Author Topic: Four Winds Cherokee  (Read 12119 times)


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Four Winds Cherokee
« on: June 25, 2009, 07:04:55 pm »
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 06:56:43 pm by Doucet_Indian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Four Winds Cherokee
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 01:16:32 am »
A couple other things stand out. They charge to be a member ($20 annually) and their website hasn't been updated in two years.

I also tend to distrust an alleged tribe where the leaders feel the need to pose in their regalia, perhaps to try and convince people puzzled by their supposedly "less Indian" features or skin tone. Recognized tribes with many people with low BQ don't feel the need to do this, only groups that are likely made of up descendants or PODIAs. 

Several years ago the Cherokee Elders website described them as a group that once had good intentions but was being overrun by Nuagers. That's not definitive since the CE site was itself controversial.

Here's what a site they link to has to say about the Atakapa.

Descendents of the Atakapa Indians exist unrecognized and misnamed under various names of choice like Creoles, Creole Indians, and Creoles of Color. The term colored has clouded the Atakapas' racial identity. Atakapa descendents show a wide range of complexions which is attributed to the genes for light or brown complexions. Many Atakapas no longer know their correct racial identity.


That's extremely vague, leaving it open for any Black with family stories about being part Indian.

The group has gotten federal funds, a small business loan.

They are listed numerous places as state recognized, but no effort for federal recognition.

There was apparently a falling out with some saying the tribe has been taken over by a white imposter and splitting off to form the Keetwowah Tribe of Louisiana.

Here's a yahoo group of the new tribe. Doesn't seem active since 2006.

And an alert put out by them.
----- Original Message -----
From: Kim Collins <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: [CHAHTA] : Call to Action

> Here is a link to a new website for the former Four Winds Tribe.
> This is an excerpt from the first paragraphs of their home page.
> "Osiyo, Welcome to the homepage of the Keetoowah Tribe of Louisiana,
> formerly known as the Four Winds Tribe, Louisiana Cherokee Confederacy.
> We are a traditional tribe of Cherokee Indians, recognized by the State of
> Louisiana. Chief Roger Hartline, Vice Chief Billy Sinor, and the Tribal
> Council, welcome you and invite you to explore our pages to find out more
> about our people and their culture."
> Look on the News link and there are some links to what is going on with
> funds and Willis.
> Roger Hartline asked me to add their link to my pages a couple of days ago
> and I did so just yesterday. According to the website Hartline is Chief
> Sinor is Vice Chief.
> Hope Willis gets what's due him when this is over!
> Kim
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "LadyHawke" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 6:02 PM
> Subject: [CHAHTA] : Call to Action
> >
> >
> > Forwarded, with permission of the author, from another list:
> >
> >
> > The Four Winds Tribe of Louisiana, a State recognized Tribe,
> > has been taken over by a white man who illegally used an
> > unsigned resignation from its Chief (Billy Sinor
> > Cherokee/Catawba). This man, Wade Willis, has (according to
> > the Tribal genealogist) falsified his membership
> > application. He was removed from the Rolls and went to the
> > Secretary of States Office and has changed the State Charter
> > to show HIM as Chief.
> >
> > He then took these documents and emptied the Tribal account.
> > Today he is selling memberships and non-Indians are receiving
> > State Benefits and Federal Grants administered for the State
> > Tribes. And thousands of dollars have disappeared.
> >
> > Chief Sinor has obtained a Restraining Order, but Mr Willis
> > continues.
> >
> > Mr Willis is now listed as the Chief (based on these
> > documents) on the LA Office of Indian Affairs web page
> >
> > Your assistance is needed urgently!!!!
> >
> > Please contact the following and protest Mr Willis' actions
> >
> > Office of the Governor
> >
> > Attorney General Richard Ieyoub
> > Secretary of State Fox McKeithen
> > Joey Strickland Office of Indian Affairs
> >
> > Wade Willis, Plastic Indian 318-335-2270
> >
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Roger Hartline

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Four Winds Cherokee
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2009, 01:24:53 am »
Here's a further account of the dispute. Hartline's words in italics.

Dear Kat,
I will try to answer your questions below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathy Morning Star [mailto:morningstar3@...]
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [aim] Call to Action

Rev. Hartline,
Could you provide further information on this situation?  On your website at it shows that on January 3rd those not associated with Wade Willis renamed the group to the Keetoowah Tribe of Louisiana with you currently being Chief.    

Yes, the Council adopted a new name since Four Winds has become the subject of ridicule among Indians here.  I was asked to serve as Interim Chief and have agreed.

 Since there is a court date for the suit against Wade Willis et al, set for January 21st, and being that 'Four Winds Tribe' is the current LA  'state recognized' tribe wouldn't the 'Keetoowah Tribe' have to re-petition for LA State recognition?  

No, the motion is to have the Tribe put back into the hands of the Council and have the funds returned.  The Tribe tried to change the info back at the Secretary of States office but Mr.. Willis just kept changing it back again.  Even with a Restraining Order.  The S of S office tells us that they are not able to police changes to Charters.  They said that anybody with $25.00 could change anything they wanted to.

  Would assume that if the suit does provide that the allegations against Willis are proven, that reassumption of council positions under Four Winds Tribe (regardless of 'bad press') would perhaps be more effective.  

That is exactly the point, but they adopted a new Constitution and are calling for elections.  The entire Council was "banned" by Mr.. Willis without notice and he appointed a complete "Council" of people who support his pow-wow Indian Tribe. All of these actions have taken place without even notification of the membership or those involved.  He reported that he was elected Chief by the Council.  The Old Constitution (which will be the one used in the Courts) is explicit in that if there is a vacancy a New Chief is elected by the Tribe.

He has also moved the tribe out of its historical context.  This group is well documented in Vernon Parish LA and he moved it out of the area.  The point is.  HE IS NOT INDIAN.  and he is trying to get the courts to agree that his heritage has no standing since it is a Corporation, naturally this is not true since it is a Tribe "established" by the State Legislature.

Also, any background info would be of interest since apparently Wade Willis has claimed to be Chief of Four Winds Tribe of LA since at least back during Spring/Summer of 2002, in various write-ups and powwow schedules  

This has been going on for almost three years with one delay after another in the Courts.  They have used all of the Tribal Funds in the process where the members of the Tribe have had to use their own funds to fight him.

The old Constitution allowed a certain percentage of the Tribe to oust any officer but he went and ,again illegally, modified the Charter so he cannot be removed by the membership.  Other than the non-Indians he has made Tribal members over 98% of the Tribe is working to regain their Tribe.

He is, quite simply, making himself and his friends rich and using the Tribe to do it!

I hope this helps you, I am really just an outside advisor that has agreed to help and even to have my citizenship here permanently if they can get this mess fixed.



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Re: Four Winds Cherokee
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2009, 01:20:51 pm »
Thanks educateindian. I always thought they were kind of suspect, and that was the first thing that got me, one has to pay to be a member.

 I have always thought it interesting, and this is just my opionion, that there are so many people of "Cherokee" ancestry in this country. Granted, I am sure a lot do, but not everyone.
 Yes, the Cherokee lived in a fairly large area, and either migrated or were pushed out just like other tribes, but in the areas they lived, they were not the only tribe. I am sure some of these people who claim some Indian ancestry have other tribes' blood.

 I guess some people have a family story of Indian blood in their past, and start claiming Cherokee because they are so well known, but they don't follow a paper trail to verify this. This is exactly the type of person these New Age Indian Groups latch on to.

Keep up the good work.