Author Topic: WTF & Rob Roy Two Feather's Curing Scam  (Read 18851 times)

Offline educatedindian

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WTF & Rob Roy Two Feather's Curing Scam
« on: September 13, 2005, 03:15:38 pm »
Briefly, for Willow and the others at ghostchild, these are the other problems with WTF:
He's not Apache. I wrote to all five Apache reservation govts. None confirmed any knowledge or enrollment of him. One, the Yavapai Apache, wrote back to denounce his selling of sweatlodges as dangerous and unethical. I'll try and find the letter.
His name is not remotely like Apache naming.
Nothing he sells has anything remotely similar to Apache beliefs. It's all Nuage imitation of Lakota beliefs.
And even of they were legit, selling ceremonies to outsiders and practicing them away from Apache homelands is wrong and offensive.

A letter I wrote to a company he claimed endorsed him. Turns out they never heard of him.

Criticism from Trish, a NAFPS member.

Thread in the forum archives about him.;action=display;num=1100019431

WTF makes "wisdom cards", phony knockoffs of tarot cards sold to Nuagers, posing as Native cards.

And the problems with these types of cards?


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Re: William Two Feather's Cancer Cure Scam
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2005, 07:21:02 pm »
That creep Steveenz was doing pretty much the same thing in Africa with AIDS patients.

Just disgusting.

I'll be updating his page tomorrow.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather's Cancer Cure Scam
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2005, 08:17:17 pm »
Hold on Trish, Barnaby pointed out to me there may be two frauds under the same name. The cancer quack goes by Robert Roy Two Feathers and is based in Nevada. l
WTF does do a scam involving sound therapy which he still lies about when he passes it off as Apache and a cure, but mostly for stress.


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Re: WTF & Rob Roy Two Feather's Curing Scam
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2005, 08:40:26 pm »
Well then I'll update the first Feathers with his scam and give the other guy his very own webpage free of charge.

No hassle.

You know, I really wish these morons would give themselves more original names though. I've gotten so many requests for infos on "Standing Bear" and "Soaring Eagle" - my hard drive is getting clogged.