Author Topic: Jane Hatch &  (Read 3685 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Jane Hatch &
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:54:34 pm »
Got a request on her from the FB group.

Half hour long distance shamanic healing available over the phone with me. Energy clearing, soul retrieval and power animal retrieval. Love and Blessing to All on this Blue Moon Month of July. $35

I am shaman, writer, teacher, healer and visionary.
I work closely with  God/Goddess, Christ, Archangel Michael, Isis, Saint Germain, my power animals and loving and compassionate Middle World helpers.
Seven years ago my trusted spiritual guides gifted me the name "Bethesda".   Loosely translated the name means "healing pool of water".
I am also here to help usher in the Sacred Feminine which has been subjugated for thousands of years....

As an adult I studied for fifteen years with shamans on the east coast and in Santa Fe, NM.
I  have an MA from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA and my Master's Thesis at Lesley University is entitled "The Potential Healing Effects of Shamanism For Women Who Have Experienced Trauma".
I also have an BA in journalism from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
 I grew up as a Christian Scientist....

Basically generic Nuage ideas about power animals and saints. No mention of the alleged shamans by name.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Jane Hatch, &
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 05:27:42 pm »
Some appropriative imagery on her pages:

She is claiming to teach "Lakota Sioux Shamanism" for money. She is clearly using Harner's made-up/misappropriated mishmash, but tossing in things she thinks are "Lakota," "Celtic," or "Hawaiian." This is misappropriation and misrepresentation of the sort that contributes to cultural genocide.
Shamanic Healing with Jane Hatch

The Magical World of the Shaman: A study of Hawaiian, Lakota Sioux, Celtic, and Western Core Shamanism (a workshop/summer camp with Jane Hatch, MA) (for students ages 15-21 who are interested in religious studies, anthropology, social studies, alternative spirituality, natural healing) Date: August 19-23 (9-3pm, Eldorado, Santa Fe, NM). Please call 505-466-1956 for location and registration details. Cost: $195.

What secrets have shamans held for thousands of years and how can this knowledge transform your life? Why do I believe we all have the powers of a shaman, but have simply forgotten our shamanic knowledge because of social conditioning that discourages us from honoring our intuition and believing in our dreams and feelings. Did you know you probably have a shamanic heritage? Anthropologists and archaeologists indicate the presence of shamans on almost all locations on the earth.

This will be a fun workshop too--with sharing (if you choose), dancing, drumming, shamanic journeying (to the beat of a drum), drawing, writing, and (in the afternoon, after lunch) swimming (Eldorado pool) and socializing or sleeping/resting.

You will not look at a tree, a mountain, a rock, Mother Earth, the same way you did before you started the class. You'll learn that everything is alive and has spirit. The beauty and joy and power associated with intentional contact with the natural world will astound you.

One of Janes specialties is supporting the natural intuitive skills of young people. She has seen many sensitive teenagers find joy and hope in connecting with the love in Mother Earth. Jane has a Master's Degree in shamanic studies from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and a BA in Journalism. She has a private healing practice in Santa Fe and has studied with shamans in Santa Fe and on the east coast for fifteen years. Jane believes a strong connection to Mother Earth and your intuition and heart are essential aspects of living successfully. She has also been a camp director for girls ages 7-14.

Required reading: my master's thesis which can be downloaded and printed from website Follow instructions from the link “Thesis”.

Monday: (9am-12pm) Introduction to Shamanism (worldview). The basics of drumming, rattling, and dancing (12-1pm) lunch (1-2:30pm) swimming and relaxing( 2:30-3pm) closing circle. All afternoon schedules are the same.

Tuesday: Hawaiian Shamanism

Wednesday: Core Shamanism

Thursday: Celtic Shamanism

Friday: Lakota Sioux Shamanism

Please bring a notebook/drawing pad for writing and drawing, a bag lunch and snack (which I will supplement) Bring a drum or rattle if you have one, otherwise they will be provided. No alcohol or drugs. Students cannot be on strong medications for depression or anxiety (please talk to me for details). Cell phones etc. can be used in afternoons at the pool.

[Bolding added]

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Hatch &
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2015, 09:59:42 pm »
(holding crystal ball) hmmm, I predict a swift journey to "Frauds".

Offline pemibear

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Re: Jane Hatch &
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2015, 01:37:19 pm »
I'm so glad to see this woman finally outed.  I confronted her on FB months ago.  Shared with her all the reasons why she is contributing to cultural genocide.  Explained that her mishmash of misguided and corrupted practices being "sold" as Lakota or any other Indigenous tradition contributes to the destruction of Indigenous culture and spirituality and is a danger, in particular, to the next generation and future generations.  I explained that even if she was taught "Shamanism" if that were possible, she could never "learn" it because she does not possess an indigenous mind, indigenous DNA...I explained that Shamans and Medicine People have thousands of years of DNA memory, knowledge and wisdom passed down to them through the generations and that without that, she can't just proclaim to be a Shaman.  I told her that she is committing a crime against our First Nations people and that cultural appropriation is but one of the many facets of genocide.  She had friended me, after seeing some of my political posts on a mutual friends timeline, thinking she had found an advocate, no doubt, someone to help promote her work.  I explained to her that I am committed to the restoration and return of Turtle Island to her people.  I'm not there to appropriate people's culture or to pretend.  My work is serious political activism/ally.  I don't recognize the occupying government or support it in any way.  I don't engage in spiritual or ceremonial activities and certainly none hosted by settlers.  She doesn't get it.  She went ballistic, accused me of attacking her integrity (well, yeah!!!?)and blocked me!  Yes, indeed, Wolf Hawaii...I too predict a swift journey to "Frauds"!