Author Topic: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis  (Read 115538 times)

Offline Kevin

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2008, 01:37:47 pm »
"I don't think that this one is in need of further research! " (Ric) - that's true but I think we could all agree he needs a lobotomy.


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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2008, 01:47:36 pm »
I don't think it just him, in one of those blogs he admits his "family" made up the "Black Bear Sioux".   And it down hill from there.

Offline richardkl

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2008, 09:50:02 pm »
I find it truly saddening that you people have nothing better to do than talk about me of all people. What you have said disgusts me! If this section is NOT deleted, I will be notifying my attorney with the matter, some of your names will be included, and that is something you can count on. The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun. I am NOT crazy! I simply want to honor my native ancestry, what is so wrong with that? NOTHING! I never have offered to sell titles of nobility or membership! So, I ask you: How can I be a FRAUD? ANSWER ME you pathetic people! I deserve that much with all you have done to me! How can you live with yourselves? I am an 18 year college student, who is just learning about my ancestry, and find it extremely sad when I see this kind of stuff on a website. Please, I ask you, what is so wrong with what I did that it made it right for you to take such jabs at me? You are not God, and do not have the right to try to break a persons spirit like you did. Please, feel free to email me with your appologies at

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2008, 10:12:07 pm »
The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun.

It's not much fun for Sitting Bull's real relatives, as earthw7 pointed out to you back in August; it took you a long time to get mad about this. Don't forget to notify your attorney that our hosting provider requires a valid court order before removing content. And grow up, for God's sake.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2008, 10:25:38 pm »
here i s what was posted to me


My name is Richard Kincaid-Lake, and recently found this disgusting website here, and that YOU contributed to the filth on this site. How could you do something like this?  Defaming me!? I have petitioned the moderator of the ENTIRE WEBSITE and told him that if my sewction is NOT deleted, I will be contacting my attorney with the matter for slander and defamation. Just think, you contributed, and if it is not deleted, your name will be one of those names I give my attorney.


In Spirit

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2008, 10:29:15 pm »
Me, too. I think he sent the exact same message to everyone.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2008, 10:34:32 pm »
Here are the email that were sent to me and why I asked for more information on this person.

 Hello! I recently found your email on a web site about the descendants of Sitting Bull. For years, my Grandmother, who was a Yankton/Lakota Sioux Native, claimed to be the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull (the famous Hunkpapa Chief/Medicine Man), making me his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson. In our family tree, all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible. It is claimed that he had a daughter named, Ziziwin, who later went on to take the name Susan (sometimes referred to as Ziziwin Susan). Does the name Ziziwin appear in the Sitting Bull family list? It would just help to finally solve my family history crisis!  
     I myself, and the Chief of the Antinanco Metis Nation, and King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux. I find it very important to honor mine and my peoples' ancestry. Of which, I can do by completing my family history. Any information you provide will be helpful. All you have to do, without consenting that I am a Sitting Bull descendant, is just say yes or no that one of his daughters' names was Zizwin. God I hope so. Thank you for everything! We are all children of Grandmother Earth and have the right to know where we come from.
Cordially in Peace,
Chief Richard of the Antinanco Metis Nation
King of the Oyatemakoce Sioux
Thank you for your email reply. I have recently been in contact with the Standing Rock Reservation, and they said that they did NOT have any such document. Ernie LaPointe has also claimed that the Smithsonian has recognized him as a descendant of Sitting Bull, however, I contacted the Smithsonian, and they confirmed that they have never and will never confirm any person or group as a descendant (s) of Sitting Bull of any other Chief or Leader. I also contacted the Crow Creek Tribe, and they said that their is no way to confirm Sitting Bull's descendants, for the fact that he had wives all over; from Canada to South and North Dakota to Minnesota, and a couple other tribes an states. Therefore, I, with the confirmation of other groups and persons, find it is IMPOSSIBLE to know who his [sitting bull] children were. However, my contact at the Crow Creek Tribe, has confirmed that her family holds in their possession a document which list SOME of Sitting Bulls' children and descendants. Thank you again for your reply and time.
Chief Richard
Hello. Thank you again for your reply. I called 1-701-854-7201. The person on the other end said that there was no current list. I didn't call the BIA. Is it possible that I am a descendant of Sitting Bull's father or his father? Thank you again.

Hello. Sorry, but I forgot to include this in my other email. The connection with the Crow Creek tribe, is that the woman I spoke with said that her niece was a direct descendant of Sitting Bull, and had a family tree for her niece. She is sending it to me. Thank you.
Chief Richard
Thank you for your email. In our family, it has been our history that Ziziwin was the daughter of a Chief of one of the Lakota tribes; whether Sitting Bull or not. The sitting bull concept was brought into the picture by my Grandmother ten years before her death in 2001.

In Spirit

Offline earthw7

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« Last Edit: October 13, 2008, 10:52:27 pm by earthw7 »
In Spirit

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2008, 10:50:21 pm »
I find it truly saddening that you people have nothing better to do than talk about me of all people. What you have said disgusts me! If this section is NOT deleted, I will be notifying my attorney with the matter, some of your names will be included, and that is something you can count on. The Antinanco Métis Nation has been dissolved, as with the Oyatemakoce Sioux, along with ALL other tribes I have started WITH my family's support, mostly for fun. I am NOT crazy! I simply want to honor my native ancestry, what is so wrong with that? NOTHING! I never have offered to sell titles of nobility or membership! So, I ask you: How can I be a FRAUD? ANSWER ME you pathetic people! I deserve that much with all you have done to me! How can you live with yourselves? I am an 18 year college student, who is just learning about my ancestry, and find it extremely sad when I see this kind of stuff on a website. Please, I ask you, what is so wrong with what I did that it made it right for you to take such jabs at me? You are not God, and do not have the right to try to break a persons spirit like you did. Please, feel free to email me with your appologies at

jeese Jr. you miss naptime?

Making up a tribe or "Nation" is wrong. If it wasn't then everyone could do it. Can you imagine what chaos that would cause?

Offline earthw7

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2008, 10:52:38 pm »
By:RIchard Runnning Horse Kincaid-Lake
Date: Friday, 21 September 2007, 1:55 am In Response To: Re: You are part Indian/Cherokee? Which part? (Sheron OK)
I COMPLETELY agree! Blood quantum SHOULD DISAPPEAR! I agree that it ONLY secregates our people. If I went by blood quatum, I would be 1/32 Lakota Sioux and 1/32 Cherokee (or Chikasaw), and FULL Black Bear Lakota Sioux, a tribe which was founded by my family years ago to honor our ancestry, heritage, and our ancestors tradition's. We DO NOT look to blood quantum, but rather, we look to our past to guide us in the future. WE ARE INDIAN! And that is ALL that matters! I am white with red hair and blue eye's, ONLY because I am Scottish and Irish as well, but I AM NOT nearly as Scottish or Irish as I am Indian! I am FULL Black BEar Lakota Sioux! Who cares if the Black Bear tribe was NOT founded in or before 1850, we ARE a tribe and PROUD OF IT! Be proud of who you are! Please! Feel free to email me at:


Richard Running Horse Kincaid-Lake

In Spirit

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2008, 11:14:33 pm »
I can understand that people who are Native American would be defensive about people starting a NATIVE AMERICAN tribe or Nation, however, we started a METIS nation, NOT a Native American TRIBE. And for Barnaby, thanks for blocking me, however, I have many computers, and can continue to create new user ID's. :) By the way, I just found out about this website today! And about LaDonna, I emailed her because for over seventy years there was a rumor that my family was descended from Sitting Bull. What is wrong with that? NOTHING! I simply was inquiring about the TRUTH! And furthermore, What about Sitting Bull's descendants? Is it not OK to find the truth? Is that not how we find the truth? Please, just leave me alone. I did nothing to hurt, deceive, or fraud anyone! LEAVE ME ALONE! I have already contacted an attorney for this matter and he will be working up a Cease and Desist order for this section on me only. I have also contact my District Attorney's Office, as well as the Attorney General's office. All in an effort to stop this defamation and untruths! Again, I ask, what did I do wrong? My nation is NOT ficitonal and has been Internationally recognized by various metis nation's in Canada! What is so wrong with being a true, real, verifiable METIS Nation? There is NO law against starting a Metis Nation now is there? so, it makes it perfectly legal and OK to create one! Now, As I have already stated, we do not claim to be a Native American Tribe or Nation, but rather Metis. Also, we understand that we will most likely never receieve recognition in the USA, and we are fine with that. We are a Nation...a People, and will continue to do our best to bring all Metis People in America One, no matter who or what tries to stop us. membership is FREE, and will always be! Again, I ask for an apology, and removal if this interesting (to say the least) "info" on me. Furthermore, why waiste your time on me? What have ever done to anyone to hurt or deceive them? Everything I have done is perfectly legal.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2008, 11:21:18 pm »
Ok're gonna put it out there....

Please list which Metis communities recognize your hobby group as legitimate.  We'll contact them and verify.  We're talking true Metis communities that exist and have done so since the Canadian government recognized them.  Not hobby groups that insist that Metis means "mixed blood" only.   If what you're saying is true then everything's ok. got it all wrong on this one.

Offline Walks Proud

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2008, 11:26:03 pm »
Actually it is against the law to form a "Metis" tribe or nation. The Metis are mixed blood from CANADA! You are NOT in Canada.

I'd like to ask the administrators not to block him. Let him stay on here and look like the fool when his "attorneys" don't do a darn thing. If you block him that just gives some attention to his smoke and mirrors that really don't exist.

Just a thought on it. I'm behind you what ever you decide.

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2008, 11:29:45 pm »
How do I got it "ALL WRONG ON THIS ONE?" It's a simple question. Any please, WHAT DID I DO WRONG TO DESERVE THIS? Please, answer me this! What did I do to deserve such horrific treatment? Seriously! What? How am I a fraud when I never did anything that was a lie, or anything to fraud or deceive anyone? Everything I did was true and LEGITIMATE!

Some Metis Nations which are our friends are:

The Metis Nation of Ontario
The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan
The Metis Society of Oregon (whom we are siging a treaty with in the coming weeks)
The Metis Nation, Inc. (whose leader is an honorary member of our nation)
The Metis Nation of Alberta

I just hope all this can come to end, and leave me and my name at peace!

« Last Edit: October 14, 2008, 03:20:16 am by oyatemakoce »

Offline oyatemakoce

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2008, 11:31:36 pm »
It is NOT illegal to do what my family has done! Show me what law says that it is! Show me! PLEASE! Oh wait, you can''s not illegal to do what we did! But, if you can show me that I am wrong, I will retract all statements I have made.