Author Topic: Kerry Henwood  (Read 2933 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Kerry Henwood
« on: January 21, 2014, 02:05:43 pm »
An Australian woman based in Los Angeles, she claims to be trained and mostly use teachings from unnamed Peruvian teachers.

But I don't see anything Native at all beyond photos, just Nuage claims about Natives like soul retrieval. People really believe "experience transfiguration" is traditional Peruvian Native belief?

She also falsely lists the Dreamwalk, an Australian aboriginal practice, as Peruvian Native.

She pushes a big hodgepodge of claims about King Arthur, angels, and who knows what ideas like shards of light, crystal meditation, morphogenic fields (?), psycho pumps.

Her shop has the most pseudo science I've seen in awhile.
Far Infrared Sauna
Radiates far-infrared light wave essential to all living creatures. Penetrates human tissue, increases core body temp, detox at deeper layers. Lowers blood pressure, purifies skin. Relaxes advances pain management, maximizes […]

Chi Machine
Incorporates precise oscillatory rhythmic action of spine and joints. Improves oxygenation, blood flow, spinal balance; stimulates immune system, equalizes autonomic nervous system. Exercises internal organs, unblocks “CHI”( life-force energy) to […]

Kangen Water Machine
Superior filtration increases body alkalinity produces 5 different water types with the touch of a button. Cleanses balance immune system; strengthens cells, organs, impurities, unpleasant chlorine odors, lead, rust. Sport […]

Activated Air
Activated Air improves the body’s ability to draw energy from oxygen. Fortifies immune system, helps fight disease, protects against free rad damage, speeds regeneration. Reinforces mitochondrial efficiency, which boosts whole […]

EB Pro Detoxification Machine
The EB Pro detoxification machine works through the feet or hands, where all the body’s energy channels or meridian begin and end. These meridians provide a pathway for the energy […]

Vibrational Integration Bio-Photonic Energizer (V.I.B.E)
The V.I.B.E. machine is a technological breakthrough that enhances the human body by restoring the vibrational level of the body back to its natural, optimal state of being. Invented by […]

Trinfinity8™ represents a new quantum shift in the emerging science of algorithmic rejuvenation technology. This unique software program was developed as a direct result of information brought back from a […]

Her linkedin profile. The claim to be a "catalyst for social change" made me laugh out loud. I can't imagine a surer way to get people to do nothing useful than to get them to instead waste time and money with these empty feel good faux rituals.

She claims 30 years experience. But in 2002 she was only claiming to be a storyteller.