Author Topic: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis  (Read 115547 times)

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2008, 11:33:57 pm »
also, if you read about the metis people, you would realize that they are all over the Americas! Mestizo in South America, Anglo-Metis in America, and Metis in Canada and the USA. You have your facts gravely WRONG.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2008, 11:40:31 pm »
The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun. I am NOT crazy!

The Labrador Metis Nation (whom we are signing a treaty with in the coming months)
The Metis Society of Oregon (whom we are siging a treaty with in the coming weeks)
The Metis Nation, Inc. (whose leader is an honorary member of our nation)

First you say your hobby groups have been dissolved, now you say Metis nations are "signing treaties" with your hobby groups. Which is it?

Is your experiment with creating fake tribes over? Or are you claiming that these nations are going to sign a "treaty" with your fake, dissolved tribes (of which you proclaimed yourself King)?

This is really fascinating.

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2008, 11:45:27 pm »
Our name used to be "Antinanco Metis Nation," however, in the last couple of months, our democratic government has elected to change it one final time. Our nation under our new name will be signing those treaties. This will be my final and only journey in the nation-world. No more besides this one. Furthermore, I did NOT proclaim myself king! Our DEMOCRATIC government VOTED to change the title of our leader, not the way you said. My part was merely ONE vote, compared to the others who also had one vote each. You should really get your facts straight before you open your mouth about something you have no clue about.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2008, 11:51:35 pm »
Our name used to be "Antinanco Metis Nation," however, in the last couple of months, our democratic government has elected to change it one final time. Our nation under our new name will be signing those treaties. This will be my final and only journey in the nation-world. No more besides this one. Furthermore, I did NOT proclaim myself king! Our DEMOCRATIC government VOTED to change the title of our leader, not the way you said. My part was merely ONE vote, compared to the others who also had one vote each. You should really get your facts straight before you open your mouth about something you have no clue about.

Well, where would one find out how many people are in this "DEMOCRATIC government" which wants to have an 18 year old screaming boy as their "King"? And what would be the name of your new hobby group that you persist in calling a "nation"? We can hardly be blamed for not knowing much about your claims, as you seem to be the only one making them.

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2008, 11:59:55 pm »
The only place to find any info about our nation would be on our new website. Of which I will not state on here, for fear of what has already happened. By the way, if you look up in the dictionary the word NATION, it defines it as a group of people with alike culture, language, and various other things. We are not a hobby group...we are a Nation. We currently have 7 members of the council; three men and four women. All are related by blood. I am only leader because my father abdicated due to severe health problems. I am a young King, and I realize that. I am much like the younger King Oyo of an African Kingdom.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 12:03:26 am by oyatemakoce »

Offline Kevin

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2008, 01:51:49 am »
Yes, it is true  - I have been contacted by the King -  the only message ever from royalty and he was upset with me for suggesting that we were all in favor of him getting a voluntary lobotomy. If I told the King  I was abducted by Indians at an early age and forced on the red road - made to grow my hair long, whipped if I spoke english, forbidden to wear a watch, made to eat fry bread and given this moniker, DWB, he wouldn't believe me but I am supposed to believe he is King of the Sioux? Life just isn't fair.

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2008, 02:02:14 am »
Kevin, I would believe such a story if a person were to tell it to me. If that happened to you, I sincerely feel sorry for you. To your last statement, I DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT and NEVER have claimed the title of King of the Sioux! However, for a brief period, my nation had a branch called the Oyatemakoce Sioux, meant to be a type of Métis Nation Clan. So, I do not understand how LaDonna Brave, an official for the Rosebud Sioux Reservation, could begin to claim that I did, since I have never done so. I am King of a Métis Nation, and have no affiliation, besides ancestry, with a Native American tribe. My family's tribes are those of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Powhatan Indian, and Yankton Sioux. I am truly sorry if I have caused some offense to you, but I do not see a need for people to carry on about how I am a "fraud," of some kind of "crazy," because I am not and have never been a fraud, crazy, or misleading. Everything I do is current and fully within the laws of the United States of America, Canada, and the United Nations. You seem like a good man, and I did not understand why someone would suggest I needed a lobotomy, yet for some reason you did. Why? Why would you spout such hatred? Just because you were the victim of a horrible Indian crime does not give you the right to be mean and hateful towards someone who does not claim to be Indian at-all. Please further explain. Furthermore, you did not originally say a "voluntary lobotomy!" You said, and I quote, "I think we could all agree he needs a lobotomy." Nowhere in that section is there ANY mention of VOLUNTARY. I would like to make as my last statement and attention to this website: I find it interesting how you people find claim I am crazy, need a lobotomy, you know, various things. I also find it interesting that you all think so high of me that you spend so much time talking about me and researching me and my activities. God, you all sure are pathetic, just leave me alone and I will leave you alone. I am done. Have fun talking about me. It's nice to know I have such a strong fan base. And you know what? I find it disgusting and pathetic that out of all the evil and bad in the world that you guys pick to talk about me, which I find interesting since I am not evil, and am not a FRAUD. Life may not be fair, but that does NOT give a person the right to belittle another person! Good bye.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 05:29:54 am by oyatemakoce »

Offline matt e

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #37 on: October 14, 2008, 07:29:51 am »
richard, I think that part of the problem is that you claimed to be king of the sioux. As well as the made up tribes your family has created in the past. By admitting you were involved in these, it makes anything you do or are a part now or in the future suspect.

  By making up tribes that are not real, you and your family did in fact engage in fraud.

almost all of the members of this forum are at least 1/2 blood. And Blood quantum being required is debatable,(as i have seen it debated on here) but being 1/32 of anything is not enough to call yourself an indian. And it is not possible to be 2/32 of one thing and full blooded something else, even if it is one of the many native tribes/nations. 

 You have to understand that the Tribes and Nations that exist and are recognized by teh USA/Canadian Gov't as such had to go through hell to get that recognition, and/or the rights they currently have. It understandably upsets them when someone comes along and just decides to start up a tribe, fictitious or not. There are fake tribes out there. You need to do some research on the tribes, are they real recognized tribes(by the gov't as well as other tribes/nations) or just something someone started.

  People are harmed badly by these fake tribes. It does not matter if the people setting up the tribe are related by blood or not. There is more to being a tribe/nation than just being related by blood. It is a culture, ways of doing things, spiritual beliefs, etc.
 It is because people believe what people claim without bothering to check it out, that much of the harm is caused, such as believing kevin without checking it out to verify the story.

   I think it is good to look into your roots. I suggest you trace your family history, and that might involve a professional geneoligist.
 earth stated that she is of sitting bulls people and that it was not likely that you are descended from him, and you came back saying that some other people claim that she is wrong. Earth is very connected to her people, and would know, or be able to find out if such a list existed, or if it was possible sitting bull had such a daughter.
 It is very disrespectful of you to claim she is lying, when she is in a position to know.
 I think you need to spend some time talking to some real native people so you can understand why what you have done and are doing is so offensive to them.

  And to everyone else, Shame on you. You had an opportunity to educate a young person on what was wrong with what he had done, what he is doing. Instead you attacked and ridiculed.   I often have seen people say that in fighting frauds
educating people was the most important thing. you had a chance to educate and passed it by for attack. This is something the enemies of nafps can point to as an example of extremeism, and be absolutely correct.
feel free to share any post I make as long as you give me credit. I want everyone to know who to send the hate mail to.

Offline Kevin

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 2008, 11:19:37 am »
It's too bad the 'King' didn't get a chance to travel down to say Pine Ridge or Rosebud and tell them folks he was King of the Sioux - now that would have been a real life experience for him and not some man-made, artificial cyber space babble coming his  way. What kind of a real life reception do you suppose he would get Matt ? A parade maybe? Maybe they would  put him on a chair in the back of a pickup and parade him about, use a loud speaker telling everyone "behold your king". Cyber space should be a reflection of real life, not the other way around.


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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2008, 11:43:43 am »
Dude, I don't give a hoot about your BQ or where it comes from. But the word "nation" *also* has a political and legal implication - not just a cultural one, and even you seem to recognize that with your description of your group's democratic process. With real native american nations trying to maintain their status as such with a hostile US government breathing down their necks, surely you can see why creating one group or another, calling it a nation (?for a joke?) and then uncreating one group or another, can be seen as harmful? If ya'll are a cultural club call it that - there isn't anything wrong with it. But calling a group that's here one day and seemingly gone the next a "nation," is both misleading and damaging to actual nations. And the "king" thing really just makes you looked cracked.

You are legally entitled to call yourself whatever you like (I think, though I am no constitutional lawyer, that free speech covers dumb speech as well) but that doesn't *make* it true - nor does it free you from the *consequences* of making fraudulent and/or misleading statements. Free speech isn't just a right man, its a responsibility.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2008, 02:17:12 pm »
Richard, I hope that you can step back and really think about what you are doing.

Yes, It hurts us as tribal people as we still fight to live.

Yes, we struggle each day to live as our people have since the beginning of time.

Yes, we keep our histories and our families.

We have had to keep our families histories quiet for such a long time because people of want to claim to be us.

You ask what did I do wrong?

You claimed to be a Nation which you are not.

You made our own rules without understanding why it would hurt the real people.

You used the name the Oyatemakoce Sioux without permission of the elders here on the reservations.

What you did is made a mockery of our people

I understand you are young and I could be your grandma but sometime young people do things that are not right.

What can be done from this point is learn by your mistakes
Be proud of who are now and stop making up tribes.

In Spirit

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #41 on: October 14, 2008, 05:08:34 pm »
And to everyone else, Shame on you. You had an opportunity to educate a young person on what was wrong with what he had done, what he is doing. Instead you attacked and ridiculed.   I often have seen people say that in fighting frauds educating people was the most important thing. you had a chance to educate and passed it by for attack. This is something the enemies of nafps can point to as an example of extremeism, and be absolutely correct.

Slight tangent here, in defense of humour:  Point taken. However, this began with LaDonna trying to educate him, and his behaviour just got more and more bizarre and insulting. Also, we didn't know he was so young. Either way, he's technically an adult now, and he's been highly insulting to the very people who tried patience and education. Perhaps some of us could have been more polite, but after years of these clowns, sometimes you have to laugh. </tangent>

We currently have 7 members of the council; three men and four women. All are related by blood.

That's pretty much what I figured. We've seen this before. The "council" is most likely his mom and dad, plus a few sibs or cousins. Oh, and him. (Can't forget the King.) I would bet not every family member even knows they're on this "council," and that the number on the "council" and the population of the "nation" are identical. Just a hunch. Last time we saw something like this, we found a phonecall to the guy's parents to be very illuminating - they had no idea they were being touted on the Internet as the "elders" of a "tribe."
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 10:02:38 pm by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2008, 06:11:44 pm »
While education of the misguided should be an important part of any response, it can be difficult when claims are made that seem built upon farfetched and impossible facts.

I think the idea that anyone would fact- and reality-check his claims seems to have upset him. When claims are ridiculous, it's difficult to not ridicule the author.

I also see a sense of entitlement behind his protest and bluster. He wants to create (perhaps with his family's consent and participation, perhaps not) a world where he is important, a King of a tribal nation through tenuous genealogy going back quite a few generations. His insistence on the legality of his "nation" and his "right" to create and disband such entities at will indicates rejection of the reality of actual legalities and tribal histories. I think it's insulting and I have trouble keeping from responding with insults back.

Still, he's eighteen. He should learn that many people in the world will not blindly take fantastic tales at face value. I mean, seven people hardly make up a tribe. Where I come from, that's called a family, not a council.

Hmm, he says anyone can join for free. I wonder what the entrance requirements are if anyone can join? I've always wanted to be a Duke...

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2008, 12:27:16 am »
Kincaid has sent threats to sue both individual members of this forum and the moderators. But he has not contacted me or any of the other mods as far as I know.

I did finally get an email today from Kincaid's account, but it was signed Priscilla Hughes. It was written in exactly the same style as the other posts and emails by Kincaid. Some things you can't make up...

Ironically it accused us of being too moral, and also of having "too much time on our hands." This from someone whose spent a lot of time making up and then dissolving fake tribes, issuing lawsuit threats, and using multiple IDs.

In all sincerity I hope Mr. Kincaid's father takes some time to talk to his son and gets through to him, because none of us are having much luck.

To young Richard, there are some very good threads under Non Frauds you should read, esp on People of Distand Indian Ancestry (PODIAs).

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2008, 01:53:06 am »
I did finally get an email today from Kincaid's account, but it was signed Priscilla Hughes. It was written in exactly the same style as the other posts and emails by Kincaid. Some things you can't make up...

Yeah, I decided to check some of the links posted up-thread. This one is identical to what he sent to LaDonna. Then further down thread, from the same account, he posts this one, puportedly by his father, but under the same account, same name, and it reads exactly like his posts here. Given all this, I'm sort of doubting that his family knows what he's up to. Not that it matters, in terms of offensiveness. But the massive sockpuppeting fits the profile.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 05:36:44 pm by Defend the Sacred »