Author Topic: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision  (Read 573520 times)

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #300 on: August 09, 2014, 01:08:31 am »
We have documented in great detail here on NAFPS the very strong connection and influence of Oneness University on the Psychology of Vision mission/curriculum and how it persists to this day. We have demonstrated that any mention in SALPOV of "Oneness Blessing," or "Deeksha" traces directly to OU. Exactly why Lenora Kay Spezzano and young Christopher Spezzano vilify Oneness University is something of a mystery, since neither one of them provided any details or dates or examples in their condemnation of OU.

I see the failure of SALPOV to give credit to OU for providing at least half of their current profit-oriented schtick to be bad form. No class whatsoever. SALPOV swipes OU philosophy, and then turns around and attempts to erase all trace of their debt to them. Then they get all huffy when this is pointed out. Why?

Since we have already done our homework and research and exposed the Spezzanos as not being factual on this subject, let us move on to the cult followers and supporting character actors in this SALPOV soap opera. Yes, it is like beating a dead horse, I know. But in the interest of documentation I will provide more Oneness U./SALPOV connection and influence for the benefit of law enforcement, journalists and SALPOV cultbusters.

The thought crosses my mind that perhaps one Spezzano objection to Oneness University is that it became a powerful rival and siphoned off the paying customers that had been groomed to contribute to the Charles and Lenora bank account. I could be wrong about this, but until SALPOV provides a detailed reason, I'll sit on this guess for a time. I am open to reading more information that would change my mind with the addition of new facts, and encourage SALPOV corporate executives to provide better data. Why do they hate Oneness University so much, especially since OU dogma was so deeply incorporated into SALPOV culture?

OK, now let's get hoppin'. The following individuals all provide, in their own way, a bridge between SALPOV and Oneness University--

Pam Carruthers

Trainer from 2001-2009

Excerpts from Pam's 2011 online biography--

... I have continued training with Psychology of Vision since that day, and can honestly say that it has transformed my life. This path has taken me many times to the exotic islands of Hawaii, the mountains and forests of Vancouver and the awesome red rock of Sedona, Arizona. And eventually, India. My search was to understand my life and to find peace of mind.

... My work as a coach and trainer has a solid spiritual/psychological foundation. It is based on my training with Chuck and Lency Spezzano, co-founders  of Psychology of Vision. This work is based on A Course in Miracles. Since 1994 I have had over 430 residential days of professional training in transformational healing processes. I qualified as an NLP Practitioner in 1998.

... In January 2010 I became a Oneness Blessing Giver.

In the Starlight Astrology report, my Guiding Star is Spica, and on a workshop several years ago during a Oneness Blessing meditation I saw in my mind a circle of 6 stars above my head.

I decided to give it a good start and bless it, so I took it along to a meditation and Oneness Blessing evening to ‘baptise’ it.

Excerpts from Pam's 2013 Workshops page--

People feel and often look years younger afterwards. Years of stress are shed and burdens lifted. They all embody the healing principles of Psychology of Vision that have transformed Pam’s life.

Pam is now a Oneness Blessing Giver, so the Grace and healing is accelerated for everyone.

With others in the group, I gave and received deeksha, and this always brings me profound spiritual insights. I came away smiling!

You then step into the Sacred Circle of your chart. You are connecting with a sacred moment in time – your birth. With Pam’s guidance, you’ll discover and heal your core soul patterns. Your process will finish with a Oneness Blessing to complete your process.

There is a lot more. In Pam's case, SALPOV appeared to be the gateway drug to Oneness/Deeksha Blessing.

Elaine Hofer

Trainer in 2011

Excerpts from a 2012 website (translated from German)--


    Trainer after Psychology of Vision
    by Chuck Spezzano
    Sound Therapy
    Brain Gym
    Cranio Sacral balance
    Essences and tissue salts
    Methamorphische massage
    Energetic Spine
    Telephone coaching by appointment


As a Deeksha giver I imagine myself as a channel for the divine grace available. In the we he is to take a step toward God go 100 steps on us.
Proven as brain wave measurements show at the University of Princeton, Deeksha affects the brain in a way that we can be touched by grace.
Grace has its own intelligence and flow to where it is just right for the reception ends at the moment

It is a special pleasure for me to be able to touch since January 2008 as a Deeksha giver people in this way and let the divine act through me.
The perceptibility is available on individual request both personally and via distance.

Deeksha helps us to come all the next leap in consciousness closer to awaken, to learn that Oneness, the solidarity with all that is, is LOVE the only reality.

[Hofer's graphic for the Deeksha topic portrays one of the current UK SALPOV trainers as the subject of the blessing]

Lucie Mattar

Lucie was listed as a trainer in 2004. In her LinkedIn account, SALPOV is not mentioned, but attending Oneness University in 2013 is.

On her Facebook, Lucie celebrated her OU graduation with a happy photo of herself in front of the iconic temple there:

Lucie Mattar: Thanks Karen! I just finished a 28 day process at Oneness University in India! On my way home today... Will arrive in Victoria Monday evening!!
September 22, 2013 at 2:24pm

In spite of Lenora Kay Spezzano's supposed efforts to warn SALPOV off this rival cult, the comments below were found among the many of those sending good wishes to Lucie. I don't see any evidence of the disgust and horror described by young Christopher Spezzano here. Get a load of the names included in this line-up on this tribute--
Babs Stevens: You're Shining Extra (if that's possible!). Love you Lucie
September 22, 2013 at 2:49pm ·

J'aime Leilani Spezzano: Miss you!!
September 22, 2013 at 3:24pm ·

Francine Girard: vas-y aux toasts!!
September 22, 2013 at 7:51pm

Julian Edward [Ticehurst]: Lucie![heart symbol]
September 22, 2013 at 8:38pm

Sandra Archie: Hey, Julian....our friend looks good....
September 22, 2013 at 9:29pm ·

Babs Stevens

Long time and current SALPOV trainer on Haida Gwaii.

Her Oneness blessing and deeksha activity has been covered at this link:

Laura Berridge

Laura has a website called Goddess Coaching--

Here are some selections--

Laura is an initiated Oneness Blessing ~ Deeksha Giver.  She received her first Oneness Blessing in 2007 and it has transformed her life, bringing an end to decades of  searching and bestowing a sense of deep peace, joy, faith and an enduring experience of  ‘love for no reason’.


Laura is a Graduate of the Psychology of Vision 100 Day Training Programme and has participated in over 200 days of training including her 30 days of Apprenticeship with Chuck Spezzano since 1998.

Isobel Wilkinson

This workshop is from 2010

Come Home to the Heart

A Homecoming Journey from Separation to Connection

An heart open to connection is at peace with the world, able to feel the joy and juice of life, to freely give and receive love, and willing to experience and learn from life’s challenges without shutting down....or shutting out.   Some of us feel lost and disconnected from our hearts and are ready to start the journey home.

We invite you to join us on a 2-day journey into opening our hearts - and letting go of the blocks and fears which seem to get in the way!

On the first day, we will explore some major individual blocks which lead us to shut-down, and use healing practices to gently release and let go of them and open up our hearts.  This will be deepened in the afternoon with sessions on gratitude, connection and oneness blessings.

On the second day we will begin with a focus on healing our relationships, followed by a deepening of the experience of oneness. We will conclude with an initiation ceremony for those who wish to join the worldwide group of Oneness Blessing Givers.

Isobel and Elizabeth offer these 2 days as a journey into a direct experience of an open heart and oneness with all.  They will lead meditations and offer healing practices from the Oneness Movement and Brandon Bays’ ‘The Journey’ inner healing process.  Oneness blessings will be offered on both days.

Isobel Wilkinson works with her teaching background to offer others a new vision of reality offered by the Oneness Movement .. a vision which challenges ’common sense’ assumptions about the world and brings  clarity and insight to our lives . She is a Oneness Trainer, an integrative counsellor and Psychology of Vision graduate .

Elizabeth Riminton shares her vision that releasing our emotional blocks and finding connection with our own sense of a higher power can help our heart, mind and soul to find peace and restore our natural love of life.  She is an accredited Journey practitioner, an Interfaith Minister, and a Oneness blessing giver.

Wee Kiong

Lim Wee K.

Member since:

November 26, 2012

My name is Wee Kiong and my friend Joon Kee introduced me to Oneness program. I am currently going through Psychology of Vision (POV) 30 lessons course and will be completing soon.

Why are you interested in joining Oneness Group Singapore?

I hope to clear my problems in life and attain Enlightenment

John Hyslop

John is qualified in:

    Master Practitioner NLP
    ONENESS Blessing Facilitator
    Family Constellations
    Spiritual Healing
    Intuitive Counselling with Jessica Macbeth
    Dream Work
    Art Interpretation
    Psychology of vision
    Chuck and Lency Spezzano since 1995
    Jeff Allen (Master Trainer)

Aine Belton

Amazing 2012 Manifestation Tele-Meditation

Aine Belton has trained in and explored numerous paths in the spiritual, metaphysical, personal development and healing fields, including Psych-K, Energetic NLP, meditation, Theta Healing, shamanism, alchemy coaching, life coaching, crystal healing, sound healing, Oneness Blessing initiations, Psychology of Vision, and many others.

Jane Kirby

Jane is a certified Therapist and Workshop Facilitator; a certified Trauma Counsellor, a master Passion Test® Facilitator, a Psychology of Vision® graduate and licenced course Coach, and an active Deeksha Giver (Oneness Blesser) for the Oneness University.

Sharon Curran

Sharon is trained in Progressive Kinesiology, Soul Plan Reading and Coaching, Usui Reiki, Meditation techniques and Upledger Craniosacral Therapy.  She is also privileged to be a Oneness Deeksha giver and Relax Kids Coach, helping to empower children to love themselves and others in spite of the challenges of life. In her commitment to continual professional and personal development, she has trained in person centre counselling, nutrition for kinesiologists, emergency life support and Phytobiophysics flower formulas.  She has also undertaken numerous spiritual workshops including William Bloom, Brandon Bays, Psychology of Vision and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

Rifa Bhunnoo

Reiki Master Lineage

Every Reiki Master should be able to tell you who their teacher is and should be able to trace back their master teacher lineage back to Dr Usui. My official Reiki master, who gave me my Master attunements and certificate was Dr. Caroline Anson. I have had multiple attunements in the UK and in Nepal as well as initiations/blessings from Indian Swamis. This means I can tune into different types of energies when giving healing. I am also initiated as a Oneness Trainer and attend Psychology of Vision workshops.

I honour all my teachers including: Sri AmmaBhagavan, Mother Meera, Mooji, Tejasaji, Mike Grenville, Isobel Wilkinson, Jeff Allen, Anna Ziman, Louise Magee, Pam Carruthers, Andrew Wallas, Diana Cooper, Doreen Virtue, Charles Virtue, Julia Cameron, Leo Rutherford, Deepak Chopra, Howard Charing, Anil Kumar, Kate Lomax, Swami Sivananda, Swami Vishnu-Devananda, Dr Caroline Anson, Ven Stephano Brunori, Nicole Salamate and Marissa Tapper.

Angel Peng

This one is excerpted from her motherhood blog Ace, Ace, Baby!--

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Deeksha Boy
You know, I have always suspected that Ace is someone who has high practice in spirituality in his past lives for a few reasons. (Even my mum agrees and thinks so)

Firstly, when I went back to one of my past lives during sessions with Uncle Chuck, I found out that Max used to be my fellow monk! So we made a joke out that Ace, in that case, must have been our MASTER! (Since he is effectively our 'boss' now ;) hahaha)

And then, of course, it MUST be a coincidence that we turned vegeterian and enshrined the gohonzon just before Ace was created and born.

What is more, he has always been taking to chanting and doing gongyo with my mother...

During my Restoration of Mastery Apprenticeship in India, Chuck and Lency would often play a piece of deeksha music that I really liked during blessing time.

A deeksha is kind of like a blessing from the heavens. If you are christian, it would be explained like some form of grace from the heavens. If you are scientific, it is just a transfer of energy to improve our nervous system and thus improve our health and personal well being.

The one that I like is called the Moola Mantra.. which simply put means invoking heavens or like inviting the gods to descend.


There is so much more out there by others. But you get the idea. The "past lives" reference to "Uncle Chuck" opens up a whole new topic, but that will wait for another day.

And as Charles Lee Spezzano says--

"The second week is filled with the Oneness blessing. We can be aware of it and receive it to enhance our lives and even to bring miracles as needed."

--Nightlight Newsletter, Sept. 2009

Seems to me that SALPOV and the Oneness/Deeksha Blessing (and in turn Oneness University) are very linked in the minds of the New Age set. Again, why does Lenora Kay Spezzano run away from it and deny the OU influence on her corporation? All of her "Downloading/Joining" Youtubes confirm a strong OU influence.

Also, please note there are no citizens from the States who are part of SALPOV in these testimonies as far as I can ascertain. Where are the Spezzano's fellow Americans and why do they not have a presence in SALPOV? Think about that.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 01:24:26 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #301 on: August 09, 2014, 01:07:45 pm »
Even other teachers of spiritual enlightenment regard SALPOV as a bunch of nonsense.

Dave Oshana--

"A false teacher will provide entertainment based around ritual much like Morris Cerullo's Christian Healing Crusades. Chuck Spezzano's Psychology of Vision events use emotional songs and on-stage enactments of forgiveness with surrogate parents. Rebirth is a common theme in Ancient Mystery Schools including Freemasonry and Christianity.

    Exciting parlour tricks seen on the advaita scene are the classic 'advaita shuffle', 'Who's in?', 'The Three Card Find the "I"' trick and 'Truth, dare or promise'. These devices are fail-safes. If they don't work in producing awakening (and they typically don't in the hands of an unawakened teacher) they at least provide entertainment, bewilderment and confusion. The Zen equivalent of these 'slick-tricks' (as Andrew Cohen calls them but avows to never use) are koans, tea ceremonies and kwat slaps."

Case in point--

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #302 on: August 10, 2014, 02:32:18 pm »
A few days ago while covering the strong SALPOV/Oneness University connection I ran across another topic of interest, the Spezzano use of past life regression. This was thanks to cult follower Angel Peng, who wrote--

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Deeksha Boy
You know, I have always suspected that Ace is someone who has high practice in spirituality in his past lives for a few reasons. (Even my mum agrees and thinks so)

Firstly, when I went back to one of my past lives during sessions with Uncle Chuck, I found out that Max used to be my fellow monk! So we made a joke out that Ace, in that case, must have been our MASTER! (Since he is effectively our 'boss' now ;) hahaha)

We have encountered this subject several times in this forum but have never really focused on it. An infamous example can be found of how Charles Lee Spezzano used the concept of past lives and was employing it as a way to blame the victim in the case of birth defects in the odious Healing Metaphors, co-authored with Janie Ticehurst.

I would provide a link, but all traces of this source have been purged, Kim Jung-un style, for public inspection on Internet after we started bringing attention to it and asking legitimate questions. It was even censored on the Internet Archive, that's how ashamed they were of their character assassination of the disabled. But, we here at NAFPS as part of our public service and effort to educate the consumer, managed to preserve the better examples--

Down's Syndrome

Down’s syndrome is a congenital abnormality (one that is present at birth). It is the result of having an extra chromosome in our genetic make-up, usually number 21 or 22.

Down’s causes moderate to severe mental retardation, oriental appearance of eyes, flat nose or absent bridge of nose, a single palmer [sic] crease on a short broad hand and a dwarfed body.

If we have Down’s syndrome, it means that we have come to learn some lessons at a soul level. We are here to seek soul fulfillment and the completion of a cycle, yet we are stuck in the transition between the old level and the new.

The two main soul lessons of Down’s syndrome are correcting over-willfulness and giving up the ego’s plan in exchange for heaven’s plan.

Birth Defects

A birth defect is an abnormality that is present at birth.

It represents unfinished business from ancestral patterns and/or a past life metaphor. We are being called to heal this soul level issue.

The area of the body affected can give us more information about the metaphoric meaning of this symptom.

Such a class act, eh? 

So, back to the main thesis. What exactly is "past life regression"? Well, let us check three very different sources for a definition. First, the junk food of information storage, the ever popular vox populi Wikipedia--

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation, though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives.

Now let us move to the Television Goddess of the New Age, Oprah--

In May 2008, Dr. Oz introduced viewers of The Oprah Show to Dr. Brian Weiss and his study of past-life regression. Dr. Weiss uses hypnosis to lead his patients back in time to their earliest memories. Then he takes them even further back to what he says are their previous lives. From that point, Dr. Weiss says he and his patients are able to examine the experiences that seemed to have formed the roots of their current fears and phobias. Dr. Weiss says if you can connect your current fears to a past life, those fears will often disappear.

And finally, from the Skeptic's Dictionary--

Past Life Regression

Past life regression (PLR) is the alleged journeying into one's past lives while hypnotized. While it is true that many patients recall past lives, it is highly probable that their memories are false memories. The memories are from experiences in this life, pure products of the imagination, intentional or unintentional suggestions from the hypnotist, or confabulations.

Notice something all three of these have in common? That's right, the use of hypnosis. Lenora Kay Spezzano has told us that hypnosis is not used in SALPOV. In the Ripoff Report she said so directly--

Do we use hypnosis? No.

Do they use hypnosis? Yes.

That is my opinion, which I can express as a free person. I do not agree with her claims that she "downloads" heavenly forces. It is pretty obvious, as in the following link, what is happening in her Youtube "joining" sessions.

Back to past life regression. If we agree PLR involves hypnosis, then Lenora is possibly not the only one of the SALPOV corporate executive team incorporating this practice into their manipulation of cult followers in order to loosen those checkbooks.

Here's a page from Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality / by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall (notice the inaccurate description of Charles as a "psychologist"). These paragraphs reveal some of the tricks of the trade and how the "past lives" concept is used to manipulate the client--

And now we hear from Charles himself.

Charles Lee Spezzano, July 13, 2013

HEALING PAST LIFE METAPHORS is the card for today. Call them what you will, we have these unconscious stories that pattern our minds, emotions and lives setting up what occurs. These can be healed as easily as anything. They depend on remaining hidden. As soon as you find what they are you can change them. Dark stories depict unlearned lessons and mistaken choices. Instead of these stories we can invite love and Divine Presence into changing the pattern and filling the story with light, love and miracles and redoing it, learning the lesson involved.

You can see these stories in dreams or through hypnosis or with strong intention, asking for Heaven's help and using your intuition you can do the same. Ask yourself if you were to know is this story in a certain country. Then ask if in the story you are a man or woman. Next ask what happened in that story that's causing all the problems and affecting you now. After reflecting on that a bit, ask that love and Divine Presence fill that story ever since you were a little child. Ask for miracles of love and see yourself sharing those and being given to everyone and everything in that story. How are things turning out now. Bring the successful energy of that story through your whole mind correcting it and right up to the present moment. If the story didn't get better much, there is a hidden resistance that wants something more than healing. You can choose again what you want. You might want to ask what the other agenda is and consider if that is what you really want....have a good one!

You all caught that "hypnosis" mention, right?

Well, you know what they say, "Never give a seeker an even break."

« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 02:34:21 pm by Sandy S »

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #303 on: August 10, 2014, 09:21:52 pm »
 well brought up points about past lives with chuck spezzano Sandy S
this is a very good point and is a very serious one,
there was a young woman that was taking chuck spezzanos workshops and she told me one time she felt brave enough to bring up her own sexual abuse when she was a child,
she told me when she brought this up in their "group" Chuck Spezzano told her  that the reason she was sexually abuse is because she was a rapist in her past life !!!
needless to say this floored her and messed her head up to the point that she was suicidal,
 she said she tried getting a hold of Lency Spezzano on the phone ,Lency's vancouver worker kept making appointments with Lency on the phone, Lency never did answer back to the woman in distress, they had some Pov 100 day grads and the local "advanced trainer" show up and circle their arms around the victim ,holding hands and saying/chanting PoV prayers, the victim said this was Pov was causing her breakdowns and did not want anymore PoV crap pushed on her, she never did get proper after care and did attempt suicide, she almost succeeded, we're all lucky she is still alive, she is now a loving person and an excellent mother to her children, something she could not be if she was still involved in chuck spezzano's high demand group - Psychology of vision.
perhaps there are many more cases of gross negligence and uncaring for human beings that take chances with PoV, one case is to many . yet these PoV people are in extreme denial about listening to and caring of people that did have problems from being recruited into their group. this makes them very dangerous to the unsuspecting public.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 09:47:44 pm by moreinfo »

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #304 on: August 10, 2014, 10:07:22 pm »
there was a young woman that was taking chuck spezzanos workshops and she told me one time she felt brave enough to bring up her own sexual abuse when she was a child,
she told me when she brought this up in their "group" Chuck Spezzano told her  that the reason she was sexually abuse is because she was a rapist in her past life !!!

This is HORRIBLE!! I hate people who blame the victim. I remember a few years ago, a nuage "counselor" told a victim of moestation that he
"chose this experience."WTF??? Fortunately, people were outraged and took that "counselor" to task. Especially when they found out that he didn't turn the perp in. In this state, counselors are licensed and are made to be "mandatory reporters" when child abuse is suspected. I feel so bad for the young woman who was lied to by the POV jerks and told she had been a rapist in a past life. :(

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #305 on: August 10, 2014, 11:02:51 pm »
it is horrible beyond belief , especially when PoV deceives the public that they have all the answers to your personal utopia, other woman came and told me after a "chuck" workshop they went on a 3 day drunk because they were so traumatized with no one to turn to for help after the spezzanos left town , they said what else could they do ?? this is so horrible to hear these innocent trusting women ending up like this, they're already vulnerable and looking to better their lives in a good way, none of them have anything good to say about Chuck & Lency Spezzano.. after being "opened up" and left out by themselves to fend for themselves, how could they say anything good about this happening to the?? this is what the spezzanos do not want to hear and when pepole do speak about negative reactions, the spezzanos do not listen to anyone, I wonder if they do not acknowledge the victims because they know they're not qualified or licensed , the victims cannot even get insurance for themselves, they are given waivers to sign away their rights, the psychology of vision high demand group is all experimental,people should know this before the risk their lives and mental health.
 every one said to a T that they went in for the promised healing and it was not healing that happened to them,
buyer totally beware on this group
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 12:53:06 am by moreinfo »

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #306 on: August 11, 2014, 05:56:01 am »

Past life regression is performed - among others - in hypnosis and in respiratory therapies based on techniques of hyperventilation. Hyperventilation can reveal traumas that vulnerable people have so deep split, that they actually do not remember - until they under tremendous stress, which they bring in a feeling being near to death, under hyperventilation may arise. Hyperventilation can be caused by a strong emotions, for e. g. aggression or anger. (Even the fight to stand by a situation which is an unbearable torture) I can imagine, if that is not claryfied that POV "easily" misinterpreted this as "Past life regression".
These so-called "Past life regression" does not exist very probably. There are repressed experiences that come out under tremendous stress, which took place in life. This does not mean that a blame is implied. If a blame really exists, the person can learn to live with it.

If the person concerned should have taken a debt from a previous life, he could never really work with it, because there is no actual real relation between his actions and the deliverables and consequences. POV can expand their work with enormous psychological pressure on an effective base.

Psychology of Vision .... psychology ... if someone comes into a crisis, POV is obliged to conduct a crisis intervention or to ensure direct contact with a qualified person. If this is disable / prevented, this is to render assistance and should be prosecuted. Probably the POV can successfully escape through contractual clauses

Offline Sandy S

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Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #307 on: August 11, 2014, 12:54:35 pm »
Here's another rare written account of what happens inside of a Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision session from the point of view of a hapless client.

From: "Hentak Kaki Cepat Hentak"

I took the liberty of bolding, for you SALPOV watchers, some of the more intriguing passages--

Sunday, October 5, 2008
My 4 days life changing course of Psychology Of Vision
Hmm. so my retreat of 4 day workshop has come to an end. what is the course about?
Its Psychology of Vision.. And mine am I lucky. My 1st! and it comes from the Master Trainer himself "Dr Chuck". If u know the guy, hes good! and hes real gd @ psychic.. reading ur mind.. charkras, numerology. and e best part; with sexuality jokes. His forte.

People say that with his legacy of 4 other master trainers in his team, each has its own special healing power and side.

and can u believe it? i actually paid $1800 for it. wow. it is by far the most expensive course i have gone through so far. Remarkable. that must be 1st big breakthrough i have stepped out. but i mean, whats the amt anyay. Not a big deal really. compared to the massive amt of things i actually heal from the course. Like they always said how much u receive is how much u given out!

But well.. Reality-check-back in place..
dude.. im real broke! Boo hoo. can anyone help me? im in dire need to improve my finanacial status currently
. People who know me in person will know.. i have a family to feed... !!! anyone needs a maid ? I can be 1. Just kidding. but seriously, if you guys have any assignments or lobangs, let me know. Im more than willing to earn $$.

Is it silly of me? i mean not knowing how to plan my finance well n spent it on course so big amt instead? Am i not thinking? well... at least i knew my wife will think so.
(but in fact i do know shes a great wife, bcos although she felt no signifiacne of the course and such, not least interested, she didnt stop me from attending. Thank you my beloved)

2ndly i hva to thank Yanni Jie and CJ ( e loovey couple) for introducing me to the course. CJ im sorry i was rather unhappy with u. cos i felt u didnt kept ur promise. u said i could take a pic w/ Dr Chuck just now. but u escorted him out after the workshop ended. that is despite i have signalled and reminded u again. the least u could do was to ask on my behalf for me. at least u tried. But anyway, taht aside. im just doing a confession. Iv forgive u. I lay e expectations of u. Its my bad. I realised i ought to thank u instead. for letting me know of such a workshop in e 1st place!

And Jack. my mentor.. or rather ex mentor. or exangel. i missed u! I agree after linkup after my POV course ended to see u for sharing session, I was unhappy that u felt i was judging u. ( u know e part abt the "independant part" Yanni asked to convey the msg onto u) but after much thoughts i could understand i should not blame you. y should i? I was just judging u judging me. And the biggest TRAP is that Judgement kills. Judgement is just the EGO telling me compensation of needs. And that is where it all started.. Attacking myself.. Slash Slash" och!

I have since manifest and ask for forgiveness and blessed u all. including my beloved wife, destin my son. my parents , my brothers and all my very caring friends and significant specials that have crossed my life paths these 25 years.

Wow.. what a few lessons learnt few hours after the course ended. and i havent even
garduate the anniverary of 1 day. Imagine what 1 wk will be.. its getting interesting really. Abt life.

Seriously my in depth feeling currently. Now that the course ended.
Im feeling the 1st pain now as im writing this.
They called it "regretion b4 end" it means the fear of the course completion.
So its a term where u know some people fall into traps of repeated occurances wheere just before a major project finishes, the team members in it destroy it. bocos part of them inner self is resisting the completing. they are afraid of losing each other. Afraid to move on next lvl. where they may never see once another again. where thay may not be doing the same usual project knowing whats happening next again. eveything becomes uncertain.

But i guess for me now, the best way to describe it now is regretion after end. cos the course ended. I miss my team..

Like they said during the 1st day of workshop,
How our team mates, Our buddy represent part of us in life. They are there for a reason, purppose. Like how universe has choosen us to be together.

Louis ( who manifested as my daddy fathery figure sense of comfort)
Veron ( who manifested as my mummy - tm leader)
Summer ( who manifested as my angel coz she always seemed so bubbly n confident)
Hwee Noi ( who manifested as my wife and my significant Ex - buddy )
pps: by e way, buddy u looked very adorable and nice i must confess i was attracted to u at some point or another during e 4 days with u. im sorry. i hope no 1 gets offended when reads this. but im just speaking my heart. nothing much really :)
Victor ( who manifested as my mini me coz hes seemed to be the leader to lead the way same history like finding back PURPOSE in life)
pps: people who know me well will know i have been living like a living dead for god damn since u know how long coz of these layers and layers of hurt and pain. Most importantly Victor means victory. as i want myself to be too!

So with that, i also manifest and pray e best for u all!

Gd nite and hear from me again... which i will talk abt e workshop. I know i havent started.

- Signed: Warren Oh.
Posted by Hi, I am that Patrick ? at 9:08 AM No comments:

Offline moreinfo

  • Posts: 71
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #308 on: August 12, 2014, 08:35:43 pm »
 from reading the research about chuck spezzano , it is clear that his psychology of vision fits the descriptions about what makes a cult.
health professionals medical doctors and trained mental health counselors all say that PoV is a cult.
I feel strongly that is a cult too, i've personaly been told by members about problems they had from involvement with chuck and lency spezzanos "teachings",one persons story about trying to talk with lency spezzano on the phone went un answered, the person was told several times when lency would talk with her, lency never did talk with the person needing help after their workshop, she was suicidal and made an attempt to do it. luckily for her and her children she survived,
neither chuck or lency tried to get a hold of this person to help her, although not having anymore spezzano help may be a good thing for the person having problems, yet the spezzanos still project themselves on the internet to the unsuspecting public with an image that they are qualified to fix peoples minds and chuck spezzano is a qualified psychologist and referred to as doctor chuck by many of his victims.they are not licensed and they show absolutely no remorse for almost destroying a persons life, they say no one complained about negative problems.. well if you do not answer peoples calls for help this is another form of denial by the top denial experts themselves... chuck and lency spezzano ..this alone makes them an extremely dangerous high demand group to risk your life with,
  the federal and provincial government knows all about these spezzanos, as does the royal Canadian mounted police , I truly don;t understand how the government and the rcmp can continue to allow any harmful group to carry on. especially when there is overwhelming researched evidence showing and telling they are harmful.
this spezzano outfit was mentioned in this years earlier news paper article so this group is not new to the news media or first nations and federal & provincial governments.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 11:30:42 pm by moreinfo »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #309 on: August 15, 2014, 01:41:52 am »
Came across a most interesting website today in German called Ratgeber-News-Blog : Esoterik, Alternative Heilmethoden, Homöopathie, Anthroposophie, Religion--

and it included an article posted by Elke entitled, Chuck Spezzano – triviale Sprüche und schmierige Witze

I used Google translate on the post and am including the results here. Not exactly an easy to read or great translation, but you get the idea. The original includes some good links. Enjoy--

Chuck Spezzano - trivial sayings and greasy jokes

Guest Post by Dr. House

One of the now numerous psycho-gurus who want to bless humanity with their trite and mostly unrealistic wisdom, Chuck Spezzano is. About the man whose biographical background as colorful shimmers like the shirts worn by him, his wife and the Lency of them invented "Psychology of Vision" is the Psiram-wiki comprehensive information

In the article it says under "courses, certification and approval"

A documentary on the ... Canadian broadcaster APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network) which was aired on 9 November 2013, it turned out that neither Chuck Spezzano Lency are still entitled to call themselves psychologists. In a broadcast made before the report call for APTN Spezzano gave the Transmitter the information, he is not applying for the title of psychologist, but called himself simply "Coach". The transmitter also advised that Chuck Spezzano was occupied in Hawaii with fines because he had claimed in presented in a custody process documents to be licensed family and marriage counselor ...

What does this everywhere announced as "Doctor of Psychology" non-psychologist at? Here is his foresight for 2014 :

"This year, big changes are happening, and we are asked to keep up with them." ... And so on and so forth.

Aha, so it will be exciting. Do I have to fly hastily in Iraq in order to keep it there with the refugees can step? No, it's not so bad, because the clientele that can be impressed by such a meaningless babble, lives anyway in a psycho-esoteric parallel universe of their own kind. But Chuck is also like an interview on phone cheaters Questico in which it be love insists on this oh so innocent and peaceful Germany.

In September Chuck Spezzano is once again on a European tour . From 11 to 14.08.2014 he is to occur in the house of the youth and in the hall building Goldstein in Frankfurt am Main. The organizer is the already well-known Frankfurter Ring . Most recently, he was there in February 2013. Not all visitors were convinced of his lecture. In the context of the Frankfurter Ring made ??on his Facebook page some criticism even:

How easily older city girl but with sleazy jokes and Evening entertainment + Verzeihen- Love and strategies for 3 hours from gray February day Frankfurter be beamed out. Is he now a Trixter, sound teacher or charlatan, the Chuck?

Well, not sounds. ( Screenshot ) Perhaps the Frankfurter Ring has forgotten, otherwise it would certainly been deleted. It must be so, for Burke, repression and forgetting are proven methods on the esoteric and Psycho market, if something does not work out as ordered from the universe. So that is also run by the MMS affair with the planned appearance by Ali Erhan .

So the Frankfurter Ring for the next Spezzano spectacle stimulates vigorous advertising his lyre . The turgid adulation are hard to beat. In addition, it is also written there:

Dr. Chuck Spezzano
    Psychologist and visionary teacher of life, family counselor and best-selling author. Together with his wife Lency he developed during their more than 35 years of therapeutic practice, the "Psychology of Vision", a compound of traditional psychology with spiritual principles.

And it is still a top ( screenshot ): Participate to win and Chubby Chucky Floral leads you to "Emotional intelligence and maturity." Then get couples who have not won the first prize, for a mere 795 Teuro "path to true partnership" rejected. But only if they have the same address. Otherwise it costs € 45.00 more. But let's face it: For the money you could authorize as a pair of a very different and much nicer weekend yet.

August 14, 2014 in Esotericism , suspected rip-off . Tags: Ali Erhan , "Frankfurter Ring" , Chuck Spezzano , Chuck Spezzano on a European tour , emotional intelligence and maturity , esoteric and Psycho market , MMS , parallel universe , psycho-guru , Psychology of Vision , Questico , hall building Goldstein in Frankfurt am Main , way to true partnership

The chorus of critics grows louder. It is amusing that the use of dirty jokes as part of his presentations by Charles has been noted several times in this forum from people across the globe. Classy, ain't it?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 01:47:33 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #310 on: August 15, 2014, 03:44:53 am »
The Cult of Fear, pt. 1

When you enter the small and esoteric bastion of the for-profit corporation of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision (SALPOV) you quickly find yourself in a place that is constantly under attack and fearful of calamity and catastrophe.

In the Spezzano world, attacks and attackers of all kinds constantly surround you. Demons, the Devil, shadow figures, dark magic, and your own guilt are among the many forces out there who want nothing more than to distract you from your soul purpose, i.e., contributing to the Spezzano bank account. The cult followers are whipped up into a state of constant alert and fear.

They have created an "us vs. them" situation on many fronts. For an expensive fee they will provide a surrogate family where you will be safe and cuddly. Lenora Mom and Charles Dad will never let harm come your way as long as you pay up. Otherwise, as moreinfo points out, forget about Lenora answering your calls for help. Follow-up is not a strong suit for SALPOV, to put it mildly. Business is business. SALPOV is a corporation created in order to generate a profit. And it is no different than most other American corporations when it comes to business "ethics." The coin of the realm, any realm, is their God.

Throwing inconvenient organisations and people away and then erasing all memory and trace of them from official groupthink is a SALPOV hallmark. 

The time has come for this cult to be held accountable. The SALPOV survivors need something called "justice."

But, back to our main topic--

So who and what are these dangerous forces out to get us? Or, more specifically, out to get those who sign on as followers of the SALPOV cult?

Let us begin with this bit of surreal self-loathing. This passage really reflects the original split mind of Charles Lee Spezzano and how his betrayal of his Catholic roots continues to eat at him. We see that SALPOV is actually his way of working through his story. Too bad he hoodwinked so many other people into helping him process his problem by employing guilt as a recruiting tool--

HEALING THE FALL is the card for today. This is the deepest and most unconscious root of guilt there is that feeds the other beliefs in guilt. It is the falling into 'the dream', the will to be separate, the desire to attack and to be god in our own world where God could not follow.
 Do not be surprised if some setback starts the day that reflects the fall but know that separation is the illusion and the healing is right behind it.
Keep the faith today; there is a better way and this occurred to give us the opportunity to heal this foundation of the ego and release the primordial guilt that gives rise to so much suffering in the world. If ONENESS IS than separation is an illusion,a dream and in a dream nothing really happened and there is no truth to guilt. Claim your healing and truth today and help free humanity of its shackles.
Posted 5th September 2010 by Chuck Spezzano

Wow! That was one of the more revealing, and ironic, statements by the CEO of SALPOV.

Next, the "Psychic Attack"--

HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. One thing that can clear all of this and anything else is to ask Who walks with you...A COURSE IN MIRACLES says to ask this question thousands of times a day... If you know this you know there cannot be a problem with anything. Have a great day!
Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Healing, Hawaii, Spirit, Miracles, Clear
Posted 26th September 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing Psychic Attack

HEALING PSYCHIC ATTACK is the card for today. It speaks of attack coming from the outside at a vision or psychic level. This may be from others, from the astral, the dark unconscious or even from us. We are perfectly invulnerable if we are not attacking. Than we don't believe that attack can get us anything and we don't believe we are our bodies but our spirit instead. (there is a vicious circle between believing we are a body and using it for attack). Today is a great day to both give up all attack because that makes us believe we are vulnerable to it and asking for Heaven's help which naturally protects us. Have a happy, peaceful day full of perfect immunity!
Posted 14th August 2011 by Chuck Spezzano


HEALING BAD JU-JU is the card for today. Ju-ju refers to magic or anything beyond the natural order. This includes dark magic ,curses,psychic attack and possessions of any sort. Usually this is relegated to the unconscious mind and can come in through any form of toxic attack or abuse. Today connect with the Divine Presence and with any of your Friends in High Places whom you are or ask to be connected with .

Michael the Archangel is particularly good with this type of spring cleaning. This can end oppression you did not even know you were under . Many times those carrying strong light or a great purpose are attacked ,even by parents caught for a time in the dark supernatural in an attempt to wound or keep you small. When we are trapped by this energy,it is often a form of collusion on our part afraid of our purpose and destiny. This type of healing removes unconscious fears. Have a great cleaning day !
Posted 3rd June 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Dark Magic Dark Supernatural

The term "Psychic Attack" is not original to SALPOV (big surprise). It appears to be in common usage in A Course in Miracles, which along with Oneness University is one of their "two greatest inspirations." I love the reference to "dark magic, curses, psychic attack and possessions of any sort" and "Michael the Archangel is particularly good with this type of spring cleaning." So do the Spezzanos sound like professional mental health healers to you? But it gets weirder--

Then we have the "Astral Attacks"--

The term "Astral Attack" has been in use long before SALPOV swiped it. Another example of the Spezzanos being far from "cutting edge" and way behind the trend--

HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK USED TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE. Astral energy whether demons, devils, dark lords or just plain darkness are aspects of the ancient ego when we mistakenly chose to separate and fled into darkness. Our purpose sets us on the right track, frees and fulfills us while liberating the world from darkness and prison. The ego, the principle of separation is dead set against this and attacks us accordingly either directly or through others. Today by inviting in love and Divine Presence we get to remove these dark influences in our lives. Love and Divine Presence always come with welcome. Have a great day!!!

Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Healing the Astral Attack Used to Stop Your Purpose
Posted 28th June 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Astral Attack Used to Stop Your Purpose


HEALING THE ASTRAL ATTACK USED TO STOP YOUR PURPOSE is the card for today. The astral is the darkness of our ancient ego that attacks us to stop our purpose but secretly hopes to get redeemed. This a job for our FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES. Ask for the help today to remove any of this influence and keep you naturally protected from this. Have a beautiful day!

Chuck Spezzano, Purpose, Healing, Friends in High Places, Heaven, Beauty
Photo courtesy of Napua N. Heen.
Posted 6th October 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Astral Attack Used to Stop Your Purpose



The astral is the dark unconscious that is ancient fragments of the ego,also known as demons,devils,dark gods,etc. This is the dark supernatural that is intent on delaying and obstructing us as much as possible to hold back the relatedness and evolution so that they keep their base of control for as long as they can. At some level (the unconscious) it is all our mind and we are integrating these fragments which seem to have a mind of their own. Their attacks can come in the form of setbacks,attacks from others or even pure malice coming at us energetically. We can always call in God, the Tao, The Holy Spirit, Jesus,our angel,Quan Yin or the many other older brothers and sisters who have realized Oneness. Another way is to realize that we are spirit and as such are safe ,healed and whole.

Besides holding us back, the dark forces have the hidden hope for redemption and that whomever they attack will have the wherewithal or connection with Friends in High Places to send them back to the light.
This is a big opportunity to help yourself and the whole earth today. There is a karmic connection established when a victimizer attacks a victim;this ends when the victim finally redeems the victimizer. We have the opportunity to bring the light today and dispel the darkness.

Invoke the Light today. Call in your Friends in High Places and send these ego fragments back to the Light from which we all came and to which we shall all return.Help yourself and help the whole earth today by your awareness and willingness.
Posted 6th September 2010 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Astral Card Dark Supernatural

Jan 2010 Newsletter ~ Chuck Spezzano
January 4, 2010 at 9:29am

January 2010 Nightlight Newsletter
Chuck Spezzano

It seems most of us dodged the bullet that came at us in December. Yet, now there is almost a steady stream of attack going on – vicious ego attack, astral attack, fear of change attacks, fear of loss attacks, ignorance and prejudicial attack.

Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong. How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse. Violence except in self defense shows ego-driven behavior which only works for and brings more darkness as we approach the dawn. Have faith. The sky is lightening.

March 2011 Nightlight Newsletter

In the fourth week and the rest of March, any problem is one that hides an astral attack. This is the area of the dark unconscious that is invested in keeping the status quo. This includes demons and dark gods of Buddhist metaphor. These are ancient fragments of the ego and their power comes through our fear, guilt, greed and dark gods of Buddhist metaphor.

Charles Lee Spezzano in the March 2014 Nightlight Newsletter

In March unconscious or soul issues continue to come up for healing. The issues we transform at this level are our own ancient and ancestral past with ties into the collective mind of humanity. So, when we are healing through giving, forgiveness or letting go we are frequently helping all of humanity. Another aspect of attack we have to deal with is the astral or the dark. As one mystic put it so aptly: “The more someone brings the light, the more they are attacked by the dark.” Yet this attack is still only a call for love and is there to help us remember that Divine Presence is always with us and that help is always only as far away as it will take for us to ask for it!

Dodged bullets, The Devil, and demons-- oh my!
Dodged bullets, The Devil, and demons-- oh my!
Dodged bullets, The Devil, and demons-- oh my!

Beware of the attack attack attack! Whip those cult followers into a fear-based huddle!

"Disengage yourself from anyone who is attacking because even if they are right, they are totally wrong." Orwell would've loved that sentence as a modern example of what he was trying to point out in his novel, 1984.

"How one’s process shows itself in life is much more telling than what they seem to espouse." Very true. Using this concept as a guide, a reading through this forum should reveal where the Spezzanos are coming from. But as an example for those of you who need immediate gratification, Lenora's Youtubes tell all--

Now we get to the section where your own body is your enemy. This part of SALPOV theology was most infamously presented in Healing Metaphors A-Z authored by Charles Lee Spezzano and Janie (Patrick) Ticehurst--

Although the main text has been censored from public view on Internet, Charles has kept the concept alive. Curiously, Lenora Kay Spezzano basically destroyed the work of her husband and Janie in her recent "Truth" screed--

In the Psychology of Vision, health issues can give us clues about what is going on in our subconscious minds. It is sort of like a psychiatrist doing dream analysis – physical symptoms can also be read as symbols for the conflicts in our minds. Healing the emotional conflict certainly doesn’t hurt a person’s chances of healing physically, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it is helpful, but we have not done any research studies on the subject, and we do not make any claims.

The bloggers claim that us looking at the metaphors of illness with people (similar to Louise Hay’s work) is actually us blaming them for having their symptoms. This, of course, would have no value for the client – blaming a person for their illness is completely counterproductive to their healing and wellbeing. Taking accountability, on the other hand, gives the client power in their life.

First she says they have done no research on this topic, and then uses a total quack like Louise Hay to defend it. As for the blaming part, all you have to do is simply read the examples we have provided (which they don't want you to see, apparently) and judge for yourself. Here's the link again--

As we have pointed out, Hay told a New York Times writer that the victims of the Holocaust deserved what they got due to their guilt in past lives. It would naturally follow that Hay, and in turn the Spezzanos, believe FN deserve the treatment they received from Anglos due to some kind of twisted guilt thing.

But back to the mind attacking the body, a concept the Spezzanos swiped from Hay--

HEALING WHERE WE USE THE BODY FOR ATTACK is the card for today. This is where we use the body for physical aggression and where we use the body to attack through illness or injury. Today is a good day to find these hidden or not so hidden patterns, take responsibility for them and immediately give them to Heaven for undoing...Have a great day!
Posted 29th June by Chuck Spezzano

IF THE MIND USES THE BODY FOR ATTACK IN ANY FORM, IT BECOMES PREY TO SICKNESS, AGE AND DECAY. This is the card for today. It is a quote from A COURSE IN MIRACLES. It is very clear about what misuse of the body can cause. Anything that hurts the body is an attack on another. Any issue around sex and domination, manipulation or power struggle have the same deleterious effect. Have a powerful day of awareness and healing around how the mind uses the body!

Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, If the Mind Uses the Body for Attack in Any Form, A Course in Miracles
Posted 10th April 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card If the Mind...

HEALING THE USE OF BODY FOR ATTACK is the card for today. If we didn't use the body for attack it would be perfectly safe and healthy. Use it for attack such as illness or as part of a fight using sex and you put it at risk because of your misuse. Today is a great day to see where we have been misusing the body and to use it for love, communication and learning instead. Have a fine day!
Chuck Spezzano, healing, sex, illness, communication, love, purpose

Posted 26th July 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Attack Body Card Major Illness Misuse of the Body

THE CARD FOR TODAY IS A QUOTE FROM A COURSE IN MIRACLES," IF THE MIND WANTS TO USE THE BODY FOR ATTACK IN ANY FORM, IT BECOMES PREY TO SICKNESS, AGE AND DECAY. This a powerful statement regarding the dynamics of the body. Today is a day for healing such attack. Have a good one!
Posted 14th May 2012 by Chuck Spezzano

HEALING SELF-ATTACK is the card for today. All problems, all illness and injury are a form of self-attack. We can examine these areas and know that the self-attack is an obstacle to learning the lesson involved. Self-attack builds the ego and creates a vicious circle with attack on others. It is important to know that attack and self-attack are not God's Will for us. God knows us as innocent because that's how we were created. The rest we made up in our arrogance…Today let us be humble and innocent and free of self-attack! Have a fine day!
Posted 3rd January by Chuck Spezzano

« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 03:52:41 am by Sandy S »

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #311 on: August 15, 2014, 03:45:45 am »
The Cult of Fear, pt. 2

Keeping in line with the superstitious and Medieval view of the world by SALPOV, along with demons, shadows, dark magic, and The Devil, attacks can also come from curses. Example on this link--

But seriously, folks, SALPOV does employ this type of corny nonsense to keep the herd close. This statement was just a few months ago--

HEALING CURSES is the card for today. This is an unconscious mechanism of attack and self-attack. If we curse we believe curses have effect and will then be open to such attack. Ask yourself how many curses you have accrued in your life plus how many were passed down ancestrally and brought in at a soul level. Ask yourself how many curses you or your ancestors have made as well as ones you brought in from ones you made at a soul level. Ask yourself what effect they have had on your life. Ask yourself what you have been using them for as this is why the ego would have you keep them.
Then if you are ready to let them go turn them over to Heaven to undo for you. How does that feel? How does your life seem now? Have a great day and let Heaven turn your cursing mechanism into one of blessing!
Posted 8th April by Chuck Spezzano

And if that isn't bad enough, there are Soul Stealer Shadows out there to get you! This is like something out of a horror movie!

No, really, I'm not kidding. Soul Stealer Shadows. With dark magical power! This is right up there with a belief that Reptilians walk among us. By the way, there exists an absurd online conversation on whether or not Charles Lee Spezzano is a Reptilian. Just type in "hilfeeee chuck spezzano ein reptiloid" and you'll find it. It is a crazy premise, and I debated for some time whether or not I should ever bring this up, but the Soul Stealer Shadows blogspot has provided me with a good rationale. Turnabout is fair play. It is almost enough to convince me that such a thing as Karma exists--

HEALING THE SOUL STEALER SHADOW is the card for today. This is a person who through the use of unconscious, magical power is able to leach off energy and even stop someone's evolutionary progress by seemingly stealing their very souls to use the energy for their own dark magical ends. It is a rare shadow but one whose hatred within us can lead to virulent self-attack. it is time to forgive these beliefs about our- selves and melt down the shadows to add their energy to our wholeness... have a good one!!

Chuck and Lency Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Healing the Soul Stealer Shadow
Posted 17th October 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Soul Stealer Shadow

And then, beware of those hicks! Those rural slack-jawed cretins (with tobacco juice dribbling down their stubbled chins) who live in the rural parts of the world! They are not well educated or wealthy like upper class Lenora, instead they are ignorant unenlightened subhumans who should be looked down upon. In the Great Chain of being they are not at the same heights as SALPOV. They have a low level of maturity, as Lenora might say. Plus, they might ask some earthy and direct questions about SALPOV that could prove to be, er, inconvenient--



HEALING THE HICK SHADOW is the card for today. The hick is the country bumpkin who's totally unsophisticated. He is neither cool nor chic nor 'in the know' about what is going on. Today a level of understanding and awareness dawns on us. We give up this self-attack and no longer let these self-concepts hold us back from the flow or true responsiveness. Have a good one!

Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Healing the Hick Shadow
Photo courtesy of Napua N. Heen.
Posted 3rd May 2013 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Hick Shadow

Gotta love that "He is neither cool nor chic nor 'in the know' about what is going on" peer pressure passage. What is this, are we in high school auditioning for the cheerleading team? Do we need to be "In" with the "In Crowd" before we can be accepted as fully human?

Independent thinking and individualism is discouraged by SALPOV since it interferes with the money flow into the Spezzano coffers.

The attack on God is, in Spezzanospeak, an attack on the Spezzanos, since they are a little closer to Him than you and I. Notice the post-Oneness University mention of Oneness--

HEALING THE ATTACK ON GOD is the card of the day. To accomplish this is to give up all attack on everyone including ourselves. It is therefore to give up all problems which are a delay and a siding with separateness which opposes God's love and Oneness that is our true state. This is a powerful tao today and one that could leap us forward...Let us use it wisely. Have a good One!

Chuck Spezzano, Psychology of Vision, Card of the Day, Healing the Attack on God, God's love, Oneness, True State, Leap Forward
Posted 9th November 2012 by Chuck Spezzano
Labels: Card Healing the Attack on God

In all my research of the Spezzanos and SALPOV I have yet to find a single instance where they have taken responsibility or accepted any accountability for the negative consequences of their commercial actions, their cover-ups and modification of their own corporate history. Instead all we see is denial, evasion, sugar-coating, spin-control, and an attempt to vilify all critics as attackers--

The Charles Lee Spezzano communication card--

Remember that the other person will be motivated to communicate if they are no longer the target. If you are saying, ‘I want to share something with you’ and meaning, ‘let me tell you what you did wrong’, then every time you open your mouth, you will be attacking – not communicating.

The above quote tells us a lot about Charles Lee Spezzano.

And hey, you can't even trust yourself. Did you know your emotions are a form of attack?--

From the Psychology of Vision Singapore webpage--

All external attacks come from self attacks, so forgiving others is forgiving ourselves. Can you forgive someone today?

Emotions are a form of attack.
While emotions seem to come up spontaneously from within or as a result of being triggered by something outside, at a deeper level they are meant to attack someone around you, someone from the past, and God.??

Whew. Just by existing as human beings with emotions we are soooo guilty. My, how Catholic.

And in the very real world there are us critics. When the Spezzanos want to use us as a way to rally the cult followers and drawn them close, they generally refer to us as the "attackers." The word has a strong visceral feel to it, doesn't it? Now this no doubt does aid in keeping the already brainwashed in line, but to potential recruits this blares out in uppercase letters, "CULT!!" In the following examples, SALPOV would've been better off if they had ignored us.

Lenora entitled her response to the Ripoff Report complaint as "Attack Rebuttal" and called the complainer an "attacker." The original author is a person who I know and I must say I am amused at how Lenora's "empath" powers utterly failed on all counts to describe the author when she was trying to attack the messenger as a way to deflect the validity of the message.


Attack Rebuttal

AUTHOR: Lency Spezzano - ()

SUBMITTED: Monday, October 28, 2013

For the Psychology of Vision to have drawn such attack, it is likely that two elements are involved regarding the attacker. The first is that the person has a fear of feeling their suppressed or repressed emotions - they are not on a healing path themselves, and feel threatened that other people might expect them to face their emotional issues. Therefore, the Psychology of Vision becomes a frightening thing. The second element is that the Psychology of Vision has become ammunition for a fight the person is already in. Perhaps someone recommended the seminars to a family member and it was interpreted as a correction or a judgement, for example. When that fear is the filter of perception of us, there is little that could be said that would allow us to be seen as well intentioned and beneficial. At the same time, it is clear that the writer of the report has a different agenda - a personal reason for attacking us and attempting to destroy our reputation. He is not someone who is just speaking up to protect innocent consumers. He has never been to a Psychology of Vision training, and has no training in psychology.

Lenora's above paragraph reveals she has had some experience dealing with the family members of the victims who joined the SALPOV cult.

In Lenora's introduction on her "Truth" screed the terms "attack" or "attackers" is used no less than eight times, starting with--

Hi – I’m Lency Spezzano, and if you are reading this, it may well be because your search engine led you to a blog that is claiming peculiar things about my husband Chuck and myself, and the Psychology of Vision.  Normally, we would not respond to Internet attack; unfortunately, the level of zeal involved in this libel is so high, and the accusations are so bizarre, I feel we need to respond with the truth, in support of the many thousands of people around the world that are doing the Psychology of Vision work, who could be hurt by the slander in some way.

And young Christopher Spezzano used the terms six times in his Facebook rant, starting with--

Thomas, I am so disappointed that you are continuing to slander my parents. From the intensity of your posts, it seems like you are not open to doing balanced research and are perpetuating and creating your own slanderous libel. This is illegal in both the US and Canada:

I can see you care about your community deeply, but it also seems you have let that feeling take you on a personal rampage in a completely inappropriate direction. I personally ask you to desist from making attacks against my parents and Psychology of Vision on your Facebook account or otherwise.

There is a siege mentality in SALPOV. The source of attacks and the variety and number of attackers are legion. This is a cult built not, as they claim, on a foundation of love, but rather on a foundation of fear. And what is being protected here? What is at the heart of the corporation worth preserving?

Two answers: The Spezzano bank account and the Spezzano position of power in a personality cult.

Here's a parting word from Charles Lee Spezzano. This piece speaks for itself and I'll give him the last word since he confirms my thesis--

Nightlight Newsletter, The Year 2012

The year we have all been waiting for is here. It is to be a year of major change with more twists and turns than a mystery thriller. The greatest danger in the world this year is that an epidemic may occur. The greatest danger in the inner realm is complacency. Do not be the horse who is whipped to go forward. Be the smart horse who moves at the shadow of the whip. Major shifts and the unfolding that occurs as a result will continue for the next four years. Do not try to drink the waves or even swim them. Surf them. This will occur by you making healing your first priority. Look at areas in which you have chronic problems: Money, career, relationship, family, health, weight, heartbreak or depression. All reflect a place you are frightened to change and go forward, places of old pain, need for specialness, self-attack and attack on others.

Offline Sturmboe

  • Posts: 117
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #312 on: August 15, 2014, 06:24:28 am »
What kind of "target". What is a target in POV´s mind? Do they got a traceable definition - or st it - once again - something intangible. At least they can form its meanings as it needed to be used.

Chuck S. believes there are just two real emotions, one is anger. All the other emotions just disguise the real one anger. It seems he talkes about psychological matter: primary and secondary emotions, secondary emotions disguise primary emotions. But this is not correct how C.S. describes this. And it is false to use these emotions in this context as he do it, nor are existing just these few emotions.
C. S. give a person no chance to come clear what happened and the reason why this emotion exists. Often these persons feel guilty for life events, other people tell them day by day, they are gultiy, they get what they deserved, they must be punished .... and they wished to be punished, ... and these persons, they punish themselves, ... maybe they will be purified one day, if they had deserved it.

C. S. serve and activate this false and selfdestroying muster, this is much more easier than to clarify the deeper meaning behind these emotions and behaviour, people in therapy often struggle back to this what they used to live. To look behind the emotion, anger etc. make a person to someone who clarify the situation and - that´s the worth - they begin to know there where things they are not guilty for, they got the right to feel anger, maybe there is no reason to forgive those one who harmed them, they come clear what they decide to do and why, self-determined and responsibly acting. This is not what C. S. wishes, not in this way.

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #313 on: August 15, 2014, 03:49:29 pm »
From 2009.

PoV Seminar in Tokyo, Japan
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    HFW Bangladesh
    May 30, 2009

    Dear All,




    May is a bright month full of illumination.  There will be discoveries, illuminations and insights that will naturally move things forward for some and provide deep comfort for others. It’s a great month for healing that which has been hidden so our lives can move forward. 


    I am sure you all know about Psychology of Vision ( and it’s Master Trainer Ms. Hiromi Kurihara.  Last April she led a workshop in Dhaka in which some of you have participated.  Psychology of Vision is a visionary healing model based on love and healing that maps the challenges we face in our lives and provides solutions needed to get through them.


    I am pleased to let you know that the International Workshop on PoV is going to be held in Tokyo , Japan from 8th to 16th of August.  I have been invited by the Cocorono Vitamin Institute to attend the workshop. 


    Usually, the workshop held on payment basis and it is expensive for sure.  Still I personally think it is less expensive than our personal healing, gaining our heart back, fixing our broken relationship, improving partnership with friends and colleagues, most importantly for our personal joy and happiness. 

    Therefore, I would like to request you to think about the costs of the seminar and its pay off in your life.  After this if you are interested to attend the workshop in Tokyo , please let me know by coming Thursday (June 4th).   The tentative costs of the workshop would be;

    Tuition  fee   JPY 250,000

    Accommodation  JPY 110,000 (Twin room,11 nights with no meal)

         I personally think it will cost you about USD 4500-5000 including air fee, local transportation, food, accommodation (in a nice luxury hotel in the heart of Tokyo ) and tuition fee.  It may be less if you could find your own accommodation and arrange your food.

    I am sorry but we really have very short time to prepare everything, particularly the Visa.  Please share this information with your beloved ones and please let me know by 4th of June, if you are interested. 

    Please remember the quote from Chuck Spezzano, “The waves in life are big but not bigger than you and the spiritual help that surrounds you. You are not alone. Spirit means that it’s all connected and help surrounds you. Let yourself be loved and helped. Nothing can harm you and each negative event there will springboard you forward if you keep faith, awareness, allow grace and apply forgiveness.”

    Best regards,

    Ataur Rahman Miton

    Country Director, HFW

    01711 526979

Offline Sandy S

  • Posts: 271
Re: Chuck Spezzano & Psychology Of Vision
« Reply #314 on: August 17, 2014, 05:52:30 am »
What is  ?

Looks like it was created on June 15, 2012 but the website apparently never went beyond the splash page (See attached). Why did Psychology of Vision let it drop?

This website also shares the same source with a few other familiar places such as--