Author Topic: Andrew Soliz  (Read 102787 times)

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2012, 12:07:04 am »
Once we take this guy down, does that mean we'll take more down who reside in this area?

Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2012, 01:37:53 am »
Well, I thought he was doing more than sweat lodge, but doing a lot of new age things,
which isn't Native religion. I guess I was thinking that a sworn statement by members of
the tribe he claims to be part of, stating that what he is doing is NOT their religion would
kind of debunk his claim of the Native American Freedom of Religion Act.

I think the root of the problem with all "pay to pray" sweat lodges is not religious freedom,
but religious misappropriation for personal gain. And the fact that people don't want to
listen or know or believe that what they are paying for is bunk. It's a big scam and no one
wants to admit that.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline bluebirdneighbor

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2012, 02:09:54 am »
To critter - please forgive me if I miscommunicated my last post. I agree that what Soliz is doing has nothing to do with real Native American religious freedom. It's just hard to have a rational or meaningful debate  with them (Soliz/Woodburn) when they insist that all they're doing is practicing their religion - not exploiting the religious traditions of native people for personal financial gain.

Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2012, 03:17:22 am »
I agree bluebird, it is hard. But, I think if the community wants to put an end to this
then they would have to know if having a business in that neighborhood is
prohibited by zoning laws, and then prove to the court that what he is doing
is a business. Which, shouldn't be too hard. Are they filing taxes with the money
they are making off these things? Or are they tax exempt and calling their self a
church? Seems to me, charging for "programs" is a business. But, again, I'm not
a lawyer and I am only going by what I know of my own neighborhood's laws.

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2012, 07:15:17 am »
If they are operating as a non-profit, they have to file an IRS Form 990, which is easily found online. Looking up "Sacred Ways," the name of his organization, I only find 990s for 2004 and 2005. In the 2005 form (filed in 2008) he claimed to be a church, to have revenue of $72,000, salary of $23,000.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2012, 03:23:08 pm »
Just a little more about Carrie Woodburn

She appears to be quite involved in an organisation called the Goddess Temple of Orange County

Her name is given as the contact person for an event there

DEC 29th--Tantric Dance of Feminine Power with Vajra Ma
Public Event · By Vajra Ma

    Thursday, December 29, 2011
    6:30pm until 9:30pm

The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County, Irvine, CA
   ADDED CLASS--DECEMBER 29th!! CLASS FULL. Contact Carrie for waiting list. Or--next time! Tantric Dance of Feminine Power with Vajra Ma
To register contact Carrie Woodburn 949 433 7802>
This workshop is appropriate for women new to the TD of FP and Advanced Students.
Must register with Carrie, not on FB event page. $50
$65 at door, space permitting, must call first.

Woodburn also has at least 2 FB friends who work at the "temple", firstly

Vajra Ma - a senior person at the "temple" and the women who ran the above event in 2011
 - you can read her recommended reading list (including various books on "tantra") here
Her FB page is here
and her FB friends include
ALisa Starkweather - needs her own thread, very involved in the Red Tent movement, an associate of Brooke Medicine Eagle and Susun Weed
DeAnna L'am - also needs her own thread, very involved in the Red tent Movement, another associate of Brooke Medicine Eagle and Susun Weed

another FB friend of Carrie Woodburn who works at the "Goddess temple is Gaia Moon
FB page
pls notice that her interests include: expanded orgasm, tantric sex, tantric yoga and sex magick.
Gaia Moon's FB friends include various newage brothels including Aadara Tantra Berlin, Chakra Tantra Temple, GoddessTemple Tantra and Jade Lotus Tantra.  Friends also include "Baba" Dez Nichols (a newage pimp) and countless newage sex workers including Gypsy Lynn Iyata and Crystal Dawn Morris (of Phoenix Goddess Temple notoriety), Amara Charles (DTMMS) and "Pamela Jane" (an interesting lady who belongs to some Ashram Shambala meetup groups). 

I can remember looking at the Goddess Temple of Orange County website ages ago and thinking that it appeared to be more of a neo-pagan "wimmin's" temple rather than the standard newage brothel, but given the promotion of books on "tantra" and the involvement of one of the staff (Gaia Moon) in the pseudo-tantric scene with its sex workers and brothels and the involvement of a senior member of the "temple" with extremely dodgy people in the red tent movement, I have to say that this "temple" seems to have one foot in one camp and one foot in another.

The temple website actually charges subscriptions to members along the following rates
To join the Temple as a member and receive your beautiful new color Goddess Prayer in the mail every month as Her gift to you, choose your monthly pledge amount:

Circle of the Earth $25
Circle of the Sun $40
Circle of the Moon $75
Circle of the Stars $200
Send your first pledge check made payable to "The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County"

Mail to:
17905 Sky Park Circle, Suite A, Irvine, CA 92614

For more information about the benefits of each circle, please request the brochure"Becoming a Priestess" by e-mail: or by regular post.

Individual Donations are warmly accepted and greatly appreciated.
Please indicate this type of gift with the note:
"Individual Donation" in the memo section of your check.

verah spirchul I'm sure

So, to conclude, Carrie Woodburn is involved with a fairly dodgy looking "Goddess Temple".  It is not the dodgiest temple I have ever seen by a very long shot, however there are indications that it is fairly dodgy. 

I would be extremely concerned if any of my female friends were attending the ceremonies and retreats run by Carrie Woodburn .

Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2012, 03:30:06 pm »
Salary of 23,000 gets him into a 1.2 million house. Sounds like the IRS needs to do an audit..  :-\
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline bluebirdneighbor

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2012, 05:54:43 pm »
The home was purchased by Woodburn. They claim they are married but who knows if it is a legal union recognized by the State of California.

Offline bluebirdneighbor

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2012, 05:56:16 pm »
Also - the address was made public by the Laguna Beach Independent in one of the first articles they ran on the story. 932 Meadowlark Dr, 92651

Offline Pono Aloha

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2012, 07:34:41 pm »
I'd be more interested in an audit on why no more 990s were filed. Have they given up their tax exemption as a church and turned into a business? If so, there goes his religious freedom claim. Or did they "forget" to file 990s?

Offline bluebirdneighbor

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2012, 04:16:40 am »
Here is some info as to what he was up to with non profit in 2009 - well after the dates you found.

Sacred Ways…
Our ceremony’s master will be Andrew Soliz who has been performing sweat lodge ceremonies for people from all over the world.  He often travels and attends different tribal pow-wows, and has been blessed by many
tribal chiefs for his gift and dedication to his work.   Sacred Ways brings together teachers, leaders and other like-minded individuals to share wisdom and promote racial harmony in a safe, nurturing environment founded on integrity.
The circle is strong and full of medicine. Sacred Ways is based on integrity and upholding the traditional ways.

More info about costs/fees/"donations"
No Costs, Just Donations…
Sacred Ways is a non-profit organization and depends on your generous donations to supports its program.
The donations from your heart make it possible for us to bring the medicine and ceremonies to all.  There will be a cost for individuals
interested in private sessions (vision quest, spiritual healing, etc.) with Andrew, after the sweat ceremony in our tipi.

Offline StudentofLife

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #56 on: July 11, 2012, 02:09:17 am »
I stumbled upon this site and this listing using google during my own research into information on Andrew Soliz. I'll write my experiences and opinions here and respond to any questions so long as I receive the notification or have time to check back.

I was referred to Andrew by a well respected and trustworthy friend of mine in Los Angeles. He suggested I speak with Andrew as a sort of spiritual adviser (There was no exchange of money for the referral or the advice Andrew offered). Ended up doing sweats with Andrew, for free, at his home in Laguna Beach. Andrew lives with his girlfriend down there, and his girlfriend owns the home there. My understanding of what Andrew does with the often referenced site "Alchemy of the Heart" is sort of a contracted work type gig. The website is not managed by him and he does not own the company from what I've gathered. It seems the sort of situation where the organisation hires Andrew as their spiritual guru and while Andrew is at their retreats he gives advice, performs services, and offers sweats. This may be a "loop hole" for in a way technically having sweats paid for, but not by Andrews design. Attendees seem to pay Alchemy of the Heart for the retreats, and Andrew happens to also offer Sweats at these retreats while there. I have not personally attended one of these retreats though, I've only spoken with many who have and are involved with Andrew. The sweats I attended at Andrews home are absolutely free and money is not mentioned. Donations are not even mentioned, but when asked Andrew will point out a little donation container where someone could put any amount if they so chose. However, again, I do not have personal experience with these retreats and this is only what I've "gathered" in researching and through overheard conversations. If you want to discredit this first paragraph then that's fine, I'd understand.

Regarding Sun Dances, I recently attended a Sun Dance in South Dakota with Andrew and the Oglala Sioux tribe, whom Vernon Cross lead. I met Darlene Cross and the majority of the tribe there. Andrew is indeed a Sun Dancer and adopted by Darlene's family. I personally met the family, Michael - Vernon's son and co-patriarch, Eric - Also Vernon's son and co-patriarch, and many others. Andrew pierces at the Sun Dance and does not claim any sort of official leadership in the ceremonies that is noticeable to a non-native. Andrew has never claimed to myself or others that I've met to lead Sun Dances or have any authority to do so. Darlene absolutely seems to trust and love Andrew from the interactions I've witnessed. I've stood in one of the Cross family homes and met nieces, cousins, brothers and sisters. They all seem to love and respect Andrew. Andrew refers to Darlene as "mom", Michael as his "brother", etc.. and this is accepted by the family. For all intents and purposes he is a member of their family from their demonstrated perspective and his own.

I am aware of Andrew working with men to provide retreats for western men interested in spirituality. The cost of these retreats and where the money goes, I have not asked nor do I care. I have heard mention similar to other posts here defending Andrew that much of the costs go to operating expenses, as the retreats are typically held in isolated and beautiful places owned by a specific family - the family is otherwise un-associated with Andrew.

I would suggest from my personal experience, if Vernon is considered legitimate, and if the Cross family on the Pinewood reservation and the Oglala are a respected Lakota tribe, then I can vouch for the legitimacy of Andrews adoption into the family and their deep respect for him, and thus Andrew should not be considered a fraud. Much of the speculation and misdirected assumptions in this thread are exactly that. People are posting here with preconceived notions and intentions not based in fact. If you really want to confirm Andrew's legitimacy, contact the Cross family directly! Michael has a phone, but the number I will not give out. I'd imagine other Lakota could find a way to contact the family, but I'm not too familiar with how in-touch other families are with each other on the reservation there.

To list Andrew in the confirmed fraud section based solely upon the *opinions* in this thread and unsupported arguments is a disservice to him, and to the credibility of this website. I do not see any confirmed proof beyond conjecture and arguments of Andrew being a fraud, and my own personal experiences suggest the complete opposite, so what does this website base its decisions upon? Irrational arguments and preconceived notions?

If Andrew Soliz is a fraud, then Vernon's surviving family is supporting this fraud wholeheartedly, and so is the Oglala Sioux tribe. This seems absolutely unlikely and absurd. Andrew's legitimacy can 100% be confirmed by actually doing the legwork to contact the cross family.

I mean no disrespect to other posters in this thread or this site, but what is posted in this thread attacking Andrew's reputation, and this thread being moved to confirmed frauds, absolutely hurts the credit of those accusers here and this website.

Edit: I wrote "Sacred Heart" when I meant to write "Alchemy of the Heart" for the website I mention.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 06:41:23 am by StudentofLife »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #57 on: July 11, 2012, 01:52:18 pm »
There is no Pinewood reservation. ::)
Vernon Cross died many years ago
Darlene cant make up her mind
i will not take the word of another non native
who has a idol worshipping problem
In Spirit

Offline StudentofLife

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #58 on: July 11, 2012, 03:39:50 pm »
Pine Ridge, my apologies for not correcting the mistake when I reread what I posted.

I am aware Vernon died and at no point did I suggest he is alive.

At this point you're demonstrating an irrational personal vendetta against a man you may or may not know. You're suggesting my personal account of experience with Andrew Soliz is invalid because 1) I mistyped Pine Ridge, and 2) because I'm not native? How many Oglala do you think are on the Internet right now googling Andrew? When I was there on their reservation it seemed few even had plumbing. They live in what has been degraded seemingly by the US Government policies into essentially a third world country. They are distraught. Darlene is supposed to jump online and defend Andrew from misinterpreted information? Where did you pull "idol worship"  from? Because I respect the man and have actual personal experience with his family and the Oglala, vs your complete and ill founded speculation?  Or, are you insulting my spiritual beliefs of which you know nothing?

You are literally trying to refute two personal eye witness accounts through biased speculation and irrational arguments. I'm not insulting you as a person, mind you, but in this thread it appears you are barely avoiding outright unjustified slander.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 03:45:35 pm by StudentofLife »

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Andrew Soliz
« Reply #59 on: July 11, 2012, 07:27:43 pm »
Pine Ridge, my apologies for not correcting the mistake when I reread what I posted.

I am aware Vernon died and at no point did I suggest he is alive.

At this point you're demonstrating an irrational personal vendetta against a man you may or may not know. You're suggesting my personal account of experience with Andrew Soliz is invalid because 1) I mistyped Pine Ridge, and 2) because I'm not native? How many Oglala do you think are on the Internet right now googling Andrew? When I was there on their reservation it seemed few even had plumbing. They live in what has been degraded seemingly by the US Government policies into essentially a third world country. They are distraught. Darlene is supposed to jump online and defend Andrew from misinterpreted information? Where did you pull "idol worship"  from? Because I respect the man and have actual personal experience with his family and the Oglala, vs your complete and ill founded speculation?  Or, are you insulting my spiritual beliefs of which you know nothing?

You are literally trying to refute two personal eye witness accounts through biased speculation and irrational arguments. I'm not insulting you as a person, mind you, but in this thread it appears you are barely avoiding outright unjustified slander.


I believe you owe earth an apology.  Have you bothered to read any of her many posts to these forums which indicate who she is and what community she is a MEMBER OF and LIVES IN?  She has every right to defend the traditions of her People.  Are LDN people supposed to leave the determination of the fate of their culture to well intentioned white people simply because of abject poverty?