Author Topic: Sid Hawkins AKA Shaman Hawk AKA Aonchitakchoni  (Read 7739 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Sid Hawkins AKA Shaman Hawk AKA Aonchitakchoni
« on: July 21, 2009, 07:09:11 pm »
Sid Hawkins AKA Shaman Hawk AKA Aonchitakchoni

I received a very disturbing report that Hawkins is a Harley Reagan in the making. He insists upon sex as a part of ceremony.

Claims to be Mohawk/Seneca and also a Celtic shaman. Chooses "sacred lovers" as apprentices.

Under his supposed Seneca name, you can find him online...submitting reviews of porn films. Seriously.

His own websites don't inspire confidence, or really anything but laughter at his planet sized ego.

Hi, I’m Shaman Hawk. I’m the guy that all the fat New Age bitches warn you about.
I’m the guy that went through the old fashion apprenticeship, got strung up by the chest for the night and lived, went through Sacred Sexuality training and stayed late for extra credits…..I’m that guy.
I’m the guy that has been seen fucking young women in the gardens as we “charged” the area with positive energy. Naked gardening can lead to that. I’ve been known to engage in group sex during the construction of Sacred Sites for the same reasons.

For all of you who don’t approve: Get over yourselves.

I’m the guy that has been known to throw a wild party after a very serious Sweat Lodge. After all, we need balance. I laugh at the Tantric people who don’t want to cum and invite their women to my “ceremonies” of sexual enlightenment. I stress self awareness and self acceptance, no matter what anyone else thinks about you. I teach that hedonism is an important study to be fully explored. Let the Christians do the suffering thing. I have served chocolate and Irish Coffee for breakfast. I’ve loaded the Sacred Pipe with Sacred Weed. I love mushroom tea.

I’m also the guy that has the reputation for going way outside the envelope of Shamanism. Where others stopped from dogma or fear, I went on with people of like mind to rewrite what was thought to be the steadfast norm.

I have more credentials and accomplishments than anyone I have ever heard of and I would love to meet anyone who can prove otherwise.

I can say in many ways I have been blessed with the opportunities in locations and people to work with that were the building blocks to the events that put those projects and the people involved with them into a higher level of learning and capability in their skills.

Shamanism is the spearhead of spiritual evolution. Those committed to its path are subject to its rigors and effects. They are gifted with the gratitude of those they help and persecuted by those they scare. This blog is dedicated to those who have jumped in “the flow” and pledged to stay there. I will do my best to recognize those people and their efforts in their service at the same time I will expose the posers and pretentious fakes that drain resources and time from those who seriously want to help those who want to grow.

If you are the type of person that knows there is more to life and spirituality that the boring, restrictive bullshit that the New Agers, Yogis, Christians, Buddas, Bubbuhs and whatever the fuck else is out there, this blog’s for you.

If you are looking for a place to meet like minded people that believe you can be “spiritual” while you catch a buzz and engage in group sex, you’ve found home. Come in, relax, enjoy yourself and feel free to share your experiences and those of others.

I can be the serious Shaman when the time calls and at that time I am totally disciplined and dedicated to the moment. Till then, fuck it.


A follower of fraud Joseph Rael.
Geomancy is the art of harnessing and directing the earth's energies through architecture. Some common examples are the pyramids of Egypt and South America.
Mr. Hawkins has built five sacred structures that are used for meditation, four were Domes and the fifth was a Sphere.

The Domes were part of an international geomantic project. Geomancy (feng shui) is quite complex and comes with a variety of requests from the clients.

Three of the Domes were built in the United States and the other two were built in Colombia, South America.

The Sphere in Colombia has been visited by presidential candidates and other chief politicians for meetings and meditations.

He has also worked on the Dome in North Carolina that was built by Painted Arrow.

Mr. Hawkins has worked on sacred geometry sites in private residences and businesses. These projects involved anything from rerouting negative influences from adjoining properties to healing gardens of spas and metaphysical centers.

Mr. Hawkins (HAWK for short, aka Shaman Hawk), the artist, carpenter, mason, shipwright and geomancer behind Hawkins House Inc., has been working creatively for over forty years. 

     Born into a military family, Mr. Hawkins began travelling at six months of age. Experiencing a variety of cultures from the discipline of the Japanese to the Aboriginees of Australia and finally to his own Native American clan in the mountains of West Virginia, travel has been a major inlfuence on Hawk's artistry.


Offline sunka nunpa

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Re: Sid Hawkins AKA Shaman Hawk AKA Aonchitakchoni
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 08:31:14 pm »
That sounded like a parody, since no true New Age Shaman™ would ever refer to his followers as bitches. At least not to their faces.

Offline luv2sweat

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Re: Sid Hawkins AKA Shaman Hawk AKA Aonchitakchoni
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 02:15:26 am »
Since he isn't of russian decent, using the title shaman is a big red flag. I don't know of a celt that uses that term either, and we know how NAs feel about it. About what he writes on his blog. Drugs, foul language and group sex after ceremony, That sounds like pure witchcraft to me.