine "Indian name" is "The Dancing Bear"... and his knowledge about ndns is - errm: interesting:

I was trained as a shaman and medicine man with the tribe of Huron Dakota in North America.
My specials are e.g.:
seeing of energy places
healing plants, power animals and totem
rituals and journeys to the underworld
detoxication of body, soul, and spirit
energetic healing
alternative medicine

Yes, Rohmann does indeed say he went to the tribe of Huron Dakota. His site even displays one newspaper article and the text of a radio spot - although he had to add a correction to both. Both article and radio spot mentioned he spent twelve years with the Huron Dakota to learn to be a medicine man. Rohmann corrects that he never told them it was twelve years, but several years which he spent at different parts of the world to become a shaman.

Hey, Senor de Carlo, Rohmann is a good match for you - you seem to display a similar urge for truthfulness.

Here's Rohmann's text for the event with Senor de Carlo and Ms Fischer:

Open Day at "The Dancing Bear's"
including Powwow, a programme for children and grown-ups

When: Saturday, May 8 and Sunday, May 9, 2010
Start: 10 p.m-
Where: Moembris an der Kahl, at "The Dancing Bear's" place at the tipi

No entry charged
Contact: 0171/803xxxxx,

Original Indian dances will be shown by Jacqueline Fischer.

"The Dancing Bear" and his friend, the Kiowa Indian "The Flute Keeper" Tdom Bah Toden Xkee, will play instruments and present genuine Indian music.

The traditional flute will be played by the Indian Tdom Bah and be accompanied by "Dancing Bear" on his drum.

On both days, it will be possible to make one's own instrument under the guidance of Tdom Bah (Indian flute, drum, cigar box guitar) as well as dream catchers etc.

Our "little ones" will be taken care of, too. They can do their own flute and take it home with them.

In the evening, we will all sit at the fire, play instruments, and light the peace pipe for Mother Earth.

We invite you to spend these two days with us and to get to know genuine Indian culture.

Johannes Martin "The Dancing Bear"

From the above text it is quite apparent that shame-on Johannes is - errrm: somewhat simple. But what's much worse, he also repeats a few bad stereotypes. A person claiming to be from the Kiowa nation, Senor de Carlo, should kick shame-on Johannes' behind for using terms like peace pipe and such.

Oh, wait a minute - a person claiming to be from the Kiowa nation indeed shouldn't touch an event organized by shame-on Johannes with a ten-foot pole!

Senor de Carlo, perhaps YOU - since you're once more posing as a real genuine ndn - can tell us a bit more on the "Huron Dakota". I'd love to be educated, and I trust this is true for all of us here at NAFPS. Please, do pass us some information.

And, Senor de Carlo, why don't you mention this outstanding event on your website? In fact: just why did you haste to take down all the info about your gig in Australia today? ? ? Anyways, Ms Fischer's commercial site has all the info about the event organized by shame-on Johannes:

May 8 and 9, 2010 Open Day at "Dancing Bear's" in the town of Moembris, begin 10 p.m. Entrance free of charge

Indian cedar flutes (approx 4 hours)
The Original - make your own old fashion Cowboy Blues Guitar
Mocassins from deer leather (approx 4 hours)
Dream catchers
Pearl work
various activities for children: making mini-tipis, Indian flutes, dream catchers and much more.

A day full of activities, with a camp fire, all workshops will include a meal.
Please inquire prices at info nativeevents de

Flute music and presentation of dances
Indian flute music
Powwow dances, everybody is invited to participate

Funny thing that shame-on Johannes does not mention participants will have to pay for the workshops, while Ms Fischer and Senor de Carlo apparently intend to charge. Well, if this raises some bad feelings during the event, they will all be able to make up at the campfire smoking shame-on Johannes peace pipe :sarcasm off:.