Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 173416 times)

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2014, 05:09:02 pm »
The way they describe the experiences I think there must be people who died. I cannot imagine that everyody survived this coctail of natural and chemical drugs.
Had someone died, what happens with him? Did this person vanished, another who was missed or not missed by his family, till today didn´t come back? What about those who are strung - out. Did someone asked for these people, is there someone who missed them?


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2014, 06:47:51 pm »
The way they describe the experiences I think there must be people who died. I cannot imagine that everyody survived this coctail of natural and chemical drugs.
Had someone died, what happens with him? Did this person vanished, another who was missed or not missed by his family, till today didn´t come back? What about those who are strung - out. Did someone asked for these people, is there someone who missed them?

The stories throughout this thread are from survivors, they survived their experiences.

Because Erick Gonzalez practices shunning - he will all of a sudden, without explanation, cut some followers off, he will tell everyone else to shun that person - it is not known what has happened to all members. We know for certain that some people have suffered quite a bit,  we know this from their testimonies.  But there may be others that dropped out of sight.

If someone is arrested for running Erick's drugs, would Erick bail them out of jail? If someone dies because of Erick's behavior, would he accept responsibility? Most likely he would not accept responsibility, he certainly is not behaving responsibly now.

Sturmboe brings up a good point - people in these situations can be harmed, they can disappear, they can die. Family members and friends may not know what happened to them. Also, I don't know that one adult could force another adult to not fall prey to predators like Erick Gonzalez. We all do the best we can, we work to tell our experiences, to research the frauds - but we can't force people to get free.

Hopefully Erick will be eventually held accountable , hopefully before someone dies.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #62 on: July 21, 2014, 06:44:46 pm »
"people in these situations can be harmed, they can disappear, they can die. Family members and friends may not know what happened to them."
What is about those people when the family got no more interest in their relatives,
given up, "forgotten"...deported,  those afflicted people are vanished if noone is asking for them, no matter if they still live or in the grave. Erick Gonzales can have an easyly unfair game to manipulate.

"Also, I don't know that one adult could force another adult to not fall prey to predators like Erick Gonzalez."
I think this is possible by a way is used by cults or satanic cults, a horrible work

There are some other points:

If someone take various drugs the reaction in the body cannot be controlled anymore, I can imagine. In an emergency hospitalization the medicals has no other possibilities than to wait, a horrible time just to wait and watch what will happen with the patient, maybe he will survive, maybe not. A helpless situation, and often they got no words to explain this to the family.

The treatments are different from the kind of drugs. The medicaments to stabilize a patient during his detoxication and deprivation depends of what kind of drug, how much and how long someone is abusing and also by his condition. In some situation you cannot make a totally detoxification, if you would do this, the patient will collapse and die. So you must substitute till there is the right time to change the treatment.

The best way to induce an adaquate therapy would be, someone tells what was used, all the drugs in which form, combination and amount, for e.g. as pill, tea, alcoholic etc., was it for drinking, for injection (intravenous, intramuscular), inhale (water, fire).
By some signals the medicals can see a bit from the patients reaction, and if he can talk by his information. Other thing just Erick Gonzales can tell for he is the only one who knows the recipes he create. But I am sure he never will talk, the risk of accusation is actually ( I don´t know what is the law).
I am sure, he don´t want to be responsible. He don´t want to announce and clarify what is behind his fraudulant secret staging, to clarify his mysticism would deprive him from his power about people.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #63 on: September 20, 2014, 10:23:36 pm »
I received an account saying that there are heavily armed guards at Gonzalez's retreats. In the US or Canada, that'd be a sign of intimidation, esp of protesters, or to make sure members of a cult stay in line and don't ask questions.

But in Guatemala, the reasons for them are likely security against a lot of dangerous crime. If you've never traveled down there, it can be a shock to see armed guards even at fast food places, to keep them from being robbed. Recall also those immigrant children who fled to the US from the violence.

Most of Central America is a very dangerous place right now. Gonzalez's retreats are actually in one of the wealthier tourist areas, near Santiago. These are the two spirchul tourism junkets he's offering.

Option #1: Make your own arrangements to be at the Tiosh Abaj Hotel in Santiago at Lake Atitlan on Sat Oct 11th at 9 am, and your own departure from the Tiosh Abaj Hotel on Fri Oct 17th between 2-4 pm in Santiago Atitlan.  Cost:  $1750

Option #2:  All-inclusive arrangements from the time you arrive in Guatemala City to the time you leave (flying into Guatemala City on Thurs Oct 9th and depart on Sun Oct 19th): shuttle to hotel in Guatemala City, hotel in Guatemala City the night of arrival, private collective shuttle to Santiago Atitlan from Guatemala City on Fri Oct 10th, private collective shuttle from Santiago to Antigua on Sat Oct 18th, hotel room in Antigua, shuttle to Guatemala City, major meals while traveling.   Cost:  $2250

We encourage donations to the Medicine People who will be sharing with us.
NOT Included in your experience: airfare, shopping expenses, gifts for the elders, tips you may want to offer staff, excursions you choose to take outside the planned group activities.


A five night retreat for 1750, or nine nights for 2250, plus airfare etc. These junkets cost more than someone making minimum wage makes in two months, or that most Guatemalans make in a year. Little wonder that some would see just fat tempting targets for robbery, or at least resentment and panhandling.
This is where they stay at, not exactly austere.

But almost all of the money goes to Gonzalez. The hotel lists their rooms at $57 a night (a little high for Latin America.) So that means almost 80% of it goes to him. As their own ad says, any elders will be asking for donations and gifts.

Whether these are actual elders or medicine people isn't known. They are not named. It could be the standard tourist thing. I took my dad to a senior's tour of Copper Canyon when he was 82. He'd always wanted to see it. A Tarahumara elder gave a presentation on her culture and then counseled anyone who asked. These could be nothing more than that. Or it could be Gonzalez and his blond wife presenting themselves as medicine people yet again.

So I'd say both the local Mayans invited and the armed guards are there to maintain illusions for this spirchul junket.

Offline volcano woman

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #64 on: September 28, 2014, 03:04:57 am »
“A Loving Donation?”

Below is a recent quote from an TJU follower who was devoted to Erick until excommunicated.

“Yes his dealings around money were questionable and not in alignment with what he said.”

“The last community fire I sponsored for him yielded over $6000 and the conversation before was that everyone involved should be compensated .. They gave me $200. I did have some other conversations that didn't lead anywhere except the parrot feather story about doing it all without expectation of return.”

This is a quote from a  ex, 8 year follower who was excommunicated from Erick and TJU Earth People's United. Hundreds and thousands were paid to Erick for individual and community fire events . Loving donations as described in IRS terms are suppose to reflect a token gratitude of the spiritual service done.

When a gift or cash is given a tax receipt reflecting the value is to be issued to the donor. This is the proper legal procedure for “loving donation”when operating a non profit church.
I wonder if Erick Gonzalez (leader of his own non -profit church) made tax receipts to all the generous  participants he solicited for valuable treasures to be placed on  his “sacred altars”?

Native Haida carvings of gold and silver jewellery, Argillite stone sculptures,Haida cedar weavings and carvings ,Haida hats,expensive Haida ceremonial blankets,family  heirloom  possessions,on and on it goes. Hopefully he has it all insured from thieves like himself!

I would like to see what he deems worthy of reporting after amassing so much wealth.

How demoralizing to his participants to be subjected to such greed and spiritual abuse. The IRS needs to investigate how Erick's tax free trail to the North exploited innocent people, native and non native, and he   freely determined that amanita mushroom , a seriously poison substance, was now a traditional Haida medicine for his participants to consume regularly.

How tragic for non profit church leaders in the USA  to have this kind of disgrace come to their association.

501(c)(3) nonprofits must abide by many IRS rules in exchange for their considerable tax advantages. The most common rules have to do with disclosures to donors. Here is a list of the most important laws governing this aspect of your fundraising endeavors.
Quid Pro Quo Contributions of More Than $75
If your organization receives a contribution of more than $75 and then gives the donor goods or services in return (sometimes called a "gift premium"), you must provide the donor with a written disclosure statement that includes the following:
a statement that the donor can deduct, for tax purposes, only the difference between the value of the donation and the value of any gift premium received.
A good faith estimate of the fair market value of the gift premium given to the donor in exchange for the donation. You may use any reasonable method to estimate the fair market value of the premium, as long as you do so in good faith. 

Contributions of $250 or More
Donors who give your organization $250 or more may deduct a charitable contribution of that amount only if they have a written acknowledgment of their donation from your nonprofit. It is the donor's legal responsibility to ask for such an acknowledgment, but wise nonprofits will always provide the statement to its donors.
Although the statement is not due until the donor has to file his/her tax return, good practice is that you provide the statement at the time of your "thank you" for the donation. And that acknowledgment should be sent promptly after receipt of the contribution.

Your statement should contain at least:

a statement of the amount of the donation (if cash)
a description of the property donated (if property)
a statement of whether your organization provided goods and services in return for the donation (a good faith estimate of the value of the goods/services provided must be included if goods or services were indeed provided in return for the donation)

This information must be provided in writing, at the time of the solicitation or when the payment is received, and in a way that will come to the attention of the donor.

Excess benefit transactions. In cases where an IRC
section 501(c)(3) organization provides an excess economic
benefit to an insider, both the organization and
the insider have engaged in an excess benefit transaction.

The IRS may impose an excise tax on any insider who
improperly benefits from an excess benefit transaction,
as well as on organization managers who participate in
such a transaction knowing that it is improper. An insider
who benefits from an excess benefit transaction is also
required to return the excess benefits to the organization.
Detailed rules on excess benefit transactions are
contained in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 26,

PO Box 96
% Heddi Neale
Yreka, CA 96097
EIN: 20-4881046
Affiliation Type: Included with Premium Report Purchase (Add to Cart)
IRS Subsection: Included with Premium Report Purchase (Add to Cart)
NTEE Codes: X99 (Religion Related, Spiritual Development N.E.C.)
Assets: $0
Income: $0
Ruling Year: 2007

Funny there is nothing reported for 2007, that was a busy year for this non profit church soliciting participants to fund TJU's spirit of the water event in Guatemala at his hotel plus Erick's busy schedule on Haida Gwaii doing 9 fires training and drug retreats at Mount Moresby Intensives on behalf of Nygstle Society enlistment  and Gwaii Trust funding. Must of did pretty good there for goodies and cash. According to Gwaii Trust archival proposals intensives were receiving at least $10,000. each and that doesn't include the gifts solicited.

If I want to see the 990 of a particular nonprofit, how do I do it?

You can get a copy of a nonprofit's Form 990 from the IRS, but you can also view it at the charity you are interested in. Nonprofit organizations are required to make their 990 and their exemption application available for public inspection without charge at their regional and district offices during regular business hours.
Many nonprofits now make 990s available for viewing on their websites. You can also view them at Guidestar, an organization that compiles information about nonprofits.
• Should payments commonly referred to as “love offerings” be taxable to the recipient
when a religious organization facilitates their collection?
n Should the tax treatment vary based on whether or not the recipient is a “disqualified
Religious and Charitable Organizations
1. Religious organizations should carefully assess their roles in facilitating payments by
individuals to or for the benefit of leaders of their organizations and in reporting taxable
payments to the leaders of their organizations, to help ensure that their leaders
are knowledgeable about, and compliant with, applicable tax law.
When afforded the opportunity, religious organizations should provide the IRS and/
or the Treasury Department with numerous real-world examples of circumstances in
which payments commonly referred to as “love offerings” are made, received, and
The Giving Public
1. Donors should carefully evaluate the tax treatment of payments made to or for the
benefit of individual religious leaders. Donors should ensure that amounts deducted
as charitable contributions on their individual tax returns qualify for such treatment
IRS Web site
at The following
list of publications may provide
further information for
churches and other religious



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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #65 on: November 05, 2014, 08:20:58 pm »
Preparing for divinations:

A divination lasts one hour, and can be done in person or over the phone. In our tradition, 4 gifts are given to our medicine people for ceremonies and divinations. By offering these gifts we connect with our hearts and the love that is being shared between us in ceremony. We extend out something of value in recognition of what we hope to receive. In this way we stay in good relations with all life, giving and receiving.
1. Something from the plant kingdom
2. Something from the mineral kingdom
3. Something from the animal kingdom
4. Something that nurtures and helps care for the medicine person's family (a financial offering may count as this gift, or you may want to give something in addition)

Divinations are $125, which can be sent through PayPal if you want to do that ahead of time, or you can bring cash with your gifts.

We will also need to get people's birthdate, time, and place so we can prepare a chart for their divination.

Please don't give Erick Gonzalez and Heddi Neale your birthdates. They are drug dealing, cult leading, frauds - I would not trust them with names and birth dates, identify theft would be a possibility.

Don't give them any money or time.

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #66 on: November 06, 2014, 06:00:57 pm »
 that is a very good point to be extra careful of, do not give them any information about anything,
 erick gonzalez and his crew mimic real tribal ceremonial people that do things for people and cultures and want no claim to fame or recognition for what they do, on the other hand erik gonzalez makes his devotees believe how great he is and constantly praise him, just like a true cult leader would and do.
 erick and his drug dealing cult post peoples pictures of elders, people of high rank on the internet to make himself look legit, some of the worse things erick gonzalez does is post pictures of children and quotes from youth taken right after a drug "intensive"
 erick gonzalez's drug intensives cause more addictions problems with those already into the drug scene. the copious amounts he uses amounts to nothing but recreational drug abuse,
 with erick leaving bags full of the hallucinogenic & poisonous substances does nothing but promote drug dependency in those already inclined,  and erick is the supplier of the drugs the participants are led to believe are "spiritual"
 there is no screening of what western medicines are used by his victims nor if recreational drugs used before the drug retreat, if they have the money, off they go to get high again.under the guise og "healing", "getting in contact of the spirit world", to be made into a "medicine woman" or a "shaman"
what ever the reason he uses to do this is absolutely wrong, poisoning people under what ever con is illegal , this should be brought to the attention of the law authorities where ever he advertises his "intensives" and "spiritual ceremonies

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #67 on: November 06, 2014, 10:11:19 pm »
that is a very good point to be extra careful of, do not give them any information about anything,
 erick gonzalez and his crew mimic real tribal ceremonial people that do things for people and cultures and want no claim to fame or recognition for what they do, on the other hand erik gonzalez makes his devotees believe how great he is and constantly praise him, just like a true cult leader would and do.
 erick and his drug dealing cult post peoples pictures of elders, people of high rank on the internet without their permission to make himself look legit, some of the most damaging is erick gonzalez posting pictures of children and quotes from youth taken right after a drug "intensive"
 erick gonzalez's drug intensives cause more addictions problems with those already into the drug scene. the copious amounts he uses amounts to nothing but recreational drug abuse,
 with erick leaving bags full of the hallucinogenic & poisonous substances does nothing but promote drug use and dependency in those already inclined,  erick suplies drugs to his victims as long as they have the money to pay his fees to pretend he's a shaman and medicine man to them, all under fraud actions , like he;s a shaman or medicine man , everything has a price with erick gonzalez, this alone says it all about the fraud erick gonzalez, real people in these positions do not charge.
 there is no screening of what western medicines are used by his victims nor if recreational drugs used before the drug retreat, people have shown up already stoned, but if they have the money, off they go to get high again.under the guise of "healing", "getting in contact of the spirit world", to be made into a "medicine woman" or a "shaman" etc. he is turning out self appointed and appointed by him people that do believe they are medicine people or shaman.
what ever the reason he uses to do this to people is absolutely wrong, poisoning people under what ever con or scam is illegal , this should be brought to the attention of the law authorities where ever he advertises his "intensives" and "spiritual ceremonies
no one should be allowed to poison people in his own country or any others,

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #68 on: November 06, 2014, 11:14:13 pm »
that is a very good point to be extra careful of, do not give them any information about anything,
 erick gonzalez and his crew mimic real tribal ceremonial people that do things for people and cultures and want no claim to fame or recognition for what they do, on the other hand erik gonzalez makes his devotees believe how great he is and constantly praise him, just like a true cult leader would and do.
 erick and his drug dealing cult post peoples pictures of elders, people of high rank on the internet to make himself look legit, some of the worse things erick gonzalez does is post pictures of children and quotes from youth taken right after a drug "intensive"
 erick gonzalez's drug intensives cause more addictions problems with those already into the drug scene. the copious amounts he uses amounts to nothing but recreational drug abuse,
 with erick leaving bags full of the hallucinogenic & poisonous substances does nothing but promote drug dependency in those already inclined,  and erick is the supplier of the drugs the participants are led to believe are "spiritual"
 there is no screening of what western medicines are used by his victims nor if recreational drugs used before the drug retreat, if they have the money, off they go to get high again.under the guise og "healing", "getting in contact of the spirit world", to be made into a "medicine woman" or a "shaman"
what ever the reason he uses to do this is absolutely wrong, poisoning people under what ever con or scam is illegal , this should be brought to the attention of the law authorities where he advertises his "intensives" and "spiritual ceremonies", this means he's using drugs on his "participants"
 the answer is simple..
if someone is doing something wrong..

 they should be stopped,

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #69 on: November 06, 2014, 11:15:18 pm »
that is a very good point to be extra careful of, do not give them any information about anything,
 erick gonzalez and his crew mimic real tribal ceremonial people that do things for people and cultures and want no claim to fame or recognition for what they do, on the other hand erik gonzalez makes his devotees believe how great he is and constantly praise him, just like a true cult leader would and do.
 erick and his drug dealing cult post peoples pictures of elders, people of high rank on the internet to make himself look legit, some of the worse things erick gonzalez does is post pictures of children and quotes from youth taken right after a drug "intensive"
 erick gonzalez's drug intensives cause more addictions problems with those already into the drug scene. the copious amounts he uses amounts to nothing but recreational drug abuse,
 with erick leaving bags full of the hallucinogenic & poisonous substances does nothing but promote drug dependency in those already inclined,  and erick is the supplier of the drugs the participants are led to believe are "spiritual"
 there is no screening of what western medicines are used by his victims nor if recreational drugs used before the drug retreat, if they have the money, off they go to get high again.under the guise og "healing", "getting in contact of the spirit world", to be made into a "medicine woman" or a "shaman"
what ever the reason he uses to do this is absolutely wrong, poisoning people under what ever con or scam is illegal , this should be brought to the attention of the law authorities where he advertises his "intensives" and "spiritual ceremonies", this means he's using drugs on his "participants"
if someone is doing something wrong..

the answer is simple..

 they should be stopped,

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #70 on: November 10, 2014, 10:39:44 pm »
   this cartoon was just like it was made for erick gonzalez and his self made "medicine people" and "shaman"
actually there is a large group of frauds that fit under this one..
the comments are well worth reading too...

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2014, 05:27:57 pm »
   this cartoon was made for frauds like erick gonzalez .  and is fitting  for ericks victims that he made into self made ready mix "medicine people" and "shaman". made to believe while under the influence  of hallucinogenic and poisonous substances
 I believe erick uses large dangerous doses of the "medicines" because people are more suggestible while high on his drugs. hallucinogenics are especially strong drugs when used this way, these drugs are illegal in many countries , the :medicines" have their own territory, where the medicine stops growing is the end of its territory,
I wonder if erick gonzalez had permission to do what he did to people in the USA and the Haida on Haida Gwaii, somehow i seriously doubt he had proper permission, he did this on his own as a money making venture, possibly with a few other frauds so they can cash in too.
actually there is a large group of frauds that the message in this cartoon apply to
the comments posted under the cartoon are also well worth reading too...

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #72 on: November 13, 2014, 03:58:23 am »
   this cartoon was made for frauds like erick gonzalez .  and is fitting  for ericks victims that he made into self made ready mix "medicine people" and "shaman". made to believe while under the influence  of hallucinogenic and poisonous substances
 I believe erick uses large dangerous doses of the "medicines" because people are more suggestible while high on his drugs. hallucinogenics are especially strong drugs when used this way, these drugs are illegal in many countries , the :medicines" have their own territory, where the medicine stops growing is the end of its territory,
I wonder if erick gonzalez had permission to do what he did to people in the USA and the Haida on Haida Gwaii, somehow i seriously doubt he had proper permission, he did this on his own as a money making venture, possibly with a few other frauds so they can cash in too.
actually there is a large group of frauds that are selling ceremony that the message in this cartoon apply to.

the comments posted under the cartoon are also well worth reading too...


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2014, 06:47:38 pm »
Erick's Guatemala place is not safe. It is run down, termites are eating their way through the wood structures, people wake up with wood dust all over them from the termites eating the ceiling. An armed guard is used along with bribes to get people there and back. This is not a relaxing, safe resort.

Once when a group of people wanted to go into the local village to shop, Erick first whipped them with stinging nettles, before he would let them go, supposedly to remind them to behave a particular way.

Erick runs people through incredibly debilitating routines, they have to kneel for hours, sometimes all night, often without being allowed to take a bathroom break. He keeps people very busy and exhausted, and often drugged.

People who realize they need to get out of there are not helped, in fact Erick will go out of his way to be bitchy and mean to them.

Erick brings Americans to Guatemala, treats his American followers as servants, perhaps as a way to make himself look more powerful to the local community.

Hosting Erick elsewhere in the world is not any easier either. You end up doing their errands while Erick and Heddi rack up a long distance phone bill, eat your food, are sheltered and transported. They work their followers hard and then are rude in response.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #74 on: December 07, 2014, 07:32:14 pm »
Because of Erick Gonzalez, many of his followers now believe they are shamans and medicine people. Some in Canada have obtained funding to build a ceremonial longhouse in Skidegate, this is directly by Erick's instructions. Erick Gonzalez told Babs Stevens that he wants a longhouse, he instructed her as to specific location and siting, Babs is his tool and does what he says.