Author Topic: Jane Ely  (Read 51254 times)

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2008, 04:31:46 am »
Looks like Dr Jane Ely is conducting Stomp dances in Hawaii with a Cherokee named Steve Wolf.

Address:    Kapaa Beach Park
Kapaa, HI 96746
Beginning Date:    10/12/2007
Ending Date:    10/14/2007
Ticket URL:    
Description:    The gates to the pow wow grounds at Kapa`a Beach Park will open at 4 pm on Friday, October 12, 2007. For the second year in a row, Dr. Jane Ely (Cherokee/Mi`kmaq) and Steve Wolf (Cherokee) will be leading a Stomp Dance, starting about 7 pm and going until 8:30 pm.

I wonder if she is doing it again this year - or if this is another one ?

Kaua'i Pow Wow 2008
Where:    Kapa'a Beach Park
When:    September 26 - 28, 2008

"Drum, The Heartbeat Of The People"
Fri, Sept. 26:    

Gates open at 4:00 pm close at 9:00pm
Cherokee Stomp Dance Demo 7:00 - 9:00pm

 Contact: Steve Wolf Shimanek
« Last Edit: April 12, 2008, 04:41:18 am by Moma_porcupine »

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2008, 06:36:06 am »
Actually, Jane was not conducting anything....  Women do not conduct stomp dances.  I am told she will be conducting vision quests back east at the time the Kauai Powwow is scheduled.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 07:31:29 am by wolfhawaii »

Offline bls926

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2008, 03:41:45 am »
I received this information about Khabazz.


He works with David Winston from the White Path Society. [Khabazz] is an "apprentice" to David, He also runs "Lakota" sweats at his mothers home near Quakertown, PA.  He was adopted into the Fools Crow family and studied Lakota ways untill he had a "vision" and switched to Cherokee. This is how [Khabazz] hooked up with Winston. 

This Dr. Ely is the ex-partner of Carroll "Medicine Crow" Halloway, a newage "Shaman" from the Sandhill Band of Indians in NJ, a group that Winston bought his way into through Sam Beeler, the former "Chief" who stepped down to allow "Medicine Crow" to step up and fix things.  At one time the Sand Hill were considered legit folks but as of recent it seems they are as fake and new age as many others in the East.

The Sand Hill have split into two groups. Carroll Holloway is Chairman of the Sand Hill Band of Lenape and Cherokee Indians; their headquarters are in Montague, NJ. The Sand Hill Indians, with Pete Smith as Chairman, is headquartered in Monmouth County, NJ. Not sure when the split occurred or the reasons for it.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2008, 08:24:34 am »
Conscious language describes energy in the present now
Words as a tuning fork of clarity
Accessing more of ourselves
Where is your passion
The potential of who we are becoming
Dissolving the old paradigm
How to manifest now
I urge all of you who are here with questions about Jane Ely to listen to what she has to say in her own words....the truth of her can be heard on the above link. She even sings a special song at about 14.5 minutes into the program. The Cherokee words she uses are as stated according to my English to Cherokee reference book (a very handy tool).

Offline bls926

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2008, 03:44:04 pm »
I met Medicine Crow in 2006, he was quite personable to me although others found him abrasive. First i've heard about him and Jane being former partners; is my "sister" been keeping secrets from me?
Wolfhawaii, you consider Jane Ely your "sister"?

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2008, 04:43:25 pm »
I know most of these people being discussed....

Offline meleika

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2008, 05:21:35 am »
I have just finished reading through these submissions about Dr. Jane Ely, and I feel very compelled to respond to these accusations/observations personally.  Dr. Ely has been my friend, client, counselor and teacher for a number of years now, and, as far as I and many people in this community are concerned, her integrity is beyond reproach.  She moved to Kauai four years ago with Sam Beeler, and my husband and I became good friends with both of them.  Early in our relationships, Sam told my husband and I, on separate occasions, that Jane "Is the real deal".  And during the years that I have known her, she has proven not only to me, but to our community, that she is, indeed, of high integrity and is always giving of herself, from the heart.  I know many people, including my own clients, who have benefited greatly and have been healed as a result of their work with her.  And, as a teacher, she has always proven her skills and humility in the teachings she presents.  I feel honored to know her.
A couple of years ago, Sam introduced me to Steve Wolf, aka "Wolfhawaii", at the Kauai Pow Wow.  Both Jane and Sam asked that if I knew of any possible jobs and/or places to live for Steve, because he wanted to move here, to please let them know.  Dr. Ely assisted Steve and his friend, Aleta (aka "Frederika"), in their transition to Kauai from Oahu last year, and asked of me and many others for their assistance in helping them to get settled.  She gave them both room and board for two months, at no charge, and then introduced her to a mutual friend who has given them both a free apartment for the last several months.  To my knowledge, neither of them have worked (for very long), or have paid for any accommodations, since they have been here.
I have lived in Hawaii for almost 30 years, and my husband has been here for almost 40 years, and I can tell you with some authority that a Fraud does not do well, or last very long, on these small islands.  I did not feel that I would ever be close with Steve Wolf from the first day I met him, and he has proven to many here that he is a user, a taker, and contoller.  He has brought harm to many, including several of my personal friends.  He is now bringing harm to my friend, Dr. Ely, and whatever his motivation is, it is toxic. It is my understanding that the Kauai Pow Wow Council is falling apart, especially since his involvement, as many who have worked hard over the last many years have resigned.  But that's not my kuleana (responsibility).  You can research that yourselves.  His questioning her lineage because her mother is white is rather despicable; is he buying into the blood quantum that the govenement has established for the Native American Indian People and our brothers and sisters of Hawaiian ancestry?  Shame on you.  The truth will prevail.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2008, 07:22:00 am »
Aloha Meleika (Song of the Squid or should i say Carol?); as long as you are naming names, twisting facts, and making accusations, you could at least say who you are. Your facts are in error and your accusing me of causing harm to Jane is not supported by anything I have said in this thread. All I said was that a) i know many of the people mentioned in this thread; b) I met Medicine Crow and he was very personable to me; c) I had not heard of Jane and Medicine Crow being in partnership before and wondered if Jane was keeping secrets from me; d) that a former member here Ray Writenhour seemed to know many of the people being discussed on this thread; d) that Jane's truth can be heard in her own words on the link to her radio show. All that seems fairly innocuous to me.
Addressing some of your other contentions: Aleta has never been known as "Frederika" and does not participate on this board ; Jane needed a housesitter when she went back east to do seminars and asked Aleta and I to do it and care for her cats, saying she paid $25 per day. We continued paying rent on our place on Oahu while helping Jane. We bought our own food and shared it with Jane. She sold her condo before she went back east and we did most of the packing and moving for her, putting items in storage and in the rental unit she obtained. Upon her return she did not pay the money she had said she would pay until Aleta asked her about it, telling her that she could give whatever amount felt right to her....she gave Aleta $100. for the 3 1/2 weeks of house/catsitting. We then made an arrangement with Jane's student Rene to do property maintenance, yard care, and animal care in exchange for a studio apt and shop space. We have kept up our end of the deal  since Nov. 07 but are now moving due to Rene's need to rent the space for money instead of our work trade arrangement. She gave us 2 weeks notice to move; the law specifies 45 days. As to work, i worked on the property every day, and Aleta worked as a janitor until she injured her back at work and is now on temporary disability. Your statement that frauds do not do well or last long on Kauai is funny; this place is full of them and their supporters. It is a cottage industry here. Your understanding regarding the Kauai Powwow Council is flawed. All of the former officers had resigned or had expressed their intention to resign prior to my being asked to come on board as council president. Since i was elected on 21 Jan 08, my efforts have been directed at trying to reconstitute an effective Board of Directors and clean up the mess left behind by the former officers. Their failure to file the closing report for their last grant will likely result in the denial of the grant for 2008, which will likely result in the cancellation of this year's powwow, and will have an effect on future grant funding as well. I have offered to try to do the final report but the necessary supporting documents have not been provided by the past president Dale Jacobs, and she has not briefed me fully on open actions. Some members of the board appear to be having a hard time moving forward and doing their jobs as well.  This all puts the future of the organization in question. Finally, I do not subscribe to blood quantum genocide policies and accept people at their word for who they say they are. I do not tolerate or support liars, however. As you say, the truth will prevail. Remember that what you put out into the world will come back to you.
PS Say hi to Jane for us and let her know she is in our prayers....we don't hear from her anymore since Aleta told her she wasn't going to sign up for Jane's medicine training because there wasn't anything in it she would learn from, and since i refunded the money to her for the drum she wanted to buy from me....the drum just didn't want to be in her care. We figured from the way you looked at us in Costco that day that she must have been talking "stink" about us. We love her anyway, you and Don too.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 08:07:42 am by wolfhawaii »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2008, 01:53:27 pm »
Meleika, as long as you are here, perhaps you could clear up a few things for us?

If Ms. Ely is "beyond reproach", how do you explain her claiming to be Cherokee, then teaching a very distorted version of what she says are Iroquois beliefs?

Why does she teach, or perhaps franchise out is a better term, one obvious Nuage fraud after another?

Why does she associate and work with many dubious characters? This includes a wife batterer, Khabazz.

Why is she passing off Nuage nonsense and pop psychology and altmedicine as being Cherokee (or sometimes Iroquois) tradition?

And why do the "Iroquois" elders she claims (who conveniently she never names) not seem to not know the most basic things about their own traditions, except to repeat the mistakes in history books written by white authors?

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2008, 05:42:19 pm »
The truth will prevail.....

Offline bls926

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2008, 11:02:50 pm »
Wolfhawaii, who are these people?

Offline Cetan

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2008, 03:16:52 am »
Just to clarify Dar Khabazz and his mother did Sundance for many years at Fools Crow but he was not adopted bu Fools Crow, he was adopted by a Mandan-Hitasa man whose wife's neice is Frank Fools Crow's adopted sister.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Jane Ely
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2008, 02:29:27 am »
This is my first chance to log on since Tuesday 15 to who these people are, it is hard to say but by their fruits you will know them. Aleta and I received an unannounced visit in the early hours of Wednesday 16 April 2008 from Jane Ely and Don Moses, Carol's husband, at our former residence owned by one of Jane's students. Jane said that the discussion here on this site was harmful and asked that I not feed the negativity, and that she wanted to make things "pono" (Hawaiian for peaceful harmonious resolution). There were some further comments, then Don put his face very close to mine and said that Jane was his friend and she was hurting and that he would hurt me if I hurt her. I asked him what I had done to hurt Jane, and he did not reply but reiterated his threat by saying he knew everybody on Kauai and that he could help me or hurt me. For the record, it was Meleika who slung the first mud. I follow the White Path of peace and nonviolence but we are allowed to defend ourselves and will do so vigorously and effectively. My participation in this site will hereafter be limited so we can focus on what is necessary.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jane Ely and Carroll Medicine Crow
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2008, 07:21:23 pm »
Got a request for information on him. Since he's a longtime associate of Ely's, decided to put it in this thread.

Though claiming to be a shaman and leader for Sandhill over in New Jersey, his website and much of his ceremony selling are based in Australia. All the contact information is for Australia.

One part of the site is still under construction, for selling crystal wands, crystals, and his music CDs.

The testimonials seem to have whites who've been given "Indian" names.

We now have an opportunity to participate in your personal Vision Quest with a Master Shaman, Medicine Crow....

At the quest you will learn how to;
Use Ceremony to increase power to your prayers and dreams
Apply telepathy and Clairvoyance to effect a positive outcome in your life through Rainbow Journey Meditations.
Get in touch with your Animal Spirit Totems....

What Happens at the Vision Quest?
Friday's session will cover Ancient Shamanic Teachings that enable us to use our personal powers to bring about profound change in our lives: how to use your mind to expand your field of personal energy and influence, and the use of the Shaman's drum and rattle. You will also learn how to get in touch with your animal spirit totems and to increase the power of your prayers and dreams. To "speak" to the spirits of nature and to receive advice and guidance. You will be given the "Principles to the Game of Life", a drum ceremony will conclude the session.

Friday Afternoon
The participants will be taken to their personal "power place" to begin their quest for enlightenment in solitude amongst nature. Throughout Friday night, Saturday, and on to early Sunday afternoon, situated within their power circles, participants will endeavour to stay awake, say prayers, do ceremony, journey work, and be available for answers and visions.

The final gathering will end with a drum ceremony

1. Earth Medicine Priciples
.....Learn to apply these principles to everyday of your life to be healthy, wealthy and enlightened.

2. Walking in Balance
4. Huna the Shaman's Journey
Crow teaches another way 'in' the Shamans World. A marriage of the Adventure Huna Shaman and the Warrior Shaman, the pathway to power and good health. It incorporates the basic principles of Huna, understanding consciousness, and the lessons behind unpleasant programs, situations and physical symptoms that we draw to our lives. He reveals "The Shaman's Principles". The system that operates behind all systems. The workshop also includes a Second Level Drum Journey to work with your animal or spirit guides. Approx. 4 hours
6. The Rainbow Cocoon
By using the colors of the rainbow, very deep and profound active meditation (Journeywork) can be achieved. This workshop covers the relationship of vibration, sound, rainbow colour, Chakras and well being. It includes a Third Level Healing Journey where one levitates and encapsulates and floats in a healing cocoon of the Rainbow. This is a very powerful Journey for healing and regeneration. Approx. 4 hours.


Most would consider him questionable at best and an outright fraud at worst.

He says he is Sandhill Cherokee, in fact the chairman of the group. This is not a recognized Cherokee band, and the ancestry of that group is heavily disputed. We have several thread in here on them.

Virtually nothing that he teaches is of Cherokee tradition. Huna, for example is a false version of Hawaiian tradition founded by a white man, Max Long, about 80 years ago.

Vision quest is a ceremony of Plains tribes, not Cherokee. And someone claiming to be Indian based in Australia is obviously not considered ethical.

Also ceremony selling in New Jersey.

Mystical World Bookstore & Enlightenment Center...
Newsletter –Summer 2008....

Women’s Circle with Medicine Crow – New Day!
The Circle is about encouraging and empowering women to stand up and recognize themselves as the caretakers and nurtures of the Earth Mother while gaining respect by demanding it of themselves. The Circle will meet on a regular basis where participants will experience the shamans drum and journey meditations. This will help to bring about a new sense of power and well being. 

As of July our Circle moves to the  Third Saturday of every month from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
The cost is just $40.00. (Please note: No Circle in June or August)

.....Shaman’s Workshop with Medicine Crow
Part 1
The Medicine Wheel:
....Medicine Crow teaches the connections between: the Zodiac, the Native American and Australian Medicine Wheels, and you as the Shaman of your destiny.  We learn what totems are on our personal Medicine Wheel and conclude with a Shaman’s Journey to connect with your Spirit Totems.
The workshop is open to men, women, and mature teenagers.  Participants will need to bring their birth chart and a pad and pen to take notes.

.....Shaman’s Workshop with Medicine Crow
Part 2
Rattle or Drum Making....
Date:    Saturday, August 16th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Cost:    $150.00 Workshop with Rattle making ($175.00 workshop and drum circle)
            $275.00 Workshop with Drum making ($300.00 workshop and drum circle)
            $40.00 Drum Circle Only (6:00 to 8:00 pm)

Mystical World
Class/Workshop Registration form
648 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jane Ely and Carroll Medicine Crow
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2008, 07:41:47 pm »
People that CMC has worked with or franchised out.

Heather Price
....She moved to the city in 1995 where she trained to become a social scientist, counsellor and shamanic healing practitioner. Most recently her work has been influenced by the Huna philosophy and teachings of Hawaiian shaman, Serge Kahili King. These teachings were brought to at first by Medicine Crow, a native American shaman, and later by Serge himself.....
Heather works and participates extensively within the community she is living. Her primary interest is in sharing shamanic teachings from the earth. She runs regular 'Shaman's Walks' for free along local beaches and local mountain and is often guest facilitator for monthly gatherigns at a local community gatering place - HEARTspace.....
 Her two latest projects are: Journey Cards; for Inner Growth, and Mother Dreaming ~ Father Shining; a shamanic guide for Soul Parenting. These works will be published in the near future.....
 B.Soc.Sc.(Couns.), Shamanic Healer, Reiki
Private Practice: Heather Price Creative Counselling and Healing Centre at Sandgate, Brisbane Northern Bayside.    Workshops 


Guy who did a drumming circle with him calls CBC a Cherokee Delaware descendant. Look who he turns out to be.
"Cherokee-Delaware descendant, Medicine Crow, returned to take leadership of his tribe in New Jersey, USA., announcing that he wouldn’t return to Oz until 2008.

For those of you who don’t know much about this form of meditative shamanic healing/balancing, there really is nothing like a good drumming meditation to help heal and balance our natural rhythms, back in-step with those of the planet upon which we walk. The bonus with Steven Farmer was to be that we would also get to learn a heap more about Power Animals...

Steven Farmer is Doreen Virtue’s Husband...."