Author Topic: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl  (Read 173413 times)

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2012, 01:47:51 am »
In reference to all of the acclaimed names which Erick Gonzalez promotes himself with, the fact remains that he still administrated Amanita Mascaria (poisonous mushroom from Haida Gwaii) and took it upon himself to promote and label it as a traditional Haida Medicine. Participants who trusted him experienced full blown poisonous reactions. Sliding into a mild coma, salivating all thru the nite, and shivering to the bones and waking up trenched remembering nothing. Comatose thru the night , not being able to get up to urinate or doctor oneself, and not being able to help anyone around who may have needed help. This was Erick’s idea of a sacred medicine journey which he charged some over $500 or more dollars for. Some actually believed that they had survived a shamanic task and became more diluted about how great Erick’s “supernatural healing” techniques were. Little did they know they were being experimented on and victimized at the same time.
One local doctor from Haida Gwaii has posted this important issue about anyone giving this potent poisonous mushroom out, please read below:

1. It is not right to be poisoned by mushrooms and not told that you are being poisoned by mushrooms eg
I talked to poison control and asked if my wife died from mushrooms I fed her would you say I poisoned her and they said "of course".
2. It is not right to be rendered unconscious and out of control with a drug when there are not strict measures in place to make sure the people rendering you unconscious are not taking advantage of you when in a vulnerable state how many people would willingly take the date rape drug which basically the same thing.  Last I heard giving the date rape drug to an unwitting person was a crime.
 3. Peyote, Toad Venom, and Aminita Mushrooms are not traditional Haida Medicines ... I talked to a few elders here and none of them were aware of the use of Amanita in the way those people are using it.  I doubt it is because they are not in the loop.  Maybe they were given to slaves or enemies or people to be manipulated but they were not given as cures.

Amanita mascaria is listed as a poison in our BC Toxicology Center. No amount of fancy names will make poisoning people right . These are only ways to hide and pretend . To  be accountable for your actions is what makes a human admirable .

Anyone funding or financing these ceremonial events and trainings, are liable for being sued for  potentially setting up unsuspecting people for physical ,emotional and spiritual harm. Also crossing borders to USA from Canada and to Guatemala to do drug retreats voids your travel medical insurance and life insurance if anything happens to you where medical attention is needed. Travel medical insurance does not cover drug retreats!

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2012, 02:04:59 am »
In reference to all of the acclaimed names which Erick Gonzalez promotes himself with, the fact remains that he still administrated Amanita Mascaria (poisonous mushroom from Haida Gwaii) and took it upon himself to promote and label it as a traditional Haida Medicine. Participants who trusted him experienced full blown poisonous reactions. Sliding into a mild coma, salivating all thru the nite, and shivering to the bones and waking up trenched remembering nothing. Comatose thru the night , not being able to get up to urinate or doctor oneself, and not being able to help anyone around who may have needed help. This was Erick’s idea of a sacred medicine journey which he charged some over $500 or more dollars for. Some actually believed that they had survived a shamanic task and became more diluted about how great Erick’s “supernatural healing” techniques were. Little did they know they were being experimented on and victimized at the same time.
One local doctor from Haida Gwaii has posted this important issue about anyone giving this potent poisonous mushroom out, please read below:

1. It is not right to be poisoned by mushrooms and not told that you are being poisoned by mushrooms eg
I talked to poison control and asked if my wife died from mushrooms I fed her would you say I poisoned her and they said "of course".
2. It is not right to be rendered unconscious and out of control with a drug when there are not strict measures in place to make sure the people rendering you unconscious are not taking advantage of you when in a vulnerable state how many people would willingly take the date rape drug which basically the same thing.  Last I heard giving the date rape drug to an unwitting person was a crime.
 3. Peyote, Toad Venom, and Aminita Mushrooms are not traditional Haida Medicines ... I talked to a few elders here and none of them were aware of the use of Amanita in the way those people are using it.  I doubt it is because they are not in the loop.  Maybe they were given to slaves or enemies or people to be manipulated but they were not given as cures.

Amanita mascaria is listed as a poison in our BC Toxicology Center. No amount of fancy names will make poisoning people right . These are only ways to hide and pretend . To  be accountable for your actions is what makes a human admirable .

Anyone funding or financing these ceremonial events and trainings, are liable for being sued for  potentially setting up unsuspecting people for physical ,emotional and spiritual harm. Also crossing borders to USA from Canada and to Guatemala to do drug retreats voids your travel medical insurance and life insurance if anything happens to you where medical attention is needed. Travel medical insurance does not cover drug retreats!

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2012, 01:06:55 pm »
The Royal Mounted Police have issued a warning on Erick Gonzalez. This was published in the Haida Observer 9-6-12, pg 23.

Pls repost widely anywhere Gonzalez's scams are promoted.

Concerns raised about ceremonial drug use
Submitted by the Masset RCMP

The Masset RCMP has received information from concerned citizens of Haida Gwaii about a group called the Earth People United and the group's
founder Erick Gonzalez. The group's website states that'their mission is to connect people to the natural and spiritual world, and to bridge the wisdom
of'the Ancient Ones with the world of today. One of the concerns raised by the public is that the group may be encouraging and facilitating the use of hallucinogenic drugs during the religious ceremonies in order to experience a spiritual state of nrind.

It has been reported that drugs such as pevote mescaline and ayahuasca may be used during these ceremonies to elicit hallucinations that are then being interpreted as spiritual or ceremonial. It should be noted that mescaline in any form is a controlled substance and is listed in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Possession or distribution of mescaline would contravene the act and could result in charges.

The Masset RCMP is urging the public to think critically. about the use these so-called 'healing" or "spiritual" drugs. Not only are some of these substances  illegal in Canada but it has been reported that they can produce negative long-term side effects, including insomnia, anxiety, emotional instability and headaches. The illegal nature of these hallucinogenic drugs and their health risks should be taken very seriously if considering their use.

The other concern that is being communicated by community members is that traditional Haida gifts are being given to the group's founder, Erick Gonzalez: These culturally relevant gifts are provided in addition to a fee fhat is required to attend the ceremonies. The tradition of gifting is a widely accepted practice and it is not suggested that it should be stopped. What is of concern is the expectation of receiving a gift. Any group or individual that expresses the expectation of receiving a gift should be questioned in regards to their motives.

At this time the Masset RCMP is continuing the investigation into this matter and encourages people who may have further information to contact Const. Scott McDiarmid at 250-626-3991.

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2012, 04:06:11 pm »
I sent paypal this letter below.

I think this is a tactic we can use against any exploiter who uses paypal if there's illegal activitty we can point to.

Just go to paypal's acceptable use policy, see if the fraud is violating it, then send a complaint. It seems to me paypal should pull their account because they'd worry about legal liability on their part.

You have a paypal user, Erick Gonzalez AKA OmeAkaEhekatl. He runs an organization called Earth Peoples United.

Gonzalez is a white man who poses as a Mayan Indian spiritual leader or healer. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have issued a warning against him for drug use and abuse in his "ceremonies" and workshops.

The drugs being used and abused by this cult Gonzalez leads includes mescaline and ayahuasca, both of which are illegal.

The warning is online at
The warning also lists a number of the RCMP.

Paypal should not be letting its services be used to pay for illegal activity such as Gonzalez promotes.

Please contact me with follow up on the action your company will take.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2013, 07:00:08 pm »
One of the best ways a person can contribute is to become a member for only $26/month or $260/year. Becoming a member is a way to stay connected to the sacred teachings and each other. Our intent is to keep connecting and serving people that are dedicated to embracing the spiritual teachings at this time, and provide greater access to what is being shared for those that are unable to join us for in-person teachings, gatherings, and ceremonies.??Members are participating and co-creating in the larger spiritual vision of Earth Peoples United. Member support also ensures TJU can provide free access for all people to have access to the website, receive monthly TJU - EPU e-newsletters, and participate in quarterly equinox/solstice Tele-Greetings and Mayan Prayers by OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez. Members also gain exclusive access to events, teachings, discounts, and more.

To cultivate and foster relationships with people in your community and to connect to others through monthly gatherings and activities inspired by TJU members and participants. Assist in the identification and development of local leaders.  Maintain close relations with TJU Ceremonial Coordinator and touch base through telephone calls, emails and the required monthly teleconference.

Stand strong for our Earth and the evolution of our humanity. Make a financial commitment to benefit the generations to come. Consider shifting one spending habit that depletes the Earth, for one that gives back.

Community Organizers receive the deepest spiritual teachings through their dedication to serving others, and working directly with our Spiritual Leader, Spiritual Guides and/or Ceremonial Coordinators.

These are some quotes taken from a volunteer recruitment solicitation in late 2009. This was a very well organized campaign to infiltrate communities. They clearly laid out what they want in donations, volunteers, community organizers (especially ones who can identify and recruit current community leaders), grant writing, fund raising, event planners, web maintenance and email coordination, newsletter editor, transcribers, and what they call "matchmakers" which is ongoing fundraising.

Does our vision resonate deeply in your heart? If so, consider joining our circle of Match Makers and commit to connecting us with donors, volunteers or artists each year. If you feel inspired to connect us with other meaningful resources, you may also join this circle of support. To receive member benefits, you must be able to demonstrate that you’ve connected us with a half-dozen people or organizations per year.

The RCMP has issued a warning notice about this group But Erick Gonzalez and crew already had done a lot of ground work in hooking people, some are still taking peyote during sweats, and using hallucinogenic drugs at levels well above usual medicinal ceremonial levels.

Full Member teachings are only available to members who have signed up for an annual or monthly donation.

Quite the cast of characters are offering these "full member teachings" as "wisdom keepers", including many people already being researched here on the forum.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 07:14:02 pm »
Erick's followers shun ex-members, glare at them, and spread negative rumors. Followers call ex-members traitors, two faced, and say that they have crossed over to the dark side. Erick's followers use gossip as a poison weapon.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2013, 12:22:11 am »

Marsha Forrest - Vice President

Marsha was born and raised on the Six Nations Reservation in Ontario, Canada as a Mohawk woman. She was surrounded and supported by a large extended family that allowed her to fulfill her dream of becoming a Registered Nurse. She worked as a nurse and lived in Haida Gwaii, the Queen Charlotte Islands of B.C., for thirty three years, and was adopted into the Ts’aalth Clan of the Eagle Clan of the Haida.

She just moved with her husband from Haida Gwaii to Southern Illinois and is working with the Cherokee and women’ groups in that area.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2013, 01:20:15 pm »
Erick Gonzalez told a Haida woman with cancer that she would be cured if she followed his instructions. He told her to take peyote, do certain prayers, have ceremonies done. He kept in touch with her through phone calls, as she became more isolated.

Before she passed on she said that people needed to stop the fires, stop the ceremonies and prayers, that they were no good.

But Erick Gonzalez still has tight control over his devotees. Some have even gone on to become exploiters themselves.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2013, 08:18:48 pm »
Survivors report: Erick, Chuck and Lency Spezzano had an arranged meeting in B.C. in 2009, poisonous frog venom was smoked there. Erick administered it.

When the Ngystle Society brought in and funded Erick to do intensives, these intensives were actually drug retreats. No one was screened for meds or addictions. Many people who attended were already on something, such as coke, pot, alcohol. There is no after care or check up to see how people are doing afterwards.

Erick would distribute bagfuls of mescaline to participants.

People who already have addictions have been preyed upon, not helped. People have switched to Erick caused addictions, and believe they are now doing something spiritual.

Even if Erick does not return to Canada, he has his mules and pushers working for him.

Funders are told that all this is "traditional indigenous medicine", indigenous to that area, but it is not.


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2013, 06:55:19 pm »
An APTN Investigates episode will air soon about Erick Gonzalez's dangerous and destructive impact on Haida Gwaii.

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2013, 11:33:07 am »

Copying my reply from another thread ( ) since the threadstarter refers to Erick Gonzalez as a white person:

There is one person I know listed here, for example, who I would prefer not to mention. I have personally witnessed many of hundreds of people come through his ceremonies. He is a white person who shares a community chanupa in a weekly ceremony and offers huachuma healing ceremonies on some weekends. He has been doing this for many years and has been trained by native healers, who I have noticed are also listed here. He doesn't do things in a strictly traditional way because he is not working with native people. I know that his mission is to get as much medicine in as many white people as possible to affect change in the world in a collective way. Although he has a decent house and everything he needs materially, he is not a rich man and lives a humble life of constant service. Many other close-to-70 year olds are sitting around watching TV and taking naps, or traveling on their pensions, not sitting up all night with their aching bodies doctoring people, counseling them and cleaning up vomit.

Ms. Muschinski is referring to fraud Erick Gonzalez of the Earth Peoples United cult.

Ms., contrary to what you think he is NOT Native. He is a Guatemalan of entirely European ancestry doing a fraudulent knock off of Mayan ways mangled together with faux Lakota ceremony.
Emphasis mine

Actually, Ms M is confirming our suspicion and, at the same time, ruining her guru's scheme: I've emphasised the sentence above in which she clearly says Gonzalez is a white person!

So that says everything about his claims to be Maya and to have been taught Maya spirituality be "his elders". In other words: this is no more than a legend Gonzalez is using to promote his business. Of course 'legend' is just another word for 'bunch of lies'.

And if Gonzalez is "sitting up all night ... doctoring people, counseling them and cleaning up vomit", then perhaps he should hand out less Ayahuasca to his customers, and of course also other less of drugs like the above mentioned wachuma/ huachuma.

I'm going to copy this post to our thread on Gonzalez to make the info on him being a white person available there, too.

Offline moreinfo

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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2013, 04:37:08 pm »
this link about Plastic Shamans should be helpful to people like Ms. Muschinski to understand why people care to keep everything in proper order with a peoples culture and traditions !!..

from what i see around B.C. where these frauds infiltrated, not one of them did any good because they're all fakes. Counterfeiting and miss-mashing the leaders idea of how it should be makes it even worse.
when you see people believing that they're "reborn again shaman" from the fraud shaman, think of all the harm these people can do, If a persons critical thinking is so far gone that they think that this is acceptable,that person is already deeply into the leaders indoctrination. to many drug ceremonies themselves perhaps??
from talking with participants, the way these people use the sacred medicines amounts to drug abuse and it feeds people addiction problems, and you call this healing?? i believe this has nothing to do with healing but to create the person to be dependent on the next "ceremony, this itself gives a bad meaning to ceremony..
that is why this NAFPS site is so important to the people that don't know the difference, and shoul learn the difference.
the NAFPS team more than excels at doing honest accurate research and I think most of the crew is volunteers at doing this,
 there should be an award for the work everyone does on the NAFPS team.

thanx very much to everyone on the NAFPS team for your wonderful great work
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 04:48:29 pm by moreinfo »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2013, 04:05:12 am »
The APTN Investigates video is up,  includes a nice shout out to NAFPS
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 03:28:08 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2013, 05:46:42 pm »
At an event in Guatemala people were given a book that listed information on participants. This book says that Erick is Erick Roberto Gonzalez Leonardo, born Feb 10 1959, Guatemala. Also that he is the founder of Northern California International Coalition, Indigenous International Coalition. And that he on the founding board of NIM E.

Don't know what NIM E means. It was a domestic nonprofit incorporated in 2002, New Mexico, revoked for non filing in 2007. His current wife Heidi Lorraine Neale was vice president.

Erick Roberto Gonzalez with that birth date can be found in public records: marriage to his first wife in 1981 Humboldt, CA -  residences in Cobb, Yreka, Middleton CA over the years, also Kaneohe, HI.

Their current corporation:

Entity Number:   C2878040
Date Filed:   05/04/2006
Status:   ACTIVE
Jurisdiction:   CALIFORNIA
Entity Address:   P.O. BOX 96
Entity City, State, Zip:   YREKA CA 96097
Agent for Service of Process:   HEDDI LORRAINE NEALE
Agent Address:   18100 AGER BESWICK RD.
Agent City, State, Zip:   MONTAGUE CA 96064

One of their properties is 367 acres in Northern California They have elaborate plans for Deer Mountain

Deer Mountain will be a strategic partner with Sacred Wisdom Productions LLC (SWP) working in the devel- opment of multi-media content for broadcast, webcast and corporarte communications productions.  Sacred Wisdom Productions LLC is in development of creating various intellectual properties that integrates world- wide strategic partners in multi-media production projects for licensing, distribution and e-comerce sales.  SWP will develop content that assists in branding Deer Mountain in its expansion and cross-promoting the 10 Business Projects.

Sacred Wisdom Productions LLC was the prior listed owner of that 367 acre parcel.

Last six transfers since 1999, if any. Indicated Sales Price based on Documentary Transfer Tax.
Event Date    Document No.    Transferor Name    Indicated Sales Price    Multi-Parcel
03/09/2007    20070003208    SACRED WISDOM LLC    $0    Yes
05/17/2006    20060006943    DFK LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ETAL    $1,348,000    Yes

Entity Number:   200602710014
Date Filed:   01/25/2006
Status:   ACTIVE
Jurisdiction:   CALIFORNIA
Entity Address:   4450 ATLAS PEAK RD
Entity City, State, Zip:   NAPA CA 94558-9319
Agent for Service of Process:   BETH S MILLER
Agent Address:   4450 ATLAS PEAK RD
Agent City, State, Zip:   NAPA CA 94558-9319

« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 05:59:14 pm by Piff »


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Re: Erick Gonzalez AKA Omeakaehekatl
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2013, 01:40:57 am »
Manataka has a new feature on their site: The Importance of Councils By OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez