Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3854 times)

Offline aya

  • Posts: 19
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:30:30 am »
Hi NAFPS community
I am glad to finally registered in your forum. I know this page since lots of years and honestly through this and other pages I realized how wide ranging this deceiption with indigenous cultures reaches.
I too had no idea .... BTW: I live in Austria (central europe) ... that 99% of the information are fake.
Thank God I had the opportunity to met real members of the North American Tribes and a group of Aztek Dancers who are both constantly touring through Austria. The Azteks are here to get back the feather crown and the North Americans are weird, they appears at some time and then dissapear again and now and then I know where they live *lool - these are the 1% who gave me a clue that something with lots of the stuff cannot be true.

So but what is really outrageous!!! is, that there is a shamanism-academy in austria with international Shamanism - not only that of the north americas *irony* and you get a certificate from the WKO which is the Austrian Federal Economic Chamer. AND THIS IS A NO GO, the whole topic , the terms and the voodoo from there would get legalized.
So this is why I will search this forum and the website for undenieable evidence, reasons etc. to write a nice letter to the WKO and the government to shut that bullshit down.
Any help is highly appreciated btw ;)

blessings to you all


Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Hello
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 01:38:49 pm »
Hi Aya and welcome!

I went to the site you shared the link to.  I'd like something clarified.  The translated version states that this academy offers training based on the conditions for obtaining the business license of the life and social counseling.  Does this mean that one can become a social worker after completing the course or that it is additional training for already licensed social workers?



Offline aya

  • Posts: 19
Re: Hello
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 02:04:23 pm »
Hi Sky
well yes and no.
The formal social worker education lasts between 3 and 5 years and the 5 year education allows you to go to any university for any further degrees. This is the common way.
This kind of education is a crash-course with no real background and is called life and social coach or counsellor.
These kind of coaches are e.g. not allowed to work with people with addiction probs or "real" problems, their clients are more or less frustrated housewifes and people who are bored, mainly esoterically educated people.
The modules last between 2 and 4 days and the councellor lasts - guess - 5 days.

This whole Shaman-hysterie floods our region; everyone of these guys claims to have learned from "real shamanes", as depicted on many posts here, uses well sounding names and tribe-names, and am sure, they did not yet have a talk with one of the wise Natives at all.

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Hello
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2012, 03:02:36 pm »
Oh my, that's not a whole heck of a lot of training to coach or counsel people, even in a limited capacity.

They list a man by the name of Sequoia as one of their workshop facilitators.  They state he is Oklahoma Choctaw yet the things he is teaching are not Choctaw.  They also have pipes for sale on their site with not mention of who the pipe maker is or the pipe makers tribal affiliation.  I'm going to write them later today.

What do they mean by their training being recognized by the state?  What is the WKO?
