Author Topic: "Hummingbird Spiraling: Ceremonial Facilitator, Drummer, Singer & Sound Healer"  (Read 16620 times)

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
I visited the local brew pub here in Sedona the other night and on the way out spotted a home produced 8.5" x 11" poster by this woman offering a "sweat lodge" and "sacred pipe ceremony" for a "donation" of $10 (or so) and $15 (or so) respectively. Also advertised was the vegan potluck to follow and the "possibility of sleeping in a tipi!" (exclamation point not my own). This information appeared to have been hand written with a fat point sharpie across an enlarged image of copyrighted artwork (By this person, who is dead:

I removed the poster and later burned it (couldn't help myself - camp fire was quite opportune later that night). I looked around online to find the inevitable website. Here it is:

Seems her name is Annie Hummingbird according to

Obviously, she doesn't have enough money yet to spring for her own domain. She makes no mention of teachers or associates on her site that I could see. Only vaguely mentions her involvement with nameless Sundancers.

But really, what kind of message does this woman think she's sending by advertising - of all places - in a brew pub?! She evidently has no clue what a scourge alcohol is and has been to those whose ways she is co-opting for a profit. She's really one of the grossest of her kind that I've seen so far this visit south. The get worse each winter.

These people really have no shame and it seems the worst of the worst eventually end up here in Sedona.

(As a side note, I think may have met this woman in person years ago when I first came to visit this part of Arizona. I was having a conversation with her near a creek. I had a sterling silver representation of the Earth on a bracelet which I lost at that moment in time...*plonk* into the creek.)

« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 07:00:07 am by bonestyx »

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
Saw this little zinger in her bio:

I was always very closed to mother earth since forever, so I decided to really honor that precious relationship

Very closed indeed. Always interesting how a typo can sometimes reveal a painful (and generally unspoken) truth.

Offline Kevin

  • Posts: 182
Yeh, she is closed all right. What a hoot. I bet the little hummingbirds don't think much of her using their name either. Sleeping in a tipi too! Ohhhh, talk about communing with nature!

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Apparently she could "feel" my energy and didn't want to tell me what Band or which Elders taught her.Not "feel" me enough to know i am MRS and not Mr Lightfoot though

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Here we go.
Spirit Caller
Ceremonies for the empowerment of the spirit
Mother Turtle,White Buffalo Healing Lodge
Serving the Sedona area
928 451 2000

Shes "mainly" (her words) French Canadian,though she "beleives" (again her words not mine)she's Montagniase (Inu) nation (again her words)
Shes another nuager guys its painfully obvious when and if you get her to respond to you.

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
She's probably mad because I sent her this link:

Offline educatedindian

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Didn't it ever occur to her that a hummingbird spiraling would be one that's out of control or can't fly right? Only someone whose never been around birds (or heck, probably not around nature except the Disney movie fantasy version) would choose thatr name. It's like choosing the "Indian name" of "Eagle Plopping to the Ground".

Nice mishmash of unrelated tribes' beliefs too. White Buffalo and mother turtle do not have anything to do with Innu tradition.

Yeah, she got herself a ceremony selling website, but can't afford to pay for one yet. /hummingbirdspiraling/

Aren't commercial sites barred on geocities?

Gotta love that white buckskin outfit. Pat Boone might sue. Or Elvis impersonators.

Some of these would be ceremonies are so ridiculous. "Ceremonial hiking"? And a 100 bucks a day for vision quest. Basically you're paying for her to leave you alone and not give you anything to eat. Adults call that "sending the kid to bed without supper." Except the kids aren't dumb enough to pay for it.

The bear healing ceremony? You lie on a bearskin...oh wait, they also "set the intention."

And "dragon blood" in a sweatlodge? Anybody's guess? Pig or cow from the butcher? Or ground up tofu with food coloring?

I'd like to say that only in Sedona would anyone be dumb enough to actually pay this woman for things this comically ridiculous, but I'd probably be wrong.

Offline educatedindian

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She's also, what else, a pipe carrier. Tribe conveniently left out, and willing to lie to children.

2008 Forrest Fest Guests 
 Annie Hummingbird, Jerome, Arizona
Sacred Pipe Carrier, Healer, Storyteller and drumming leader, Annie Hummingbird will assist us in the opening cremony for Forrest Fest Volunteers and the tree dedication on Saturday morning. She will also be available for Storytelling adventures with school age children

One of her friends advertising it is Mary Andrews Swimming Kangaroo. I swear I'm not making that up.

And you can do astro journeys with her. I can't help but think of the Jetsons.

Offline Spaewife

  • Posts: 70
The Dragons Blood is probably the resin from like a variety of 'plants' like Dracaena terminalis,  Croton sanguifolius, or Calamus rotang.
The terminalis I know  is used in the making of the red varnish on Chinese furniture, but the I think it's the roots are used medicinally.  Dysentary comes to mind.

There are lots of 'varieties' of the plants all over the world.  It's also sold at times as Dragon Tears, because that is what or how the resin dries or the shape. 

Most I've ever seen it used by others is similar to using copal or frankincense on hot coals, or looks like in this case hot rocks.   Its not bad smelling.. but I'm not sure I'd want to be in a confined area if a bunch of it was tossed on a coal or such.  I've never been one to purchase it, primarily cause when I did look into it, it was insanely expensive.

As far as the humming birds.. only time I've seen them go in circles so to speak is either when they are squabbling over a feeder.. or flying around them but, I don't believe that constitues a 'spiral' rofl. 

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
I can confirm Al that nope you are sadly not making that that up.She also wants not one but two of those pipes between us if ever we meet.(doesn't want much huh)The child is playing with things she has no comprehention of,let alone the right to dabble with like a kid at a pic n mix cndy counter..but that is my personal self expression and does not alter the fact shes a nuager.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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The ceremonies that I facilitate come from different backgrounds. When we initiate goddess-like rites of passage, the ceremony will carry a Celtic essence to it. If I am called to facilitate a drumming circle with children, you might see me wearing wings and blessing the drum with glitter. If I am called to share the sacred pipe, I will use my Native background.

F-ing nauseating.

Because, you know, glitter is sacred; and having an Irish ancestor somewhere in your family tree means your nuage fantasies and made-up rituals are therefore "Celtic." This one is cut from the same cloth as White Ego Fraud, just less successful.

Yeah, Dragon's Blood is a resin, used to make blood-red ink, and as a component in some incenses and oils. You'll often find it in general occult recipes in use among Western Ceremonial Magic people, Wiccans, and some of the Afro-Diasporic traditions that have been influenced by those strains of occultism. Needless to say, it's not from Arizona, and the idea of using it in a sweat is bizarre and upsetting.

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
Hands up all those who are or know of members of the snail clan,who in the words of Annie,leave slime trails (nice)she openly admits that she tells the kids this.She's also making a nod towards Metis.

Offline zoi lightfoot

  • Posts: 139
We've picked up a very disruptive young woman calling herself Greenhummingbird on one of Treaty House's linked sites.I'd be grateful if anyone picks up a link between her and "spirilling" can you let me know,thanks.

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
I could not find anything anywhere about this person. Can you post links?

Offline bonestyx

  • Posts: 39
Actually - I take that back.

I found a MySpace profile for someone in Las Cruces by the name of Eileene who uses the moniker "Greenhummingbird".

In her profile, I found some photos. Could this (the brunette on the right - be her?

What I've been able to find out:

Eileene Toni Soltero (sometimes transposes first and middle names)
Married to Robert A. Soltero
DOB: October 1959
Las Cruces, NM

No evident links to Annie of Sedona.