Author Topic: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk  (Read 124400 times)

Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2010, 06:36:41 pm »
Seems to me could join this on Face Book and begin posting that it's fake?  
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2010, 08:10:41 pm »
a group of fake Indians are using June and johnny's bios in the phony web sight
they also have Graham Greene listed as one of there members
this group is not listed with the irs as a 501 3 c non profit group
they are not listed with the state of Florida
under Famouse Family Members Of the Indian Greek Band
please alert them as to the facts
this was sent to the carters and cash famleys

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2010, 08:20:37 pm »
happy hunting*hh_/

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2010, 08:33:46 pm »
turn this over to the state of Florida
open with getright browser
has pictures of there police officers 

Offline Paul123

  • Posts: 148
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2010, 12:36:55 am »
turn this over to the state of Florida
open with getright browser
has pictures of there police officers 

I have discussed this with a 10th circuit Judicial prosecutor (State's Attorney)   
I ask about impersonating a Police officer, That got his attention. Then I told him that they were representing themselves as Tribal Police. He said... Oh, well then the Tribe appoints them. I Asked who appoints the Tribe? He had no answer, and said that he would ask his boss. We'll see. 10th circuit may not be in their jurisdiction.

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2010, 12:51:16 am »
I have discussed this with a 10th circuit Judicial prosecutor (State's Attorney)   
I ask about impersonating a Police officer, That got his attention. Then I told him that they were representing themselves as Tribal Police. He said... Oh, well then the Tribe appoints them. I Asked who appoints the Tribe? He had no answer, and said that he would ask his boss. We'll see. 10th circuit may not be in their jurisdiction.

I know of similar instances of public officals not knowing the difference between a Federally Recognzied Tribe and a heritage club.  In Florida, the Seminole Tribe and Miccosukee Tribes both have Tribal Police Departments.  That may be where the confusion lies.  And I'm assuming this guy doesn't know the differnece.  You'd be suprised Paul how many people in goverment offices around the US don't know the differnece.

Offline Paul123

  • Posts: 148
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2010, 01:11:36 am »
You got that right. oh well I tried, is all I can say.(unless he does get back to me for more info). He could set a precedent. 

Offline dabosijigwokush

  • Posts: 265
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2010, 01:34:16 am »
Indian tribal police are peace officers hired by those Native American tribes which have a constitutional government as opposed to hereditary chiefs. Tribal police historically had several different titles—sheriffs, constables, regulators, lighthorsemen, etc.— and today work closely with local, state, and federal police agencies.
and being they are not native "Indians" then they are in violation of local, state, and federal laws

Offline BlackWolf

  • Posts: 503
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2010, 01:41:24 am »
Maybe it would be a good idea to contact the local police out where they are set up.  That might get them to take action somehow. 

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #39 on: February 24, 2010, 06:58:04 pm »
Today "No Moccasins"/Jeanie McKillip openly admitted the "Native Blood Drive" marches in DC and New York, also advertised as "A Large Protest Rally Call - 2010 the Year of the Natives of Americas" are to solicit support for the "United Cherokee Nation" (UCN). We have a thread for them here in Frauds:

-begin quote-

Chief Stone Bear to Speak in D.C.

Today at 12:13pm

Stone Bear - "Nuh yaw Yoh nah"

We have been told by a voice to remember our Tsalagi (Cherokee) ancestors, to pass on their ways, so they can't be forgotten. To help and serve one another for everyone’s benefit. The less arguing, fighting, andgrudges we hold the sooner our lives, our communities, and our world will be a better place to live". Our history is different than those whose ancestors were removed. Remember the Treaty of New Echotaand the selling of our Tribal lands. We seek unity now for all Tribes, Nations and Bands of Tsalagi (Cherokee), we united together are the Ani-Yun’wi’ya, the Principal People, apart we are but lost. Remember we are the “Keepers of the Sacred Fire”. Remembering this is a moral obligation to our future.

Our goals are specific; to gather all those who claim the right to be recognized as Tsalagi (Cherokee) , under one tribal membership organization. We will teach our children and grandchildren to appreciate the sacrifices of our ancestors, to respect their many hardships and to learn and teach our history, language and culture to the future generations before it is lost forever.

With your help, The United Cherokee Nation (UCN) will become the largest Tsalagi (Cherokee) tribal membership organization in the world. We invite you to be a part of our future as we continue with THE "GATHERING

[emphasis added]
-end quote-

"Chief Stone Bear" is mentioned specifically in these posts in Frauds:

More info on him near the end of this page:
And here he is on MySpace, with all his various "shaman" friends:

And lest anyone miss it, the Official UCN "Tribal" Thong:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:42:46 pm by Kathryn »

Offline Kanowakeron

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2010, 09:06:06 am »
Apologies for entering this discussion so late; just came across this bit of absurdity on Facebook.

A few personal observations:

As a Mohawk of the Six Nations of the Grand River, I was stunned by the sheer temerity of this Florida-based group of charlatans who claimed that Graham Greene - a banded Oneida of my reserve – was a ‘member’ of the Chickamauga Cherokees.

Anyone with the ability to spell ‘Google’ is able to see that this is obviously a blatant lie.

Strike One.

Riddled with photos of some of the most hackneyed Native attire I’ve ever seen, the Chickamauga Cherokee Indian Creek Band more resembles a parody of Halloween costumes than any authentic, historically relevant Traditional attire.

Apparently cobbled together from 1950’s-era ‘B’-grade cowboy and Indian movies, I challenge ANY member of the Chickamauga Cherokee Indian Creek Band to provide ANY historical source which corroborates their ‘Traditional’ attire as it appears on their website.

Strike Two.

The website of the ‘Indian Creek Band Chickamauga Cherokee, Inc.’ of Deltona Florida is so hopelessly sophomoric and without the slightest hint of sophistication, it doesn’t even approach the level of a basic amateur effort.

Someone should notify these poseurs that basic web design is free online (although it DOES require something called ‘studying’) or is available through professional services (although that requires something called ‘researching’).

The first step towards credibility is to present at least a half-hearted attempt at appearing quasi-professional.

Education is a wonderful thing (even for some 47-year old ‘website editor’ living in the sunny climes of Florida).  The true Onkwehonweh of the First Nations realise the importance of education and are making remarkable gains towards educating themselves, despite the Chickamauga Cherokee Indian Creek Band’s demonstration to the contrary.

Strike Three.

There’s no need to rehash the evidence that these wannabe’s have been publicly discredited in any number of venues.  I accept the facts as submitted and have to wonder how this deluded group thinks they’ll ever be taken seriously?  I’m sorry, but in my opinion, thongs emblazoned with the Great Seal of ANY First Nation is a disrespectful disgrace.

For the more chaste crowd who wishes to be a little more discreet, perhaps the boudoir could be stocked with Chickamauga Boxer Briefs, Chickamauga Women’s Boy Briefs (what??!! No Chickamauga Men’s Girl Briefs??  Isn’t that discrimination?) or Chickamauga Boxer Shorts.

Think anyone would get upset over toilet paper imprinted with the U.S. flag?  Same thing.

Moving over the Terry Nichols’ Green Dot For Earth website:

“I grew up in poor economic means with alcoholic parents and despite everything, I was able to leave that life and move on.”

Evidentally.  And with a touch of style and panache, to boot.

The domain registry shows Terry’s registered address is 400 Groveland Avenue in Minneapolis Minnesota.  Google Earth’s street level photos show this address to be some pretty fine digs in a finely manicured neighbourhood.… it’s a 24-story highrise called Summit House.

No mention of whether Green Dot For Earth is a 501.3C not for profit organisation (and mind you, certainly NOT to suggest Mr. Nichols would EVER use any contributions to help pay for his mortgage… er, umm… ‘personal lifestyle’), it bears noting that his World Vote contributor goal of $200,000 has ZERO dollars raised so far and his Sponsorship levels range from a Scrape-Together-Your-Babysitting-Money Level One ($25) to a You’ve-GOT-To-Be-Kidding-Me Level Seven ($10,000).

Summit House ain’t no public housing, ya know.


I was dishing dirt on the debacle of White Eagle Medicine Woman AKA Suraj Holzwarth a while back (she’s still at it, from what I can tell) and now, a bunch of yahoos from Florida and Minnesota are playing games as well.

When some ersatz ‘Tribe’ from Florida is claiming a Haudenosaunee actor from Canada as one of their own, it’s disgusting.

When the same ‘Tribe’ is hawking official dog t-shirts and sleazy skivvies, it’s beyond the scope of credibility to believe it has the slightest basis to be recognised as being part of proud and honourable Native Nations.

And if any of the ‘Indian Creek Band Chickamauga Cherokee, Inc.’ wannabe’s who are reading this would like to challenge or dispute anything I’ve written, I say “Bring it”.  Mohawks have taken on better foes than you pansies.

Otherwise, your silence is your own indictment and admission of guilt.   
  Turtle Clan, Mohawk Nation
    Six Nations of the Grand River Territory
      Ontario, Canada

Offline taraverti

  • Posts: 82
Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2010, 12:14:33 pm »
They are a bunch of buffoons and it's impossible for anyone with any real knowledge of NDN people to take them seriously.

I worry about the damage they can do misleading the unknowingly ignorant.

Offline bls926

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2010, 05:39:52 am »
Scary how many friends No Moccasins has on her Facebook; people who should know better. Quite a few people are posting about the Native Blood Drive March to D.C. too, like it's another Longest Walk. Apparently, there are people who are taking these people and their plans seriously. Which goes to prove, you can't take things at face value. You really need to look into things before signing up, jumping on the bandwagon, giving your support.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 05:43:56 am by bls926 »

Offline taraverti

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2010, 04:38:02 pm »
No Moccasins sent me a friend request on Facebook, I accepted and then researched her a little and then unfriended her in about 10 hot minutes. That's how I found out about the march and then posted it here.

Once I unfriended her, I was kind of out of the loop, but I just could not bring myself to leave her a friend, even to keep up what what she was up to.

I agree you have to be very very careful. There are so many fakes and naive people mislead by them.


Offline ComesWithFire

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Re: Chickamauga Cherokee, March on Washington, Charlie ThunderHawk
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2010, 05:01:21 pm »
Just one look at their website tells me everything I wanted to know......... :D ::)
If you cannot run with the big dogs then stay under the porch with the puppies