Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 663575 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #495 on: November 10, 2015, 03:35:35 pm »

This is where Spezzano gets advertised as a „Hawaiian shaman“:

The site publishes an interview with Spezzano, providing some details in an info-box at the right hand side where it says:
„Chuck Spezzano has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, he is a Hawaiian Shaman, and already authored 35 books on issues like love, relationship, and success [...]“

The site belongs to a company by the name of Questico.
Here's an excerpt of what our friends at Psiram say about Questico:

Questico AG [corporation] is an enterprise in the field of „spiritual life counseling“. The company claim they have 2,500 „counselors“ offering horoscopes, card reading, clairvoyance, angel contacts, and astrological counseling. Questico provides horoscopes for a major part of the German yellow press and operates Astro TV and, in Russian and Polish languages, Kosmica TV.

Founded in the year 2000, Questico AG at times was among the fastest growing companies in Germany. The idea came from the USA. Founders were Bryan Leppi and Dieter Lang who developed the idea of Quantico in a San Francisco bar; two further partners joined.

Questico AG also cooperates with various print, TV, and online media in the fields of marketing and provides items to various programmes of the regional sections of several private owned TV stations (SAT1, Neun Live, RTL World).

They also own the call-in station Astro TV and the monthly magazine „Zukunftsblick“ (80,000 copies).
Most important activity is „life counseling“ per phone. In 2007, when Questico was about to be sold, the company had a turnover of € 60 million. Main shareholder is financial investment company Wellington Partners owning 60.59% of the company. The remaining percentage is owned by the four founders and further investors.
Astro TV is broadcast via satellite Astra in Europe.
Questico meanwhile is owned by Adviqo AG.

Rehab counselors criticise the company since it exploits vulnerable persons. The first phone call is free of charge, all following calls will cost between € 1 and € 3 per minute. Questico will keep 40% of this amount while passing the rest on to the respective „counselors“. A number of cases have been made public in which persons ran up substantial debts due to frequent calls to Questico. One client of Astro TV paid some € 38,000 to Questico. Eventually, she had to spend her bank savings of € 21,000, apply for a credit of € 13,000, and loan some more € 1,400 from other persons seeking help. Vulnerable persons in critical situation may develop dependancies towards counseling which claims to provide information on future events. Consumer protection organisations and media supervisors therefore sharply criticise Questico's machinations.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #496 on: November 17, 2015, 03:09:10 am »
Recently an interview with Chuck Spezzano came to my attention. I am not an expert in German, but I recognize a snowjob in any language when I see it. This post had some interesting details.

Spezzano granted an interview, apparently last summer, with Gesund. The interview was published in German. Here's the link:

Here it is in English:

With world-wide success, Dr Chuck Spezzano works with his therapy of „Visionary Psychology“

He is a doctor of psychology and a visionary of holistic healing concepts. Until now, he authored 35 books and is a guru and companion for many thousand persons world-wide thinking spiritually: US citizen Dr Chuck Spezzano, born in New York state, but Hawaiian and cosmopolitan of choice since many years.

He comes to Europe several times every year to teach his philosophy in seminars of several days' duration.

We are sitting on the terrace of a hotel in the idyllic town of Marktheidenfeld on the river Main. Together with his wife Lency – whose family by the way originally came from the vicinity of Hanau – he will do a seminar on nearby Burg Rothenfels. „This time we again have a lot of couples, but also some very ill persons looking for an impulse for healing in our seminars“, „Doc“ Spezzano reports. Not affected by the caprice of weather around us, the American – who on principle will only be seen wearing his colorful Hawaiian shirts – spreads his world view in front of us. His doctrine, published in millions of copies world-wide, the „Psychology of Vision“, is based on three main elements: relationships, leadership qualities, and spirituality.

Spiritual Healing

Interview with Dr Chuck Spezzano

GESUND: What do these three basis elements mean within your doctrine?

Dr Spezzano: It is essential to heal all relationships in our life. Because this mental healing decides our happiness in life. It either makes us thrive or makes us wither. Leadership qualities – this term only too often has negative connotations. But I understand it as an inner strength manifesting in outward actions. To be able to help others is an effective way to help ourselves. Commitment and operational performance for a social community takes strong minds. Spirituality stands for the goal of our way in life. We need to recognize ourselves as spiritual beings, not just as intellectual beings in this universe.

G: How did you discover this path of therapy?

S: I am a trained doctor of psychology. My holistic way of therapy I slowly worked out with the Navy and in meeting many soldiers addicted to drugs. I also practiced hypnosis and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). My encounters and my own therapy work with many shamans have gone into these development processes, too. My vision always was there must be a quick, easy-to-learn and simple access to our subconscious. Then one day I read the book „A Course in Miracles“. And there was everything I had sensed and reviewed myself: this life is about love, and above all about relationships. This was the key. From then on, my wife Lency and I developed our own therapy which we spread worldwide.

G: What is your therapeutic approach? How does Psychology of Vision help me when I'm ill, or when I have problems on the job or in my private life?

CS: Same as every other physician or therapist, I do a detailed anamnesis. I take my time talking to seminar participants. Some years ago, a very old woman with a tumor the size of a football came to my seminar. I talked to her about her life for a long time. Just taking the time listening to her. This revealed that, already during her childhood, she had to deal with brutality and sexual abuse which continued during her marriage and in other relationships. Her relationships – to me they were the key for the therapeutic approach and for the old lady, they were the key to healing. It was necessary to reprocess the nearest human contacts of her childhood, and that's what we did. A few weeks later, her tumour was reduced to the size of a tennis ball and then shrank even more. Unsolved psychological conflicts in relationships cause illness. Even decades later.

G: Does your success also base on your own experience?

CS: That's exactly so. Before I met my wife Lency, I always had difficult, destructive relations. When I developed my therapy it was clear that I had to go back into my own relationships mentally and emotionally, in particular the primordial one to my parents. During the complete time I felt the pain of my childhood and was able to heal it. - You see, this still causes a few tears with me today... (short pause of thinking). But these don't cause negative, afflicting emotions any longer. Just emotions for my parents.

G: Dear Dr Spezzano, I thank you for this conversation.

CS: May I add something personal?

G: Please do!

CS: Take off this beautiful ring you wear on your pinkie. When you wear a tight ring on that finger all the time, this is no good energy for your heart meridian which goes exactly through this finger. The energy of the heart, the most important energy we have, cannot flow freely this way. Just a little hint...

/Andrea Thoma


"He comes to Europe several times every year to teach his philosophy in seminars of several days' duration." But mostly he comes to sell his books. Spezzano tailors his seminars to wrap around the topic of whatever latest book he is trying to sell. He admitted this in one of his Youtube appearances.

"He is a doctor of psychology" from a school that was unaccredited by the APA and the ersatz degree prevented him from ever qualifying for being officially licensed as a "psychologist." The State of Hawaii nailed Spezzano in 2004 for pretending to be a psychologist, yet the fake description of his credentials is heralded in many merchandising and promotional sites to this day, especially in Germany. Chuck Spezzano profits from false advertising.

"I am a trained doctor of psychology." His degree is not medical, nor is it accredited. In the USA he is very far from being considered a real psychologist.

"I also practiced hypnosis and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)." Spezzano has admitted using hypnosis in the past. Although several of Spezzano's spinoffs have credited Spezzano with using NLP, this is the only case I have seen where he himself is so clear about having employed this pseudoscience.

"My encounters and my own therapy work with many shamans have gone into these development processes, too." This is not the first time Spezzano has brought up these "shamans" he supposedly studied with, but never have any of them been named. Who were they?

"Same as every other physician or therapist, I do a detailed anamnesis." Spezzano is certainly not qualified to be a physician or therapist and he insults these occupations by insinuating his way into their ranks.

"Some years ago, a very old woman with a tumor the size of a football came to my seminar. I talked to her about her life for a long time. Just taking the time listening to her. This revealed that, already during her childhood, she had to deal with brutality and sexual abuse which continued during her marriage and in other relationships. Her relationships – to me they were the key for the therapeutic approach and for the old lady, they were the key to healing. It was necessary to reprocess the nearest human contacts of her childhood, and that's what we did. A few weeks later, her tumor was reduced to the size of a tennis ball and then shrank even more. Unsolved psychological conflicts in relationships cause illness. Even decades later."

This matches closely with his tale on his Youtube, Can AIDS Be Healed:

"I got started with this because a good friend of mine who was in her late 60s when I was a young man, she had this inoperable cancer, she had a tumor as big as a rugby ball, and in one healing exercise, in a workshop, it went from the size of a rugby to the size of a softball. And it was still inoperable. Six months later she met her first doctor who had sent her to an oncologist and he looked at her and said, "What are you doing still alive?" And then he realized what he had said and then she began to tell him, "Well, I'm working with nutrition and I'm doing spiritual healing and I'm doing psychological ..." And he goes, "Don't tell me, just whatever you're doing, keep doing it." because he just couldn't believe this woman was still alive."

Who was she? Documentary proof please.

Spezzano can have his cake and eat it too here. He can claim he doesn't cure cancer himself "people cure themselves" yet he says his methods are what saved them. If they fail to be cured it is their fault, not his. But if they are cured, he can rush in to claim credit.

Check out the "Healing Metaphors" for more Louise Hay style blame the victim guilt trips by Chuck Spezzano:

Like the Trainers Manual, it is interesting what Psychology of Vision will reveal in German but not in English. I wonder why?

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #497 on: November 19, 2015, 02:40:08 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 9

Lotta Gaber

Interview with Chuck Spezzano and Lotta Gaber. 3:08 min.

Be sure to use the "EN" language option. The "SV" option takes you to a flower shop advertisement?!

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #498 on: November 21, 2015, 02:26:11 am »
Calling out the Spezzanos

Two European promoters of Chuck Spezzano have recently awarded him with a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology as they merchandise his workshops. I assume these publicity folks get a cut of the $$$ action from this false advertising so there is no real incentive to tell the truth, a truth that is much more boring.

As we know, Spezzano is not even a "psychologist" much less a "clinical psychologist." He was fined in Hawaii for pretending to be a psychologist. His academic qualifications fall way too short for him to even begin to qualify for a psychologist license in Hawaii.

This form of commercial promotion is a lie. Misleading advertising. People will come to his events expecting to hear from a real professional psychologist. Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist.  It would be more accurate to promote him as a "coach" who got a degree in the unemployable and APA unaccredited degree of "Professional Psychology" from a third rate private college and after graduating he went up and down the coast drumming himself as a "psychic" until he hit upon the healing scam as a more profitable option. In short, he's a con artist who exploits his bargain basement Dr. and Ph.D. titles for all he can. He isn't called "Chuckster the Huckster" for nothing.

Two recent examples:

Django Hediger is a Spezzano promoter who no doubt gets a cut of the action. His cult-worship fanpage says Chuck has a degree in clinical psychology. This is a lie:

The Frankfurter Ring, another direct Spezzano promoter, has continually spread the lie that Spezzano is a psychologist or has a degree in clinical psychology, as evidenced by their very recent promotion:

We know POV visits this forum. Send a message to your guru. I am calling out the Spezzanos.

Hediger and the Frankfurter Ring are your direct promoters and you are closely associated with them. Tell them both to rescind these false credentials. If you fail to act, that would tell the rest of the world your for-profit corporation is not a good business or communication model and it would confirm our belief that the Spezzanos are knowingly allowing this lie to perpetuate so that you can reap a bigger profit margin using fake medals. Or do you run an empire where you have lost control? In either case, POV is in no position to be giving business advice to others.

It reminds me of Reagan during Iran-Conta. If Ron the Con knew about it, that was bad. And if he didn't know about it, what kind of manager was he?   

We will see if you walk your talk about being truthful and responsible. The two sites above are only the tip of the POV triangle, but fixing them would be a good start. The ball is in your court. There is a lot of misinformation about puffing up and mythologizing Chuck Spezzano's credentials out there that needs to be corrected. Let us see if you are going to Nixon us or be the transparent organization you claim you are. 


Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #499 on: December 03, 2015, 02:35:45 am »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 10

Eginia Seemann

"Interview Chuck Spezzano with Eginia Seemann," posted Feb. 24, 2015. In passing, Spezzano does mention his use of hypnosis and NLP in the past. He also includes that he is helping people "get out of catastrophic illnesses." 7:23 min.

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #500 on: December 05, 2015, 06:44:32 pm »
Haida Health Hub : Visioning for Optimal Health & Wellness for all First Nation Residents of Haida Gwaii : Community Feedback Questionnaire Results / prepared by Patricia Greer, May 2011.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #501 on: December 17, 2015, 04:49:13 pm »
From Forgiveness Stories (2005):

also in:

This brief essay demonstrates the sort of "professional" treatment a rape victim might expect from Psychology of Vision

First Nations People: Canada
Recounted by Lency Spezzano

The First Nations woman stood in the center of the seminar room, and trembled with fury.

She was enraged, and she wanted to fight for her dignity and her pride. There was a man in the room, a fellow Native, whom she saw as a transgressor in the extreme. She preached to us of her love for her family, and for her people who had suffered a holocaust of cultural genocide.

The man revealed that he had been a sex offender during his youthful drinking days. He was so filled with regret and remorse that eleven years after the fact he turned himself in to the authorities, to begin a long series of rehabilitative seminars and counseling sessions.

He had been willing to convict himself with his guilt; his challenge now was to win back the truth. Regardless of the mistakes he had made in his life, his true nature as a child of the Creator was perfect innocence. He said that he hoped someday to be able to find forgiveness within himself.

He had abused others as he himself had been abused in the residential “Indian” schools the Canadian government had forced on the First Nations people for over a hundred years. There the children had been torn from their families, separated from their siblings, raped of their language, religion, and heritage, and were taught that everything “Indian” was evil or inferior. Without their families to protect them, the children were preyed upon by sexual predators who were hired by the churches to supervise the dormitories, and teach the classes.

When the children graduated from high school and returned to their villages, they brought the pattern of abuse home. Drugs and alcohol were used by many as an attempt to escape emotional suffering, which caused more damage to families and communities, especially due to their natural physical intolerance for alcohol. Violent death and suicide became common place, as did sexual and physical abuse.

I helped the woman recognize that her issue with this man was that she had not forgiven her own perpetrator for the violation, shame, and loss of innocence that occurred when she had been raped as a girl.

If she could find it in her to forgive her perpetrator, she could recover the innocence and joy she knew as a child. If she could allow this man in the seminar to stand for the one who had hurt her, she could forgive both of them at the same time. If she could free her mind of the judgment she had placed on them so that she could see them as innocent, she could win back their innocence as well as her own.

Without hesitation, she agreed to do the healing that would be required. The man crumpled forward from the torment of his guilt. For him to step to the front of the room to represent the woman’s perpetrator would be the greatest act of courage and willingness of his life. With great effort, he was able to rise and face the woman in her pain.

My husband, Chuck, suggested that she choose two women friends to walk with her and support her as she crossed the room, each step representing a step forward in her forgiveness.

Clutching each other, the three faced the man, and wailing from pain, began their slow but steady progress toward joining him in the truth. As they came close to him, their faces brightened, and soon the tears were tears of joy and release.

As the woman reached him, she gave him the gift of his innocence and therefore was able to receive it as her own. When they embraced, they were filled with love and gratitude for each other.

During the remaining days of the seminar, whenever I saw her around the compound, she was skipping like a child, a big grin on her face. Forgiveness had made her so lighthearted that she proved the adage, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”

Many people are convinced of personal guilt so great that it separates them from their Creator’s love and acceptance. In the face of the miracle of forgiveness, Reality registers the only Truth in our minds: we are still just as God created us. We are perfectly innocent regardless of our mistakes, and we will one day share God’s evaluation of who we are.

In the year following this seminar, the young man continued to work on self-forgiveness. He started a support group for sexual offenders, knowing that he was in a position to help others.


Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #502 on: December 21, 2015, 04:14:27 pm »
From Forgiveness Stories (2005):

also in:

This brief essay demonstrates the sort of "professional" treatment a rape victim might expect from Psychology of Vision

First Nations People: Canada
Recounted by Lency Spezzano

The First Nations woman stood in the center of the seminar room, and trembled with fury.

She was enraged, and she wanted to fight for her dignity and her pride. There was a man in the room, a fellow Native, whom she saw as a transgressor in the extreme. She preached to us of her love for her family, and for her people who had suffered a holocaust of cultural genocide.

The man revealed that he had been a sex offender during his youthful drinking days. He was so filled with regret and remorse that eleven years after the fact he turned himself in to the authorities, to begin a long series of rehabilitative seminars and counseling sessions.

He had been willing to convict himself with his guilt; his challenge now was to win back the truth. Regardless of the mistakes he had made in his life, his true nature as a child of the Creator was perfect innocence. He said that he hoped someday to be able to find forgiveness within himself.

He had abused others as he himself had been abused in the residential “Indian” schools the Canadian government had forced on the First Nations people for over a hundred years. There the children had been torn from their families, separated from their siblings, raped of their language, religion, and heritage, and were taught that everything “Indian” was evil or inferior. Without their families to protect them, the children were preyed upon by sexual predators who were hired by the churches to supervise the dormitories, and teach the classes.

When the children graduated from high school and returned to their villages, they brought the pattern of abuse home. Drugs and alcohol were used by many as an attempt to escape emotional suffering, which caused more damage to families and communities, especially due to their natural physical intolerance for alcohol. Violent death and suicide became common place, as did sexual and physical abuse.

I helped the woman recognize that her issue with this man was that she had not forgiven her own perpetrator for the violation, shame, and loss of innocence that occurred when she had been raped as a girl.

If she could find it in her to forgive her perpetrator, she could recover the innocence and joy she knew as a child. If she could allow this man in the seminar to stand for the one who had hurt her, she could forgive both of them at the same time. If she could free her mind of the judgment she had placed on them so that she could see them as innocent, she could win back their innocence as well as her own.

This is a good example how POV takes credit for making participants confess and interferring with their memory.IN a room locked down for POV to control the outcome of what they do to victims, they create this instant sensation that all is better once they "healed" you, but all they did was manipulate these participants in believing "it's all okay now because they exposed themselves".
This is not "healing", this is a sick manipulative exercise that has a seemingly break thru outcome staged under pressure, everyone watching , loud  emoting music breaking down the participants, everyone being crushed by watching, crying, sobbing, agonizing emoting.
Not fun and especially not healing. POV does not support the participants they break down, instead they lead them to believe that they have been healed from their  sexual attacks. POV does not support the participant victim to report sexual attacks, rapes, abuses or any other offenses. No one is accountable and carry on as usual. This alone proves that POV sets up the so called healing activities as a false manipulative game they play with their victims to look like they are really achieving something.
The rapists and abusers walk away believing they are now free from responsibility and the victims are delusional about their rights to safety in their own communities.
Meanwhile the people who watched this happen who did not share their own experiences but now are knowledgable about who was victimized and by who, start becoming charged with fear of exposure and traumatized by what is being exposed since all of this info is sensitive information and these groups are full of fn people who are related. This leaves the entire community reeling and in crisis as participants go back into their community and share what they learned about who did what to who.

This has resulted in further sufferings in the community where participants have had to cope without the proper support, ie, attempted suicides and psychotic breaks.
POV is dangerous and puts participants at high risk. They are not there afterwards to support the victim thru the process, instead you have to seek out pov trainers who have no professional experience or training. They do more damage and are not accountable.

     The last people that POV should be allowed to target is FN people, Chuck and Lency are heartless and seductive, they are highly egotistical and dangerously manipulative, they do not care who suffers from their treatment and only want to keep pushing for participants to go to their workshops and extract all the funds they can from you. If you can't keep up , then you're out.

POV trainers are driven and relentless and also don not care how they behave as long as they keep getting their way for chuck.

Do not let these people (and I mean all of them > chunk, lency and their trainers)
in your community!  >:(It is a waste of time and resources and will disrupt the real path to healing .  :( :(   

Without hesitation, she agreed to do the healing that would be required. The man crumpled forward from the torment of his guilt. For him to step to the front of the room to represent the woman’s perpetrator would be the greatest act of courage and willingness of his life. With great effort, he was able to rise and face the woman in her pain.

My husband, Chuck, suggested that she choose two women friends to walk with her and support her as she crossed the room, each step representing a step forward in her forgiveness.

Clutching each other, the three faced the man, and wailing from pain, began their slow but steady progress toward joining him in the truth. As they came close to him, their faces brightened, and soon the tears were tears of joy and release.

As the woman reached him, she gave him the gift of his innocence and therefore was able to receive it as her own. When they embraced, they were filled with love and gratitude for each other.

During the remaining days of the seminar, whenever I saw her around the compound, she was skipping like a child, a big grin on her face. Forgiveness had made her so lighthearted that she proved the adage, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”

Many people are convinced of personal guilt so great that it separates them from their Creator’s love and acceptance. In the face of the miracle of forgiveness, Reality registers the only Truth in our minds: we are still just as God created us. We are perfectly innocent regardless of our mistakes, and we will one day share God’s evaluation of who we are.

In the year following this seminar, the young man continued to work on self-forgiveness. He started a support group for sexual offenders, knowing that he was in a position to help others.


Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #503 on: December 25, 2015, 03:54:09 am »
The First Nations Social Development Society Conference for 2009 had a Psychology of Vision presentation. This document was possibly generated from that Conference:

Some common concerns of communities interested in our healing program:

1. What steps will you take to ensure the safety of all those participating in your Program?

We have a consent form that ensures appropriate confidentiality measures are present which is signed by all participates prior to participation in any of our programs’s [sic] Healing/Training workshops.

All staff and facilitators adhere to a Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics & Intergrity [sic] and take an Oath of Confidentiality. All staff members and facilitators have criminal record checks. All staff members and facilitators are qualified with Psychology of Vision® healing/support methods.

If a participant in any one of our workshops becomes triggered or re-traumatized through the disclosure of sexual, physical, or mental abuse, our staff will immediately take measures to ground the participant and keep them centered in themselves. Any participant who may be entering process, or visiting, or re-visiting trauma is closely monitored by those staffing the workshop. Each staff member is trained to spot and identify any person who may be suffering. There are numerous signs that one who is trained will pick up on. In a case where this participant is “going down”, or entering an emotional territory that is new or may be harmful to them physically or mentally, they will be completely supported. This support can take the form of one on one attention during any traumatic moments. Staff will be there to offer themselves through physical contact (if the participant is willing to receive), emotional support, and most importantly love.

2. Why are you opening up these old issues in people?

We have years of expereince [sic] in seeing that these ‘old’ issues are constantly being acted out in the individuals and in their families if left
unaddressed. The issues show up in self-destructive behaviours like alcohol and drug addictions, violence, abuse, authority issues, poor health as well as a lost vibrancy for life in general.

By suuporting [sic] people to venture within and address these issues, normally we see improved health and less self destructive behaviour almost immediately. We are not doing anyone any favours by enabling them in their defensiveness or their denial. We tend to inherit their neurosis. Anything that gets handled or healed doesn’t get passed on!

Interesting that Chuck Spezzano's 2004 fine by the State of Hawaii for posing as a psychologist when he is nowhere near being one does not disqualify him from being a POV "healer" as I would think for anyone else it would mean failing the criminal record check they supposedly run.

No one currently in the POV trainer ranks in North America or Europe is a professionally qualified psychologist, and they should not be performing the sort of work described above. To say that "All staff members and facilitators are qualified with Psychology of Vision® healing/support methods" is not even in the category of barely adequate. It is nothing. And what is their plan for long-term follow-up concerning people who have been severely damaged as a result of these workshops?

I'd sure love to see one of those consent forms.

Offline volcano woman

  • Posts: 32
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #504 on: December 25, 2015, 04:19:52 pm »
The First Nations Social Development Society Conference for 2009 had a Psychology of Vision presentation. This document was possibly generated from that Conference:

Some common concerns of communities interested in our healing program:

1. What steps will you take to ensure the safety of all those participating in your Program?

We have a consent form that ensures appropriate confidentiality measures are present which is signed by all participates prior to participation in any of our programs’s [sic] Healing/Training workshops.

POV has participants line up and register before workshops by signing waivers that free pov of any responsibility of redress, you agree to not blame them for anything and agree that you are mentally stable to enter workshop.
This is not a consent form!  :-X

All staff and facilitators adhere to a Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics & Intergrity [sic] and take an Oath of Confidentiality. All staff members and facilitators have criminal record checks. All staff members and facilitators are qualified with Psychology of Vision® healing/support methods.
This is more lip service , pov trainers are constantly getting the "dirt " on participants and share it with one another asap, they are constantly breaking boundaries and do not care about privacy. Once involved the trainers are always prying into your life and reporting to their group. They collectively determine things like > who's demonic and evil and who is going to bend into their hands. They are trained by chuck to act in "authority" and they do damage to participants who become desperate and are trying so hard to find help. When they end up with pov trainers support groups, more of this mindless and damaging authority tactics continue to interfere with the real path of healing and help.

If a participant in any one of our workshops becomes triggered or re-traumatized through the disclosure of sexual, physical, or mental abuse, our staff will immediately take measures to ground the participant and keep them centered in themselves. Any participant who may be entering process, or visiting, or re-visiting trauma is closely monitored by those staffing the workshop. Each staff member is trained to spot and identify any person who may be suffering. There are numerous signs that one who is trained will pick up on. In a case where this participant is “going down”, or entering an emotional territory that is new or may be harmful to them physically or mentally, they will be completely supported. This support can take the form of one on one attention during any traumatic moments. Staff will be there to offer themselves through physical contact (if the participant is willing to receive), emotional support, and most importantly love.
Real support would not be sending participants into tailspins. POV stirs so much turmoil into participants, many get triggered at the same time, losing control and crying hysterically, pov trainers start doing body work and surround you, you feel locked in and the trauma becomes anxiety and claustrophobic, trainers start making you do joining and you fall deeper into an emotional sea of panic, shock and suffering.
You can't leave and there is no option to stop, if you do they are there to egg you on to emote more. There is never any sense of freedom to change your mind and handle it the way you want to. The longer the participant is put into this state of chaos the longer it takes for this person to become at peace again. Stirrings like these are extremely intense and can take days if not weeks to recover from. They are states of despair that creates numbness and disorientation and confusion. When you return to your family , no one knows what happen to you and the participant is now judging all their relationships according to pov instructions. Isolating behavior is the result and family members are boggled why their relative is unhappy and preoccupied with analyzing everything that is happening to them now. :'(   

2. Why are you opening up these old issues in people?

We have years of expereince [sic] in seeing that these ‘old’ issues are constantly being acted out in the individuals and in their families if left
unaddressed. The issues show up in self-destructive behaviours like alcohol and drug addictions, violence, abuse, authority issues, poor health as well as a lost vibrancy for life in general.

By suuporting [sic] people to venture within and address these issues, normally we see improved health and less self destructive behaviour almost immediately. We are not doing anyone any favours by enabling them in their defensiveness or their denial. We tend to inherit their neurosis. Anything that gets handled or healed doesn’t get passed on!
During breaks in the workshops ,especially 3 to 10 day events, participants are in the bar drinking at every occasion. Chuck invites particpants to drink and dine with him.
So how does this address alcoholism and enabling? This can turn out to do way more damage especially when participants fall off the wagon, once they notice no one cares whether your sober and remember the goal for POV is to spill the beans right!
Not a pretty picture for those looking for support and end up weaker and hitting the bottle. Thanks but no thanks, and especially NO Thanks for guiding FN folk on a healing path of no self control and no regard for sobriety.
Time for chuck to sober up and get healed himself.

Interesting that Chuck Spezzano's 2004 fine by the State of Hawaii for posing as a psychologist when he is nowhere near being one does not disqualify him from being a POV "healer" as I would think for anyone else it would mean failing the criminal record check they supposedly run.

No one currently in the POV trainer ranks in North America or Europe is a professionally qualified psychologist, and they should not be performing the sort of work described above. To say that "All staff members and facilitators are qualified with Psychology of Vision® healing/support methods" is not even in the category of barely adequate. It is nothing. And what is their plan for long-term follow-up concerning people who have been severely damaged as a result of these workshops?

I'd sure love to see one of those consent forms.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #505 on: January 05, 2016, 11:05:17 pm »
Lakota prayer used to market and merchandise Chuck Spezzano event in Stockholm for June 2016:

Attachment provided for those who are signed in. I believe this was chosen and used by Spezzano promoter Lotta Gaber.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #506 on: January 17, 2016, 11:19:35 pm »
Psychology of Vision held their annual trainers training on the big island in Hawaii and recently posted their periodic group portrait. Looks like they are down to around 43-45 trainers now, indicating a significant drop in the last few years. It also means they can now fit all the trainers into "the barn" without exceeding the legal capacity of 50.

Babs Stevens appears to be the sole First Nations representative remaining in the group. I did not see UK trainers Barb Jones or the Allens in the pic. Turns out Sue Allen has officially resigned from POV and Jeff is still a member but he had a serious stroke while enroute. Jones could be in there and maybe I didn't recognize her, but if she's really gone that leaves POV UK with only three trainers.

We'll see how quickly their webpage trainers directories are updated.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #507 on: January 23, 2016, 03:49:21 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 10

Yukiko Ito

Chuck Spezzano promotes his upcoming book tour/workshop in Japan [?]. POV trainer Yukiko Ito translates. 3:35 min.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #508 on: February 05, 2016, 05:05:25 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 11


Chuck Spezzano and Lency Spezzano present certificates to Susanne Ernst and Mami Yoshida. "Very sweet days because we've been waiting for the two of you," says Chuck. 4:51 min. Posted Jan. 19, 2010. Very poor focus on the visuals but the sound quality is OK.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 310
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #509 on: February 08, 2016, 06:52:42 pm »
A Filmography of Online Videos Concerning Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision

Addendum 12

Lotta Gaber

A Chuck Spezzano Workshop in Stockholm. 2016. 2:16 min.
Lots of stock photos frequently found in New Age marketing and of Spezzano coupled with a jaunty instrumental and captioned. One of the most interesting captions: "A workshop about spiritual business, the interaction between a provider and customer."