Author Topic: Adrian Roman  (Read 24994 times)

Offline bearwarrior

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Adrian Roman
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:38:43 pm »
Does anyone know about Adrian Roman? He claims to be a Choctaw elder and chief. I called the Choctaw of Mississippi and Oklahoma and the people I spoke to have never heard of him. He lives in Texas and is selling NDN names for 150.00. Someone told me that he told her that he is a Hashtali Supreme Chief. From my understanding Hashtali is the Choctaw word for God. Any information on this guy would be helpful. You can find more information on him if you type in Adrian Roman on facebook. Thank you for any information you can give.

Offline bearwarrior

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2011, 09:10:38 pm »
This information can be found on his facebook page.
Indian Names; For those of you wanting Indian Names. In ancient times, ONLY full blood Indians, Chiefs, Medicine Men or often times a parents would give you an Indian name. Many times, it was done in a ceremony and NEVER given by part-Indian or non Indians. I have the credentials as a Full blood Choctaw Indian elder to issue one. I have a (CDIB card) Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (photo on profile page) from the Bureau of Indian Affairs stating I am 4/4 Mississippi Choctaw. This is not the way it was done in ancient time, but for 2011, it’s the next best thing. At my age (69) I have earned the right. There are fraudulent non-Indians giving themselves an Indian name. I will issue a certificate of proof to authenticate your Indian name. Do NOT write/post or challenge me on this matter, I don’t care what your opinion is. I would prefer you contact me outside of Facebook if interested. Adrian Roman; aka Chief Iron Horse adrianroman42@gmail.?com

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2011, 10:22:05 pm »
I think this guy need to get back on his meds, ndn or not.  I have a call in to Tahilina, the BIA agency who (supposedly) issued his CDIB card. I'm expecting a call back from them in the morning.

*edited for typo
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 10:36:57 pm by sky »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2011, 12:27:03 am »
Apparently he also claims to be a martial arts expert who can teach mail order. Sells black belts on ebay. I imagine his claimed Indian names are about as valid.
Discussions by martial arts people about him.

Has his own website where he makes the claim to be fullblood. But the photo makes it clear he's not, looks mostly Euro ancestry.

And this bit of salesmanship will tick off a few people. Sells ghost shirts online too.


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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2011, 01:53:57 am »

Offline AnnOminous

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2011, 05:48:09 am »
Has his own website where he makes the claim to be fullblood. But the photo makes it clear he's not, looks mostly Euro ancestry.

Which is where I found this:

my hope is that the Cheator will smile down upon me for my efforts"

Author and Teacher
Chief Iron Horse Adrian Roman


Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2011, 06:34:39 am »
I just posted his profile on mine because it appears I have 53 common friends with him and gave them all a warning. What an ass.

Offline bearwarrior

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2011, 08:10:13 am » According to this link he goes by Red Warrior but now he goes by Iron Horse. I wonder if he paid himself to name himself. He also says that he is a Hashtali Chief. A Choctaw friend of mine told me that Hashtali means God. So now he is a God and a Chief. I called both the Mississippi and Oklahoma reservations and the people I spoke to have never heard of him.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2011, 04:33:51 pm »
Okay so there was just some dialogue going on between him and one of my elders that had him on his list (she has over 400 friends in common with him) and this is what she said because he was defending himself once again about the selling of names - he sells membership to his fake clan by the way and you get an Indian name when you join lol .. Claire George, "I think what is really sad is, that a lot of you are being misled by Adrian and I am glad I finally can see a post to comment about this subject. REAL Indians would not ask for money to give someone an Indian name, nor would they sell ghost shirts (which are from a traditional dance) for a profit. Adrian you are complaining about non pure bloods and white people exploiting Indian culture and traditions, yet what kind of example are YOU setting by doing such things? You are filling people's heads with false information and lies. In our culture it is bad medicine to ask for money for anything that is to be given freely."

He got mad at her and disrespected her and she told him not to disrespect her, so she posted a note warning others and put it on her status. "He is disrespecting those that are not of full blood as well, who is he to know their teachings or how they were taught? Most frauds usually make the claim of being full blood as to misguide people into believing that their teachings are right. This is a fraud if I ever saw one, no real Indian I know would exploit their culture like this, although some do and were simply given the wrong teachings." And this was a PM he sent her, "This was his private message to me "claire I'm removeing you for you are not intellegent to convers with us. You are misstateing facts actually you are a fucking idoit. good by I have no time for stupid people like you and the sad thing, you might be a little indian".

He fully admits on his page, that he does NOT have a black belt either - he's apparently been practicing it for 55 years - I call BS on that too and she confronted him about the ghost shirts - which he blatantly ignored - obviously couldn't think of anything creative in time because she was all over him lol and then he had the gull to tell her that there was nothing sacred about Indian names and that they were just "nick names".  I'd say big ass phony if I ever saw one. And by the way, he is married to a white woman, so where the racial comments come in is beyond me.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 04:37:50 pm by OneRed »

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2011, 05:55:32 pm »
And here's another idiotic post from him:

"Now Cindi, don't go off the cliff. A name does not give you idenity and tell people in the world who you are. Its the 4 inches between your ears that give you idenity. The wise words that come out of your mounth will define who you are. People use the heart as a mesureing stick, however its just an organ pumping blood. Everone get caught into something mystical but its just hype. Indians are humans just like the whites, blacks and so on no better no worse. I'm sure the creator sees us as one, eventhough I would like to seperate myself sometime because of the stupdity in our own race. I'm on a chat with a young Cherokee man from Tahlequah, 16 year and I quuote him." Speak not into ears of a fool. If you tell them and they don't listen let them be. This generation is wack anyways"

For someone claiming to be so intelligent, he sure can't spell worth a damn.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2011, 07:19:10 pm »
It doesn't surpise me that no one in community knows him.  I highly doubt he's spent much time in OK or MS considering his conduct.

I spoke with the folks at the agency office who confirmed he does have a CDIB but told me I needed to contact OK and MS with regard to BQ and enrollment (the woman I spoke with would not comment as to whether his claim of 4/4 was accurate and if his CDIB could have been altered).  I contacted Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and they would not provide enrollment information over the phone.  If anyone wants to submit a request in writing, the address is -

Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
16th and Locust Durant
P.O. Box 1210
Durant, Ok 74702
ATTENTION Brenda Hampton

I was given the same answer from Mississippi Choctaw enrollment office, they can be snail mailed at

Ms. Angela Stevens
Enrollment Office
PO Box 6365
Choctaw, Mississippi 39350

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2011, 07:25:28 pm »
Somebody may want to consider submitting something to Biskinik's 'notes to the nation'.   Biskinik is the tribal newspaper.
The address is

PO Box 1210
Durant, OK 74702

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2011, 08:45:20 pm »
Well I took a screen shot of his CDIB and stated point blank that it's not too hard to fake one, anybody with basic computers and graphics knowledge can fake one. I also took a screen shot of his clan and name certificate. He was trying to challenge me but I had friends and Elders on there with me too posting comments so he shut up pretty quick. He also has a friend who exploits native music, Daniel Hicks your typical fake native flute musician, over there spouting off as well. He also has a religious fanatic bible thumper that claims to be full blood - Dawn something or other, attacking everyone with her God statements and that we're all evil because we disagree with what he's doing. She also is under the belief that everyone should be given a native name (meaning everyone in the world) .. and she thinks it's great that he can make money from doing this. Here's her profile

It doesn't surpise me that no one in community knows him.  I highly doubt he's spent much time in OK or MS considering his conduct.

I spoke with the folks at the agency office who confirmed he does have a CDIB but told me I needed to contact OK and MS with regard to BQ and enrollment (the woman I spoke with would not comment as to whether his claim of 4/4 was accurate and if his CDIB could have been altered).  I contacted Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and they would not provide enrollment information over the phone.  If anyone wants to submit a request in writing, the address is -

Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
16th and Locust Durant
P.O. Box 1210
Durant, Ok 74702
ATTENTION Brenda Hampton

I was given the same answer from Mississippi Choctaw enrollment office, they can be snail mailed at

Ms. Angela Stevens
Enrollment Office
PO Box 6365
Choctaw, Mississippi 39350

« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 08:47:00 pm by OneRed »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2011, 10:48:59 pm »
Onered you may want to consider sending a copy of the CDIB screenshot to Tahilina Agency. If he altered his card there may be legal repercussions. I would think that altering a federal document would result in some sort of penalty.

Offline OneRed

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Re: Adrian Roman
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2011, 03:35:23 am »
There was a lady that made a comment stating that he also had a history of selling ceremonies for $1,000.00 a pop. Big shocker there, anyway one of the elders is going to do some digging with the screen shots I took.