Author Topic: Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy deer  (Read 6667 times)

Online Sparks

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Re: Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy Deer
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2020, 01:50:50 am »

Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy Deer are also joined to the other couple you started a topic about (JP Spears and Amber Spears):

Meet Our Curanderos
Lydia, Thunder Buffalo Woman, is a traditional practitioner initiated in 2000 in the Shipibo/Conibo tradition of sacred plants of the Peruvian Amazon. In 2008, she developped the technology SIBA and has been working with both SIBA and the traditional medicine since then. She became « maestra », teacher-healer in the Ayahuasca tradition in 2013. Pancho, Crazy Deer, has been following the native traditional teachings of the Shipibo since 2010, as well as SIBA’s teachings with Lydia. Before that, he spent years as a Buddhist monk in Tibet and as a music teacher.

Lydia and Pancho both dedicate their lives to healing, guiding and teaching the sacred ways of Pachamama, Mother Earth, the path of sacred ecology. They travel all over the planet to share their medicines with all those who wish to free themselves from their limitations.

Lydia and Pancho are “Energy Surgeons” who use a powerful crystal technology named SIBA during the medicine rituals that guide each guest deeper into their healing. Both SIBA and Ayahuasca bond together and open portals directly to the ancestors memories where the source of the issues and blockages can be found. They provide individual treatments on each retreat guest during the ceremonies.

In addition to this and they are active on another website: with an accompanying Facebook page:

Your Facilitators
Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman is a traditional medicine practitioner initiated since 2000 in the Shipibo/Conibo tradition of sacred plants of the Peruvian Amazon. In 2008, she developed the technology SIBA and has been working with both SIBA and the traditional medicine since then.

Pancho Crazy Deer has been following the native traditional teachings of the Shipibo since 2010, as well as SIBA’s teachings with Lydia. Before that, he spent years as a Buddhist monk in Tibet and as a music teacher.

Lydia and Pancho both dedicate their lives to healing, guiding and teaching the sacred ways of Pachamama, Mother Earth, the path of sacred ecology. They travel all over the planet to share their medicines with all those who wish to free themselves from their limitations.

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy Deer
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2020, 02:07:30 am »
You will also find this couple on other fancy New Age websites, e.g.

Lydia Thunder Buffalo Medicine Woman
She is a traditional practitioner initiated since 2000 in the Shipibo/Conibo tradition of sacred plants of the Peruvian Amazon where she co-created a healing center with her Shipibo teacher.

In 2008, she developped the technology SIBA and has been working with both SIBA and the traditional medicine since then. She became « maestra », teacher-healer in the Ayahuasca tradition in 2013.

She travels all around the planet with her partner Pancho Crazy Deer to participate actively in the awakening of Gaïa’s Kundalini, activating sacred places during medicine circles on key meridians of the earth.

She is now based in Chirripo, Costa Rica where she’s is the guardian of a sacred land named Terma Tierra meant to become a sanctuary for wildlife, sacred activities and renewal of indigenous traditions/way of life: Reforestation, conservation of medicinal plants, sacred architecture, permaculture, rituals for balance and harmony, connection with divine laws and deep healing.

Pancho Crazy Deer
He has been following the native traditional teachings of the Shipibo/Conibo since 2010, as well as SIBA’s teachings with Lydia Thunder Buffalo Medicine Woman.

Before that, he spent years as a Buddhist monk in Tibet where he created a school for young monks and as a music teacher in many countries, especially Africa.

He’s now based in Chirripo, Costa Rica where he’s is the guardian of a sacred land named Terma Tierra meant to become a sanctuary for wildlife, sacred activities and renewal of indigenous traditions/way of life.

Above quotes are from:

Online Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy deer
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2020, 02:43:23 am »
Lydia's biography at the site originally pointed to by Totonacjv is so hilariously incredible I'll quote it in full:

Traditional practitioner initiated since 2000 into the Shipibo-Conibo tradition of sacred plants in the Peruvian Amazon.
She’s a Tertön (a discoverer of a Terma esoteric treasure of the Tibetan tradition) and SIBA is the Terma she is responsible for.

Her path, under two indigenous teachers of Amazonia led her to a very strict and ever-demanding traditional practice. This path, far from the western standards of life, was not free from temptations to quit. But persistence and a grounding of the heart overcame the doubts and fears inherent to any authentic shamanistic practice.

It is in the heart of the forest while overcoming both uncomfortable and ecstatic processes that she understands the intimate link between our genetic personal memory and the history of humanity. This allows her to experience in her own body, the connection between Earth and the Cosmos, and between human beings and the Netheru (Gods and Goddesses of all traditions).

In 1994, during a Shamanic ritual the arrival of SIBA is communicated to her.

This name, SIBA, returns to her in dreams and visions but it is not until 2007, after having overcome intense challenges on a personal and esoteric level, that she is visited by the first Nether. This Nether announces that she will need to travel across the world and design a system for transmuting archaic limitative programmings. The “body” of this system is a mineral one (the mineral reign is the first of all the reign, which, consequently, would allow access to the most ancient information).

From 2008 to 2011, with faith and dreams as her only guidance, Lydia takes off on the search for programming codes. These codes are actually etheric, information of sacred geometry located all around the globe:

Tula in Mexico, Aswan in Egypt, Titicaca Lake in Peru, Crestone in North America, Haridwar and Varanasi in India and eventually in the land of the Tertöns: Tiger’s Nest, located in the Kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalayas.

These technologies were hidden approximately 14000 years ago by the creator of SIBA, a very enlightened priestess of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, in order to be found today by the Tertön.

On the 21st of August in 2008 the first SIBA codes were programmed in a crystal body. This is the day of its official birth into a precise geometric system consisting of several crystals and an elaborate protocol. Throughout the years, the system has expanded to include complementary crystals at each new programming. SIBA is composed of four techniques: The Wheel of Time, Metatron’s Tetraedron, The Winged Snake and The Chant of the Phoenix.

The Winged Snake is a technique to transmute imprints linked to the fall of sacred sexuality, leading to all sexual deviances.

During the programming of this technique, Lydia is faced with dark and vampire-like forces, never encountered by her before, that leads her to almost give up her quest. It is then, in July of 2010, that she experiences for the first time the “descent” of the great Netheru (Gods and Godesses of all traditions), the Nation of the Stars. They transmit to her the sacred language Meïa, a key deprograming language with irresistible power over ancient and limitative programmings. Since then, Meïa has been an integral part of the system and its practice.

During the night between the 17th and the 18th of March 2011, SIBA completes the programming for the Chant of the Phoenix in Peru after having integrated the Bhutan programming codes into its crystals.
This night celebrates as well Lydia’s graduation ceremony to the rank of Muraya or “Master healer” in the Amazonian tradition. This means that from now on she has no other teachers but the spirits and is trusted with greater responsibilities.

In June 2012 she receives instruction to go on a quest for new programming codes. She departs in 2013, first to Abydos in Egypt, then to Baalbek in Lebanon and Cappadocia in Turkey. SIBA then reaches a new dimension by acquiring its fifth technique: The Chrysalis.

From September 2013 and for a few months, Lydia receives a blessing in the form of a highly initiatory challenge that leads her to transcend many of her own limitative beliefs. She is then firmly and totally dedicated to incarnating and transmitting the ways and the teachings of the Terma.

The Great Ancestors give her the name of Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman as she is offered the fleece of a black bison who has given his life during a traditional Native North American ritual. The honour of wearing it as a sacred headdress leads her to be all the more loyal as a Medicine Woman of service to the White Buffalo Calf Woman, the Great Star Nation, and to SIBA, the Doorway to Freedom.

Today, SIBA and her Tertön follow their quest and their practice in diverse areas of the Planet. They actively collaborate in the current regeneration of the Planet’s Sacred Ecology.

All boldings are in the original text. I have also italicized a couple of places, indicating underlying links to other pages.

While Tertön and Terma are terms from Tibetan Buddhism, I fail to see her connection to that tradition. —

And by the time she claims Lemuria as the origin of the "hidden treasure", what else is there to do than declare her another New Age nut case?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy deer
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2020, 12:58:24 pm »
The photos of them are just as unintentionally amusing. Claiming to be "traditional healers" of South American tribes when it's obvious any NDN ancestry is distant, if at all. "Pancho" might be criollo, a Latino of all European ancestry.

But it's more likely they are North American, US whites deluding themselves into peddling a ridiculous hodgepodge, with their made up faux versions of what they think are North American Native names, with their faux versions of Hinduism, Buddhism, goofy crystals and Lemuria, all passed off as South American Native belief.

The main thing left is to find their actual legal names rather than have to refer to them by their made up offensive names. Moved to Frauds.

Offline Totonacjv

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Re: Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy Deer
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2020, 08:32:01 pm »

Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman and Pancho Crazy Deer are also joined to the other couple you started a topic about (JP Spears and Amber Spears):

Meet Our Curanderos
Lydia, Thunder Buffalo Woman, is a traditional practitioner initiated in 2000 in the Shipibo/Conibo tradition of sacred plants of the Peruvian Amazon. In 2008, she developped the technology SIBA and has been working with both SIBA and the traditional medicine since then. She became « maestra », teacher-healer in the Ayahuasca tradition in 2013. Pancho, Crazy Deer, has been following the native traditional teachings of the Shipibo since 2010, as well as SIBA’s teachings with Lydia. Before that, he spent years as a Buddhist monk in Tibet and as a music teacher.

Lydia and Pancho both dedicate their lives to healing, guiding and teaching the sacred ways of Pachamama, Mother Earth, the path of sacred ecology. They travel all over the planet to share their medicines with all those who wish to free themselves from their limitations.

Lydia and Pancho are “Energy Surgeons” who use a powerful crystal technology named SIBA during the medicine rituals that guide each guest deeper into their healing. Both SIBA and Ayahuasca bond together and open portals directly to the ancestors memories where the source of the issues and blockages can be found. They provide individual treatments on each retreat guest during the ceremonies.

In addition to this and they are active on another website: with an accompanying Facebook page:

Your Facilitators
Lydia Thunder Buffalo Woman is a traditional medicine practitioner initiated since 2000 in the Shipibo/Conibo tradition of sacred plants of the Peruvian Amazon. In 2008, she developed the technology SIBA and has been working with both SIBA and the traditional medicine since then.

Pancho Crazy Deer has been following the native traditional teachings of the Shipibo since 2010, as well as SIBA’s teachings with Lydia. Before that, he spent years as a Buddhist monk in Tibet and as a music teacher.

Lydia and Pancho both dedicate their lives to healing, guiding and teaching the sacred ways of Pachamama, Mother Earth, the path of sacred ecology. They travel all over the planet to share their medicines with all those who wish to free themselves from their limitations.

Yes, Amber Spears is connected with a Fraud