***My apologies were for expecting more courtesy at the outset. [Insult removed] [More insults]
***Where's your facts? How was I wrong when I saw posts inquiring about the Terra Papers here and offered to help? That was why I came, not to prove a thing, it was from wylie (I think) - they were inquiring and no one else had any answers. You've only provided rebuttals, nothing of substance.
***[Insults] [More insults][Yet more] Your point? [Still more insults]
***What I know is I was in mountains told by Robert that apaches were in and around and had been for hundreds of years and we were within view of Mexico. If I erred in the name, so be it - was 10 years ago and I live in Canada and do not remember all the proper names - where I was was real, the name not exact. I've never called indians dumb, and again (first post did so too) are taking what I say and twisting it all around [Insults and lies]. I've met dumb people in all colors, but dumb is better than [Insults]
***[Insults] [Insults] [Insults]
***Amazingly broad, sweeping statement summing me up [lies] [Insults] [Insults] Get the point?
***No, that's MY experience of living with him and his family for more than two years and saw his decisiveness and drive - that's what I call a warrior (semantics I suppose). But in my life I'd never before, or since, met anyone else that did as he did - that's my experience. That you condemn me somehow for this perspective while making accusations about me? How is that constructive which was my point in the first paragraph of this point made in response to rudeness in the FIRST place on this site.
***I have zero experience with military so apologies (sincerely) if this was at first taken as any kind of superior type of warrior over someone in a military battle - I did not intend to equate them -
***I never said he did anything for anyone (but me). I don't speak for him. I speak for myself. I said he always clarified he did not speak for the Hopi - and again whatever the "outsiders"

? have experienced [Insults] [Insults]
***[Insuls] was only trying to tell you he isn't the only person doing research I spent time with and I don't [Insults], I've been out there searching for real answers - I want to learn from anyone who know more than I do. And based on answers thus far, [Insults]. I maintain an open mind. [Insults]
***"In here" I suppose means this website - [Cliched insults] so you can say whatever you like about every Indian in here - doesn't matter to me, like I said, was just offering my experience. That it's not welcome has been made VERY clear! Guess any Indian that talks outside Indians really IS an outcast, just as Robert said ...
***Yeah, [Insults] [Insults]
***[lies] [Insults] I explained why I was here, [Insults]. [lies].
***Nope - I never said I knew each and every Hopi Elder, again twisting what I said. What I said was I saw and heard the Hopi elders - I don't know how many there are in total, all I know are the ones I saw speaking publicly the same time Robert was - or were they lying too?
***Thank goodness [Insults] [Insults] [Insults]
***Obviously it was a mistake coming here - you guys aren't skeptics, [Insults and lies] I am happy to withdraw and spare you any more anguish [Insults and lies].
***And finally, again, putting words into my mouth - I never said Robert is missing - ! I said I haven't been able to reach him in the past few years as he's moved - you really should chose your words carefully - there's a big difference between missing and moved. Since language is all we have, [Insults]
***Best Wishes [Numerous insults] Oh well - Robert talked about [Insults and lies].
****Knowledge is for all people! [Final Insults]