Author Topic: Genuine or a new age hater? From war to peace.  (Read 4143 times)

Offline Kester

  • Posts: 1
Genuine or a new age hater? From war to peace.
« on: August 13, 2009, 07:01:30 pm »
Hello one and all,  I am Kester and I am new here.  Try as I might I do not seem to find the right words, maybe because I am genuinely afraid of this person and their friend.  I am not a member of the First Nations, nor am I a wannabe.  I know who I am, I just quietly read maths but I am lucky in that I do have good friends who are First Nations.  They have called me kola and that has made me smile, but the smiles are gone because of one man, a none-native and his friend.  

For over four months now we have been on the receiving end of a vitriolic hate campaign via You Tube.  It is easy to press the block button and enable a friends lock, but these people still find a way to harass which includes making a new channel and send my friends videos which mock their dead babies.  Unforgiveable, utterly unforgiveable.  Now the tables are turning and I am asking for help.  I, we need all the help we can get.  So, if you read this, please help, please, please help.

What can be done?  Well, I know the names of these people but I will not mention them here.  More details can be found on my You Tube channel where I have made my point clear.  'Go away haters, end it now because I have started to file a report about your behaviour', but the haters think it is a joke.  A joke!  After four months of hearing them say, 'think of your dead children, we are telling the police about you, natives are worse then the third world, natives are nazis, natives are slow' and 'real natives are blond haired and blue eyed'' enough is enough!  The 'man' tells people Floyd RedCrow Westerman said he had, 'gone native', but really?  So, he tells real natives how to live, he has passed judgement on who is and who is not a native.  He makes and sells indian, 'inspired' goods but offers no help nor money to any First Nation!  His friend, a woman with a the foulest mouth casts hate and scorn on a daily basis and we are all tired of these two.  So, please help us!

Things got so bad I made a video for You Tube called, 'Letter to the Indian Wannabes.'  It was hard to make because I felt as though I was speaking out of turn, but I could not say nothing.  If you please pass my way, please have a look at the video.  My channel is Kester7i Any words of encouragement would be such a boost to myself and friends.  I hope these two haters will see all the comments and get the message that they cannot, that they do not have the right to instruct First Nations on their own affairs but also to bring to attention to a wider audience the nature of their ways and the harm they are doing.

In so, any and all the help I may receive from here will bring a smile back to my face, and I shall not ever forget.  I will in turn help others.  Maybe you are not sure, but I have some First Nation friends who will say that I can be trusted and that I am a friend.



Today is 14 August 2009 and things have changed.  Somebody from somewhere has stepped in and spoken to these two people whom I mentioned and the fighting appears to have stopped.  That makes me glad.  The nasty e-mails have stopped.  The inappropriate videos have been removed as has various adverts designed to humiliate and dehumanize.  All traces of ugly behaviour have been cleaned away.  Oh, evidence is still on my computer but the important thing is somehow decency has returned.  For everybody who has helped and contacted me, there were quite a few off site.  THANK YOU WITH ALL MY HEART.

Now as for me, I have made a few new good friends, and my old friends are feeling relieved that the hatred and abuse has ceased.  That is all I ever hoped for.  Maybe things will erupt again I do not know and I do not want that to happen, but for now the anguish is subsiding.  I am not sure how and maybe it is because of somebody here or elsewhere.  All I know is that I must say with my hand on my heart, 'thank you.'

and now that I am here, I wish to help others.  I have seen terrible things done to the First Nations.  If I can help, then I shall.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 11:09:17 pm by Kester »