Author Topic: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman  (Read 128729 times)

Offline Peacewalker

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2008, 03:15:38 pm »

  History of Vancouver Island sundance

  In 1999 the first dance was held, after Crowdog came to Vancouver and did a yuwipi  at the Native Friendship Center on Hasting Street.
The dance ran for four years on Hornby island. Dancers came from Japan and Alteaora
The dance then moved to Vancouver Island and Pat was the intercessor for two years until he died in the third year of the dance. He passed the responsibility on you a young man called Kevin Campbell,who is Mic'maq I think.
I really cannot tell you about the present dance as I have no contact with the dance.
I believe it is running now for six years.
The interview with Pat was done years ago.


Offline Peacewalker

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2008, 05:01:54 pm »
I have decided not to llok at your site anymore and this will be my last post as I really find the fraud busting you think you are doing is getting people hurt, if people are abusing the medicine then it will take care of them,whereas what you are doing is inciting violence by your nit picking. Emails that I have written you make snide comments ie my mentioning Fools Crow. Well Pat was with him..end of story. I never said Pat was Lakota at any time yet you attribute that to me.
As for the [Insult removed] american woman with the irish.  [Mild cursing] you to sit in judgement of me and sound so superior, you are [Insult removed]. I have walked the red road thirteen years tended and built endless fires,vision quested four times and danced. I have walked the talk. I am somebody whereas you sound like a [Vicious insults removed],with no, I repeated no manners....try sitting on the hill and learn some humanity.

I have some to believe that your site is very devious working against the medicine and the spirit, dangerous as you incite violence in the young and vunerable
I am a white woman and I have as much right to the spirit as any Lakota  and Suzanne Dupree is the one they talked about. That is why Fools Crow called her Lookingbackwoman.
Russell Means is a bad man and the voice of Anna Mae is growing louder

I feel your site is a bad site an evil site and your up to no good


« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 11:23:11 pm by educatedindian »

Offline ska

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2008, 08:26:29 pm »
Dear Peacewalker,

Why must you distance yourself from your own frustration and lack of understanding by casting so many insults at Kathryn?

Please, if you say you have learned something about an Indian way of life, then please control your desire to insult and castigate those who disagree with you. 

Through our words and deeds we will reveal ourselves.  If the people you believe in are doing right, and you stand solidly behind them, then you should not fear the responses of others - the truth will out.

In some way, I feel responsible for the abuse you are putting on Kathryn, because it is I who has asked you to speak further about this Sun Dance.  It makes me feel sad that, because I raised these questions in public, someone else is being abused. 

Please, Peacewalker, you and I and Kathryn are all women - there is no need to throw around ugly, sexist comments like "fat cow" and no good ever comes out of name-calling.

I did not mean to send the message that you, yourself, claimed that Mr. Hendrickson was Lakota, only that many others have told me that.  To date, I can not find any evidence that this Sun Dance is sanctioned by any Lakota elder or community . . . unless you can please fill me in?

I am not attacking you, Peacewalker.  But I hope that you are aware that you are offending many Indian people on this board by claiming some authority and knowledge of Lakota culture and politics, when you clearly have little (although you clearly think you have a lot!).

To claim that Frank Fools Crow "single-handedly brought back the Sun Dance" is bizarre, foolhardy, false, and deragatory to the efforts and struggles of Lakota people on many reservations to maintain their way of life.  But as far as I can tell, very few people off the reservation know much about what the Lakota Oyate have done to protect their  ceremonies and pass on the history of their actions.  The ones who know were there, standing beside their family members, or hearing the stories from their parents and grandparents, humbly carrying their responsibilities forward. Many of family names of those involved never appear on the internet, and I'm sure that's the way the families want it.

Peacewalker, did you ever wonder why anyone who does not speak the Lakota language would think they were able to conduct a  Sun Dance ceremony?  Do any alarm bells go off for you when you consider that a large group of non-native people are claiming to participate in a sacred Lakota ceremony that's being conducted by a self-claimed miqmaq in Cowichan territories where there are no Lakotas present?  It gives me an uneasy feeling, but maybe there is something I don't know about the ties and bonds that have been forged between this ceremony and Lakota people.

It's good to hear you talking about this ceremony.  By talking about it, my perception is that you believe this ceremony to be legitimate and, therefore, you have nothing to hide.  I like that - others whom I have asked have been very secretive, leaving me to wonder if they are trying to hide something.

Do you know the names of any other leaders of this ceremony that could be contacted for further information?  Please feel free to give me the info in a personal message, if preferred.  I am genuinely interested.

Best, ska

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2008, 01:59:07 am »
some translatons:
I have some to believe that your site is very devious working against the medicine and the spirit, dangerous as you incite violence in the young and vunerable
really means "How dare you expose my personal guru"

I am a white woman and I have as much right to the spirit as any Lakota  .
means "I should be able to do whatever I want and how dare anyone say different!"

I feel your site is a bad site an evil site and your up to no good

menas "I am taking my toys and going home, stomping my feet all the way."

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2008, 12:13:31 pm »
I have decided not to llok at your site anymore and this will be my last post as I really find the fraud busting you think you are doing is getting people hurt, if people are abusing the medicine then it will take care of them,whereas what you are doing is inciting violence by your nit picking. Emails that I have written you make snide comments ie my mentioning Fools Crow. Well Pat was with him..end of story. I never said Pat was Lakota at any time yet you attribute that to me.
As for the [Insult removed] american woman with the irish.  [Mild cursing] you to sit in judgement of me and sound so superior, you are [Insult removed]. I have walked the red road thirteen years tended and built endless fires,vision quested four times and danced. I have walked the talk. I am somebody whereas you sound like a [Vicious insults removed],with no, I repeated no manners....try sitting on the hill and learn some humanity.

I have some to believe that your site is very devious working against the medicine and the spirit, dangerous as you incite violence in the young and vunerable
I am a white woman and I have as much right to the spirit as any Lakota  and Suzanne Dupree is the one they talked about. That is why Fools Crow called her Lookingbackwoman.
Russell Means is a bad man and the voice of Anna Mae is growing louder

I feel your site is a bad site an evil site and your up to no good


There's that sense of entitlement again.  I think she forgets that she's the one who threatened violence.  No one else.

Sheila.  Whatever credit you give still have a lot to learn.  Sometimes people just get it...sometimes people try and mold these ways into their own way of thinking...blocking their true message and mixing it with something else turning it into something else.  I believe you're someone still trying to understand things, but telling everyone you know it all.  In fact, it's painfully obvious to everyone but you.  You're not practicing Lakota're practicing Sheila's ways.

I feel for you and I hope  you figure it out, but a piece of helpful advice is to humble yourself.  Even those you perceive as enemies are themselves just human beings, meaning there is worth in their lives and they have something to teach you.  We're all on the same level after all.

Give up the'll eat you alive in the end.  Break out of your shell...get to know a complete community rather than a few individuals and diversify your education.  You'll find that with following these ways there's no need to try and become a great sage of healing.  Just be part of life and contribute to it and you're example will heal others without you having to say anything. 

People who walk the red road never have to announce it to others.  It's usually obvious.  If you're announcing it and using your spiritual education to attack others...that negativity bounces back to you.  It's all a cycle. 

Maybe someday you will get it...until then please do your best not to lead others away.


Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Suzanne Dupree, aka Looking Back Woman
« Reply #35 on: November 17, 2008, 01:20:47 pm »
As i am Anishinaabe,maybe Sheila can explain to me for the benifit of all what Anishinaabe or Lakota traditions have in common?Most certainly as historicaly speaking,while we are happy to stand along side eachother and defend eachothers rights as Sovereign Nations,we are the two Nations who have butted heads way before anyone in Ireland knew where "America/Canada"was!.
Do not attatch Indian Nuage apologists to our most sacred traditions,it shows not only racial arrogance but a presumption you have the slightest clue of what our nations are all about.Who we are today is shaped by thousands of years of evolution and spiritual practises.You and others of your ilk,come across like some diy manual with the instructions ripped out.You have no spiritual standing.accept that fact,get over it and move onto understanding your own (as in Irish) tribal history,then you might stand a cat in hells chance of actualy glimpsing what the Indian Nations are all about.

Offline MrPiz

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Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2010, 11:25:08 am »
Hello out there!

A couple of months ago I found the first part of a thrilling interview on youtube. Its interrupted before it gets to more detailed points, witch i consider to be a pity.

If you do not already know what I´m talking about please watch:   first, it will take approx. 5min, thank you.

Does anybody know where to get the whole interview from?!
The owner of the youtube account does not reply any of my requests since weeks... I thought this Forum will be the best place to research.
Who took the interview? Is it possibal to get in conatkt with him/her/them?
Is there any statement by Arvol Looking Horse? I couldn't find one on the internet.

Thank you!

sincerely MrPiz
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Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2010, 03:15:32 pm »
The issue mentioned in the interview is a matter which must be decided by the Lakota nation, not by anybody else.

The video apparently was taken by persons belonging to a small group within the Lakota nation who, for whatever reasons, are fiercely opposed to Arvol Looking Horse. As you can see from the comments to the video, the person who put the video up at youtube apparently publishes accusations against Looking Horse without giving proof of what they say. In order to support their accusations, they have at times promoted the claims of persons who are listed in the fraud section of NAFPS.

On a more personal note: from what I've seen from these persons so far, when one of them happens to pass gas, they won't hesitate to put the blame on Looking Horse, because certainly Looking Horse has been eating too many beans...

Offline MrPiz

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #38 on: April 02, 2010, 04:13:56 pm »
Hello out there.

Thank you Ingeborg for your post, I can see your point.
The issue mentioned in the interview is a matter which must be decided by the Lakota nation, not by anybody else
I agree.

Still I´m confused.
There is more than "only"
a small group within the Lakota nation who, for whatever reasons, are fiercely opposed to Arvol Looking Horse

The DLN writes on its side:

We are in the process of getting copies of these documents out to the world. People have to wake up and realize that they are being fooled by Arvol and Paula, One of the greatest Hoaxes of the times by this couple and their families, of course they stand a lot to lose money wise, These lineal descendants of Elk Head have their papers and their probate records to prove the truth, this would hold up in any court.

Alfred Bone Shirt

May 31, 2008

To: Mr. Arvol Looking Horse and Paula Horne-Mullen; All Youth organizatlons/groups, All Federally Recognized Tribes; Respective Chairmen; Respective Council people; Non- Profit organizatlons, other organizations/groups; Businesses; Universities; Schools and all education systems; Casinos; Museums; News Medial: Radio, Newspapers and Television; private individuals and extended relatives of Mr. Looking Horse.

We, as the rightful heirs and direct, lineal descendants of the 9th Generation Keeper of our Sacred Canunpa; Elk Head, are requesting that Mr. Arvol Looking Horse cease and desist from misrepresenting himself as the so called 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred Canunpa; the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, as he puts it. Mr. Arvol Looking Horse is not a direct lineal descendant, nor is he related by blood or have any type of familial ties, and nor was he or his relatives before him was ever designated to be the Keeper, by Elk Head; who was the true Keeper and had passed into the spirit world in 1914. Our grandfather, Elk Head had left a legal will in his probate records designating his eldest son, Elias Elk Head to be the Keeper of the sacred Canunpa and designated his eldest grandson from Elias, William Elk Head to be after Elias. Mrs. Martha Bad Warrior was not his daughter, nor was she designated to be a Keeper of the sacred Canunpa. It was traditional law that the Canunpa was to be kept from father to son, in the ltazipcola band. Each male keeper opened the Canunpa in need of war, starvation and sickness that involves all the Sioux Nation of the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people to see it and pray with it. Why hasn't Arvol ever opened it to our people to actually see the contents of the sacred Canunpa? When the Elk Head family members have all seen it? There has been negative propaganda against our family, who are the true, direct, lineal descendants of Elk Head, by Mr. Arvol Looking Horse and his partner, Paula Horne-Mullen, as well as his family members; which has caused media censorship against our family so we can not address Mr. Arvol Looking Horses' lies and distortions of the truth. It has also caused violent threats, violent actions/retaliations against our family members and having our personal property destroyed by his family members and followers/supporters. Examples of media censorship includes: The Native Voice newspaper, owned by Mr. Frank King and Lisa King, The Dakota Journal, owned by the Flandreau Sioux Tribe and the Lakota Country Times who are supporters of Mr. Arvol Looking Horse and who have written many supporting articles about him as the 19th Generation Keeper of the sacred Canunpa without consulting us, the Elk Head family and allowing us equal media time. We are demanding that these news medias, cease and desist in assisting Arvol Looking Horse from perpetuating the misrepresentation and fraudulent activities as a so called Keeper and spreading any more negative propaganda about our family by writing any more articles concerning our sacred Canunpa and give us equal media time to bring out the facts and truth as we are the true, direct, lineal descendants of our 9th Keeper, Elk Head.

We are asking all individuals addressed in this letter to stop using and catering to Mr. Arvol Looking Horse and addressing him as the 19th Generation Keeper of our sacred Canunpa which is assisting him in perpetuating his misrepresentation and all of his fraudulent activities. We, as the Elk Head family have designated Shirley Fiddler-granddaughter to the 9th Generation Keeper, Elk Head, to be our spokesperson and contact person in these matters. All questions and concerns should be directed to Shirley Fiddler @ 605-964-7313 who resides in Green Grass, South Dakota.

Respectfully submitted by the true, direct, lineal descendants of our grandfather Elk Head,

Dated on this day of (2nd day of June 2008)

By Googleing I found this on the page:
(I dont know how trustful this page is...didnt check it yet, maybe a good issue to be adressed to NAFPS)
Marie Elk Head Fiddler is a Grand daughter of William Elk Head, This is the true original family of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe care takers, Marie and family are working at correcting the current misrepresentation of Arvol Looking Horse, He isn't a blood family member of the Elk Head family as testified by Marie. He doesn't possess the White Buffalo Pipe, The Looking Horse family never had it, what has occurred is nothing more than a fraud, According to reliable sources there are seven (7) modern day peace pipe in the bundle they have at his place in Green Grass,South Dakota, Marie has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness and desires to correct history concerning the true caretakers of the Sacred Cannupa, which are her family, the true descendants of Elk Head, Arvol Looking Horse cannot produce his proof of his lineage to the Elk Head family, ARVOL LOOKING HORSE HAS BEEN INVITED TO NO LESS THAN THREE MEETINGS IN THE EAGLE BUTTE,SD AREA TO BRING HIS PAPERS AND HIS PROOF, but he never would attend. Our Group of Dedicated Lakota People have dedicated our selves to help this family correct and bring out the truth that Arvol has been fooling the world. His immediate family hasn't been portraying the spiritual family life style unless money is involved, his brother is listed on the Rapid City,S.D. Pennington County Sheriffs web site as having a outstanding warrant for fraud and false personation. Many media outlets have been openly supporting Arvol contrary to the written requests from the Elk Head family to cease and desist, to quit representing himself as keeper Marie and her family have their family records and probate records. birth certificates etc., Much of this came out after Arvol and his current woman been exposed for using their self proclaimed position to scam money for themselves and make trips around the country and world, along with the $ 3000.00 speaking tours, plus travel expenses. In this video Marie states how Arvols dad devised a phoney pipe bundle to fool AIM and other Indian People when they were going there to Green Grass,SD after Wounded Knee ll. No one has questioned it until now. And the truth is coming out, Arvol DOES NOT have the original cannupa! Arvol Looking Horse has been committing one of the greatest frauds and HOAXES of history.The Elk Head family has been trying to stop Arvol Looking Horse and his dad Stanley to no avail over the past decades, Arvol had created a celebrity status and it has been against almost overwhelming odds, plus many corrupt tribal politicians and naive supporters who didn't know any better.

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Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #39 on: April 02, 2010, 06:02:25 pm »

Still I´m confused.
There is more than "only"
a small group within the Lakota nation who, for whatever reasons, are fiercely opposed to Arvol Looking Horse

The DLN writes on its side: [snip]

The D/L/N coalition is an organization led by Alfred Boneshirt, the very same person who put up the video you mentioned in your first post. He announces he was going to get copies of whatever documents out to the world – which is not where they belong. Many persons have told Alfred Boneshirt to have the Lakota deal with the matter. This has been going on for years now – so probably the matter hasn't as yet been presented to the Lakota, or probably the Lakota don't want to deal with it - - and even this is not our business. If Mr Boneshirt prefers the internet for a stage, this is his business.

As I said before, this is for the Lakota to solve, and only for the Lakota. Whether it is a traditional way of handling things to publish statements on a website I'll leave to Alfred Boneshirt to muse upon. Who, as an aside, usually is the first person to tell others to keep out of Lakota business and STFU.

The site of the person going by the name of Looking Back Woman is not recommendable. We already have information on her at NAFPS, so e.g.:

Her name is Suzanne Dupree, she has lived on the West Coast for decades, i.e. she is not living among her people, as she should if her claims were based on facts. Dupree was promoted by a Mr John Lekay and his Hey*** Magazine which apparently is a sort of intersection between a broadly left minded audience and Nuagers; there are numerous articles about and interviews with plastics in this magazine. Lekay used to promote Dupree as the true owner of the canupa which was what she initially claimed. From the excerpt you posted, she seems to have changed her story meanwhile.

The above site also seems not to be maintained by Dupree, but for her – the intro uses the terms 'we' and 'our':
These are the first words from Looking Back Woman that grabbed our attention [...]
    This serious claim came to our attention in an article published in a small newspaper in Canada, in 2003. At first, I discounted the claim out-of-hand for several reasons.
    Regardless, we decided to publish the article in the interest of bringing out the light of truth. [...]
    Shortly after we published the Looking Back Woman story on this Website [...]

    We sent Dupree a list of questions [...]
    We found Dupree to be candid and quick to respond, thought her answers opened up more questions than they resolved.
    We discovered that Looking Back Woman is authentic, honest [...]
Emphasis added by me

I presume this site is maintained by Mr John Lackay – pardon me: Lekay who's got his very own history with NAFPS.

The above site also happens to promote a book written by FBI agent Joseph Trimbach. "American Indian Mafia".

Browsing the site, I also noticed there are numerous photos published which were apparently taken during ceremonies - which I take is utterly inappropriate.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #40 on: April 02, 2010, 06:49:45 pm »
At least as far as the comments on the looking back woman website, these accusations against Arvol Looking Horse seem unfair, as the history which includes mention of the Looking Horse family, was recorded and housed at the Smithsonian Institute and this predates both Arvol Looking Horse and AIM ...

The Smithsonian Inst. used to have a webpage with information dating back to between 1936 and 1966, I saved it before it was changed and it is uploaded in the link below to a google document.

Pat also uploaded a copy of the saved webpage which can be downloaded through the link below.

Based on a letter posted by John Lekay, AKA Marlon it appears that Susanne Dupree AKA Looking Back Woman is the person who influenced the the Smithsonian institute to change the entries which recorded this history and which predates Arvol Looking Horse.

The entire letter is quoted by Marlon AKA John Lekay in the link below;
Posted by Marlon, quoting a letter from the Smithsonian Institute in Washinton DC
Reply #6
Dear Ms. Dupree, Looking Back Woman,
Thank you for you e-mail regarding Wilbur Riegert’s photograph of Martha Bad Warrior.  (con...)
First I would like to say that in 1966 I was a college student, twenty years old, on my first visit to South Dakota.


The extract from a letter I wrote to the archivist in 1966 that is quoted in the catalog section “Local Notes,??? is an embarrassing expression of my youthful certainty:

I will ask that this be deleted from the catalog entry.

Later this spring, after our semester ends, I plan to make a trip to Washington during which I will have the opportunity to visit the National Anthropological Archives.  In the meantime, I will write to Rob Leopold and send him a revised and streamlined catalog entry, with the request that he substitute it for the old one.  Before I do so, I am attaching it below for your comments, to see if you think it is appropriate.


The edited entry can be read in the link below;!92671!0

Interestingly, LBW mentioned this information, and how she could not have any way of manipulating it...
Dupree Pt 2
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2007


I have proof from Vivian High Elk, (the said linage keeper) that It is not there, and has not been since before Martha's death on Oct. 25, 1936, by her own admission....


And for more archival information that was collected between 1964-1967, that I had no way of manipulating...go read it for yourself, and you will see with your own eyes where the deception started, and by what family.
Toksa ake wacinyakin,
One who knows her spiritual history, and will share it.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 10:21:42 pm by Moma_porcupine »


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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #41 on: April 03, 2010, 07:57:57 pm »
i think many First Nations have this and my Mi'kmaq Nation certainly has this scenario, in that there is currently here in Mi'kmaq Country a Clan/Family that questions the legitimacy of the current Grand Chief, and who claim the Grand Chieftainship should be returned to them or their Clan, but to my People they have no legitimacy, and are quite frankly- ignored...
as moma p has pointed out, there is a a cyber trail one can follow that legitimizes Elder Arvol, and as well there is a cyber trail one can follow that is quite revealing on Elder Boneshirt as well. i think this thread should be moved to Etc, lest NAFPS is considering to conduct an investigation on the legitimacy of Arvol Looking Horse as Keeper of the Buffalo Calf Bundle, which i hope will never happen.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 08:09:48 pm by apukjij »

Offline bls926

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #42 on: April 03, 2010, 08:45:09 pm »
I agree with apukjij . . . This thread needs to be moved to Etc. As Ingeborg said . . . This is a Lakota issue. These are not men we need to question or a topic we need to investigate.

Offline Freija

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #43 on: April 03, 2010, 10:00:18 pm »
Thank you, Ingeborg!  ;)

Please let these kind of issues stay within the Nations concerned. They will deal with them and do not
need any Internet discussions to make things worse.

Offline MrPiz

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Re: Interview on Marie Elk Head Fiddler
« Reply #44 on: April 04, 2010, 08:45:33 am »
Thank you all so very much for your replys.
All the questions I had are more than only answered and my worrys are gone.
I never wanted to interfere in things wich are not of my business and I hope I did´nt.
I was just confused.
Confusion is gone now.  :)
Again, Thank you very much.
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