Author Topic: Mark Peebler/Dr Dream Groups  (Read 3821 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Mark Peebler/Dr Dream Groups
« on: October 24, 2009, 01:41:56 pm »
Got an inquiry about him. His site. Basically it's a power of positive thinking type course.


 [in 8 Simple Steps]

You DREAM of the life you want...
You KNOW that dreams come true...
You know you DESERVE it...
You see the opportunities that you MANIFEST...
You take ACTION...
You continue to LEARN...
You SHARE your life, your love, and your lessons...
You EXPRESS APPRECIATION to the Universe...

Linked to many other Nuage practitioners.

Works with a kitchen sink collection of practitioners, angels, astrology, you name it.

I don't see any evidence of abuse he or they've done, though much of it seems so vague I doubt its value.