Author Topic: Markus Wider  (Read 21402 times)

Offline Freija

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Markus Wider
« on: December 02, 2009, 03:45:06 pm »

I got a mail today about a guy called Markus Wider. I don´t know if he is French, but he has set up his business in France and Switzerland.

My French is not the best. In other words, it is almost non-existant.

According to my informer, this guy sells Lakota ceremonies: sweats and sundances.
Maybe some of you have more info on him?

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 08:45:31 pm »

In his "Journal of a Dancer" he describes their fake sweats and attempts at pipe and piercing ceremony... combined with Buddhism. He alternates between claiming it's a Native ceremony and then saying it's not really a religious ceremony at all (or, that it's not of one particular relgion).  He says they held these debacles at a Buddhist monastery in Aubry-le-Panthou, France.

It sounds like the the language used in the ceremonies is French. I think they're using "Lakota" phrases that are bad translations from Lakota to English to French. Oh, and some Tibetan chants as well. Wow.

Mostly it's a tedious and self-absorbed account of how he felt about it all. I particularly like how he claims he's doing this to get in touch with the Earth... but his "visions" (which he admits may just be hallucinations) are not of the earth where he lives, but fantasies of Dances With Wolves-era Plains America. I don't know which of the weird interpretations of what the ceremonies mean are his, and what he got from Wider. If you want to wade through the whole thing, the google translation is reasonably accurate. In the places where the translation is garbled, you can put the cursor over the text and it will show the original. Though some of the garbling is his ideas.

Some excerpts:

"There are three kinds of ceremonies guided by Markus Wider:

1° quête de vision 2°Sweat lodge 3°la danse. 1. Vision Quest 2. Sweat Lodge 3. dance.

Les Cérémonies de danse The Dance Ceremonies
La Danse de Priere... The Dance of Prayer ...
La danse de prière est une cérémonie qui dure 4 jours où l'on danse toute la journée, en jeûne, chaque jour commençant et se terminant par une sweat lodge .
The prayer dance is a ceremony that lasted 4 days where we dance all day, fasting, each day begins and ends in a sweat lodge.
Pendant cette danse, les danseurs seront piercés comme les danseurs de la tradition amérindienne dans la danse du soleil.
During this dance, the dancers will be pierced like the dancers of the traditional Native American Sun Dance."

"- Markus Wider , créateur de « la Fondation pour la spiritualité libre »
et guide de cérémonies chamaniques, guidera cette danse de prière 2009
et nous transmettra des enseignements au sujet de la spiritualité libre.

- Markus Wider, creator of "The Foundation for Spiritual Freedom"
and guide of shamanistic ceremonies, will guide the 2009 prayer dance
and we pass on lessons about spiritual freedom.

Yes, this one lists prices: He's charging 390 - 440 Euros for the fake Sun Dance. Camping, food, etc, costs extra.

And it has pictures of smiling white people dressed up like NDNs. Joy.  :-[
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 01:02:47 am by Kathryn »

Offline Freija

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 04:42:30 pm »
Thanks a lot, Kathryn!

Well, it just confirmed my suspicion. 
These guys are everywhere, aren´t they  :-\

Offline ladybug

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 08:24:48 pm »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 01:56:49 pm »
It was an oversight that we didn't move a ceremony seller and European posing as a Lakota ceremony leader long ago. Wider contacted us with the usual, lots of bluster and empty legal threats. I tried asking him to provide any kind of proof for what he claims (that supposedly he was authorized and gives lots of money to Native causes). He instead got hysterical.

First his email, then my response, him again, then me.


dear sirs,
my name Markus Wider and my activities are beeing libeled in   and are beeing put to publicity each time, somebody puts my name in googel!
i'm kindly requesting you to take my name and the whole comment about my work out.
all what is beeing said about me is wrong. who ever is giving that statement, never met me, never contacted me and doesn't know me and has no idea what i'm doing. 
1996 i was officialie initiatied and entiteled by lakotha people to do theire ceremonies. out of respect to theire tradition i never claimed to do native american ceremonies, untill today. all these accusations and assumptions are in spite of all my personal path, and all my support, i'm still giving to the native american people and theire ceremonies. therefore all the comments are false accusations. it is putting dirt on somebody, who is in deep respect to spiritual traditions and also to the tradition of native american people and who is financially supporting native american people and other guardians of this world and who is deeply engaged for humanity.
i'm kindly requesting you to pass this message on to the person who was writing these comments!
i'm kindly requesting you, to take my name and all what is written about me and my acitivities immidiatly out of your server!
i'm willing to take futher actions.
thank you for your attention!
markus wider


We always seek to try and uncover the truth about these matters and welcome any new information.
Can you tell us:
Who among the Lakota authorized you to do ceremony?
Who initiated you?
How did you meet then and how often are you in contact?
Do you have ties to Kam Lau Nightchase?
Why you charge for ceremony?
You say you contribute to Natives. Is this a charity? Could you give us the name and how much you have given?
If you wish to make a statement, naturally we will bad glad to publish it. We always are glad to hear all sides.


hello mr. general controler of ceremonies!
who ever you are,
i'm happy somebody get's finally in contact with me. yes i can answer all your questions, but i don't trust you. why should i? you published a libel about me, without talking to me, without clearing the situation. and now you're asking me for names and proofs..???
who do you think you are?
it's now on your side to proof me, that your willing to do faireplay!  do you understand?
to be clear:
1. you take my name and all the comments about me immidiatly out of your webpage.
2. you give me your identifikation; name, adresse, tel.number, and e-mail adresse.
3. you give me the identifikation of this person who was asking and who was commenting on me and who was putting the libel out. name, adress, and e-mail adress of both persons.   
then, and not before, i'll give you more informations.
if you're not willing to play by the roles of fairness,
be shure,
i'll take futher actions!
markus wider


Mr. Wider,
Childish rants like below just make you look very, well, childish.
Absolutely refusing to say anything which would clear your name just makes you look guilty.
You have not been libeled because all that has been said about you is true.
All that has been published on you is accurate and based on researched information. You have provided nothing to contradict that.
You have been shown to be a ceremony seller, fraud, exploiter, and imposter posing as a ceremony leader.
All you have done is blow hot air, with empty threats of legal action. This is typical of frauds like yourself.
All your hot air does is make us laugh, and even more determined that people should know the truth about you.
Your emails will be published, so that all may see your true nature, a childish immature fraud, not a spiritual leader at all.

Offline Lodro

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 06:57:56 pm »
I'm rather ashamed that these things seem to be connected with Vajradhara Ling, the dharma center associated with Lama Gyurme. I respect that teacher very much and they have a number of illustrious teachers who visit, amongst whom is Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche. It seems the ven. Lama Gyurme also has a role in Wider's ceremonies.

I'm willing to write to him about this if you think this will accomplish something good. What is happening here is comparable to someone taking highest yoga tantra teachings and imitating the initiations in public.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2010, 01:49:18 pm »
I think it's important to let this Buddhist teacher know what is being done by their student and how they are using their name to claim legitimacy.

Wider has upped the crazy, sending two more hysterical emails claiming "libel." Still no proof, just claims.


your only interest seems to be in assumptions, so you can make fast judgements.   
well well
take me out of your website!
have a good road
markus wilder


by the way,
i don't take money of the ceremonies in my own pocket, all feeds into a foundation, which is officialy registered in switzerland, with the aim to support the spirituality of indiginous people and indiginous people working for theire own spiritual approach. i'm woring under a bigger issue then personal profit!
this might help you to identify yourself and to stop shooting into your own food and libeling people, who are deeply engaged to support indiginous people around the world on theire spiritual path.
check the person better, talk to them, before you call somebody a fraud!

Offline Freija

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2010, 05:08:25 pm »
I just noticed these replies on the inquiry I posted almost a year ago.

The fact that the legitimate questions trigger this kind of anger speaks volumes. Any Native person or people being around Natives know that they will be asked questions to verify their motives. (And sometimes asked in quite a harsh way) (I still remember when we turned up with a filmcamera to the group of Lakota warriors and AIMsters. Yep, it was kind of sweaty for a while, but ten minutes later one of the leaders shook my hand saying: "If you need any help at all, just call for us!". We stayed with them for two days and had the honour of getting to know some fantastic guys!!)

So, Markus, this is the Native way of doing things. If you have nothing to hide, just reply. After all, it will only take Native people a few questions to work out who you are. They have some kind of magic bs-detector! LOL

Of course, if you HAVE something to hide, anger would probably be a natural way of getting out of it.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2010, 07:52:45 pm »
Once again we see a justification for charging that there's not a profit being made.

Once again Markus, if you're reading.  Profit is not the question.  There should never be a charge in the first place.

Charging money for your self interpreted "ceremonies" that use Native Americans as the selling point as if we're commodities and not WRONG.

Please stop doing it.

It's been explained on here by others that if you have inherited "rights" to do what you do from Lakota people then you should easily be able to name who gave you those rights and what community it happened in and who witnessed it.  These are not secrets and people who are given "rights" don't do it secretly.  They do it in front of everyone in the community so everybody knows. 

So, if you wanted to end all doubt about your authenticity in your claims, please do as others who legitimately practice these ways do and let everyone who questions you know who taught you, what community it was in and who was there to see it happen.



Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Markus Wider
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2010, 04:58:42 pm »

A net research confirms that Markus Wider is selling ceremonies and has done so for years – sweat lodges, vision quests, and sundances which he used to call „prayer dance“; he has meanwhile changed the term to „sacred dance“. Wider also started a foundation „Free Spirituality“ (cf below).

At the same time, Wider is an entrepreneur running four companies:
Social-Input Wider in 5000 Aarau

Social-Input Wider in 5000 Aarau
This company was founded in 1998; its fields of activity are listed as 'education and project management in social areas'. The company does not have a website and I could not find any proof of activities. Wider is the owner. Before 1998, the company was active as 'Social-Input Rubin & Wider'.

The newest is Aqua Structura GmbH [Ltd.] in Zurich/Switzerland with the latest change in ownership occuring Dec 21, 2009 when the seat was moved to Solothurn. At the same time, the former CEO Thomas Löhnert was replaced by Markus Wider.

The company sells dubious devices for water improvement which allegedly can be used in households, companies, swimming pools etc. The company previously operated as 'Aqua Structura Swiss GmbH', 'Aqua Structura Swiss LLC'.

This is the English part of their website:

Good For The Body
Aqua blue® is a tried and trusted system for improving water quality. It gives drinking water its original structure back and thereby gives your tap water the properties of fresh spring water.

Aqua blue® reduces the water´s surface tension and makes it softer and more pleasant tasting. This is good for the skin and is easier on the body.

Reducing surface tension? That's what detergents do. Hmmmm.
And bingo!:
Savings On Chemicals
Transportation of tap water in pipes over long distances and under high pressure adversely affects its structure. This is why tap water doesn´t taste as good as fresh spring water. The vitality and energy is no longer present.
Aqua blue®gives water its naturalness back.

This means vital, pleasant tasting water from the tap, less scale deposits in water pipes and in appliances and savings on detergents in private and commercial sectors.
Our customers found that they used up to 30% less detergent.
Emphasis mine

How does Aqua blue work?

Good water has a high inherent order:
Water molecules are bipolar and attract each other. They build molecular chains (clusters) by hydrogen bonding. The better the quality of the water, the greater the molecular chains (up to 700 molecules). High quality water is structured in a definite order that is comparable to the form of an ice crystal. These statements are supported by the work of the Japanese water researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto. He found out that high quality spring water forms very beautiful ice crystals (hexagonal with symmetrical brances). Tap water on the other hand is frequently not able to form clearly defined crystals.

The order is easily destroyed:
The structure of water is very delicate. Pollution and additives such as chlorine or ozone threaten its balance. High pressure, transportation in pipes over long distances or filtration also destroy the inherent order of water. Thus tap water looses a lot of the properties of fresh spring water. It doesn´t taste as good, it doesn´t refresh us as much and the limescale precipitates much easier.

Aqua blue® reorganizes the water structure:
From physics, we know that all matter has its own characteristic frequency. Thus very good, fresh spring water has a different vibrational pattern as for example plain tap water. Aqua blue® emitts the same vibrational pattern of a very good, fresh spring water. Tap water goes into resonance with this vibration and reacts to it by recreating its original structure.

Aqua blue® improves the water quality:
Aqua blue® water tastes pleasant, fresher, softer and is more digestible to the body. Limescale precipitates less and forms no more hard incrustations. Appliances and pipes are preserved, limescale problems in kitchen and bath disappear.

Scientific studies prove the effectiveness of Aqua blue®:
Limescale crystals are much smaller without incrustations
Surface tension is reduced
Electrical conductivity is reduced
Clearly defined ice crystals are formed (after Dr. Emoto)
Increased tolerability
Improved plant growth

Perhaps, in reading the above quote, the thought crossed your mind this was all rubbish. You were right:

„Aqua Blue is one of numerous products for water vitalisation. It is a tin box which will be fastened to the water line with velcro. It is supposed to improve the taste of water, minimize limescale, and help to minimize the use of detergents.
The device is promoted with the usual pseudo-scientific boilerplates like „frequency“, „pattern of vibration“ or „resonance“.[...]
Details regarding the device are given in a description which reveals that the rectangular Aqua blue box is filled with insulating material (mineral cotton) into which an aluminium pipe is placed. The pipe contains a sand-like mix of stones, and therefore the device „with its high silicium content is able to store and emit physical vibration over a long time and therefore take an effect on the water running past it“. […]
Manufacturer of these devices is Löhnert GmbH from the town of Gunzenhausen near Nuremberg. A modell said to be sufficient for a house with four appartments is sold at about € 900.[/quote]

Quite interestingly, one Herr Thomas Löhnert has been CEO of Aqua Structura in Switzerland before Markus Wider replaced him; Löhnert, however, has not left the Swiss company and is still a member of their board. And as you will find below, Wider arranged a 'prayer dance' at premises in the vicinity of Gunzenhausen in 2009. Sheer coincidence, I presume.... :sarcasm off:

Another company is social input GmbH [Ltd.] in the town of Aarau. This company aims at „offering language and integrational offers, it may open branches, get involved in other companies or buy and sell such companies, real estate or value papers, obtain and give credits, give warranties and other deposits as well as buy, manage, and realise itangible property rights“.

The fourth is a company called „verein social input“ situated in Aarau. Its aim is to devise and run programmes to actively promote social integration of persons of foreign native languages and marginal persons. In order to achieve these aims, the association may run various non-profit projects and companies. Wider is named as a CEO.

This 'Verein' runs a project which is basically a garage where young men repair Saab cars:

„The persons responsible for this project hold a close contact to authorities sending participants like Regional Labour Exchange Centres, Job Informations Centres, social services, schools as well as with the Office Economy and Work of the Canton, the office for job training, the office for migration, regional trade associations, and vocational schools.“

Apparently three of Wider's enterprises depend on funding by public authorities, i.e. tax money,  and also depend on authorities sending participants for the programmes offered. Therefore, if and when authorities may find Wider not trustworthy, this may endanger the flow of money as well as the flow of participants. Presumably, Wider has trusted authorities not to visit the various websites on which he is promoted as a seller of Indian ceremonies, or as the CEO of a company selling expensive and dubious devices like Aqua Bull – pardon me: Aqua Blue.

In 2007, Wider started a foundation „Free Spirituality and the Secret of being human“:

The site publishes article 2 of their charter:

„Art 2 Aims

The foundation is meant to promote free spirituality independent of all religions and contribute to human development.
This can be achieved by the following activities and offers:
The foundation promotes free spirituality, i.e. the forms which do not prerequisite or imply any concept of belief.
The foundation's concept of prayer is intrinsic and action-oriented confession. The central aim of the foundation is to promote the ability of individuals to admit.
The foundation promotes the examination with the ideas of man which may take ideal as well as experimental character.
The foundation may perform activities and transactions of any type at home as well as abroad which are connected to the foundation's aims and which promote the realization of its aims.

In order to realize its aims, the foundation may accept inheritances, gather donations, engage in entrepreneurial and political activities.“

FS supports projects like „various sponsorships, Associaton of Friends of Tibet Switzerland, the drama EGO & SPIRIT, a comedy about the inner life of humans“, and also supports:
„Continuation of Prayer Dance at various locations
Fundraising for the cross-cultural documentary film „praying“
setting up and expansion and guidance of healing circles“

The ceremonies offered by the foundation:

These are listed as „Ceremony of heat: the Sweatlodge“, „Ceremony of Space: the Vision Quest“, and „Ceremony of Movement: Sacred Dance“.

The sweat is explained as an „igloo“, and the description closes with:
„The sewatlodge is an archaic ceremony which may not be attributed to a specific culture. It is a ceremony of various latitudes and peoples, on short: of peoples of nature.“

Their description of vision quest announces:
„... participants will be left alone for four days and nights, at a small place in nature (mountain), without distraction, withour food, and without being able to move. During the entire ceremony, guardians and aides will guarantee the safety of participants. Prayers will be recited during the entire cremony. Participants are supported in being with themselves, i.e. with their own histories, fears, hopes, and dreams, and at the same time with the wind, the sun and the void.“

Regarding the so-called 'sacred dance', the site states that this is the 'former Prayer Dance' and explains:

„... is a four day dance ceremony with sweat lodges and full fasting, during which participants can get pierced. The dance is inspired by the Sun Dance of the Sioux tribes [sic] and connects elements of this dance with modern forms of dance. A birch tree is placed in the middle which is a predecessor on the path of commitment and encourages participants to replicate. Within the dancing circle are all those male and female dancers who have committed themselves for four years, while all those who did not take up any commitment will dance outside of this circle.“

Switzerland Solothurn
 Contact: Jürg Schädelin
19.11.2010 ab 19.00h
20.11.2010 ab 11.00h / ab 15.00h
21.11.2010 ab 09.00h

 Contact: Michel / Veronique
Phone +33 68 086 20 29
26.09.2010 - 19.06.2011
Dates 2010
26.09. / 24.10. / 21.11.
Dates 2011
16.01. / 20.02. / 20.03. / 17.04. / 15.05. / 19.06.

 Contact: Michel Ferry
13.11.2010 14.00 / 19.00
14.11.2010 09.00

Reunion Vision Quest
La Motte Chaloncon
 Contact: Markus
27.11.2010 - 28.11.2010

Meeting of the Dancers
La Motte Chaloncon
 Contact: Markus
18.12.2010 - 19.12.2010

Vision Quest
La Motte Chalancon
 Contact: Markus
09.06.2011 - 16.06.2011
Preparation: 26. / 27. March 2011
Vision Quest:  09. - 16th. June 2011 
Evaluation:  26. /27. November 2011
Inscription to:

Prayer Dance
La Motte Chalancon
 Contact: Markus
06.08.2011 - 13.08.2011
Meeting / Information: 18. / 19. December 2010
Prayer Dance: 06. - 13th. August 2011

The FS site also has a PDF which reads:

„This event is an offer from Foundation Free Spirituality in the style of the Sundance of North American Indian tribes and influences of other archaic traditions. The dance will last four days and starts after a three day preparation with sweatlodges and a tree ceremony including explanations. Music is traditional Sundance songs of the Lakhota Indians besides shamanic songs with Martina Bovet from Switzerland and special dancing drums.
The dance is an intense cleansing ceremony which enables male and female participants to rediscover the joys of being a human. This ceremony is also to be seen as an initiation for psychological and physical healing processes and supports the spiritual development of each male and female participant.
It is made possible by persons from France, Germany, Ireland, and Switzerland who commited themselves to dance for four years. It is lead by Swiss citizen Markus Wider.
The dance does not need previous special knowledge. No religious knowledge will be taught. The organisation is non-profit.Please bring your own tents. Besides infrastructure (toilets, showers) and the actual programme, the organisation offers one warm meal per day. The fee for accomodation, meal, and programme will be covered by your donations during the dance. Please book in advance until June 2010 as the number of participants is limited.
The event will take place Monday, July 19 to Monday, July 26, 2010 at the premises near the lake at the town of Gunzenhausen, Germany.“

So Wider's nation is the Do-nation, and he does not only lead these dances in France, but at least also in Germany. Despite his claims that ceremonies were not to be attributed to any particular ethnicity, he makes use of Lakota songs during his fake prayer dance, and also uses ndn concepts of the sweatlodge. 

Their 'who we are' section offers info on ceremony leaders and their curriculum vitae:

„Markus Wider leads ceremonies and shows how modern life without religious denomination and belief may be a ceremonial life. Born 1960, he grew up in Japan and Switzerland. From 1980-84: Theological Seminar, Aarau. 1986-89: School for Social Work Zurich, founding of social input GmbH ( ), various journeys (USA, Australia, Malaysia), 1994-1999 initiation as a Suncancers, Lakothas [sic], setup and board of „Verein social input“ ( , ), various journeys and spiritual initiations (Malaysia and Nepal), since 2002 realization of and performing free spiritual ceremonies in Switzerland, France, Germany, Ireland and England, 2005 realization of first Prayer Dance (today sacred dance) in the Pyrennee Mountains. Married, 2 children, 2008 founding of foundation free sprituality.“

Wider's colleagues are:
Lucie Betz, „artist, born 1973 in France, living in Freiburg/Breisgau [Germany] since 2006“, Patrice Poirier [no c.v.],
Harald Euler: „born 1961 in Offenbach/Main, Germany“. Euler is a telephone technician who engages in several nuage therapies like massages of reflex zones, energy massage, Shiatsu, Tibetan medicine, dream work, and claims a training for a nature pedagogue. Euler has done vision quests, prayer dances, led sweatlodges, medicine walks, vision quests, and meetings with nature.
Uwe Backhaus „lives in Paris since 15 years and in Brussels since 2 years.“ Backhaus has worked as a wood worker, carpenter, teacher for music and sports and as a lights director. „In 2001, he joined the Red Indian Way [sic] and began a training as a fireman. In 2003, he did a Vision Quest, in 2005, he danced at the prayer dance inspired by Indian Sundance as one of the first Europeans. Uwe leads sweatlodges in France, Germany and Ireland“.
Ulrike Zeller, „born 1968, lives in Freiburg.“ She is a Shiatsu practician. „Vision Quest 2006, prayer dance 2007-2010“.

Although the foundation's sites do not mention any fees, the ceremonies are sold, as price tags can be found on sites promoting these ceremonies:,580.html?id_document=720

sweats lodges (huttes de sudation, inipi)
à Tipi Bivouac, 130 km de Paris, les 25 et 26 septembre 2010
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la venue de Markus Wider pour un week-end de 3 sweat lodges à Tipibivouac près de Montargis (130kms au sud de Paris, pour plus de détails sur le lieu
Hébergement / Couchage
En grand tipi avec feu de bois central ou yourte
Matelas et draps housse sur place, sac de couchage chaud à prévoir
Confort "nature" : toilettes sèches et cabane de bain avec bassine (pas de douche)
Seuls les diner de samedi et le petit déjeuner de dimanche seront assurés (bio végétarien)
Week end complet (3 sweats lodges, couchage et repas) 120€
ou à la carte : 1 seule sweat lodge 30€, couchage et repas 30€

The 'weekend' BTW is Saturday, Sep 25 and Sunday, Sep 26; it starts Saturday 12 p.m. And is finished at Sunday, 12 p.m., that is a mere 24 hours instead of a weekend The first sweat is Sat at 3 p.m., the second at 9 p.m., the third Sunday 10 a.m., and apparently participants are encouraged to take part in all three sweats within 24 hours. The individual sweatlodge is sold at € 30.

All in all, Wider appears a Newager active in several esoteric fields, covering a broad range of the newage market as a ceremony seller and seller of pseudo-scientific devices.
On the other hand, he is a CEO of several companies working with either underpriviledged persons or persons with a migrational background, or both, in particular young persons.