Author Topic: nine sacred White Buffaloes  (Read 20627 times)

Offline earthw7

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nine sacred White Buffaloes
« on: December 13, 2007, 04:24:33 pm »

Why wait? Give thanks today on Her Holiday!

She's coming! The bearers of the 3rd Sign of Her Return are now in SoHum guided by Ptsan Win to this area where in 1998 I received a Vision which bore the 2nd Sign of Her return.

Red Hawk and Malinda Sky Woman are looking for a home for nine sacred White Buffaloes and we have talked on the phone and were mutually amazed at the astounding synchronicity Signs accompanying these visions of the Return of White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Most of you know by now that I work with Bear River tribal members. What most of you don't know is that I am also connected spiritually and biologically now with the Lakota Sioux. My son-in-law is an eighth Lakota, direct descendant of Chief Sitting Bull through Willimina White Crow, Titus White Crow, and a bunch of those wonderful Sioux names, like Iron Shield, Left Hand Bull #2--Sitting Bull's son, Black Dog, Paying Woman, Sees Track, etc.
Sitting Bull's Peace Medal given by Pres. Grant(?) is a family heirloom. My grandkids are 1/16 Lakota so when these two woman talked with me yesterday about looking for a home for their white buffaloes I knew She's pulling the strings because just a couple of days ago I received another spiritual statement saying "She's Coming! Tell the Lakota, Tell the Nez Perce, tell local tribes, and all Native Americans."

This is the way it works for all of you who have never seen the Spirit in Motion before you're very eyes.

Go to my blog site, the latest post and the links there to one of the Visions I am a prophesy bearer of, delivering it to the Nations. It is part of my spiritual mission that underlies all of my social change work.
# posted by Stephen : Thu Nov 22, 06:26:00 PM  
In Spirit


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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 08:59:13 pm »
This is from a website by Stephen. Apparently decided to post on a "Reggae" Center website. Quite a mixture of nuage, relgious, his own, and every bodyelses.  I didn't really understand what he was saying. But it looks like he lifted equally from everyone.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2007, 02:40:32 pm »
If just his son IN LAW is Lakota, then Stephen obviously has no blood connection.

It's also amazing how alleged white buffalo seem to be multiplying like rabbits now. Most are probably either albinos or beefalos, buffalo-cattle hybrids, bred by less than scrupulous people. As I understand the prophecy, the actual white buffalo are not supposed to remain white, but also have to change colors to prove to be the real thing.

Thana RedHawk Walker calls herself a "white buffalo ambassador and territory locator."

I don't even want to guess how she came up with that title for herself.

The Bear River Tribe mentioned are the Mattole based in Rhonerville. They were almost wiped out during the Gold Rush. The descendants today come mostly from two families. They're Athapascan. As far as I know Athapascans don't have any kind of prophecies about white buffalos. Perhaps so much has been lost they're now grasping at straws, at Nuage versions of Lakota beliefs.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 09:33:34 pm »
Seems they now have a myspace page, which doesn't tell much about the people involved, though there is a link for donations.

And a new organization they're trying to turn into a nonprofit.

They do have an adopt a buffalo program, which doesn't strike me as a bad idea even if they are NOT the ones from the prophecy.

Some of the people and groups mentioned involved:
Dena and Jim Riley
Joyful Living, described as a peace organization in Sedona
Dr. Arwyn E. Larkin (Dreamwalker) and her partner Tree

And it seems like one of the Swallow family did a blessing. He seems to be the only NDN to have anything to do with this group.

The most important development is the coming of the Sacred World Peace Church, "a church devoted to sacred animals and world peace."

They have a site, which seems to be down.

Arwyn Larkin has been mentioned a few times before on older versions of NAFPS.
An alleged shaman who trains others to become ones themselves. Larkin trained one of Harley Reagan's "Deer Tribe" and is a member herself.
"A Metis Road Woman on a shamanic path, Lyn began Native American shamanistic studies with Diane Battung, Ph.D. (Sea Dancer) in 1982.  Lyn met Sea Dancer's teacher, Thunder Strikes, for the first time on a spiritual group tour of the Yucatan sponsored by Joan Halifax and the Ojai Foundation.  After completing her "Night On the Mountain of Fear" ceremony in Chichen Itza under the supervision of Thunder Strikes, she made the decision to continue her studies with him. 
>>>Two other respected and loved teachers, with whom she studied shamanism for seven years, were Arwyn Larkin, Ph.D., and Brigitte Clausing, M.A.

Of mixed heritage herself (Native American and Celtic), Lyn now practices and teaches Native American philosophies, integrating teachings of other spiritual paths as appropriate to help bring about healing and quality of life for Grandmother Earth and all her children (mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms).   Lyn founded the Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge in 1993, continuing today as Lodge Chief and Drum Team Chief.  She offers weekly shamanic classes, sweat lodges, ceremonial weekends and shamanic healing.   

Lyn studied various holistic healing  techniques with Louise Taylor, director of The Institute of the Healing Arts, earning certificates in acupressure and reflexology, integrating color and sound healing.  She also holds certificates in herbology and iridology through her studies with Nanette Gil.  A Zenith, G.T.F. practitioner, she has completed Levels 1 through 5 of the Zenith healing system with Linda Raynor, M.F.C.C.  Lyn learned shamanic healing, including crystal healing and chakra balancing, from Brigitte Clausing,

>>>Arwyn Larkin, and Thunder Strikes.  In addition, she studied Jungian dream work with the late Helen Janiger for five years."

One really strange twist. There is an Arwyn Larkin who has recently protested the cloning of animals.

And an art page of hers. IN GERMAN.

And now it gets really strange. One of the most bizarre Nuage sites I've ever seen.
"Arwyn DreamWalker brings the teachings of the MorningStar Temple through teachings, healings, dreams and visions. She is the Guardian of the Crystal Skull Excalibur, carries the crystal knowledge and is a Dreamer, Seer, and Healer of the Shamanic traditions. She is a carrier of GrandFather Tom Wilson's vision of the Beauty Way.
Within the Western traditions, she has trained extensively, with a doctorate in psychology, working for 30 years as a psychologist, teacher, and family therapist. She has also trained within the Jungian tradition. She has trained extensively within the indigenous traditions of North and South America and the Old Keltic Ways, for the past 25 years bringing these teachings to America, Europe, Britain and Ireland.
 DreamWalker's work is to encourage people to awaken the gifts of their own lineages and to find their place on the Rainbow Web. She is one who walks between the worlds, bringing teachings and ancient wisdom of the Medicine people of Native America to reawaken the Sacred ways of this land. This is the Beauty Way, a way of prayer, of heart, of love and honouring of the Earth and her treasures. Her workshops are ceremony, working in sacred space, a temple, with an altar present. Arwyn DreamWalker choreographs ceremony of vision for these times. With her, we may step out of our Western mind-maze and expand into working with Spirit and the Elements." 

Tom Wilson is who H Reagan claims trained him.

Larkin solicting for the white buffalo.

A bizarre ceremony in Wales mixing pseudo NDN, pseudo pagan, and claims about avatars and the Ghost Dance.

So I'm left wondering if this whole foundation and "church" isn't being used by the Deer Tribe, their trying to have a lasting effect and control over what people believe about Lakota prophecy.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2008, 09:44:13 pm »
And the Rileys themselves look questionable. Not just for their trying to make a profit, but because they used inline breeding, which made it much more likely to produce more white buffalo.

As far as genetic testing, I'm no geneticist. But I do wonder why they don't give a little more detail on any tests performed, by who, etc. The methods allegedly used as well, since then other geneticists could come forward and say how valid the methods were.

Cached at
Real Estate Articles from Inman News 
Native Americans protest sale of white buffalo home
Ranch and herd carry $5 million price tag
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

By Glenn Roberts Jr.
Inman News

 A white buffalo at Spirit Mountain Ranch near Flagstaff, Ariz. (Photo courtesy of 
A ranch for sale in the highlands near Flagstaff, Ariz., offers something rare to its buyer: a small herd of white buffalo. The price tag for the ranch and herd is $5 million. But the sale of the herd, bred by the owners of the ranch, has also stirred protest among Native Americans who have said that it is wrong to sell something that is sacred.

For many generations, the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman has been passed along through spiritual leaders of the Native American nations in the Great Plains. The story speaks of a handing down of sacred teachings by this being.

Jim and Dena Riley, the current owners of the 4.2-acre Spirit Mountain Ranch that is home to the white buffalo herd, started the herd on a 66-acre ranch in Wyoming, later moving the herd to South Dakota and then moving again to its current home in 2001.

A Web site set up to raise money to support the herd,, refers to the Rileys as "guardians of the Sacred White Buffalo."

Portia Ryan, a Realtor who is working to sell the Spirit Mountain Ranch and herd, said, "They want to sell the herd. They have put nine years of their lives into this and all of their money. They are ranchers who should expect to see a profit from this sale."

She also said that in her view, "sacredness does not have to equal poverty. The Rileys are not being greedy, but on the other hand they are not being stupid, either. (The buffalo) have a home now. A nice home. With nice owners who love them. The Rileys would like to sell, move to a lower elevation and spend more time with their family. The buffalo have a journey that will go on, and the Rileys want that journey to be with the right people."

Dena Riley was reportedly in a major car accident last year, and the injury impaired her ability to help with ranch operations.

The Rileys' ranch includes a tourist stop and gift shop, a small animal petting zoo with llamas and goats, farm equipment, art gallery and non-profit foundation to support the buffalo.

The white buffalo herd began with the purchase of two buffalo – the Rileys named the first buffalo Dances, and the second buffalo was a 2-year-old white buffalo bull that they named Dream Maker. Dances died after eating too many oak nuts, Ryan said, and the Rileys purchased three female buffalo. "One thing led to another, and the family grew," she said.

 Spirit Mountain Ranch (Photo courtesy of 
The herd now includes 10 pure white buffalo that have been DNA-tested, according to a property listing for the ranch. The Rileys have used line-breeding with the herd, which is a form of inbreeding in which animals share a common ancestor.

Ryan said that it is odd for such a small herd to produce so many white buffalo.

"There is sound scientific reasoning for that occurrence, yet it does not entirely explain why so many are being born white, all from one original parent," she said. "Other herds have had a white, yet not produced this many whites. So, there is the 'unexplainable' element in this story. Could it be connected to the White Buffalo Legend, as the white buffalo are the bringers of a new peace?"

....Sally Higgins, a member of the Lakota Nation and a friend to [Arvol] Looking Horse...said that white animals are very rare and should be treated as sacred. "They're not trophies. They're not commercial commodities to be bought, sold and traded, and they're certainly not showcased for public exhibition. Money cannot buy honor, truth or sacredness, and the problem with money is that it corrupts the truth."

She added, "Our sacred ceremonies and our way of life are not for sale. If people love and respect the traditional Lakota ways, they honor these rules and they treat these animals with respect. They don't showcase them and they don't auction them off and they don't sell them to the highest bidder."

Ryan said that the Rileys have informed some Native American peoples about the sale of the ranch, and a report about the sale of the ranch was featured in the Lakota Journal.

"I am keeping the sale on the Web and networking with other organizations to get the word out," she said.

Kate Coffey, an assistant to Ryan, said that the Rileys have maintained a Spirit Pole at the ranch for people to place ornaments, such as flags, sashes and medicine bags, to honor the white buffalo.

Coffey said the Rileys' ranch is very isolated and its amenities are spare. The ranch uses a diesel generator and propane gas.

There has been national and international interest in the sale of the ranch, Coffey said, including "interest from Hollywood – it's been very interesting." Ryan stumbled upon the white buffalo ranch while searching for a sledding spot with her niece, Coffey said."

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2008, 11:35:28 pm »

And it seems like one of the Swallow family did a blessing. He seems to be the only NDN to have anything to do with this group.

 David Swallow was also involved with a group in PA and blessed that white buffalo there.  They were claiming virgin birth for that one.

edit: Line breeding will cause a recessive gene to "knick" causing it to become a dominate trait. The " blackskin-white hair" gene is a notorious "knicker" in cases of line breeding.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2008, 11:39:42 pm by NanticokePiney »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2008, 11:18:09 pm »
A bizarre ceremony in Wales mixing pseudo NDN, pseudo pagan, and claims about avatars and the Ghost Dance.

I looked this over and saw absolutely nothing from old Welsh polytheism, or any other Celtic cultural tradition (or "Keltic" *snerk*) . It's pure Nuage:

"In the dance we honour the Rainbow Bridge linking the sacred teachings of Native America with those of Britain, Ireland and Europe,"

I believe some of the older Scandanavian traditions have a "Rainbow Bridge", but that it links the world of the living to one of the Otherworlds. It has nothing to do with the way this person is using it. Like all the other terms on this crazy site, stolen from many cultures, this Arwyn is not using any of these terms to mean what they actually mean. She's mangled them all into an amorphous, Nuage mess:

"Sacred Avatars, ... O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, we raise our Hearts to you. You Messengers and Spirits of the Four Winds, and to the Grandmother who has given of your Robe that we may have Life here. ... Bless us as we Dance to release the Hungry Ghost energy from within us and each other. As we clear, cleanse, purify, and transform the Ancestral Lines of ourselves and our Peoples, awakening the Bodhisattva inside ourselves and each other. "

Gah. The more I read the weirder it gets:

"We pray that within the teaching of the Ghost Dance, that which has been hidden and misunderstood for so many years, may be brought into Light; ; for here lies the Mystery at the Heart of the Temple of the Grail, weaving with the Mystery at the Heart of the Ghost Dance. In that which cannot be spoken, there is much that can be Dreamed. Let us seek the Third Point, the Gateway of GF and PM and their vision of the Rainbow Bridge, the place where the Christos of the Grail and the Medicine Wheel of the Native People of Turtle Island can meet and co-create in Grace, Peace, Beauty, Heart and Freedom."

Geez, it just goes on and on, mixing and misrepresenting Native American, East Indian, Western Ceremonial Magic, wishful thinking and hallucinations. Back away slowly...

And then we end on this humble note:

"We Dance as The People of noble birth of Star and Earth, standing with the Grandmother and Her Worlds on this Journey to 2013 and Beyond, Dreaming through the Dark Matter as we reclaim and restore the Beauty of the Grandmother with the Sisterhood of Planets."


P.S. - Oh, and her name is from Tolkien. And the "mystical" writing on her page appears to be the "Elvish" script he invented for his novels.

And you can pay her £395 "to provide keys to the empowering and activation of a new template for your DNA."

Claims to be doing the Beauty Way ceremony... for £295.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 02:00:20 am by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline Kevin

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2008, 11:29:08 am »
shouldn't some of these posts belong in the comedy section? I was hoping to hear that 9 sacred clowns might be riding them buffalos throwing out crystals and candy to all the children of the world then we would all be one big happy family, finally.

Offline Hapechi Wea

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2010, 07:54:53 am »
« Last Edit: October 03, 2010, 10:00:24 am by Hapechi Wea »

Offline nemesis

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Re: nine sacred White Buffaloes
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2012, 09:01:58 am »
There is a newage aura photographing business based in the UK that is soliciting funds for the Dena Riley  and the 9 White Buffalo
I want to address something here which is very important to us:
The White Buffalo. And we wish to help here also in connection with a registered Charity, where we are members of. “Viisions Life Force Foundation” located in the UK. Please go to:
It is about “SpiritMountain Ranch” based in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, which is a home for now 9 White Buffalos.
Just before Christmas we received devastating news from Viisons Life Force Foundation about the Buffalo Sanctuary: Very bad weather conditions hit Flagstaff, which makes it almost impossible to continue feeding and taking care of the Sacred White Buffalos.  Dena Riley is in big need of help to continue their very hard but important work to keep the Sanctuary going.
Here are the words of Viisions Life Force Foundation (and this will be also found on their web site - see above)
As many of you who have seen our web site are aware, Viisions Life Force Foundation supports with the supplying of hay for the Sacred White Buffalo. Over the Christmas 2008 period we were in contact with Dena Riley and found to our dismay, she has been struggling with the horrendous weather conditions that have hit Flagstaff, Arizona.
We have been able to forward enough money to cover a full load, approximately 40 tons of Bermuda Hay, as on speaking to Dena the Buffalo only had enough hay for feeding for a week.  Also her water supply had diminished drastically –
1) Partially due to finances as running water is not available where the Buffalo Ranch is situated.  The Buffalo were reduced to eating snow and ice as she has to have deliveries of water to sustain the Buffalo and herself. Monies to fill one of her water tanks have been forwarded on to her which will help her immensely.
She has had the occasional help from a Navajo man known to us as Andy, who we spoke to over the Christmas period.  We asked if he could possibly work full time with the help of running the Sanctuary with Dena, giving her the support that is greatly needed with the manual work of cleaning pens, feeding and general upkeep of the Buffalo, and moving hay, bearing in mind these bales are not the small manageable bales, they are huge.
We have managed to collect, with the help of donations two weeks wages to allow Andy to stay on the ranch to give the much needed help to Dena. Andy has got four little girls and a wife to support, he has agreed to what we have asked.  His employer has been kind enough to allow him to assist Dena. So now what we are asking is if you could feel within your heart and put your hand in your pocket to forward on to us donations small or large, to allow us with the help of you all and your kind support to keep Andy (the Navajo) to remain at the Sacred White Buffalo Sanctuary to give the much needed help to Dena Riley.
If you want to help in this very important task, Please go to following link:
Here you can use Pay Pal to make your donations (don’t forget to mention “White Buffalo”) or you can download following form here, if you do not wish to pay via pay pal.
Also you can subribe to become a member of Viisions Life Force Foundation. I can assure you, that all money donated will be used for urgent issues for the Native American people.

These people are exhibiting at the Quest twinkiefest in Newton Abbott 12 - 15 July 2012