Author Topic: Wm McRae AKA Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay Bagby, Abbanaki Aboriginal Natio  (Read 16706 times)

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Not to be confused with the actual Abenaki people who are in New England. This is a Black supremacy/Nation of Islam/militia/sovereign citizen bunch of crazies in New Jersey.

I look forward to Kanye West's appearance.  ::)

‘Sovereign citizen’ must face charges, even if he is Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay Bagby
By Travis Gettys Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A federal judge has ordered a New Jersey “sovereign citizen” to stand trial on a variety of criminal charges – regardless of whether he is, as he claims to be, the Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay Bagby.

William McRae, of Ewing, asked a federal court to remove him from the criminal case filed in Bucks County, where he has been charged with using fake diplomatic tags, drunken driving, driving without a license, and failure to pay child support.

The 41-year-old McRae claims U.S. laws don’t apply to him because he’s a member of the Abannaki Aboriginal Nation — which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes a “fringe black separatist group.”

“(The sovereign citizen group) propounds a bizarre ideology that’s a mix of pseudo-scientific ideas about white people and groundless theories about being immune to U.S. laws that originated in white supremacist groups,” the SPLC reported.

McRae, who claims to be the heir to the Powhatan Renape Nation, argues that he is not a citizen of the United States and has petitioned Gov. Chris Christie to grant hundreds of acres of tribal land in New Jersey.

“I’m not an actor and I’m not a comedian,” McRae said. “I’m a real person in the flesh.”

The tribe lost in recent years the 237-acre reservation it leased from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection due to financial mismanagement.

McRae, who refers to himself as the Crown Prince Emperor, has managed to gain control of the tribe’s phone number after paying the unpaid bill and has accepted artifacts on behalf of the tribe.

“We don’t know where he came from. We don’t know anything about him,” said Obie Batchelor, a Powhatan Renape member from Camden County. “He just popped up out of the woodwork. You can’t just pop up and claim yourself chief.”

McRae claims he can trace his ancestry to Chief Powhatan in eastern Virginia and has unsuccessfully attempted to raise $150,000 to gain control of the tribe’s old reservation.

“I am getting back on that land, whether it’s professionally or whether we have to go out there and do it ourselves,” McRae said.

The self-proclaimed crown prince has also urged hip-hop star Kanye West to join the tribe.

McRae’s attorney, Alfred Tar-El, said the “crown prince” intended to keep fighting the charges and planned to file a second petition in U.S. District Court.

The Abannaki Nation, which is based in Philadelphia, incorporates some teachings by the late Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad – such as his view that whites are a “grafted race” – and members refer to themselves as Muurs or Moors.

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Intelligence Report, Summer 2007, Issue Number:  126

Abannaki Indigenous Nation Members Arrested
Black Separatists

Another fringe black separatist group has come into the crosshairs of law enforcement. Like many others, the Abannaki Indigenous Nation propounds a bizarre ideology that's a mix of pseudo-scientific ideas about white people and groundless theories about being immune to U.S. laws that originated in white supremacist groups.

In March, police in Trenton, N.J., told The Trentonian that they had encounters with several men claiming to have immunity from U.S. laws. Four were arrested in separate incidents over the course of three days on charges ranging from possession of a controlled substance to displaying fraudulent documentation. The men identified themselves as members of the Abannaki Indigenous Nation, but the group's formal name, according to its website, is the Abannaki Aboriginal Nation of Muurs (such groups commonly use variants of the word "Moor," the ancient name for a dark-skinned North African people, to describe themselves).

In each incident, the men said they did not recognize U.S. law and presented "diplomatic identity papers" that the police determined were fraudulent. The men, who later called themselves "diplomats," said they were members of an "indigenous nation" that includes people from "the so-called planet earth" and other planets including Mars and Venus. The police impounded a car with phony diplomatic license plates.

One of the four, Wilbert Harrington, also known as Shir M. Bey, 27, of Hamilton, N.J., was charged with possessing a controlled dangerous substance with the intent to distribute, obstructing the administration of law, resisting arrest and displaying fraudulent documentation. Harrington arrived in court wearing a fez and demanded that a jury of his peers — several of whom were seated in the courtroom and also dressed in the red felt hats — preside over his case.

International Indigenous Society Chief Executive Abdul-Ali Muhammad, the leader of the Abannaki Nation, told The Trentonian that the men's identification documents are real and signed by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. After the arrests, Muhammad published a 20-point statement, "Conspiracy on Nation Exposed," which attacked the local police for being ignorant of international law, the Constitution and state law.

According to law enforcement, the Abannaki Nation first appeared in Philadelphia, where its headquarters is located. Members were discovered in Mercer County, N.J., last October.

The group's website praises the late Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad and agrees with his view that whites are "a grafted race." According to Abdul-Ali Muhammad, whites live a "toxic existence" because they need animal proteins to offset a deficient "chemical makeup." Because of this defect, whites are a "negative influence" on black people and the earth. Muhammad also believes that AIDS comes from eating meat and dairy products.

South Jersey tribe's Prince Alarming
BY JASON NARK, Daily News Staff Writer, 215-854-5916
Posted: February 07, 2014

THE BUFFALO are gone, the beating drums replaced by tree branches colliding in the winter wind, and on a frigid afternoon last month a wide, metal gate blocked the entrance to what was once South Jersey's only Native-American reservation.

Beyond the gate, down a snow-covered road, the Powhatan Renape Nation's museum sat empty, its artifacts in storage. Deeper in the forest, two-pronged deer tracks led to the late Chief Roy Crazy Horse's rancher, built illegally atop a bluff overlooking Rancocas Creek, birds now fluttering in and out of its chimney and broken windows.

"There are no more Indians here," said a woman walking two small dogs on the land the tribe leased for 25 years in Westampton Township, Burlington County. "All their stuff is gone."

In fact, more than deer and dogs are afoot among the Powhatan Renape these days. A self-proclaimed leader with an impossibly long name and a confusing past says he's taking the reins and reclaiming the reservation, whether council members like it or not.

"I am the heir to the Powhatan Empire," said Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay. "I don't deal with the council. The council is null and void."

The Crown Prince - as he wishes to be called - is Trenton native William McRea, 40, known in the capital for the horses he keeps on his half of a duplex.

According to news accounts, McRae has been charged with using fake diplomatic tags, driving without a license and failure to pay child support. He has claimed that U.S. laws don't apply to him because he's a member of the Abannaki Aboriginal Nation, which the Southern Poverty Law Center considers a "fringe black separatist group."

The Powhatan Renape Nation, on the other hand, is recognized by the New Jersey Commission on Native American Affairs, and in better days it hosted thousands of people from all over the country at an annual arts festival on what used to be called the Rankokus Indian Reservation.

The tribe has struggled in recent years due to financial mismanagement and organizational issues, losing the 237-acre parcel it leased from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

The council is still active, and its members are aware of the Crown Prince. They just don't know what to do about him.

"We don't know where he came from. We don't know anything about him," said Obie Batchelor, a Powhatan Renape member from Pennsauken, Camden County. "He just popped up out of the woodwork. You can't just pop up and claim yourself chief."

But the Crown Prince can't simply be written off as eccentric or prone to gibberish: He has managed to get control of the Powhatan Renape Nation's phone number and he's accepted artifacts on behalf of the tribe, posing for pictures with elderly women in a large headdress that no Powhatan ever wore.

On Twitter, he's been urging hip-hop star Kanye West to take his place among the tribe.

"I had to get him kicked off the website, but he paid the phone bill and claimed the phone number," Batchelor said.

The Crown Prince also made an inquiry to the state about getting the land back. The DEP - in a January 2013 letter addressed to "Chief Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bagby (Holmes) Pamunkey" - politely declined.

But the Crown Prince vows to fight on.

"I am getting back on that land, whether it's professionally or whether we have to go out there and do it ourselves," he told the Daily News.

One of the Crown Prince's goals, he said, is to "clean up" the Powhatan name, which he said has been dragged through the mud. He's also tried to raise $150,000 on the website, although no one has donated.

He said that his bloodline can be traced to Chief Powhatan himself, in eastern Virginia. He said that he answers to someone in King William County, Va., along with the United Nations and an empress in Switzerland.

"I'm not an actor and I'm not a comedian," he said. "I'm a real person in the flesh."

But JoAnne Hawkins, the Powhatan Renape representative on the New Jersey Commission on American Indian Affairs, is not impressed with the man who claims to be the tribe's new leader.

"He isn't legitimate," Hawkins said. "He has nothing to do with Powhatan Renape Nation."

Doreen Adele "Autumn Wind" Scott, the commission's chairwoman and a member of North Jersey's Ramapough Lenape Nation, said she had heard about the Crown Prince and would look into his claims.

But other Powhatan members and people posting on Native-American website forums have questioned why the council hasn't taken action against the Crown Prince.

"Our tribal leadership lacks a spiritual foundation, so we're unable to thrive as an organized Nation and it appears non-members are taking advantage of our time of weakness," Wendy Logan, a Powhatan formerly from South Jersey, said in an email from Arizona.

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City man arrested for outstanding warrants

Michael J. Ratcliffe/The Times By  Michael J. Ratcliffe/The Times   
on September 11, 2008 at 9:09 PM, updated September 11, 2008 at 9:14 PM

TRENTON -- Emperor El Bey, an Ellis Avenue resident who has received minor fame for keeping two horses in his backyard against the wishes of the city, has been arrested and charged in a multitude of warrants and delinquent child support payments.

El Bey, who authorities know as William M. Mcrae, was taken into custody during a court appearance in Bordentown Township Wednesday morning when three active Trenton warrants were discovered by the court administrator.

Bordentown Township police Lt. Norman Hand said he was called down to the municipal courthouse around 11 a.m. where El Bey was being arraigned on a charge of using a false name during a motor vehicle stop that had happened about a week before. Hand was shown the warrants, cuffed El Bey, and walked him into the police station to be processed.

El Bey had dressed for court in a red shirt with three stars decorating each epaulet, Hand said, and was very protective of the fez that he was wearing. Hand, who had heard about El Bey's travails with his horses but didn't know the details, was unfazed.

"After 18 years you're like, OK, been there, done that," he said.

Trenton police spokesman Sgt. Pedro Medina said El Bey was then taken into custody by Trenton police on the warrants, the bail amount of which totaled $2,500. The warrants involved El Bey's alleged failure to pay fines on charges of driving while unlicensed, driving on a revoked license, and careless driving.

El Bey was scheduled to be turned over to the Mercer County Sheriff's Department Thursday night on the child support warrants. The child support claims are by three different women for more than $50,000 total in support.

The warrants individually were for $24,000, $19,000, and $9,000, Sheriff's Department Chief Warrant Officer Dennis McManimon said.

 "He's going to have to come up with some money," McManimon said.

Until a suitable payment arrangement can be worked out with the three women or until El Bey can bail himself out, he will be lodged in the Mercer County Correction Center.

El Bey has had child support run-ins at least once before.

"He's no stranger to law enforcement, let's put it that way," McManimon said.

Prison records show El Bey served a little over two months in state prison for a drug charge in 1998, where he was sentenced as William Billingsley. Billy Dread is also listed as an alias.

El Bey also has received attention for claiming heritage through the Abannaki Aboriginal Nation, which he says gives him dominion over his property and allows him to keep the horses. He says his house is the embassy of a sovereign nation, and therefore foreign soil.

Neither Bordentown Township nor Trenton police said El Bey made any claims of diplomatic immunity when he was in their custody.

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Emperor El Bey, who considers his half of an Ellis Avenue duplex as an embassy for the sovereign Abannaki Aboriginal Nation, yesterday -- in fairytale style -- arrived on horseback and professed his affection for the city's library director, Kimberly Matthews. He is seen here with horses Princess (left) and Pop. (Trentonian File Photo/JACKIE SCHEAR)

Staff Writer
POSTED: 03/12/12, 7:17 PM EDT |

TRENTON -- The city's top librarian yesterday brushed aside advances from a self-proclaimed emperor who showed up on horseback at her Academy Street workplace, hoping to ride her away to a new life.

Sources close to the 10 a.m. incident said that Emperor El Bey, an Ellis Avenue resident, delivered amorous material worthy of a romance novel, but Trenton Free Public Library Executive Director Kimberly Matthews declined his offer and had security call for police assistance.

"We asked him to remove his horses from the property. When he did not comply with those wishes, the police were called. I appreciated their timely response," said Matthews.

El Bey, according to sources, had waited approximately 90 minutes for Matthews to arrive before making a move toward her when she pulled her Corvette into a library parking lot.

El Bey had tethered two horses to a nearby tree while waiting for the dark-haired Matthews.

Emperor El Bey admitted he had told Matthews that she was beautiful and that he owned a Porsche.

"I even asked her if she would like to get together some time and burn rubber, you know, race our cars. But I never asked her to be queen of our kingdom. If I wanted her to be our queen, I would have gotten down on one knee and proposed that," El Bey said.

"(Matthews) is apparently just trying to get famous off my name. A lot of people try to get famous off of me."

Davon Feliciano, a security guard for John T. Coy Security Inc., said he watched on a security camera as Emperor El Bey approached Matthews as she parked her car in a corner spot.

"(The Emperor) said that Ms. Matthews was beautiful and that he and three other men had come here to take her away to their kingdom. He wanted her to ride away with him on the spot. It was very strange," said Feliciano.

Feliciano said that El Bey and friends are "regular" visitors to the Academy Street library.

"They wear those (maroon) hats with the tassels," Feliciano said, describing fez-type head gear worn by El Bey and associates.

"The emperor once commented about the U.S. flag I wear on my uniform. He said that it's not the real flag of this country."

Bey's headwear is without a tassle.

Emperor El Bey acknowledged his frequent visits to the Academy Street library.

"I'm there a lot, probably more than anybody. Did I tell the security guard about his uniform flag? Yes. That flag is the symbol of a corporation. The U.S. is a corporation," Bey said.

A library employee with information about the incident said that El Bey yesterday repeatedly told Matthews about her beauty.

"He wanted her to come back to his 'kingdom' and rule with him," the source said.

Authorities know Emperor El Bey as William M. Mcrae, who considers his half of an Ellis Avenue duplex as an embassy for the sovereign Abannaki Aboriginal Nation and thereby immune from Trenton ordinances.

According to a former Trentonian report, Abannaki members say they were American Indians who were actually Moors and members of the Lost Tribe of Israel.

El Bey has been arrested for outstanding warrants in the city and Bordentown while other reports show that complaints have been filed against him for failure to pay $57,000 in child support to three different mothers.

Dennis McManimon, chief warrant officer for Mercer Sheriff Kevin Larkin, in a previously printed Trentonian article, said that Emperor El Bey has been researched extensively.

"These guys are not part of a sovereign nation, and they don't have diplomatic immunity," McManimon said.

But Emperor El Bey did nothing that warranted arrest during his interaction with Matthews.

"The police spoke to them, and then they got on their horses and rode down Academy Street," Feliciano said.

Trenton police spokesperson Sgt. Pedro Medina confirmed that police talked to El Bey and then "sent him on his way."

The following statement by the Powhatan Renape Nation was approved at its February community meeting and has been distributed for circulation... 

Powhatan Renape Nation
Statement on the Activities of El Bey Bagby a.k.a William McRae
Pennsauken, New Jersey, February 8th, 2014

The people of the Powhatan Renape Nation have become aware of reports on the activities of a person calling himself “El Bey Bagby” who claims the titles “Crown Prince” and “Emperor” and who asserts that he is the leader of our Nation. It appears that Mr. Bagby is also known as “William McRae” and is sometimes cited with the surname “Holmes.”

We emphatically state that Mr. Bagby has never been elected, appointed or otherwise requested to lead, represent, or speak for our people. He is not, nor has he ever been, an official of the Powhatan Renape Nation.

It appears that Mr. Bagby has taken advantage of a  time of transition in our tribal governance to promote himself as a tribal official. Mr. Bagby has allegedly communicated or attempted to communicate with other American Indian Nations, officials of the State of New Jersey, regional and national organizations and local community groups using our tribal name, letterhead, and seal. He has allegedly received artifacts, sought  donations and grants under the same misrepresentations.

As indicated above, Mr. Bagby’s actions and efforts should not be considered official actions on behalf of the Powhatan Renape people.

This statement has been reviewed, discussed and adopted as the official statement of the Powhatan Renape Nation at a general meeting held on the 8th of February, 2014.


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Al, I thought his photo should show up here.  It speaks volumes.

This is the caption: 
PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA Crown Prince Emperor El Bey Bigbay,a/k/a William McRae, donning a plains Indian headdress the Powhatan Renape never wore, says he's the Nation's rightful leader.

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Photo of McRae taking artifacts under false pretenses. This seems like it should be enough to jail him for theft, fraud, etc.

Below that, the Woodlands forum copied his linkedin profile where he lists himself as Powhattan chief. McRae had sense enough to hide his profile since.

Even some other "Muurs" think McRae is a fool. One saying he should be smacked.

McRae also links himself to the Washitaw militia/Black Muslim frauds.

Kingdom of Al Maghrib Barghawata Confederacy
Last Updated: 2014-05-13   
Address:  Kingdom of Al Maghrib Barghawata Confederacy
PO Box 22164, Trenton, NJ 08609, USA
Phone:  609-261 4747 
General Information:  6 Civiilized tribes of 6 Nation=6 flags =6 Point Star Flag =otto=Almond Dynasty=Han Chineese=The Berber Moor=The Original owners of the Thriteen Colonies=The Moorish Empire=The Continental Army=the Cherry Tree=George Washington Chopped Down The Muslims Flag=Bejamin Bannaki aka Bejamin Hoomes aka Bejamin Abbannaki=Abbu meaning father=Serphecal Triganomerty means Muslims mathmatics =Moorish Science and Moorish Architect=Wabanaki of Acadia=Chessepeak Bays =Owners of Chesseboard & Kings of the Peakock Dynasty=the Melungeon=Powhatan Renape Nation=6Flags=6Nations=6Point Star Flag of the Six Nation=Treaty of the 6 Nations Amurrukkun Provedence of Axacan.Berber Amigzh
General Activities: United nation Perminent form on Indigenous Issues Seat 215/93 Washitaw Pamunkey ,Queen Anniemarie Pamunkey Lu lu Lady liberty Muslim Queen of the moorish Empire Estate Number 98-6062019 Foriegn Queen Anne War the Spanish Succession 1702
 United States Department of State federal Authentication number 10001657-1
 Chericoke Mansion Kingwilliam County Virginia Muslims First White House route 666=Powhatan Renape Indian Reservation STATE OF New Jersey Regonized West Hampton Township Rankokus =
 MillHam Township 1800 =Anne Parke Purchase Indians=Pamke=Pamunkey=Balken,The Ottoman

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McRae claims he can trace his ancestry to Chief Powhatan in eastern Virginia and has unsuccessfully attempted to raise $150,000 to gain control of the tribe’s old reservation.

This Powhatan weirdness is just endless. Now and then I go back to the stuff on and try to straighten it out... but these poor ancestors have now had so much impossible stuff attached to them via the published family trees of fantasists and incompetent researchers. Women who supposedly had tons of children before they reached reproductive maturity, or had seven husbands despite dying at age twenty, just impossible stuff. And every year more fantasy gets piled on.

At this point, I don't think we're ever going to clear it all up. Not unless a new source of impeccable provenance appears, and I just don't think it's going to happen. So we're left with a small handful of Powhatans who have been conflated with one another, as well as with Natives from distant tribes and different eras, all merged then divided, over and over again, till very little makes sense. It's sad, really.

I should go look this guy's data up... if he's actually from those lines, we might be distant cousins. *sigh* But no, that doesn't make either of us the chief.  ::)

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I think this is the same guy...? Same nonsense anyway.

Man calling himself a ‘sovereign nation' tells judge he and friend are immune to U.S. laws

By Paul Mickle, The Trentonian
Posted: 09/09/14, 9:07 PM EDT | Updated: 11 hrs ago

TRENTON — A “sovereign’’ decked out in a war bonnet from an Native American tribe appeared in Mercer County court Tuesday to argue that cops had no right to arrest his friend for possession of a gun.

El Bey, self-proclaimed emperor and crown prince of the Washitaw tribe of ancient American mound builders, told a bemused Superior Court Judge Pedro Jimenez that he didn’t have jurisdiction over gun suspect Abdul Aziz, who wore a priestly black cassock for the proceedings.

Bey wore a plains Indian head dress that hung to the back of his knees and was festooned with dozens of iridescent crow feathers. The sight of him caused a stir in court and outside the courthouse.

The crown prince, 42, is best known in Trenton for once asserting his status as a so-called “sovereign’’ nation allowed to keep a horse in the back yard of his row house in the Wilbur section.

Bey told The Trentonian he and allies will ride their horses through Trenton next week to make a political point. He said he has legal papers exempting him from U.S. and local law.

People calling themselves sovereign countries unto themselves, to get out of paying taxes and obeying laws, is part of a minor, if troublesome, trend facing judges and court officers, who were briefed on the issue earlier this year.

Most of the sovereigns are simple kooks, they were told, but the most extreme of the people making such claims could pose a danger. Judges were told to keep personal information off social media and watch their surroundings when away from the courthouse.

In addition to fighting the charge against Aziz, 40, Bey said he was appearing to argue that the gun should be returned to him because the Trenton cops had no authority to take it from the tribe.

Bey said he now lives on an expanse of acreage along the Rancocas Creek in Burlington County, the former Rancocas State Park, which the state leased 30 years ago to an ad hoc American Indian tribe headed by the late Roy Crazy Horse, who claimed Powhatan heritage.

After Crazy Horse died, Bey said he asserted ancient Washitaw rights in the American Northeast and managed to get control of the acreage and the one large house on the property overlooking the creek in Westampton.

The Washitaw are best known as the mound builders of centuries before Columbus, who constructed monuments to their dead from Ohio and Kentucky to Mississippi and Alabama.

Jimenez, who is handling two dockets due to a judge shortage, didn’t have time to get into lengthy historical, social and political discussion with Bey, who is always ready to argue his immunity from prosecution.

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Manhattan judge grants man, 19, bail after his dad sports Native American headdress to court

A man who says he's a leader in the Empire Washitaw Native American tribe wore a floor-length feather headdress to his son Kyree Trotman's court appearance on weapons charges Monday. He said he had a partial victory because the judge granted his son bail again after his initial bond was revoked.

BY  Shayna Jacobs   /  NEW YORK DAILY NEWS /

Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News

A man who says his name is Crown Prince Emperor holds his 2-month-old son as he waits for his 19-year-old son's case to be called in Manhattan Supreme Court on Monday.

A 42-year-old New Jersey man who says he's a leader in the Empire Washitaw Native American tribe wore a floor-length feather headdress to his son's court appearance Monday, hoping to get the attention of the Manhattan judge in his 19-year-old son's weapons case.

The garb-wearing spiritual dad, who identified himself only as the Crown Prince Emperor, wanted to tell Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Ronald Zweibel that state laws should not apply to his boy who, he says, is a descendant of natives who have true rights to Manhattan.

"This is my son's land," said Emperor, who lives on an Indian reservation and was with his 2-month-old baby in the court hallway. "My son's family was here 2,000 years before they settled."

His son had previously pled guilty in a July 2013 weapons possession case but is supposed to get his case sealed if he complies with the terms of his deal under a provision available to young offenders.

Emperor — who missed the case's actual calendar call — said he had a partial victory because the judge granted his son Kyree Trotman bail again after his initial bond was revoked for not reporting to the bondsman.

He was convinced his presence played a role.

"I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't interact directly with the judge," Emperor said, adding: "He did recognize me in order to see me. To release him."

Bail was set at $15,000 bond or $10,000 cash and Emperor said he should be able to spring his son soon.

He used the courthouse cameo to stake a claim to the city and land around it.

"I have all the original paperwork for the Statue of Liberty,"
he said.

"Be on the lookout for our own currency coming out the end of the year — with my face on it," he added.