Author Topic: Shinai Angela Schindler aka Faithful Arrow  (Read 4809 times)

Offline White Horse

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Shinai Angela Schindler aka Faithful Arrow
« on: May 09, 2016, 01:57:00 pm »
This woman started up a "Native American Medicine Circle" meeting for an "exchange" of $20 to attend.  Shinai did change the name to "sacred dream medicine circle" posting the name change was because of political correctness.  She belonged to Tennessee "Cherokee" group and I was curious does anyone know why she left Tennessee?  I posted her last correspondence to me, as she asserts "White Priveledge" and does not get that American Indians do not like when non-American Indians invent traditions.  American Indians have survived long before Shanai and will continue after she walks on and American Indians have kept their own traditions, beliefs, and way of life alive and well without shanai's help.  American Indians do not need help from outsiders especially when they are expected to "exchange" $20! 


to Kevin, me
I'm writing to inform you that I have changed the name of our Medicine circle to Sacred Dream Medicine Circle, so that it does not so strongly infer a Native American traditional circle. I hope that can satisfy your requests/demands. The circle is not happening this month, as I have been ill. It had to be cancelled. That's why I haven't returned your call yet. My throat has been sore and my voice hoarse.

In responding to this inquiry, I'd like to tell you a little about myself. My history before I began doing spiritual work, was as a political activist. I organized political actions and protests with Cherokee elders in Tennessee, specifically with the Native American Indian & People's Coalition. I have personally supported many of AIM's campaigns and projects. I have fought to defend burial grounds from Wal-mart on Cherokee land in Tennessee, organized civil disobedience many times with Seminole and Cherokee activists defending Leonard Peltier, fought to have Andrew Jackson removed from public spaces, and supported the defense of Tohono O'Odham sacred lands and Apache initiation grounds in Arizona, where I have lived in the past. I have been strongly influenced by John Trudell, and have most recently been supporting the Idle No More campaign. I'd actually love to know what campaigns I might be able to support here in Florida, my new home. My health, having a child, and some new directions in my life have re-directed my energy away from organizing in the past few years, but I am happy to contribute where I can.

Within the context of political activism in Tennessee, I was introduced (and welcomed) to participate in sweatlodge on 7th generation Cherokee land, and studied for 3 years intensively in this context. I have sat in ceremony within Hopi, Cherokee, Lakota Sioux, and Tohono O'Odham circles, and have communed, and passed the pipe with elders of several more nations. These experiences largely defined why I made the transition to doing more spiritual work, in combination with all that I was learning and experiencing through meditation. Within traditional settings, I have been recognized multiple times as a re-incarnated elder and designated a 7th generation teacher to white nations about how to restore the balance and renew the Old Ways. This is how I received my medicine name. Maybe this means something to you, maybe it doesn't. But it means a lot to me. And I take it with all the sacred respect it deserves.

My medicine is Faithful Arrow. I stand in my personal truth in this matter, accomplishing what my Ancestors and Elders have asked me to do. I will not back down from offering this circle. There are people with Native American ancestry attending, and I also welcomed Kevin to attend and contribute (who I am assuming brought this matter to your attention). It is not meant to be excluding Native American people or traditional practices in any way, simply because I am in a white woman's body in this time. "Nothing about us, without us." I get it. I really do. But I am meant to teach the practices that have changed my life for the better, and which many people (of all races and traditions) in America are hungry for. It truly has the potential to heal our relationships with each other and the land. I hope you can understand this.

Thank you for the work that you do, defending your people and the land, for all our relations.
With deserved respect,

Shinai Angela Schindler
Advanced Meditation
Therapeutic Guided Imagery
Intuitive & Empathic Development

Mind of Light
Meditation & Healing Arts Studios
1200 66th St North, Joslin Plaza
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33710
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Shinai Angela Schindler aka Faithful Arrow
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2016, 09:01:50 pm »
Seems to be one of the Deer Tribe cult, the Twisted Hair reference.

Meetup does have an option for reporting someone. The Deer Tribe does routinely sexually abuse followers.

She's also falsely calling herself a Native American medicine woman. Likely Harley's bunch gave her the twink name and that's who the supposed Natives she met and had "ceremony" actually are. seems to be mostly a Nuage studio hosting anything and everything.

Offline White Horse

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Re: Shinai Angela Schindler aka Faithful Arrow
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2016, 07:35:15 pm »
I have changed it everywhere that I advertise, on Meetup and Facebook. If it is being re-posted elsewhere, that is not my doing. Meetup is slow to update changes, so that may be what you are seeing. My comment about political reasons is truly that I do not have the intent to offend. It feels like a gesture of political correctness, but so be it. Please leave this matter alone now.
Thank you,

Shinai Angela Schindler
Advanced Meditation
Therapeutic Guided Imagery
Intuitive & Empathic Development

Mind of Light
Meditation & Healing Arts Studios
1200 66th St North, Joslin Plaza
Saint Petersburg, Florida 33710
Living that life, some consider a Myth!

Offline SallyN

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Re: Shinai Angela Schindler aka Faithful Arrow
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2016, 08:47:05 pm »
The arrogance and entitlement of this woman is just breathtaking.... Notice how she never actually names any of the people who she claims give her legitimacy.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Shinai Angela Schindler aka Faithful Arrow
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2016, 11:39:06 pm »
"Nothing about us, without us." I get it. I really do.

No, you don't. You really don't.