Author Topic: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.  (Read 47722 times)

Offline snorks

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Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« on: May 21, 2006, 08:29:25 pm »
There is one person I have wondered about for a long time.  He calls himself "White Eagle" and claims to be Lakota/Chippewa.  He works out of the U.K.  He has the standard "White Eagle Medicine cards".

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2006, 10:04:56 pm »
I don't know his real name but the fact that he's helped design a "Native American" tarot deck and conducts "Mother Earth Lodges" in the UK should tell you all you need to know. He claims to have been born on the Turtle Mountain reservation (Chippewa) but strangely his divination cards
share the wisdom and practices of the Lakota Sioux Native American tradition.

In 1990 the Energies asked him to go to England to bring the message of The Old Ways. At first he refused to go but the Energies were persistent and finally he agreed to make one trip to England. Arriving in 2002, Wa-Na-Nee-Che spent 4 weeks conducting talks, workshops and Mother Earth Lodges. He realised that there was confusion being caused by many different tribal teachings and it was then that he decided to continue his work in the UK.

Ah, the Energies that I hear so much about in this hippie town. That explains everything.

Finally, a breath of fresh air.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by Barnaby_McEwan »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 12:57:14 am »
We talked about him in the old yahoo group. This is the first I've heard of him claiming to be Lakota. Sounds like he's claiming what makes money.

His co conspirator.
"Eliana Harvey is a practicing Shamanka, catalyst for wholeness, Healer and seer with over 20 years' experience as a teacher. Her initial training was within the Chinese Shen Tao tradition and this work led her into studying with shamans and medicine women and men, including the Crow Teacher Brooke Medicine Eagle who has recognised and endorsed her work. She has been given permission to run traditional native ceremonies by Native American elders and was initiated into the grandmother Lodge in 1994.
Eliana is the co-founder of Middle Piccadilly Natural Healing Centre and the author of several books including the White Eagle Medicine Cards which she co-wrote with the Native American teacher Wa-Na-Nee-Chee."

The best link about these kinds of pseudo tarot decks.

Offline piya

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2006, 06:09:44 am »
Here is his homepage

Does anyone know where he is based in the UK? The name shows up on e bay selling body lotion, based in Newcastle upon Tyne.
To Old To Die Young

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2006, 09:08:30 am »
He pops up all over the place. Seems to have a few gigs at spiritualist churches this year:

As far as I can tell his next appearance is here on the 3rd of June.

Offline snorks

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2006, 06:16:18 pm »
Found out from his website, his English name is Dennis Renault.  He also does not look like anything but a European.

Offline mysticknt

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2006, 08:48:17 am »
dont think he knows who he is
wifes cousin has seen him a few times on the circit and each time he is from a different tribe
i do know that last your he wanted £15 per head min of 16 people to do a workshop on his cards
after quiet word with organiser it did'nt happen

Offline snorks

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2006, 03:51:19 pm »
This is from his card box dated 1996.
"But now, with the agreement of elders and spiritual advisers in the US and Canada, Wa....... and his scribe Eliana, reveal how this sacred knowledge can benefit us all.  Wa-Na-Nee_Che - WHICH IN LAKOTA MEAN 'HE WHO IS NEEDED BY THE PEOPLE', is one of the very few remaining Native Americans willing to share the original wisdom of the old way of life."

The author's blurb: Wa... has an Ojibwa mother and a Lakota father and descends from a long line of medicine men and shamen..... He works in the civil rights field and has served on educational and advisory boards seeking to improve the conditions of native people.  He initiated the first U.S. Indian Studies Program....."

yes, I was taken in by this and thought he was the real deal.  Further more, Frank Black Elk (Oglala Sioux) endorsed his cards.  


Offline Ganieda

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2008, 08:05:33 am »
Picking up on an old thread I found while searching.  Would like to add another bit of info on him for the collection as I did not see this link in the old stuff.

Some comments I found about him
"I went to his lecture in March and have to say I found him singularly uninspiring!!"   "I went to a talk in August and felt he wasn't impeccable and probably on some guru trip."     
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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2008, 08:47:12 am »
All of the 'fraud' really needs to quit - there is no 'quick hack' or 'instant enlightenment' to 'god' - free your mind from the 'fraud and plastic' and the rest will follow ... get honest and find your own path.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 04:51:28 pm by Leonard »

Offline mysticknt

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 06:21:34 pm »
while doing some digging i came across this guy and he is links to wanawho its

Offline zoi lightfoot

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2008, 11:18:53 am »
Dennis Renault came to the UK around 93/94 with a Lakota called
Richard Peters,no point talking about Peters,met him,checked him
out,being Lakota is no excuse for talking utter cr#p. Dennis Renault
how ever at the time was not only claiming to be from my rez,but
that he was working for the US gov as advisor to the Indian Nations.
Oddly he passed on the opportunity to speak with a UN based rep
for the Indian Nations about his work for the federal gov.Didn't know
he was still here though,thanks for the info folks.

Offline hauntedfox

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2010, 09:00:49 am »
WaNaNeeChe (previously known as Dennis Rennault) is of Lakota/Ojibwa parentage. Born on Turtle Mountain Rez, ND. He worked in Conflict Resolution with the Dept Of Justice and dealt with all minority affairs, not just indians. He has written a number of books, often co-authored (not usually to his complete satisfaction - eg. the White Eagle cards . . ) He speaks and runs workshops and lodges in the UK and has been doing so since 1994 or so.

Reading the comments above it strikes me that someone's sister reportedly not enjoying a talk is hardly grounds for claims of fraud and the rest of the criticisms are equally vague and wishy-washy. I've personally (first hand, not my sister) attended his talks and lodges and found them powerful, moving and valuable - but opinion IS subjective and everyone is entitled to their own, so long as they don't hold it up as evidence of anything - a giant difference between not enjoying something and declaring that thing fake. In my experience of him, WaNaNeeChe does not appear to be trying to pass off or sell "Native American" culture to non Native Americans, but to genuinely address the disharmony among human being in the modern world and he chooses to draw on tools from his own cultural heritage to do so. Doesn't seem wrong or fake to me . . . . .  . what is everyone's problem ?

WaNaNeeChe himself gives answers to his critics like this:   If you don't like the messenger, focus on the message instead. If the message runs true with you, run with it, if not, move on . . .

WaNaNeeChe now has an official website here:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 10:46:08 am by hauntedfox »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: Who is Wananeeche or Wa-na-nee-che of the U.K.
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2010, 02:53:41 pm »
I just checked whether Renault is active in Germany. Most of the entries are ads of his various books and come from the whole range of online book sellers. This seems to be the intro most of them use: 

„Wa-Na-Nee-Che (in the language of the Lakota, this means „He who is needed by people“) is one of the few Indians today who wants to share the knowledge about the ancient original way of life of the Indian ethnic [sic] which up to now has been kept secret. For all those to whom Wa-Na-Nee-Che cannot pass his knowledge in person, he had his teachings transformed into writing by Eliana Harvey and designed the „White Eagle Medicine Wheel“. The reader will commence a journey of becoming conscious in three steps: as an apprentice, the animals are his teachers who accompany him in the daily challenges and help him to live his life in harmony. At the stage of a student, it is the wise elders, the grandfathers and grandmothers, who are his teachers – they can be called either for their abilities and personal qualities, or they will gift the reader with sacred ceremonial items. On the next step, that of the elder, the reader can learn with the help of totems to take full responsibility for his life, to help his brothers and sisters, and to take care for mother earth. He will then be able to come to plain decisions instead of being a victim of circumstance and other persons. Who starts working with the „White Eagle Medicine Wheel“ will come to unity with his inner self. He will learn that he is part of the entire web of life and connected with entirety.“

The owner of that website added a comment which is enlightening, too:

„Tarot the Indian way. Nice deck of cards, many possibilities to try. My favourite deck of Tarot.“

Renault also took part as a lecturer in an alleged healers' conference in Graz/Austria in 2004: