Author Topic: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks  (Read 151278 times)

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2010, 07:20:08 pm »
Probably easier to search on his wife's name, since his name, "john two hawks" may not really be registered anywhere. If can find info on his wife, may be able to search in a 'back door' sort of way..  again, would be easier with city info..

Thats true Critter. John Two Hawks is probably not his real name.  I'd like to find out if there is a Lakota "Two Hawk" family that knows him.  If he ( John Two Hawks ) so careful about giving out his private information, one can assume that he knows how to cover his tracks. 

And if he is somehow connected to "Twelve Hawks" (which we don't know yet), then that woudn't be so easy to prove.  This article talks about John Twelve Hawks ( the author ).  Even if Twelve Hawks isn't the same guy, it seems Two Hawks is going out of his way also to not give absoloutly any information about his family, where he's from or any other personal background.  So the possiblity that they are one and the same isn't really so far fetched.  I've not been able to find anything so far on Two Hawks other then all the well publized info on his Nammys, CD's, involvement with retreats, interviews, etc.  Two Hawks doesn't say a word about his brothers, sisters, hometown, highschool, former jobs, etc,etc.  Maybe someone else will have more luck.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2010, 08:15:11 pm »
Here’s some excerpts from an Interview he did.  He claims one of his relatives went to the Carlisle Indian school in Pennsylvania.  Assuming that’s the case, then his relatives should be documented there.

There’s an old story among my own family, one of my relatives went to the  Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania. Actually, several of my relatives, ancestors went there. But one of them in particular tells the story about an old man who was in the classroom and taught him after the class was over that our people have been here since the beginning of time. There wasn’t a mass migration of all of us that came over. So that’s an old concept. For Tuomas to kind of be able to grasp that concept, to me, it’s a spiritual thing.

He also seems to be implying that he speaks fluent Lakota.  That tells me that he should then have a mother or father that was a fluent speaker, and I would assume that one of them has to be known in a Lakota Community somewhere.

JTH: I had to, because Tuomas wrote it and used words that don’t exist in the Lakota language. Our language, the Lakota language, is a language of concepts. The oration at the end is, of course, is the poem that Tuomas wrote, so to translate that, I had to tune in to what Tuomas was trying to say, the concepts, what they mean, not the literal words, but what was he trying to say, figuratively expressing with his heart, what did he mean by this. So, the meanings were easy to translate into Lakota. For instance, where he uses the word, “caribou” I use the word for “elk”, ok, which would be more accurate in the context of what he’s trying to say,

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2010, 08:19:09 pm »
He also seems to be implying that he speaks fluent Lakota.  That tells me that he should then have a mother or father that was a fluent speaker, and I would assume that one of them has to be known in a Lakota Community somewhere.

Note:  This wasn't part of the quote.  I added that by mistake of what I wrote.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2010, 12:00:23 am »
John Two Hawks has also written books on Indian Spirituality and is making money off of it.  He has books for sale on Indian Wisdom, traditional teachings and Spirituality.

Come to the Fire: An invitation to enter into the Sacred

Good Medicine

Offline bls926

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2010, 01:55:02 am »
Does anyone know for a fact that he is not Lakota? Before we label him a fraud, I think more investigation is needed. It seems that Two-Hawks has been doing what he does for quite a few years and has been accepted by many. He performed some of the music in HBO's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. There's pictures of Two-Hawks with Adam Beach on his website, as well as pictures with Lakota and Mvskoke. This doesn't necessarily prove he's Native, but it's something to think about. Yes, he conducts seminars and has written some questionable books, but that doesn't make him a fraud either. I know of enrolled Lakota who aren't above selling a ceremony or two from time to time. It isn't right, but it doesn't make them frauds. I think we should know, without a doubt, that someone is lying about who and what they are before we call them a fraud.

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2010, 02:28:47 am »
bls926 said
Does anyone know for a fact that he is not Lakota?

I can’t say I’m 100 percent sure, but all the Lakotas I’ve talked to seem to think so (that he's not).  So, I”m not saying 100 percent beyond the shadow of a doubt that he’s not Lakota, but from what I’ve found out so far HE IS NOT of Lakota blood. 

I said this in the other thread about him.
This man is a fraud presenting himself as something he is not.

 I stick by these words.  If by some slight chance, he is of Lakota heritage, then he’d still be a fraud in my book.  He’s someone that shows up every now and then in Lakota communities, etc. but he’s traveling around presenting himself as an authority on Lakota cultural and traditions.  This can be seen in his interviews and by his behavior.  I”ll recap what he’s been doing.  Charging and making a lot of money from his "Medicine Retreats", he's got the official seal of the Oglala Lakota Nation on his website,  he’s in public performing what he calls are Lakota Four Winds Ceremonies, and he's written books on Indian Spirituality and is making money off of it.  In that sense he’s a fraud and I stand by that statement.   

And like I said, although I’m not 100 percent positive, from what I could find out, he’s probably not of Lakota heritage.  If someone can lead me to believe otherwise, then I’d concede he can call himself Lakota.  But as of now, and from what I can see, and from what I’ve been told by more then one person from various Lakota communities, this man is not.

Offline Rattlebone

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2010, 02:35:45 am »
 Has anyone seen this man come out and say anything about the conditions up in the Dakota's, or know if he has given any of that money he has made claiming to be from those people to them in their great time of need?

I doubt he has,and I doubt if he did it would be from his heart, and just be another issue for publicity.

 I too have seen Lakota people speak of him, and they say they believe him to be a fraud.

Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2010, 03:23:41 am »
It takes a cold heart to travel around in comfort while your people suffer.  Even if not this disaster happening, now, I mean, at any time .. to not give to help your people is incomprehensible to me.  I cannot understand it except to say they have no sense and no heart. 

As per the fraud thing, even if it turns out he has Lakota in him, he is exploiting the culture by making money off of it.. and doubly creating insult if he is not funneling that profit back to the people he came from.  Just my o.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2010, 04:09:13 am »
Critter said
As per the fraud thing, even if it turns out he has Lakota in him, he is exploiting the culture by making money off of it.. and doubly creating insult if he is not funneling that profit back to the people he came from.  Just my o.

Thats true Critter.  He's a public figure representing the "Lakota" people on the world stage, so if he is a Lakota man as he claims, then he should be brining attention to the plight of "his people".  Why not give back to the community that he hails from?  Its good that he's a proud "Lakota" and keeping up the Lakota language and Traditions, but why not do that at home.  And since he's a fluent Lakota speaker, maybe he should help out in teaching the language to Lakotas that aren't fluent like he is. 

Does he beleive that he is too good for his Lakota brothers and sisters now that he's world famous and traveling around the world teaching about "his Lakota people"?  He's of Lakota blood right, and has a Lakota family from one of the Lakota communities in probably Pine Ridge, Rose Bud or Standing Rock.  I think he should be using  his Rock Star Status in a positive light and help out "his Lakota community". 

Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2010, 04:35:02 am »
Right, and it would be nice if these people were called on the carpet about it right in front of their followers and events.. they should be shamed.  Although, I'm doubtful they'd really care about it, do what they have to to recover their 'image' and then go on with business as usual.

It's really quite sick, that a human being can go about in such a way .. use "their people" as a commodity for comfortable living.. while "their people" are starving and/or going without heat..  Sick.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline BlackWolf

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2010, 05:31:52 am »
Here’s an idea.  How about brining his Mending Medicine Retreat back home to Pine Ridge?

Surely that would help out the economy there.  He could pocket half the money that he charges the white people Lakota ways, and the other half he can donate to his fellow Lakotas who don’t have money to heat their homes.  Then everyone wins!  And also, I’m sure there are some up and coming  Lakota boys  and young men that could use his spiritual advice right?.  And maybe he can also give some free sessions of his Mending Medicine Retreat to his Lakota Brothers who have problems with drug addiction.  Why not help them out? He can have them sit in on his Medicine Retreats for free! 

And also, He really ROCKED OUT in Finland and seems to have a lot of fans all over the world!  How about doing some sort of a benefit concert at home in South Dakota.

He has all those Finish people captivated with his poem in Lakota, while he ignores his own people at home.  Lets give back to the community!

Also, next time he does his Four Winds Ceremony, I think he should do that at home on Pine Ridge.  He would at least be giving his people the opportunity to be noticed by the News Media. They seem to notice him doing it in Arkansas.   If he can do it in Arkansas, he can surely do in Pine Ridge South Dakota.

Offline earthw7

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2010, 02:56:37 pm »
I wonder what his real name is because there are no Two Hawks in Pine Ridge.
I did find Two hawk on the Lower brule rez
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 02:59:47 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2010, 05:35:59 pm »
I wonder what a Lakota Indian Four Winds Ceremony is ???
Because we don't have anything called that.

If he is Lakota then he would be on the rolls or his parents would be.
If his parents were flurnt speakers we would know their names.
Like i said no Two hawk come up in Pine Ridge.

he looks white so he must have white blood in him.
In Spirit

Offline flyaway

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Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #43 on: February 10, 2010, 06:36:50 pm »
I emailed Tho Hawks and asked about these retreats and what all was being taught, also question who his Elders and/or teachers were, this is what I got:
John sent you a message.

Re: Medicine Retreats

We appreciate your interest in the Mending Medicine Retreat.  A deeper connection is what the retreat is all about.  It is about finding balance and meaning in your life, and a deeper spiritual connection.  John practices his Lakota spirituality privately, so inipi and canupa teachings are not a part of the retreat.  We hope this does not disappoint you.  We assure you the weekend is a very special time to connect with good people and reconnect with your life vision.  You can read more about the Mending Medicine Retreat, and all our other retreats at:;
Thanks again for writing!  All the best to you and yours.
The JTH Web Team
Nothing about him personally. HMMM
Walk with the Sun; Dance with the Moon; Sing with the Stars; But always...Run with the Wind. -
Snow Owl, Nevada. December 8, 2001

Re: John Allen Hill / John Two Hawks / John Twohawks
« Reply #44 on: February 10, 2010, 07:50:24 pm »
Well, I looked. Doesn't really say what they do..  why give such an elaborate write up of the guy, claiming he's carrying all this from his people.. well.. then why isn't he doing these things with his people..  does Lakota have home/land in Arkansas? Maybe he's just walking a fine line by not teaching/selling 'ceremony' but teaching/selling some who knows what and claiming it's worth the price cuz he's Lakota?  

I have no clue what he's doing.  It is confusing to me.  Perhaps he is confused himself then.  By stating in email that his spirituality is private and he doesn't teach it, then what is he teaching/doing/selling ?  If nothing spiritual, then why all the hoopla and adjectives about his being Lakota and the carrier of his people's traditions?  That type of propaganda is usually reserved for the selling, to gain customers, it's a marketing ploy.  So, the question remains, what is he selling?  A day in the woods?  Or his concert at the end of it?  The trip into the medicine wheel?  Didn't I read on here somewhere that the Med Wheel is not ndn?  If that's the case, then this guy _is_ being fraudulent..  by selling something as ndn that isn't.. and misrepresenting.  Otherwise, he's just exploiting people..  as I said, I am confused.. and I think this guy is too..

Retreat Description
This 'Mending Medicine Retreat' takes place at the Bergamo Center, in Dayton Ohio.  In a quiet, serene setting, the land itself will beckon you to enter the stillness, and you will find yourself slowing down, relaxing and reconnecting with Spirit.  John Two-Hawks, an Oglala Lakota man who carries on the ancient spiritual traditions, heritage and culture of his people through ceremony, teaching and song, will take you on a journey into the sacred wisdom of the Medicine Wheel. Through ancient Indigenous wisdom and interactive sharing, great personal inner growth,  empowerment and transformation can be realized.  This retreat is about the power of balance, humility, giving, self discovery and interdependence.  So come and experience the healing power of Mending Medicine.

Retreat Info

$200* for Fri, Sat, Sun
 Includes: 3 meals,
Fri evening reception
4 teaching sessions,
and an evening concert
by John Two-Hawks

*Does not include lodging
Lodging is available on site at The Bergamo Center
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 07:52:47 pm by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet