Author Topic: Is this confusing?  (Read 70583 times)


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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2007, 11:14:19 pm »
Part of the problem of getting away with this is that someone would have to file charges against him or the State(here) would have to do this. Many times they get under the wire as no one will, for what ever reason they have, the cost, being tied up in Court, or just embarassed they were scammed, or worried about some retallatory action, or just not wanting to get involved. Plus, if you don't have some concrete proof to give to the District Attorney you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit.  And the District Attorney's office won't pursue anything without  enough proof to go to court. You could not even think of taking him to Tribal Court here, as he is non-Indian and it's not on Tribal Land. The people whose  names he is using without permission should make him take down any reference to them from his websites. That seems to be a fairly common practice of using names on many of these websites. But I sure don't think he is "crazy" I think he well knows what he is doing.     frederica

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2007, 02:17:49 pm »
The article says 2 sexual charges were dropped.  How many were there?

Looking back over what is posted ,I can see these some of the undated articles are confusing .   

The unsourced article posted on a Gay Matchmaking site , which mentions "Mac a' Phearsoin , 45 ," , and alleges he ,"was sent to jail for six years Monday for sexually assaulting a young man," was probably refering to an event alleged to have occured in about 1993 -1994 , as Mac a' Phearsion would have been about 45 at that time . ( the link to this is found in reply # 4 )

The undated article "Klansman faces sex rap - By Peter Smith, Sun Media - Edmonton Sun" which alleges sexual misconduct and permitting a house to be used for sexual activity is on a page of articles mostly dated 2002 , and the top of the webpage says the list is for March 2002 . ( the link to this is found in reply # 4 )

There is another unsourced begining of a " news note" on a Gay and Lesbian website which alleges Charles Macaphearson was "charged with having sex with underaged boys " which is dated March 13 , 2002 . ( the link to this is found in reply # 12)

Then there is the begining of an article titled," Charges Dropped Against KKK Charles Macaphearson (53) - 4/6/02 By Peter Smith - Calgary Sun :The Crown has dropped two sexually related charges it laid against the former imperial wizard of Alberta's KKK ... ( the link to this is found in reply # 12)

I am guessing these charges in 2002 that were dropped , are probably the incident of Sexual Misconduct Frederica and Skinny have heard about. Sorry if the way I posted things as i found them was confusing .

« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 02:20:31 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline jannie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2007, 12:02:16 pm »
i should also mention that Dakota House does not want to have anything to do with him either, he just recently found out that he is still listed on MacPherson's website for these retreats. Evelyn Jacobs was gung ho for helping too until she found out it was all a scam. So now he has tried to ruin 3 people's good name by affilating these people with him. Again, these retreats do not exist. What was he going to do, fly Alan Hatfield out everytime he had a client for the retreat, it states on his website that a consultation with Alan was part of the curriculum. Charles is a self appointed everything. Perhaps he is interested in the native community due to the funds available

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #33 on: March 13, 2007, 02:32:30 pm »
Apparently Tearlach's involvement with inmates is not completely in his imagination .

2002.Sep.26 - Press Release - Community Action Will Stop Halfway House, Says Hanger

Community Action Will Stop Halfway House, Says Hanger

CALGARY  Reacting to the proposed opening of the Deganawida House halfway house in the residential community of Forest Lawn, MP Art Hanger has announced that he will work with community activists to lead their opposition.

Community activists have started a petition to ensure City and Provincial Officials are aware of the tremendous opposition to this initiative. Hanger, MP for Calgary Northeast and long-time justice activist, will assist in coordination and communication.

It’s hard to believe that this initiative is still being considered at any level. There is no need for a half-way house in Calgary for inmates from BC, the choice of location is nuts, and the management of the proposed facility says to me that residents have every reason to be concerned, said Hanger today.

I’ll work with residents in Forest Lawn to make sure this idea is quashed even before it hits the drawing board. I look forward to elected City of Calgary officials stepping up to the plate to protect their constituents,??? concluded Hanger.
Deganawida Spiritist Society is a registered division of Tearlach's Spiritist Church . I would guess Paul Daniels has more interaction with Aboriginal inmates than Tearlach . Even if there is no retreat , the Miracle Healing website does advertise a Sweat lodge every Sunday , and the the write up on Tearlach / Charles on the PCL webpage mentions a street minitstry . I would guess you don't have to be that organized to have access to vulnerable people . 



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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #34 on: March 13, 2007, 06:12:27 pm »
The Half-Way house never got off the ground, Doesn't exist. frederica


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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2007, 10:41:08 pm »
PS/ Read Skinny's first post, it states Paul Daniels does do Sweats, for a price. frederica

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2007, 05:34:47 pm »
Here is another creepy aspect of all this . Besides the fact these people are disrepecting the most basic Native traditions and are advertising and selling ceremonies I notice the term Miracle Native Healing Retreats has a ® after it and is "registered" . I hadn't really considered the possible implications of that , legally , but look at this .

The symbol may be used when trademark rights are claimed in relation to a mark, but the mark has not been registered with the government trademarks office of a particular country or jurisdiction, while the ® is used to indicate that the mark has been so registered. It is not mandatory to use either symbol, although the force of convention is such that the symbols are widely used around the world. However, in various jurisdictions it is unlawful to use the ® symbol in association with a mark when that mark is not registered. ( con...)

Establishing trademark rights use and registration

The law considers a trademark to be a form of property. Proprietary rights in relation to a trademark may be established through actual use in the marketplace, or through registration of the mark with the trademarks office (or "trademarks registry") of a particular jurisdiction - e.g. US Patent and Trademark Office. In many jurisdictions, trademark rights can be established through either or both means. Certain jurisdictions generally do not recognise trademarks rights arising through use (e.g. China). If trademark owners do not hold registrations for their marks in such jurisdictions, the extent to which they will be able to enforce their rights through trademark infringement proceedings will therefore be limited.

A registered trademark confers a bundle of exclusive rights upon the registered owner, including the right to exclusive use of the mark in relation to the products or services for which it is registered. The law in most jurisdictions also allows the owner of a registered trademark to prevent unauthorised use of the mark in relation to products or services which are similar to the "registered" products or services, and in certain cases, prevent use in relation to entirely dissimilar products or services. (contin...)
Does this mean Tearlach registered this in the hopes he would own miracle /miraculous Native healing ? Does he imagine he could sue other people selling miraculous Native healing "products" , or franchise out the rights to do this ? Maybe that is one of the ways he hopes to make money on this ? I can't see how there would be any point in registering this , if that wasn't his intention .

That also might explain why he would pay for all the advertisements that have been coming up in Native forums since last May , when people say these retreats don't even exist .

Gee maybe we could work with this guy , and sick him on the long list of frauds we got here, who might be violating "his" registered ownership of Miracle Native healing .

I really do mean "sick him on".  ;D LOL Maybe the guy could be useful .

Offline Skinny

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2007, 09:24:33 pm »
Yes I did say Paul does sweats.  It cost us 40. plus tobacco for the sweat.  He did some out at Westridge Park Lodge where there was a glimmer of hope that MNHR woud get going.  The sweat lodge may still be there.  The hotel manager paid for it and paid to have it erected.

Offline mugzie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2007, 12:59:27 am »
Daniel Jacobs also registered the website. So Sorry about your experience and maybe going at a quick pace to the RCMP is in order, especially if you think the klansman may be involved or planning other crimes ? The Sherwood Park RCMP is open 24/7 and they will listen to your concerns. Not much help i am but here is some more information on these people.

In peace  :)

Status:         EXIST                                             
Registrar:      easyDNS Technologies Inc.                         
Registrar-no:   88                                               
Registrant-no:  1551139                                           
Domaine-no:     1551139                                           
Renewal-Date:   2007/06/06                                       
Date-Approved:  2006/06/06                                       
Date-Modified:  2006/06/06                                       
Organization:   Westridge Park Lodge                             
Admin-Name:     Dan Jacobs                                       
Admin-Title:    President                                         
Admin-Postal:   MicroSmart ComputerWare                           
                #157 52351 Hwy 21                                 
                Sherwood Park AB T8B 1L4 Canada                   
Admin-Phone:    (780) 910-4141                                   
Admin-Fax:      (780) 416-2627                                   
Admin-Mailbox:  *********                                 
Tech-Name:      Dan Jacobs                                       
Tech-Title:     President                                         
Tech-Postal:    MicroSmart ComputerWare                           
                #157 52351 Hwy 21                                 
                Sherwood Park AB T8B 1L4 Canada                   
Tech-Phone:     (780) 910-4141                                   
Tech-Fax:       (780) 416-2627                                   
Tech-Mailbox:   *********                                 

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2007, 01:01:40 pm »
Hi Mugzie
Thanks for the info .
I notice Evelyn Jacobs and Daniel Jacobs were on the PCL Miracle healing staff webpage. She is the woman who had a bad experience with Tearlach somehow getting title to a home in Sherwood Park she feels is hers . Daniel Jacobs was also on the PCL webpage  , but they have both now disappeared from the staff page so , I would guess Daniel Jacobs is her partner ?  The Westridge Park Lodge is probably the same as the residence shown in Sherwood Park on the Miracle Native healing webpage where it says that there is Sweat Lodge ceremonies there every week ? I'm not sure what you mean about crimes , unless you are refering to Evelyn 's problems with title to her house .  I don't think the police RCMP care about people corupting traditional ceremonies . Unless Tearlach is presently doing something against the law - and we have no evidence he is - I doubt the RCMP would do more than make a mental note. Sounds like Evelyn Jacobs has already gone to the police .

My concern is more what can happen to people psychologically and Spiritualy when someone like this is trusted as a Spiritual guide or involved with running healing programs- though obviously with this guys past there are possibly some other risks as well .   
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 01:04:14 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline mugzie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2007, 04:59:21 pm »
elyn Jacobs and Daniel Jacobs were on the PCL Miracle healing staff webpage. She is the woman who had a bad experience with Tearlach somehow getting title to a home in Sherwood Park she feels is hers . Daniel Jacobs was also on the PCL webpage  , but they have both now disappeared from the staff page so , I would guess Daniel Jacobs is her partner ?  The Westridge Park Lodge is probably the same as the residence shown in Sherwood Park on the Miracle Native healing webpage where it says that there is Sweat Lodge ceremonies there every week ? I'm not sure what you mean about crimes , unless you are refering to Evelyn 's problems with title to her house .  I don't think the police RCMP care about people corupting traditional ceremonies . Unless Tearlach is presently doing something against the law - and we have no evidence he is - I doubt the RCMP would do more than make a mental note. Sounds like Evelyn Jacobs has already gone to the police .

My concern is more what can happen to people psychologically and Spiritualy when someone like this is trusted as a Spiritual guide or involved with running healing programs- though obviously with this guys past there are possibly some other risks as well .   

Thank you Moma_porcu  and others.
I  certainly appreciate your hard work and opinions. I would like to add to what you have found and ask you some questions, to clarify a few points, if that is okay with you?

I think Daniel Jacobs is likely her son, since they do look alike.
I will add this piece of information as well. The dns information above has the phone number 780 910-4141. This number leads to a business called "Advanced Energy Refrigeration", and also adds to sell snack vending machines that are located throughout BC and Alberta.Seems Daniel Jacobs is a contractor and presumably travels about filling up said machines. That is a full plate, looking after "traditional" sweats and doing commercial aerial photography, operating a computer company and a refrigeration contracting firm, not to mention the vending machines!

Their photos *oddly* disappeared after Evelyn Jacobs supposedly got wind of the fact that several people were looking at her claims online.Now i am not saying that she is not somehow a victim, but her responses seem scant, flimsy and just not quite "right" for one so educated.The interest in her is justified because of the connections to these people, their fraudulent claims and her seeking private "interviews" with family members with murdered young relatives.Also anyone can pay to take course with Mr Roy Hazelwood, even you. Only those who are police officers, or retired police officers with a minimum of ten years as a detective in a serious crime unit would be called on to do what is called a criminal behavioral analysis. Evelyn's use of the term "profiler" belies her actual training.The people at the serial killer board have reason to question her motives and timing. That is my opinion on the matter and i am educated in bs detection, its my heritage...if you will.

The website with her photo on top and above the kooky klansman started in May 2005. I am sorry but i have my doubts about her intentions. You are right the RCMP would not be overly concerned about the corruption of traditional ways (as is their tradition) unless it is a nasty and sickening ruse for further fraudulent activities, or more serious crimes. I am glad you personally have no evidence that Tearlach is committing any crimes,but as you stated and i agree with "with this guys past there are possibly some other risks as well".Just browsing his past affiliations and criminal career there is no doubt the RCMP will i am sure provide due diligence in the matter, rather than just mental notes.

Evelyn Jacobs and her son Daniel Jacobs should go to the RCMP if they have not already,agreed.How awful to have your home stolen! Here is an article in todays paper about such terrible deeds:

Again i support your concern, as it is warranted especially as it relates to the corruption of traditional ways, since Evelyn Jacobs has stated that they intended to "mix" Christianity with their brand of traditional sacred teachings. My concern is what other activities would a semi-slick and connected klansman be involved in? Evelyn's connection to this fraudster and her desire to go along with such a scheming adventure is unfortunately a done deal.Taking down a photo or two does not extricate her from further scrutiny, nor should it.

Also i believe Evelyn Jacobs has some questions to answer by a few others at the serial killer site you mentioned. She might want to answer them since these people are serious about their pursuits in assisting to locate the serial killer in the Sherwood Park region.

Finally my question to moma_porcupine is do you know Evelyn personally?

Again pleased to meet you all and thanks for all your painstaking research, it adds to what we have already dug up.


Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2007, 06:04:45 pm »
Hi Mugz and thanks so much for the information . I agree there are concerns and it is probably a good thing this is in the public awareness -You sound like you are a member of the edmontonsk forum . Thanks to everyone there for all the info you all have posted in the Sick Pastors thread on these folks . It really helped point towards what has been put together here .

I was just looking at the edmontonsk thread and I see Jannie went over there and so has Evelyn ( Ev ) ( who writes a lot like Skinny ) but somehow they managed to post a lot of misinformation .  Creating a bunch of dumb rumours can be just as effective at covering up the truth as not saying anything at all .

Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of , but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less . 

Jannie says something happened with a 14 year old boy ? It did ? Where did she get that from ? "Teenage" is all I've seen . And Tearlach was never charged with murder- as far as I know . Where did Jannie get that ? And where did Ev get the information Kinsella says he was responsible for 2 deaths ? I have the book , and i don't see that in there at all . There was another "accidental shooting" in Saskatchewan , whick killed a Native man , which bore some similarities in circumstances , but Tearlach absolutely WAS NOT involved. And then there is the story that Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct . Is that true or is it just a rumour started by information that appears to be unverifiable ?     

Gotta wonder how they managed to get so much so wrong . I notice both Evelyn and Skinny keep saying how the 6 years was for sexual misconduct and there was no mollestation . I have no idea if there ever was a 6 year sentence , as alleged , but that Ev would claim there was no mollestation after Kinsella's report of a conviction for gross indecency was posted here twice,  is a bit hard to understand . She also managed to  post  an edited version of what was the ?1994 allegation of a 6 year sentence ,together with part of the 2002 sexual misconduct concerns , as if it was one article . ::)

As I am trying very hard to get accurate and fair information out there , I am a bit annoyed to see that .

There is other inconsistant things that made me wonder . Jannie came over here and identified herself as Hatfields agent , and then went over there , using the same user name , but saying she is afraid to share all she knows, because someone might guess who she is . If this is true ,I think the girl is in need of adult supervision online . I don't think it will be too hard for anyone to figure out who Allen Hatfields agent is , and that she has said she "knows" things , really does make her a potential target . That is , if there was serious wrong doing going on .

I most definently DO NOT know Evelyn or any of these people personally !!! As I told you in a PM my only "tip" was that traditional ceremonies are not rightly advertised and sold - even as a package deal - and Medicine people do not advertise themselves as such .  If we take care of the ceremonies and traditional teachings , the ceremonies and traditional teachings will take care of us . Very simple , but in my experince , very true .

If you read my posts here over the past year you will see this bugs me in any situation , and I go on and on and on and on about it ...

I would highly highly recomend that people who are interested in this read all of Warren Kinsella's book , as it really is a web of interconnections , which sometimes appears to involve some serious miscarriages of justice . What I posted here is only one thread .

Thanks again , and Take care  :-X
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 06:15:37 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline mugzie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2007, 06:35:19 pm »
I have read this with great concern and have passed it on to a number of people mentioned here. As agent for Alan Hatfield, I have been instructed by him to inform that although he met with Charles MacPherson and spoke with him and listened to his idea's that is as far as this has gone. Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams. Alan has nothing to do with MacPherson and quite frankly there are other people mentioned on here that may have gotton sucked in at one time to this particular scam but has since realized and have nothing more to do with him or his plans. I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law!

I too have great concern for the following information to be clarified Jannie. As an agent you should be further concerned. If Mr Hatfield only met Mr MacPherson once and just listened to his ideas then please clarify how is it that he and i take this directly from Mr Hatfields website received a charter membership from the same non existant scam title group operated by Mr MacPherson himself from as far back as December 2005? I guess that was his mistake eh?

From Mr.Hatfields website:
"Alan also has been honored to receive a charter membership from The Alberta Council of Native
Spirituality Elders, who officially recognize him as a Mi'kmaq Native
Elder and Spiritual Medium, signed by the Grand Chief on December
1, 2005 in Edmonton.

I am having trouble with this idea Jannie that "Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams" if he felt honored to receive this "official" recognition.This group does not exist that has been documented. The only thing that comes up for this group with such a lofty title (once again) is the following information:

Private Collateral Lenders Corp., Ltd.
He is a Life Member of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders. His teacher is Elder Noel Knockwood, the Grand Spiritual Leader of the Mi’kmaq Nation. ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

Does Elder Knockwood have knowledge of this scam as well Jannie? Did you tell him about this too? He should be informed that a former wizard of the KKK and convicted criminal is claiming that Elder Knockwood is his "teacher".

"I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law"

I think it is safe to assume that we all feel the same way Jannie.This is just sickening.

Offline mugzie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2007, 06:43:37 pm »
Hi Mugz and thanks so much for the information . I agree there are concerns and it is probably a good thing this is in the public awareness -You sound like you are a member of the edmontonsk forum . Thanks to everyone there for all the info you all have posted in the Sick Pastors thread on these folks . It really helped point towards what has been put together here .

I was just looking at the edmontonsk thread and I see Jannie went over there and so has Evelyn ( Ev ) ( who writes a lot like Skinny ) but somehow they managed to post a lot of misinformation .  Creating a bunch of dumb rumours can be just as effective at covering up the truth as not saying anything at all .

Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of , but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less . 

Jannie says something happened with a 14 year old boy ? It did ? Where did she get that from ? "Teenage" is all I've seen . And Tearlach was never charged with murder- as far as I know . Where did Jannie get that ? And where did Ev get the information Kinsella says he was responsible for 2 deaths ? I have the book , and i don't see that in there at all . There was another "accidental shooting" in Saskatchewan , whick killed a Native man , which bore some similarities in circumstances , but Tearlach absolutely WAS NOT involved. And then there is the story that Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct . Is that true or is it just a rumour started by information that appears to be unverifiable ?     

Gotta wonder how they managed to get so much so wrong . I notice both Evelyn and Skinny keep saying how the 6 years was for sexual misconduct and there was no mollestation . I have no idea if there ever was a 6 year sentence , as alleged , but that Ev would claim there was no mollestation after Kinsella's report of a conviction for gross indecency was posted here twice,  is a bit hard to understand . She also managed to  post  an edited version of what was the ?1994 allegation of a 6 year sentence ,together with part of the 2002 sexual misconduct concerns , as if it was one article . ::)

As I am trying very hard to get accurate and fair information out there , I am a bit annoyed to see that .

There is other inconsistant things that made me wonder . Jannie came over here and identified herself as Hatfields agent , and then went over there , using the same user name , but saying she is afraid to share all she knows, because someone might guess who she is . If this is true ,I think the girl is in need of adult supervision online . I don't think it will be too hard for anyone to figure out who Allen Hatfields agent is , and that she has said she "knows" things , really does make her a potential target . That is , if there was serious wrong doing going on .

I most definently DO NOT know Evelyn or any of these people personally !!! As I told you in a PM my only "tip" was that traditional ceremonies are not rightly advertised and sold - even as a package deal - and Medicine people do not advertise themselves as such .  If we take care of the ceremonies and traditional teachings , the ceremonies and traditional teachings will take care of us . Very simple , but in my experince , very true .

If you read my posts here over the past year you will see this bugs me in any situation , and I go on and on and on and on about it ...

I would highly highly recomend that people who are interested in this read all of Warren Kinsella's book , as it really is a web of interconnections , which sometimes appears to involve some serious miscarriages of justice . What I posted here is only one thread .

Thanks again , and Take care  :-X

Thanks for all you do ;)
Oh ya i also contacted my pal Warren K today,as i did a few months ago just waiting for his return call. I will tell him how much you enjoyed his book! Nothing like free advertisement these days. I will send him the link to this thread to brighten his day. The interconnectedness is like a web to be sure! Everyone knows someone, who knows someone. The agent is especially concerning, see my new post.

Thanks again sister 8)

Offline mugzie

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Re: Is this confusing?
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2007, 07:04:53 pm »
"Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of , but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less"

Your sense of justice is profound and respected.The truth will eventually be told; no more and no less.
Have a great day Moma_porcupine, your not so prickly but them quills speak for you! ;D