Author Topic: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis  (Read 111077 times)

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #60 on: October 20, 2013, 01:21:10 am »
He is a seeker, or he wouldn't be here.

Not true. Many frauds come hear to try and BS their way into legitemacy. This Richard person came here to make his claim he was "King of the Sioux." He made up his own tribe. He has no native blood. He is not a "seeker", just a con man.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #61 on: October 23, 2013, 07:06:29 pm »
I clearly wrote to Richard and spoke to him.
He is a seeker, or he wouldn't be here.
Unless the people on this forum enjoy playing "whack a mole?"

He claimed to be "Kind of the Oyatemakoche Sioux" and hassled several board members.  Even hassling Earthw to confirm a supposed ancestor named Ziziwin....basically saying..."all I need you to do is confirm that this person actually existed" so he could back up his claim ancestral inheritance of some Native title.  He's also created a fake "Metis" tribe (the Antinanco Metis Nation) and pretended online that he had the back up of several real Metis organizations....which wasn't true. 

He's hassled several members of this board, spamming their e-mails with threats of lawsuits.

One a side note...outside of Native culture he created a fake wiki entry (which Wiki deleted themselves) also claiming royal ancestry (a prince this time) in an African nation....

Online he also goes by the name "Chaske"

For a "seeker" he's quite aggressive against anyone who disagrees with him.  Wannabe seems to be more fitting.

Not wanting to pile on...just my opinion.


Offline milehighsalute

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Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #64 on: September 30, 2014, 03:18:03 pm » this richard lake kincaid? king of the sioux?

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #65 on: September 30, 2014, 03:40:28 pm »
Never heard of them (since they're very recently founded), but yes, iffy.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #66 on: September 30, 2014, 05:05:21 pm »
Merged with older thread. Anyone applying to this fake tribe should see just how crazy and delusional this family is.

Homepage. Their made up titles are getting more amusing. Are they from any real language?

RICHARD B. LAKE, III Prime Minister, Co-Founder, and the Prince of Irqu
RICHARD E. LAKE, II Paramount Chief,  Co-Founder, High Chief Zehzej and Senate Member
AMANDA N. HARDING High Chieftess Mazau, and Senate Member

One of the biggest projects for our tribe is getting recognized in 2016 by the Oregon House of Representatives in a House Concurrent Resolution. We have been working with the office of the House Speaker, Representative Val Hoyle.

Nearly 490 Enrolled Members >Political Support and Acknowledgement >Founded on January 1, 2009.

I doubt those numbers. Their enrollment page allows you to enroll family members. One deluded or ignorant person could put his while extended family on the rolls. They also don't require any proof other than your say so. Their FB page claims 546, but only has 200 likes. FB pages says their homepage is only a few months, and the senior Kincaid was in a coma in August. So the little boy is running things.

They've been recruiting on Craigslist.

They have a strange mix of videos on mashpedia, mostly rave, but also one "Adolf Hitler Israelite."

And the young "prince" Kincaid got himself listed on Wiki as LGBT royalty.

The Kincaids take the whole royalty thing seriously.

Within the Una Tribe of Mixed-Bloods, we hold our Sovereignty as a Nation-People of Native American Mixed-Bloods very dear to our hearts. In doing so, we have elected to not only have a Council of Chief's who run our government, but to also have a Traditional Hereditary Ceremonial Leader to unite our People and our clans under one Leader, and be titled as the:

        Paramount Chief of the Una
?He shall serve in his position for life, and be succeeded by his eldest son, titled as the Prince of Irqu

The council seems to be just the Kincaids and Harding. No mention of mom, so I wonder if there was a relationship between Harding and Kincaid Sr. No mention of other family members at all.

I also think it's funny that they have their "clans" listed by titles from Euro pagan four elements traditions, earth, wind, water, and fire.

Young "prince" Kincaid wants to be a comedy singer, releasing a single Fuck Kanye West. He also claims to be African. You can't make this stuff up.

His real job is marketing for a smoking lounge.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis, Brenndt James
« Reply #67 on: September 30, 2014, 06:15:21 pm »
Looks like he's also using the name Brenndt James.


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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #68 on: September 30, 2014, 06:17:11 pm »
Richard B Lake's stage name is Brenndt James, here is his acting web site He's just a kid, only 24 years old.

He is 1/4 African American (Black) and 1/4 Native American (Indian); this makes him 1/2 Caucasian (White).

As of 2000 his father Richard Edward Lake did not know his paternal genealogy:

My name is Richard Edward Lake and I am also looking for my father. Was any one named Raymond,Norman,Walter, Richard, or Edward? Did he have any sisters? Where is the place you believe him to be from? Do you know if you have any brothers or sisters? Were you adopted and if so what year. When were you born?(Year?) Please reply and I will be gratefull....My mother put a child up for adoption in either Calif. or Oregon. I live in Eugene Oregon. I've been looking for family members on my fathers side or him for 25 years.
God Bless,
Richard Lake

I am 41 years old and only know the name of my father (Richard Irving/or/Ewing Lake, his brother Ronald Lake. My Grandfather was Ed Lake. I was born in SantaMonica!!!

From: Lucretia & Richard Lake <>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 9:52 PM
My name is Richard Edward Lake, I Was born in SantaMonica, California on
February 14, 1959 and I am looking for my fathers' side of my family.
His name was Richard Lake and his father went by "Ed".  Do you think you
could help me locate any of my lost relatives?  I've been looking for a
very long time......
My mothers name was Dormillie (Peggy) Brewer.  She was from The Dakotas.
 Her mothers name was Dormillie (Dorm) Brewer.  I had a brother by the
name of Norman Walter Lake who died as an infant in 1960, he was about 4
months old and died in SantaMonica Hospital in SantaMonica, California
(where I presume he was born also).

Looking for relatives who lived in L.A. or near to there in the 1950s or 60s. My fathers name was/is Richard I. Lake (I think), His mother had an English accent

My mothers name is Dormillie Frances Brewer and my grandmothers name on my mothers side was Dormillie Garnet Brewer.

Dormillie Garnet Brewer online memorial

These are white families in census. Maybe the Lake's assume that living in South Dakota = NDN?


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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #69 on: September 30, 2014, 06:47:05 pm »
2008 ancestry claim for some of their family:

Thomas Jones
Magthalena Jones
John Eyestone
Sallie Anne Eyestone
Charles Newton Young
Evaline Ellen Young
John Francis Brewer
Francis Chandler Brewer
Dormillie Frances Brewer
Richard Edward Lake II
Richard Brent Lake III (ME)

Someone else has a family tree up

Francis Chandler Brewer, white in 1945 state census, South Dakota

John Francis Brewer, white in 1945 state census, South Dakota

For years, my Grandmother, who was a Yankton/Lakota Sioux Native, claimed to be the Great-Great-Great Granddaughter of Sitting Bull (the famous Hunkpapa Chief/Medicine Man), making me his Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson. In our family tree, all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible. It is claimed that he had a daughter named, Ziziwin, who later went on to take the name Susan (sometimes referred to as Ziziwin Susan). Does the name Ziziwin appear in the Sitting Bull family list? It would just help to finally solve my family history crisis!;wap2

Their heritage claim is based on this? That be crazy. And really bad genealogy, because "all of the dates make perfect sense, and it seems feasible" does not equal fact.

Otherwise: I'm the right age to be a millionaire, it seems feasible for me to be a millionaire, so yeah, I'm a millionaire. :) But, for some reason I am not a millionaire. Obviously I should be, and therefore am a millionaire.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Richard Kincaid King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #70 on: September 30, 2014, 06:47:29 pm »
Looks like he sockpuppets as much elsewhere on the web as he did here. Two more aliases:

In his one IMDb  listing as  Brenndt James, he is actually credited as "Richard James."

The author of his bio sounds just like him, and he likes pretending to be other people while writing about himself, so I'd say it's a fair assumption that he is also the author of that entry, using the name "Jordan Trent"


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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #71 on: September 30, 2014, 09:04:14 pm »
He has used Esq. as a title too

Richard B. Lake III, Esq.

Here in USA that title is usually for lawyers. In the UK would mean he has status, is gentry.

In 2009 on genealogy forums he was "Richard B. Lake III, High Chief of Yepoa"


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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #72 on: September 30, 2014, 09:08:01 pm »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux & Nwambu, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #73 on: September 30, 2014, 09:34:38 pm »
A rich fantasy life. This is one big role playing game to them.

I have no idea what any of these words, houses, or names allegedly are supposed to be. The closest they come to are sometimes similar to Japanese, sometimes Arabic, sometimes trying to sound African.

Eugene OR
Religious organization, reservation
The Nwambu People; often referred to as “the Nwambans” or “Nwambu” is a nation-people of United States Citizens who are of mixed-race heritage (part Native American).

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of the Nwamban Leaders since 2008, when Nwambu was first founded.

1 Prior to Monarchy 1.1 Pre-Monarchy Leader(s)

2 Nwamban Monarchy 2.1 List of Kings of the Nwambans 2.1.1 House of Zehzej=
2.1.2 House of Znezua

Prior to Monarchy
The Nwambu People was officially founded on 07 November 2008. To begin, it did not have a proper government established. However, the four founders agreed and elected Richard Edward Lake, II to serve as Interim-leader until they could decide on the right government.

Pre-Monarchy Leader(s)
Richard Edward Lake, II 14 February 1959 Founder and Interim-leader 07 November 2008 01 January 2009 Living

Nwamban Monarchy
List of Kings of the Nwambans
It was decided by the Four Founders that Nwambu would be governed by a sole leader, known as the King of the Nwambans. Below is a list of all Monarchs starting with the first one who was crowned on 01 January 2009.

House of Zehzej
Richard I 28 January 1990 King of the Nwambans His Highness 01 January 2009 17 January 2011 (abdicated) Living None (first Monarch)

House of Znezua
LeRoy I 04 July 1925 King of the Nwambans His Majesty 01 January 2009 Present Living Father-in-law

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Richard Kincaid-Lake King of the Sioux, Una Tribe, Antinanco Metis
« Reply #74 on: September 30, 2014, 10:35:26 pm »
either the video

i understand he still a kid....but under guidance of his father.....

they are playing a serious game......i noticed when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar they fall back on "it was roleplaying...for fun"........but how far will they take it if they dont get caught? im still waiting to hear back from the senator, mayor and representative......hopefully they are lying about that

but if they arent? do we excuse a repeat offender just because he is a kid???

fake tribes are genocidal....this is NOT a game