Odds and Ends => Etcetera => Topic started by: Moma_porcupine on February 04, 2007, 10:03:35 pm

Title: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 04, 2007, 10:03:35 pm (

I wasn't sure where to post this, and I decided to put it in Etc . My question isn't so much if these people are frauds ,  as I think they probably are who they say they are . My  question is about what they are doing ,and my concern is that these wide spread advertisements are likely to confuse other efforts to educate people on how to recognize and avoid frauds .

These people are advertising Sweat Lodge ceremonies

The Sweat Lodge Ceremonies are advertised as a part of a " package deal" which appears to be commercial .

They are also advertising Traditional Medicine , Elders Counciling , and talking Circles which are part of a "package deal" which looks to be commercial.

*   Eight Medicine Sweat Lodges
    * One Sacred Night Lodge
    * 31 Healing/Talking Circles
    * One-on-one Elder Counseling
    * Specialized ADHD Diet
    * Traditional Medicine
    * Self Esteem Program
    * Special Traditional Therapy
    * Supervised Recreation
    * Licensed Psychologist Sessions
    * Canoeing, fishing, hiking
    * Hot tub and showers facility

Cost includes the following:

    * 31 Days at the Retreat
    * Full Accommodation
    * Comfortable Lodging
    * Special, Nutritious Diets
    * Recreation, Saunas
    * Traditional Medicine
    * Elder's Counseling
    * Cultural Activities
    * Licensed Psychologist
    * Follow-up Services

The cost per client is $161.29 Canadian dollars per day ($5,000 per month) payable in full
to Miracle Native Healing Retreats in advance of beginning of Retreat.

Persons on the staff advertise themselves as traditionally trained , recognized , Elders , Pipe Carriers , Medicine persons and Medicine Healers . For example ;

Elder Kathleen is of Mi’kmaq descent. She was trained as an Elder by the internationally-known Grand Spiritual Leader of the Mi’kmaq Nation, Elder Nöel Knockwood of Nova Scotia. Elder Kathleen is a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Traditional Medicine Healer. She is past president of the Eldawik Council
of Nova Scotia and holds a clergy license in Alberta.

Elder Alan Hatfield is a Mi’kmaq Indian from Pictou Landing First Nation in Nova Scotia. He is a Life Member of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders. His teacher is Elder Noel Knockwood, the Grand Spiritual Leader of the Mi’kmaq Nation. Elder Alan has been a Medicine Person and Counselor for over 20 years. CBC has produced a full-length documentary about his work and he is a frequent guest on many television and radio programs across North America.
( edited on March 10th ,to add ; In reply #25 and #27 in this thread Alan Hatfield's agent let us know Mr.Hatfield is not involved in Miracle Native Healing Retreats , and his name and photograph were used without his permission . )

I see ads for this " Healing Retreat" all over the place on the internet , and I feel a bit confused .

It seems the Sweat Lodge Ceremony is open to the public every Sunday and there is no mention of a charge . It would seem no one is being prevented from coming to this ceremony for lack of money .

It also sounds like this commecially run Healing Reteats might be helping to fund some good programs for Aboriginal people in their area ;

Four Eagles Lodge is located in Strathcona County and is just on the east side of the City of Sherwood Park, Alberta. Situated on three acres of land, the 5,500 sq. ft. residence is available to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal males 18+ who are serious about their recovery from alcohol and other drugs and who require a spiritual and caring environment.

Accommodation is available for $300 per month. We accept persons on Social Assistance. If somebody requires employment, then we can also arrange work in the Sherwood Park area.

Traditional healing methods are increasingly being integrated with non native medicine , councelling and rehabilitation programs , and in many situations this integrated approach can be very benificial , when this is geared towards helping Native people.  But in situations where I have seen this integrated approach , it is done quietly , behind the scenes ,to fufill a need . I don't recall seeing these benificial integrated programs advertised to the general public or run as a commercial business .

Maybe this wouldn't be so confusing if this was simply Native people offering a Healing Retreat , which includes lodging , nutritious food , recreational facilites and personal counselling , and the advertisement made a brief mention that the program is run on Native values with traditional knowledge and understanding of healing , integrated throughout the program ?

If a Native person was trained in a non native profession of being a Psychologist or a Doctor or was a owner of a recreational lodge or retreat , probably no one would expect their cultural values or knowledge would not be integrated with their other work long as this integration respected the cultural norms which are in place to protect Spiritual traditions .

But when this commercial Healing Retreat advertises Sweat Lodge ceremonies , a Sacred Night Lodge , and persons are advertised as carrying "Traditional medicine " and being "Pipe carriers" and "Medicine People" , it does seem to cross a  line, as to what is generally acceptable in traditional communities .

Even more confusing , they clearly state this themselves in their own webpage
First they say ;

The Miraculous World of
Amazing Traditional Medicine Healers
Powerful Native Spirituality Elders
This is the Real Thing!

But then the same webpage further down says;
Unfortunately, at the present time, there are quite a number of would-be medicine people (who call themselves elders, shamans, etc.) who advertise on the internet. Please beware of these people. No REAL Native Indian medicine person would EVER advertise on the internet and  would never set a fee for their services. That would be considered “selling their Spirituality??? and no real Native Elder or Medicine Person would ever do that.
(my bold type )

But then they do exactly that , they ARE advertising and apparently ARE setting a fee for their service .

In my opinion , if these people are the " real thing " as they claim , their behavior of advertising Ceremonies together with the fact this appears to be a commercial enterprise , obviously undermines and confuses the efforts to teach the public that people who advertise and sell ceremonies should not be trusted .

Or is there some fine line here that I am not understanding?

If what these people are doing is seen as OK , because they are real Indians and they have some real traditional training and support , it seems to me accepting the advertisement and sale of ceremonies , as a part of a commercial retreat ,on this basis , sets a precedent which would make it impossible to defend Spiritual traditions from exploitation . Defending Spiritual traditions from exploitation is difficult enough without the definition of "exploitation" being based on highly debatable concepts such excluding people on the basis of race , deciding whether a person is a "real" Indian ,  or defining who has actually recieved "proper traditional training " .  Even within a Native community opinions on these topics can vary a lot .

Alan Hatfield's career of being a medium and recording voices in cemetaries and taking photographs of Spirits sounds very interesting , and I think i've heard Noel Knockwood is a respected Elder , but I doubt all these activites are " traditional". ( ( (

These people seem to be setting a precedent that it is OK to mix traditional Ceremonies and Spiritual assistance with other things and with commercial healing retreats , and they seem to be doing this with at least some support from respected Elders and Spiritual leaders . I find that confusing .What do other people think about this ?
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 07, 2007, 03:42:40 pm
When I feel confused I usually look for more information . I found lots more information , but I am still confused . Maybe someone else will know what it all means . Having it all rattling around in my head is keeping me awake at night . My own comments are all initalics and [  ] (

Elder Kathleen is of Mi’kmaq descent. She was trained as an Elder by the internationally-known Grand Spiritual Leader of the Mi’kmaq Nation, Elder Nöel Knockwood of Nova Scotia. Elder Kathleen is a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Traditional Medicine Healer. She is past president of the Eldawik Council of Nova Scotia and holds a clergy license in Alberta."

[ Is this person below "Elder Kathleen" ? The personal details all fit .]
-------------------------------------- (

"2000-2001 Board
Kathy Osborne, Speaker (president)"

"An interested group of people wishing to become members of The Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis first met in February 2000 at the Friendship Center in Halifax. ( con ... )"

"October 2001, member Kathy Osborne, also an Elder in training under the guidance of Noel Knockwood was honored with the title Aboriginal Elder of Nova Scotia. Later the members elected Kathy Osborne as Elder of Eldawik. ( con ...)"

------------------------------------ (

[ photos of Kathy Osborne and other Eldawik people. ]
[ The Eldawik Council is a part of the Conferderacy of NS Metis.  A link to their website is below] (

"There is NO blood-quantum requirement. We do not see ourselves as simply being a percentage of our Native heritage, but as being 100% Métis and nothing else."
[This group gives out "Certificate of Aboriginal Status"  . Which they claim is; ]

"First and foremost, it is a membership card signifying that you are a member of the Confederacy of Nova Scotia Métis and our National Affiliate, the Canadian Métis Council.

CNSM  represents and responds to the political, social, cultural and economic interests of  Nova Scotia's Métis People.

It is an identification card - signifying that you are a person of Aboriginal ancestry and recognized under the Canada Constitution Act, 1982 as such, and therefore have all the rights, opportunities and privileges accorded to Aboriginal people.  This card system is similar to the way "Status" Indians are registered with the Government of Canada through Indian Affairs and receive a "Certificate of Indian Status" card with an identification number.

Used as an identification card for purposes including, but not limited to, the following:" (con... )

------------------------------------------- (

"From the CBC WebPosted Dec 19 2003 11:14 AM AST INDIAN BROOK, N.S. ? Illegal status cards are circulating in the Maritimes that claim to give Metis the same rights as natives to
fish or hunt. " (con ...)

"Ron Surette, the speaker for the Confederacy of Nova  Scotia Metis, has been fighting to get his members recognized as Metis for several years.  He says he makes it clear when anyone in his organization sells a Metis card that it's for identification only. "Probably some day we'll have some rights. Right now we have no rights at all," says Surette."

------------------------------------ (

"cultural appropriation: The appropriation or taking of another people's culture.

The following organizations are NOT endorsed in any way by the Wabanaki Confederacy nor the Nations of the Wabanaki Confederacy. The Nations of the Wabanaki Confederacy being the Míkmaq (Micmac), Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet), Peskotomuhkatiyik (Passamaquoddy), Panawahpskewi (Penobscot), and Alnôbak (Abenaki), their respective governing Grand Councils, and their People. These organizations do not represent Wabanaki people in any way, and any claims to do so are fraudulent. They are not citizens of the Wabanaki Nations, and do not have any status as "Indian" with their own countries, the USA & Canada. These are American and Canadian citizens infringing on the rights of the Wabanaki People. Their claims are fraudulent, and their actions are cultural appropriation. The Wabanaki would like for the American and Canadian governments to inact laws to protect the Wabanaki and other Aboriginal People from cultural appropriators and the organizations they invent."

[ there is a long list of organizations and amoungst them ]

"Confederacy of Nova Scotia Metis (Headed by Wendy Annand )"

"Eldawik Metis Council (Member of Confederacy of Nova Scotia Metis, located in Halifax, NS )"

[I am not sure who the Wabanaki Confedracy is, or if they really have the authority to speak for the Nations named here .There seems to be different opinions, as Noel Knockwood apparently supports this the Eldawik Metis , while the Wabanaki Confederacy does not . Even if the political agenda of the CNSM is questionable, that does not mean everyone involved knew this . Maybe some of the Mi'kmaq NAFPS forum members would know who these people are ? ]
[Noel Knockwood donated some of his books and CDs on Spirtuality and culture to raise funds for the Eldawick Metis . ] (
[It looks like Kathy Osborne has done some good work for the Mi'kmaq people through encouraging culturaly senstive mental health programs ] (

"Winter 2005

Kathy Osborne, an elder with Cree and Mi’kmaq blood living in Dartmouth, who has been working on a project with the Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia to get most of the information on schizophrenia translated into plain language and made available on reserves."
(con ...)

-------------------------------------------------- (


"Elder Paul is a recognized Treaty Status Nakoda Native Elder. He is a Sacred Pipe Carrier, Sweat Lodge Keeper and Traditional Medicine Man (Herbalist).Licensed as a Native Spirituality clergy under the laws of Alberta, Elder Paul has authority from the Director of Vital Statistics to perform legal marriages. Elder Daniels is also Grand Chief of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders and holds an office of Bishop in Canada’s only Native Spirituality Church. He served as Elder at the well-known Poundmaker’s Lodge in St. Albert and trained the Elder who currently serves there."

[In the webpage found under the Healing link ;]

"In our Sweat Lodges we give worship to the Creator and Jesus Christ as well as our respect to the Helping Angels (known in Native Culture as Grandfathers and Grandmothers) and our Honoured Relatives who have passed into the Heavenly World. We ask the Creator through Jesus Christ to send His Messengers to help us in our earthly difficulties and to heal our bodies, minds,emotions and spirits of illnesses that we may have."

[I wondered about this "Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders", mentioned above .

The only thing that comes up when I google it , is the link below  ;]

"Private Collateral Lenders Corp."

[(check out the picture !) ]

"His Excellency, Charles I is Metropolitan Archbishop of the only government-recognized and
certified Christian Spiritist Church in Canada.  ( con ...)"

"Most Rev. Dr. Charles, although a white person of Scottish ancestry, is also fully
recognized as a Native Spirituality Elder (confirmed in writing by Treaty Status Native
Elders from the Nakoda, Cree and Mi’kmaq First Nations), a Sacred Pipe Carrier and
Traditional Medicine Person. He is a Life Member of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality

"He is founder of the only government-recognized Native Spirituality Church in the world.
In that capacity, he ordained the first Correctional Services Native Spirituality Elder as a clergy in 2005. "
(con.... )

"All profits from both St. James Financial Services and Private Collateral Lenders Corp. go directly to the work of the street and prison ministry of the Church. This includes Miracle Native Healing Retreats (see and both a Halfway House and a Women’s Shelter." (con... )

"Rev. Dr. Father Gordon Roebuck was educated in England. He graduated with a Master's Degree
in Theology (with Honours) from Canterbury University. For many years the parish priest for  the Stony Plain/Spruce Grove region of Alberta, Father Gordon was deeply respected and loved by his parishioners. "(con ...) " Father Gordon, following his retirement from active ministry, graduated from the Mortgage Agent Course of Study and was licensed as a Mortgage  Agent in the Province of Alberta. He worked as a Mortgage Agent for Mortgage Alliance (now  Mortgage until his death on March 5, 2006 in Edmonton. Gordon was co-founder of the concept of Private Collateral Lenders Corp. along with His Excellency, Charles I and  he was looking forward to being an essential part of the Healing Retreats ministry of the Native Spirituality Church and Retreats." (

"We are incorporated in the province of Alberta under the Business Corporations Act and are a group of both small and large money lenders gathered together as a consortium. We lend from $100 to $100,000,000 USD based upon the collateral in land, receivables or equipment. As a consortium of private lenders we have a wide range of funds to loan."

[ If I do a google search on "Native Spirituality Church" the only other related link that comes up is this ]

"Native Pride - Worldwide
Visa Card"

Apply Now

"Private Collateral Lenders Corporation is offering all Aboriginal People who are proud of their Great Heritage the FIRST AND ONLYNATIVE PRIDE – WORLDWIDE VISA CARD View Available Designs"



(con ...)

"All PROFITS from this VISA CARD will be given to support the work of Canada’s Only Government-Recognized Native Spirituality Church. This will assist the Church in offering FREE TREATMENT at our beautiful 160 acres Miracle Native Healing Retreat (just 40 minutes South East of the City of Edmonton) to all YOUTH suffering from Alcohol and other Drug Addictions."

"So, SUPPORT NATIVE PRIDE – WORLDWIDE and NATIVE YOUTH! This is what your application for
this card will do for you and yours.

Offered by Private Collateral Lenders"


[I always thought credit cards were a way a lot of people get tricked into something strongly resembling indentured servitude , but that is just my personal opinion.  How is it possible that if some Indian person has low income or poor credit or no credit this is absolutely no problem ?

Seeing VISA distribution together with the Christian Church and advertised Ceremonies, Medicine people and a Native Spirituality Church , has me feeling like this is my first encounter with space aliens . ]

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Ric_Richardson on February 08, 2007, 05:02:14 am

While I am not familiar with many of the questions, raised, I will speak about the use of Traditions, such as the Sweat Lodge and Elders, in some Healing Lodges, in Canada.

I have attended a treatment program, at Poundmaker's Lodge, in the Edmonton area, albeit many years ago.  I have also been a NNADAP (National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program) counsellor and coordinator. 

From looking at the websites, this appears to be a long term residential program, to help people heal from the ravages of drug and alcohol abuse, using an Aboriginal Cultural approach to this.  As at Poundmaker's Lodge, Elders who are knowledgeable about Traditional Medicine are valuable resources.  Also, as at Poundmaker's Lodge, the Sweat Lodge is used to assist with the healing.  While the course, at Poundmaker's Lodge has a fee attached, it is the common practice to Respect Cultural protocol, in accessing Traditional practices and is not recognized as part of the fee structure.

While fees are charged, I am unsure about the fee being directed at the use of Traditional Medicines or the Sweat Lodge.  As the fees are similar to many other, non native treatment programs, I believe that they are meant to cover actual expenses of running the program, which of course would include wages for all staff, including Elders.  Since there is a Cultural focus, on this particular treatment model, it would be most beneficial for the use of Culture and Elders, in the treatment. 

As with many Aboriginal people, in our country, alcoholism and drug abuse are epidemic and devastating.  It took the efforts of many people to develop treatment models, which include and Honour our Culture.  As well, the success rates for Aboriginal people attending Aboriginal treatment programs, has shown to be better than other treatment models, often based on other religions.

The whole issue of the Metis of Nova Scotia is one that has been a subject of debate in Canada for a long long time and I am not able to speak about it, since it has many unresolved issues attached to it.  As a Metis of Northern Saskatchewan, I do enjoy hunting, fishing, food gathering and other Aboriginal Rights, as defined (poorly) in the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982.  These Rights do not extend to areas of Eastern Canada, as I understand, but are continually the subject of court cases.

Some of us Metis are continually working with First Nation people, Respecting our common bonds and issues.  This, however is not common, since the way our government has dealt with us has served to fragment our people.

I hope that this helps, although I am personally unfamiliar with this particular healing program.

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 08, 2007, 02:55:38 pm
Here is some words of some Canadian Elders on the topic ; (

Advice from the powwow trail

Editor's note: This article was first published in Windspeaker's Guide to Indian Country,
June 1998.

By Boye G. Ladd

Many times I have seen individuals "showing off" their sundance scars, tobacco ties or
amulets hanging around their necks - exposed. When a person carries protection and/or
medicine, it should always be hidden and never be spoken about.

Spiritual leaders and medicine men should be considered in the same light. For the true
and sincere, their reverence is based on humbleness, dedication and sacrifice. Anytime
someone stands before you and claims to be a medicine man, do not believe him or anything
he says, because he or she has desecrated their oath of humbleness. You will not find a
true and sincere spiritual leader or medicine man teaching in a school or university, or
seeking public attention. (con ... ) (

Kim Recalma-Clutesi of the Kwakwa kawkw people of Vancouver Island says the difficulty is
unraveling people's belief systems from what they've learned in text, from ethnographical
material, and in the recovery centres that often use sweats, smudging and other spiritual
practices of the plains people to aid in the healing process.
"There is a school of thought out there that if it's helping people, leave it alone. But there
is a stronger school of thought from people who are technicians within the culture, how many of
us would wash our feet in the holy water? It's akin to that. It's that serious. For some reason
we are supposed to forget the rules to help people. But in a lot of ways, they said, forgetting
the rules is very dangerous, because these things come as part . . . of supernatural energy."
0One&startDate=2005/08/05&startTime=09:30 (

Friday, August 5, 2005, 9:30 a.m.

The Healing Circus

The word "healing" is everywhere these days - there are hundreds of treatment programs out there
 to help aboriginal people get over their addictions and residential school trauma. But are native spiritual traditions being distorted and ultimately lost as a result? Roger Roulette thinks so. He's an Ojibway linguist and translator, and the son of an esteemed medicine man. Hear his critique of the modern native healing industry.

I don't know about the situation at Poundmakers in particular but I do know that sometimes the people hired by government run treatment and rehab programs as elders are not people recognized as the most knowledgeable Elders by the Aboriginal community. Sometimes people who work in these programs are selected by the non native government or funders , because they have personal values that fit with government objectives , such as developing "Native pride " through economic development of culture .

I have heard Roger Roulette speak on this, and if I recall correctly , he has been organizing with traditional Elders to find ways to address these problems . He said many of the Native healing programs run at rehab centers were reducing Native traditions to nothing more than an Indianized 12 step program with a Sweat Lodge . It is a complex and difficult situation . As these problem have no traditional precedent, it seems reaching a consensus on the best way to deal with these problems can slow in coming . There is obviously different opinions on this ....

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 17, 2007, 05:46:53 pm
Looks like I am not the only person to be asking questions about this group . They are discussed quite extensively in through the link below  . As the basic information is already being discussed publicly , and is posted in an Edmonton based forum , there doesn't seem to be much point in sittting on the details .
sid=e32434d02d3a16d037fa2d809a69ff1f&mforum=edmontonsk (

Here is some additional information ;

Apparently His Excellency Charles the 1st is also Rev.  Dr. Te? rlach Dunsford-Mac a' Phearsoin

This link below sometimes doesn't work , but if you do a Google search on  "Tearlach Dunsford", it comes
up and seems accessible through the Google search page . It is a "White pride" website .

Tearlach Dunsford-Mac a'Phearsoin - Stormfront White Nationalist ...
Where in Alberta does Tearlach Dunsford-Mac a'Phearsoin live and what is he up to these days? Does he still have his"National Spiritst" church that let's homosexuals marry? I also heard he's a "Wiccan" now...can anyone confirm this?"
This link also seem to often not work when posted but a search on "Miracle Native Healing" will bring up the stormfront website with this  post ;

(excerpted from a longer post )

"I am searching for information on him because: Tearlach and another guy want to turn our home into a native retreat and Spiritist church. " ( con...)

"Twice they have been at our home trying to get the locks changed and move people in and start his miracle native healing retreat. " (con... )

"When I registered my Church as a Society the papers said 3 voting people on the board. There was a technical problem and Tearlach (Charles) said he would pick them up and fix them " (con... )

Re :Tearlack Dunsford Mac a' Phearsoin
"If it's the same dude profiled in Warren Kinsella's silly book "Web of Hate" you wil have almost a chapter's worth of allegations against the guy if you can get your hands on a copy. However, you can't be certain of how much of it is accurate given how challenging it is for Kinsella to get the "facts" straight,

Using this guy as one of the main characters in his book demonstrated the extent of Kinsella's desperation in attempting to make the case that the "organized White racist" movement in Canada was some sort of diabolical threat to social order. Dedicating that much space to a marginal guy whose bizarre activities occured mostly in the 1970's in a book published in the mid-90's was pathetic."


"Thanks so much for the information.

"I will get the book if I can. I really appreciate the info. His activities may not only be related to the 70's. " (con....)
"He doesn't even put his real name on his business website." (con...)
( I inserted this into this conversation for reference )
"Warren Kinsella has now updated his extraordinary insider's view of the Far Right in Canada to include an investigation of Internet hate groups and the ease with which they operate in our unregulated Internet environment. These are organizations whose previously marginal influence has exploded over the Internet, giving them a global voice and support. Kinsella makes a strong and convincing argument for Internet regulation, showing how groups like the Aryan Nations, the Ku Klux Klan and the Heritage Front are reaching out to students and even children on the Net."

---------------------------------- (

"Tearlach Macpherson, denies the group had anything to do with the incidents and said the organization may begin it's own investigation if the RCMP are unable to find the culprits ."

"Macpherson said the burnings are giving the Klan a bad image. It will sue the culprits for misrepresentation since the fiery cross is a Klan symbol, Macpherson said. The Klan has two chapters in Red Deer and plans a public rally in the city this fall, he said. The group's literature says the Alberta Klan is  separate from all other Klan organizations. I t has been kgally registered with the provincial government under the name of the Invisible Empire Association Klan membership is open to all men and
 women of all races, religions and colors, says the literature.( con ... )"
----------------------------------------- (

"Welcome to Canada's Only Spiritist Church
Rev.  Dr. Te? rlach Dunsford-Mac a' Phearsoin"

"In 1971 a Methodist clergyman in Calgary,  Alberta, Canada,  incorporated  The  National Spiritist Church of Alberta
( con ... )"

"What  led  up to the founding of the  Spiritist group  in Canada, was that Dr. Te? rlach Dunsford-Mac a' Phearsoin
( con... )

"About  this  time, 1970, Dr. Dunsford-Mac a' Phearsoin discovered the works of Allan  Kardec

"Other  divisions  are:  PTS   Ministries,   N.S.C.A.  for  people  of alternative  orientation,  and,  Church  of  St.Lazarus also has an extensive  prison ministry.  Later  this  year  (1998)  Church of St. Lazarus  is  opening  a halfway  house, called KARDEC HOUSE, for the housing and treatment  of  prisoners  released  from prison on parole with residency requirements. The  Government  of  Canada will pay our Church  $47  per day per inmate for supplying them with residence and healing programs.
( my bold type )
We also  have  a  registered  division  called:  Deganawida Spiritist  Society. This is for Native Indian persons who practice Native Spirituality. We became the first Church in the history of Canada to have a Native  Indian  Elder appointed as a clergy with authority to perform marriages. Later  this  year,  an  Indian Band in Alberta is going to support us in the  starting  of  DEGANAWIDA HOUSE a halfway house for Native Spirituality prisoners on parole."
( Con ...)
Here is some mention of the guys alleged criminal record , though I do notice that the sentence is different each time it is reported so obviously some information here is incorrect .  The website on the fraudulent selling of noble titles (below this ) says he served two years in prison . The article imeadiately below says he was sentanced to six years .
%2Bphearsoin+%2Btearlach&hl=en&strip=1 (
Gay Matchmaking: Ex-Klan wizard jailed in sex assault
"The one-time imperial wizard of Alberta's Ku Klux Klan was sent to jail for six years Monday for sexually assaulting a young man, twice the sentence prosecutors had requested. Courtroom spectators, many nervously awaiting their own hearings on minor offences, gasped when provincial Judge John Reilly took the highly unusual step of sentencing Tearlach Mac a'Phearsoin to double the prison term sought by the Crown.Mac a'Phearsoin, 45, described by his... "
=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=ca (
"Klansman faces sex rap - By Peter Smith, Sun Media - Edmonton Sun - The former imperial wizard of Alberta's Ku Klux Klan has been charged over allegations of sexual misconduct. Police say children as young as 12 years old were visiting a youth club infiltrated by cops investigating  the allegations. After a four-month investigation, vice unit detectives have charged one man with counselling anal intercourse and permitting a home to be used for sexual activity...  He was also imperial wizard of the Alberta Ku Klux Klan..."

A lot of this just doesn't make any sense . As far as I can learn the Ku Klux Klan strongly opposes homosexuality and would not be a proponent of Native Spirituality. Allen Kardac was opposed to racism . In yet Tearlach founded his Spiritist Church on the teachings of Allan Kardac , in 1971 , and reportedly was the head of the Ku Klux Klan in Alberta in 1980 . Looks like this guy has done some strange things before . The {name redacted} looks to be Charles / Tearlach . As can be seen in the links below .

------------------------------------------------------------ (
"In June of 2004, a new website was opened up " (con.. )It proclaims that a man named [name redacted] is the Hereditary Prince of Mergentheim,and one can obtain genuine titles and knighthoods through this man who is supposed to be an authentic fountain of honor. One must merely make contributions to his charity foundations."

"For another example of fraud, Mr. Boada sold the noble title of "Prince of Mergentheim" to a man who now calls himself Prince [name redacted]. For a longtime, this fraudulent prince sold titles himself under the following website , which he recently opened back up:"(con ...)

"( ...... begins ... )" he has a very unsavory past making his character highly questionable and suspect. (see enclosed copies of his old website wherein he attempted to sell phoney titles of nobility back in 2003) It also was discovered from his claim to be the head of the National Spiritist Church and/or  the Church of St. Lazarus in [place redacted] that one of his aliases is [alias redacted]. (However, he claims that  this is his true name as stated on his birth certificate--the full name being [name redacted]--this could be true) But from this name, it was a simple process to find out that he has been convicted of a heinous crime, served two years in prison for it, was the Imperial Wizard of Alberta's KKK "(con .. )

"In other words, [name redacted], Fr. [redacted], Boada and Pitts-Tucker work together, and Boada and Pitts-Tucker profit from the frauds the first two lowlife crooks perpetrate in the great nation of Canada. (In all fairness, Mr. [name redacted] denies some of this or points out mitigating circumstances or that he has some enemies and they have  distorted things. See [website redacted] for a letter of explanation from Mr. [name redacted].)"
(con ..)"

Looks like "Prince " Charles put some pressure on these people to remove his name from their allegations .
I found "Prince" Charles I Macphersons old website through the internet archives .

-------------------------------- (

"He serves as a Metropolitan Archbishop in a government recognized denomination." (con ..)

"His Serene Highness practiced as a business and financial consultant for a number of years. He is also a professional Remedial Herbalist "(Con... ) (

"His Serene Highness holds a number of Life Memberships, including the Clan Macpherson Association "( con... )

"Deganawida Society is the registered Church Branch for those of Aboriginal heritage who, although raised with a Christian background and recognizing Jesus, are also attuned to the traditional ceremonies and practices of Native Spirituality. This involves participation in Sweat Lodges, Sacred Pipe and Sweetgrass ceremonies and Traditional Prayer Retreats with Fasting."

"Elder, the Rev. Dr. Paul A. Daniels is only one of two Native Spirituality Elders who are also fully recognized as clergy with government-issued Registration of Clergy Certificates. Elder Daniels is a traditional Sweat Lodge Keeper,  Medicine Man and Spiritual Counselor to the Nakoda Tribe." (

"The National Spiritist Church was legally incorporated in 1971 and achieved full government recognition as a religious denomination in 1976." (Con...)

"His Serene Highness, Prince Charles V of Mergentheim is the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Church and as such is referred to as His Grace Charles I." (con.. )
This Spiritist Church is also involved in selling phoney nobility titles . (

Clearly there are serious concerns when a person with this sort of a history ,and grandious ego , is  entrusted with Spiritual traditions and running healing programs for Native people. I find it totally outrageous that the Canadian government provided someone like this, with funding for healing programs for vulnerable Native people  . Is this intentional colonization and cultural destruction from within or what ?
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: debbieredbear on February 17, 2007, 11:34:44 pm
I don't even know what to say. A former KKK leader, who rapes men, is working in prisons with Native inmates? It'sa mind boggling and also dangerous for those involved.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on February 18, 2007, 05:07:11 pm
Is this Kardec House (Leon Rivail) the same as the ones in Brazil? It looks like there are 3 main players that are cons and/or deviants. Boada, Matchmaking, and MacPhearsoin. MacPhearsoin may have more wrong with him than just being a con. Depends if he really thinks he is a Prince of the Federal Republic of Germany. And I never heard of the "Invisible Empire" being an Equal Opportunity Organization. It's just another name for the KKK. As far as the involvement of Indigenous people it's hard to say. Are you saying they are cons or being conned?  frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 18, 2007, 07:19:24 pm
I'm not sure what is going on here . Like I said none of it seems to fit together very well. But I also believe that when things don't make sense ,  it is just that I am not understanding the interconnections . The more things don't seem to make sense , the curiouser I get .

Allan Kardec was a pseudonym of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail. I don't know about what is going on in Brazil .

As far as I can tell the basic values of Allan Kardec are radically different then those of the KKK .  So how can the same guy found a Church based on the teachings of Allen Kardac starting in 1971 , continuing through to the present, and also be the head of the Alberta KKK in 1980 ?  Which set of values would be "real" to this person - those of Allan Kardac or those of the Invisible Empire Ass. KKK ? If the Alberta KKK has values that are different than the other organizations that go by that name , as claimed , why call yourselves the Ku Klux Klan in the first place ?

Or maybe none of the values of Kardac or the KKK really mean anything to this person , and it is all just a stage setting to enhance the guys seemingly grandious ego ?

Seeing that Tearlach was claiming to be a Prince , and that he is currently advertising himself as his Excellency Charles the I ( unusual that he offers no last name when it is a lending company ) does say something about the guys personality .

I would like to get ahold of the information in Warren Kinsella's book "Web of Hate" , and see if the chapter that talks about Tearlach , might provide some more clues as to who Tearlach actually is , and who he is really associated with  .

I don't know when the alleged sexual assault conviction is said to have occurred , but sexual assault does not always mean rape . I suppose there may have been extenuating circumstances , and it may have happened a long time ago . I remember once being in a healing circle with an past abuser, and he spoke of the wrongs he had done to women . Hearing him speak with so much insight into himself and so much regret for the pain he had caused , helped a place in my heart to heal .  People can do horrendous crimes and still have a lot of good in them . But did I think that man , I heard speak , having reformed his ways , should be running programs for abused women ? -  NO -NOT EVER . You have to think about how the people he was running the program for feel about that . And I have the same opinion about non native people leading traditional Native ceremonies . It isn't about "them". It is about what is best for the people they are serving .

I have more than once seen people hired as elders , to work in treatment and Rehab programs just because they are Native and they have some traditional knowledge and a some Native people will vouche for them . Some of these people are real bad apples . Even bad apples can have some traditional knowledge and some friends and family who will vouch for them .  It is kind of like if the government was willing to hire a person as a Minister in a treatment program , just because they are White , and have some knowledge of Christianity , as long as they have a few White friends who will vouch for them being qualified to be a Minister.  Not understanding the complexities of another culture to the degree necessary to make a competant choice as to who to hire or fund , is probably what is behind many of the situations where a bad choice is made.   But in this situation it is hard to understand how such seemingly obvious concerns , could be overlooked .

That a person can invent a Church , allegedly have a criminal record , be the former head of a extremist group with a name associated with racism and violence , and be approved for funding to run healing programs for Native people , raises serious questions about the intentions of the people who have supported this .
I would guess the Native people involved are naive'.  There has been so much cultural destruction I think for many people some of the basics have been lost or confused . When you throw in on top of that ,the
overwhelming need in cities for culturally sensitve treatment and Rehab programs , people sometimes think it is OK to cut corners and overlook some things . Still , if they are going around claiming to be Spiritual leaders and authorizing people as "Spirituality Elders" and "Medicine" people , they have a responsiblity to know what is going on , and from what I can see of this situation , ( maybe I am missing something ? ) it really doesn't look like they do . I'm sorry if this is disrepectful to anyone , but this is a serious concern .

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on February 18, 2007, 09:04:33 pm
I don't know what to tell you. I am not residing in Canada. If the Half-Way Houses there are close to the ones here, they have some regulation and monitoring. In Canada I would guess it would be their local or Province. A few of the Nations here now have their own A&D programs. The ones in other areas do have a heavy dose of Christianity tied in, especially if they are aligned with Alcohol Anonymous. But if there is a large Indian population, Elders or Medicine People are brought in. As far as Half-Way Houses, Residential Cares, they are monitored, but they can be run by some sleezly people. Here you have "slum lords" running a lot of them. A lot of the people are followed by Case Workers or Managers. The only thing I can suggest is that find out who and how often they are being monitored, if there are problems with the man MacPhearsion and his management of the Half-Way house. I think Ric summed up the Indian involvement. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Ingeborg on February 18, 2007, 09:45:22 pm

Well, he certainly won't be a prince of the Fed. Republic.

"His Serene Highness, Prince Charles V of Mergentheim is the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Church and as such is referred to as His Grace Charles I."  says in the entry "Deutscher Orden" (German order):

" In 1809, the principality of Mergentheim, created in 1805 out of the German Order, was liquidated." As that happened when the nobility still ran the country, this means the title became extinct then.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 19, 2007, 04:37:54 am
Maybe the past 200 years the Prince's family was hiding out in the mountains of Mergentheim, procreating with Cherokee Princess's ?    :D Sorry , I just couldn't resist .

Not talking about this situation specifically , but just generally , from what i have seen , the problem of questionable characters claiming to be Medicine people and getting a captive audience through a prison or rehab program , is not uncommon.  Hey whatever storm and his National American Metis Ass. are mentioned in NAFPS as having got funding from the Massachusetts State Prison System for their
"medicine circle." Arthur Medicine Eagle Sonier and Francis Talbot are other ones that have been mentioned here .

In areas I am familiar with , in about 1/2 the situations I have seen or heard about , when non native people selected people to work as elders in prisons or treatment programs , these people selected were not considered  trustworthy by the local Native community. I have heard repeated stories of people brought in as elders , who created mistrust through dishonesty, complete inexperince , non native people posing as Native , drug use , violence , and ceremony selling  .

I have seen these people who were brought in as elders to these programs , later on go out into urban
communities where people don't know better, and claim to be elders , and people believe them because they worked in a government run Native rehabilitation program and people get hurt because they don't know what they are doing .

Seems like setting up traditionally based healing programs and selecting people to run them , should be in the hands of the recognized authorities and Elders within local Native communities . Non native governments or Churches don't usually know what they are doing .
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on February 19, 2007, 05:55:43 am
I agree with you, I think he is making it up as he goes along. He apparently has copied Brazil's program, but Can't say how exact it is just uses the name for the Half-Way house's name, religion and then incorporates Indian Spirituality. That's a little different. I have seen some pretty good A&D people who are ex-felons cleaned up their act and became counselors. I can't tell about this MacPhearsion, he seems more squirrely to me. But it is all speculation unless you actually talk to the people that are involved in the program. Who really runs the program? A lot of these programs are Catch-22's. If they do not exist, there is no where for these people to go. That's why they are monitored. I still think that is your best bet, is to check the program. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 20, 2007, 12:09:28 am
While I agree that someone who has made mistakes ,and learned better ,can be a guide to people making the same mistakes , I doubt it is ever right for such a person to council , or be in charge of programs for people who may have been deeply injured by similar mistakes .   

Just going on what Tearlach / Charles has posted about himself , Squirrely is the most benign explaination I can think of .

Here is some more , though in this case the charges were dropped . It difficult to be sure what the situation was without being able to access the entire articles . I notice it looks like Charles was 53 in 2002 ( if I am reading this right ? ) The previously posted undated allegation of a conviction ,mentions he was 45 , which I guess would mean that was sometime around 1994 . I guess people sometimes only serve a couple years of a 6 year sentence ?  As Tearlach / Charles mentions getting funding for healing programs in 1998 , he couldn't have been in jail for 6 years . (?) Maybe he appealed the earlier conviction and was found not guilty  ? (
What's under those robes? [newsnote that member of anti-gay Ku Klux Klan in Alberta, Chief Grand  Wizard Charles Macaphearson, "charged with having sex with underage boys"].
P151 (v20n2)(March 13, 2002): 12 (11cm.) (
Charges Dropped Against KKK Charles Macaphearson (53) - 4/6/02 By Peter Smith - Calgary Sun :The Crown has dropped two sexually related charges it laid against the former imperial wizard  of Alberta's Ku Klux Klan."
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on February 20, 2007, 03:34:24 am
I still cannot tell what he actually does. Does he himself work in these Shelters, Half-Way houses and the like? I don't think he does.  You know little  of what he states about himself is true. You well know he is not a Prince of Mergentheim. Ingleborg gives dates 1803 to 1809. So if I knew him I sure wouldn't call him Prince Charles. From all the information you cannot tell if he is a Sociopath, Bipolar, Borderline,  just a case of florsenic psychiatry or a con artist.  He is squirrely. It doesn't look like a cult. If the government is paying 47 (Canada) dollars a day for substance. They are probably monitoring the programs. If they are monitoring they would know if there are complaints against the programs. Are the Nations involved concerned? If not you have limited options. So what are your plans?
While I agree that someone who has made mistakes ,and learned better ,can be a guide to people making the same mistakes , I doubt it is ever right for such a person to council , or be in charge of programs for people who may have been deeply injury"
                                                                                                                It's definately possible, I've seen it more than once. Not everyone will do this, but there are always exceptions. They were quite good also. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Ric_Richardson on February 20, 2007, 04:27:10 am

As to the amount of time served for a 6 year sentence, generally speaking, anyone who serves 1/3 of their time gets paroled.  A Life sentence, in Canada, is generally eligible for parole in 7 years, except when it's first degree murder, which means that they will have to wait 10 years before eligibility for parole.

This sounds like a wierd situation, but I live in the next province, so do not know about it, personally.

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on February 20, 2007, 02:11:48 pm
If what he claims is true , Charles is the patriarch and founder of the Spiritist Church , which has an extensive prison ministry , is a Native Spirituality Elder, a Sacred Pipe Carrier and Traditional Medicine Person. 

Obviously being a "Spiritualiy Elder" ,  leading traditional Ceremonies , and being Squirrely don't go together very well .

I have heard many of the Native men imprisoned in Canada still have things like post traumatic stress from being imprisoned and abused in residential schools . I guess as long as prisoners have a choice what programs to enroll in, and who to pick as a counciller , and as long as people feel safe to bring forward any complaints they might have , and as long as no one who was abused is forced into a councilling relationship with an previous abuser , that part of the situation isn't too worriesome . To make an analogy , I don't think you mean that in your area you have previouse rapists running programs for rape victims , previous muggers running programs for little old ladies who just got mugged , and previous neo nazi's running old folks homes for holocaust survivors .

You have to remember the residential schools in Canada were monitored , but something went wrong .

Then there is the issue of the Miracle Retreats which are being advertised all over the net and these retreats don't sound to me to be exclusively for the treatmen of addictions .

from miracle Healing website
If you are a sincere seeker wishing to experience the amazing power of traditional Native Spirituality or you suffer from an illness that modern medicine has not been able to cure, we are here to assist you in personally meeting Elders and Medicine people  (con ...)

If you dig into the background of all the impressive sounding Native organizations that the Native staff are members of , so far as I have seen , they are all founded by Charles , or are of questionable merit.

I have been posting information on this organization same as we do for lots of questionable people and groups . The basic information about Tearlach having an alleged criminal record and having been affiliated with the KKK is posted in an Edmonton forum which gets visited by both social workers and police so I am sure the authorities in Edmonton are aware of the situation . The Native people posting in the forum sound like they find his buisness really offensive , but that is just a couple people . I notice none of the people advertised as staff in Miracle healing seem to have their tribe in the area . That might be a clue .

If you have more questions you are addressing to me , you could PM me , as people must be getting really tired reading through my long and repetive answers .
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on February 21, 2007, 02:56:50 pm
Thanks, but no thanks. I check the Watch Dogs. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Skinny on March 07, 2007, 01:23:01 am
Hi to all.  I have just joined your forum.

I was looking for information on Charles/Tearlach Mac a Phearsoin.

I know him all too well. You are right Momma Porcupine.  It is all based on him.

He incorperates people into his web sites without their permission and advertises things he can't offer.

Paul Daniels is a Healer and does Sweats, but you have to pay to enter or be healed.

There is no Miracle Native Healing Retreats, it is all Tearlach's pipe dream at the moment.  There is no Half Way house in Strathcona either and I doubt there ever will be.  No Band will sign with him.  He even offered treatment free and the band wouldn't sign with him. Another refused to do business with him when they found out he was a sexual offender. He destroyed a wonderful man's life with his anger at the truth and his rejection.

The article says 2 sexual charges were dropped.  How many were there?  He did time in Fed. Pen. for some. He is very interested in getting young vunerable guys into a group home.

I wouldn't trust him for a moment.  There was also information on one thread that he was to have attempted to shoot someone. I wouldn't put anything past him.

He says that money from Private Collateral Lenders goes to retreats etc, but there are none so how could it?  He scams money from where he can get it.

Yuk and Yikes
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on March 07, 2007, 03:34:22 am
Yes, this is what I found out. He does not have a Half Way House nor a Retreat. He did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assult, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years. Tried to start a prison ministry for people with Alternative Lifestyles.  He does not have a big following.  But someone else was actually doing this.  He is mostly interested in certificates and titles he can hang on the wall, and really does very little. He is the only person to ever register a secret organization (Invisible Nation) and call it an Equal Opportunity Organization. It didn't do well and went deflunk. So he is ex-Klan. The only thing that came up in the last 2 years was he might be using predatory interest rates with this financial organization he runs. But apparently they fall with limits of the law. He is still being observed because of his past Klan activity by groups. They believe he is more a legend in his own mind and is mostly if he does anything is an administrator or paper pusher. Reads Tarot cards, sell herbs, and other things. Claims of being a "Hapsburg Junker Prince" easy to disprove. They were glad he didn't claim to be a Romanov. So he is still being observed and not much new information on this man. As far as the Grupo de Estudos Avancados Espiritas he followed the English(UK) version, and it does not have a big following. The people I talked with say if anybody has any concrete information other than his past history that is out of line they should report it. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 07, 2007, 11:45:21 am
Hi Skinny and welcome

Thanks so much for the heads up , and I am greatly relieved to hear the Nations in your area have enough information to be cautious of this guy . Usually I'm not glad to hear someone is just making stuff up , but in this case it seems like the better option ... What a character !

I am wondering , if the Miracle Native Healing Retreats don't exist , what happens when people see the Miracle Native Healing Retreats advertisements I have seen displayed on many Native forums ? If they don't exist , do people send required $5000 in advance , and fly to Edmonton and there is nothing there ,or what? Or has this been advertised since last early May , but whenever anyone contacts them they say Nope , we don't really exist ? Very strange way to entertain themselves !

I got ahold of Warren Kinsella's book " Web of Hate"  , which has about 17 pages of information on Tearlach / Charles , but after reading it , I'm not feeling any closer to understanding who Tearlach really is . He seems to be one strange and contradictory guy .

I'm not sure all the information Frederica heard is correct ...

I'm a bit uncertain about quoting some of the information Kinsella provided , and if I do , context is important so i get confused about what to post , and what to leave out . Till I get this figured out , I will send you a lenghly PM with what I typed out from Kinsella's book . :o 

Hope that will be a help
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Skinny on March 07, 2007, 02:50:02 pm
You are so right Frederica, he has neither a Half Way House nor a Retreat. What he keeps saying is when there is money he will get them going.  They do not exist right now.  He says he has a deal to rent Labyrinth Lake Lodge for Miracle Native Healing Retreats because he has a connection with one of the people that own it. I think it is the guy’s gay partner.  As for Four Eagles Lodge, that is a picture of a home that he is trying to gain the title to.  It is on its way to court. The inside isn’t even finished yet and belongs to people he switched papers on and they are trying to stop him.

You are so right, he did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years of the 6 he was given.

About his financial organization, he has taken 25,000. from an individual with the promise of getting him a big loan, he was also going to charge 5 million for doing it. He was not able to get the loan so I believe he will be charged with fraud soon. It is against the law to take money for a loan you don’t get for someone.

You say he is still being observed. Do you know who I could contact with new information on him? I have tried but to no avail.

Thank you so much Moma_porcupine for the information from
Warren Kinsella's book " Web of Hate"  I had no idea. I just found out he had been charged for sex crimes and just read on another site he had attempted to shoot someone. Thanks you so much for the heads up.  Yes the Nations in my area have enough information to be cautious of this guy, but I am really worried about some that do trust him.  He will do what he has advertised if he gets the chance, never doubt that.  It is only money stopping him. He can not offer what he is advertising.  It is false.  He really in interested in young guys and getting them to a place he can access.

I have no idea if he is taking money or not for Miracle Native Healing Retreats or what they are told when they call. I would really like to know. Believe me he will start up if he can get a hold of money or the home in Sherwood Park.

I don’t see how anyone could understand Tearlach / Charles.  I am afraid of him.
All the information Frederica heard is correct ... except he is not mostly interested in certificates and titles he can hang on the wall, he is causing lots of problems.

Thank you so much for the information from Kinsella.  Everyone should be interested in what he says about Tearlach/Charles. I doubt Kinsella would name a person and print anything that could not be proven. Charles would have sued him long before now.

It really helps, Thanks so much
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 07, 2007, 06:08:41 pm
He did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assult, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years.
You are so right, he did time for Sexual Misconduct (furnished a house, room for 2 teens to make out). No rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, or sexual molestation. The judge threw the book at him and gave him a double sentence, he served 2 years of the 6 he was given. (
Sexual Misconduct
In legal sense, for a person in a position of authority it includes in particular any sexual activity between him or her and one of his or her subordinates. This commonly includes teachers and their students, doctors and their patients, and employers and their employees. While such activity is usually not explicitly illegal, it is often against professional codes of ethics. For example, a teacher may be fired and a doctor may have his or her medical license revoked due to sexual misconduct. In addition, the person in the subordinate position may allege sexual harassment

Do people in Canada get jail sentences for sexual misconduct ?

Here is a website on the Canadian laws on sexual assault .  ( (
The mean length of sentence for sexual assaults over the 9 years studied, was 1,522 days. The mean length of sentence for sexual assault in 1994 was 1,547 days, and this decreased to 1,406 days by 2002.
If the report that Tearlach got a six year sentence is correct , that would be 2190 days .

One allegation I will quote from Kinsella's book is this ;

Quoting Warren Kinsella , page 33
"In 1988 Mac a'Phersion was charged with gross indecency following a complaint by a mentally disabled teenager . The boy told police that Mac a'Phersion drove him to a deserted field outside Calgary and instructed him to engage in mutual masterbation . ( In November Mac a' phersion was convicted and fined $1000 ) "

Warren Kinsella's research was all done before 1994 , so any offenses after this would not be included in his book .

I would guess either Tearlach's charges were all dropped or overturned and he never went to jail at all , or if he was sentanced to 6 years and served 2 , he did something considered more serious than sexual misconduct

This is why I thought some of what Frederica heard may have been incorrect . Because it doesn't really make sense . but then when it comes to Tearlach not a lot does make sense .

If people want to know more about the allegations against Tearlach , they should be able to track down Warren Kinsella's book , "Web of Hate" page 22 -36 , page 57 , page 164 , page 446 , and page 450 -451 for the list of sources which appears to be mainly newpaper articles .  There is enough posted here already to inspire people who might get involved with his organizations to do some critical thinking .

Paul Daniels is a Healer and does Sweats, but you have to pay to enter or be healed.

Charging and advertising for traditional ceremonies or healing is usually a big red flag that a person doesn't really know what they are doing , and that they are NOT traditional . 
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 08, 2007, 06:26:45 pm
As Tearlach reportedly is continuing to attempt to set up healing programs for potentially vunerable people , and as I realize many Native people don't have access to well stocked libraries , and may have an easier time accessing information on line , I am thinking it might be helpful to post the following quotes from Warren Kinsella's book "Web of Hate".

I apologize that this is so long .

I'm a bit uncomfortable posting summeries of other peoples selected information . Quoting people , quoting people can be a bit like passing a story around a circle , with every retelling things get slightly changed , so I want to qualify what I am posting here by saying, it is not all the information , there may be migitating circumstances I am not aware of ,and this information should only be taken as a start to further inquiries .

Context is important but I can't post everything Warren kinsella wrote in the 17 pages he wrote on Tearlach . I am doing my best here to make a fair representation of the information Kinsella provided .   

Many Thanks to Warren Kinsella for his work researching all this !
Information found on Page 23 , Warren Kinsella's book "Web of Hate"

Tearlach Mac a'Phearsion , was born Ivan Ross Macpherson in 1948 in Charlottetown PEI.

He was abandoned by his parents .

He was adopted by a childless couple Charles and Evelyn Dunsford , and named renamed Barry .

As a child Barry was interested in the occult , seances and bagpiping .

Got interested in the KKK through an Uncle in Seattle when he was 12 .

Kinsella claims Tearlachs mother was one of four white supremacists who helped in the early organization of the Alberta KKK .

Came to Calgary at 17 ( 1965 )

Quoting Kinsella p. 23 , presumably from the interview he had with Tearlach in 1986 or 1993.

"He [meaning Tearlach ]is clearly defensive about his beloved Klan , repeatedly insisting -as so many other far right leaders  do- that it is not anti-Semitic or white supremacist but merely "a white Christian faternal organization." To buttress the point he even produces his resume, which states amoung other things , that he "assists the Alberta Human Rights Commission with regards to matters of concern to the Alberta Jewish community."

( My own note , I suppose it's possible if someone learned about the KKK through their own family from a young age , they may not have been informed of the many acts of racial violence and suppression this organization has been associated with . )

page 24

1972 Mac a' Phearsion began using the Scottish form of his birth name .

Quoting Kinsella page 24

"In May 1972 he ( Tearlach ) and his colleagues promptly registered the Confererate Klans of Alberta as a society under the provincial Societies act . In it's charter the group declared one of it's objectives was " to attempt to preserve , by legal  means , chiefly through public educational propaganda and mutual faternity , the traditions and ideals of the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon races , or more generally , the traditions and ideals of the white races".

Quoting Kinsella , page 24
"In the spring 1972 Mac a' Phearsion claimed and was given copyright over a number of Ku klux Klan symbols by the federal copyright office in Ottawa . Amoung the insignia registered that year were "unpublished artistic works " such as " Klansman on a Horse" , and the infamous "Triple K " symbol, often seen stiched on Klan robes, the " Blood drop" symbol and " Midnight  Mystery" . Over the coming decade , Mac a' Phearsion would attempt to license or sell rights to the Ku Klux Klan insignia to a variety of neo- Nazi groups including the Canadian branch of the Aryan Nations ."
"In February 1986 he successfully sold rights to his symbols to South Carolina Grand Dragon Robert Echols Scoggin . For $5000 ( U.S.) , Scoggin was given U. S. rights to five Klan symbols for a 50-year period ."
Page 25
Kinsella quotes Scoggin , in 1982 as saying,

"I have known Dr Tearlach Mac a' Phearsion for many years , and know him to be a loyal Klansman and Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan ...... No true Klansperson has any hate for anyone because of race creed , or color. Pride of race does not mean prejudice."

(My note; Here is some information about the shooting Tearlach was involved in . Because I have not researched this myself and I want to be careful not present this out of context I am quoting Kinsella , in entirity on this . )

Quoting Warren Kinsella , starting on Page 25

"By August 1972 , Mac a' Phearsion was claiming there were 11 klaverns across the province , five in Calgary , four in Edmonton , one in  Red Deer and one in Lethbridge . Members , he said numbered up to 325 Albertans , some of them drawn to the Klan by newspaper advertisements. ( continued .... )
"Then in September 1974 , the Confederate Klans of Alberta suffered a blow from which it never recovered . Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsion killed a man . A non white man .

The Mexican , Elias Acuilar Ramirez, was 21 when Mac a' Phearsoin brought him to his parents place on Center Street in Calgary. The two of them had met earlier that summer in Santa Rosa . Ramirez's home town ; they quickly became close friends  .  After a brief discussion , Mac a'Phearsion's parents agreed to take Ramirez into their home. The Dunsfords said they would provide him with room , board , clothes , and a small salery-althoughwhat services Ramirez would perform was never made clear.

Just before 11:00 o'clock on September 12 ,1974 , and three days after the arrival of Ramirez , the Dunsfords were in their beds , sound asleep. Mac a' Phearsion  and Ramirez , meanwhile , were down in the Dunsfords basement , in the Klan leaders bedroom . On the walls , Confederate flags , Klan certificates and Civil War lithographs had been tacked up . Knotted ropes hung from the  ceiling. Scattered here"
Page 26 Quoting Kinsella
"and there was corespondance from Ku Klux Klan leaders from across North America.

At precisely 11pm. a single shot rang out. Evelyn Dunsford jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs . She found her son in the hallway, the $51 revolver in his hands . He was crying. " My god, Mac a' Phearsion wailed ,"it can't be, it can't be." His mother peered into his bedroom , where she saw Martinez's body sprawled on the bed . His trousers were pulled down and his penis exposed . There was a single bullet hole in the Mexican's chest , two inches below a tattoed peace symbol .

Mac a' Phearsion appeared to be in a trance, mumbling to himself . His mother hugged him and then went upstairs to call the police .

That night Det. Loren J. Shields was working traffic detail in a uniform car . Shortly after 11pm , his car and another recieved a call about a shooting on Center Street . The officers sped to the nondescript house , where they were met at the door by Mac a' Phearsion. He was wearing a nightgown and he was weeping uncontrolably. "He's dead," Mac a' Phearsion told Shields. "He's been shot."

"Where is the person whos been shot?" Shields asked .

Sobbing Mac a' Phearsion led the police officers downstairs. The Dunsfords hovered in the door way , blinking in the light ;they did not appear to understand what was going on , Shields would later recall . At the doorway to his bedroom , Mac a' Phearsion pointed to the body of Rairez . Shields checked the body for a pulse ; there was none .

"Where is the weapon?" he asked. Mac a' Phearsion led him to an adjoining room , where the revolver had been placed on a chair , under a Confederate flag . "We were arguing," Mac a'Phearsion said, crying . "The gun went off. I think he's dead. Help me please, dear God , I think I've shot him."

To Shields and his police colleagues , there appeared to be little doubt that MacP had in fact , shot Ramirez. Sheilds placed the Klan leader under arrest, then led him outside to his cruiser. Mac a' Phearsion did not resist. He was charged with criminal negligence causing death . His parents posted bail ."
Page 27 Quoting Kinsella
"Many years later , Loren Shields is asked whether Calgary police found it significant that the Imperial Wizard of the Confederate Klans of Alberta had shot and killed a non white. Says Shields: "We didn't discuss the Klan. We didn't really question him in regard to that .There was always some speculation as to what the real motivation was , but we never established a motive for it to be murder . You could speculate all you wanted . It could have been a homosexual thing and it could have been a situation where he didn't like Mexicans . No one knew ."

Nor apparently did anyone care . At his trial , held in December 1975 . Mac a'Phearsion was defended by A. Webster Macdonald Sr. , a colorful local lawyer who is listed as a reference on Mac a' Phearsion's reume . Evelyn Dunford was called to give evidence about what she recalled of the death of Ramirez who she called "that poor boy". Mac a' Phearsion's mother revealed that her son had been hospitalized before the shooting , " for nerves a few times " and that he had been on medication the night of Ramirez's death . " He could never hurt anything," Evelyn said , " He could never shoot anything, he couldn't even hook a fish or run over a gopher with his car."

Another witness , 26 year old L.E. Burwell of Calgary , a one time friend of Mac a' Phearsion's, told a packed court room that he had warned the Klansman about the dangers of carrying a loaded revolver . Mac a' Phearsion insisted on keeping it nearby , he said because he was afraid of a possible attack by an anti-Klan activist .Burwell said his relationship with Mac a' Phearsion ended when the Klansman  "made a pass at me". When called to the stand himself, Mac a' Phearsion stated Ramirez had asked to see the revolver that evening . He claimed that Ramirez told him the loaded revolver could be "unloaded" by pulling back the hammer.

After a three day trial , the Confederate Klans leader was fined $1500 for criminal negligence causing death and $500 for dangerous use of a fire arm without lawful excuse ."During the trial we have heard much about the Ku Klux Klan," said Court of the Queens bench Justice W. K. Moore, "but the operations of the Klan are irrelevent to this case ."
Page 29, Quoting Kinsella
"In passing sentence , Moore told the court: " The accused's not turning away when he was loading the revolver showed a reckless disregard for the safty of Ramirez. The accused knew the gun was loaded .He was an intellegent person and knew he was holding a lethal weapon ."

The shooting and the resulting trial were the begining of the end for the Confederate Klans of Alberta . In July 1975 , the group was disolved by the provincial government . But Alberta had not heard the last of Tearlach Dunsford Mac Phearsion ."

If Kinsella's report is accurate , I have to wonder , what was Ramirez doing in Tearlach's bedroom with his pants down when Tearlach accidently shot him ?

It seems an odd time to be loading or unloading a revolver. And what were they arguing about ?

Maybe these details were explored in the trial and Kinsella just didn't explain these details , but as Kinsella tells it , the whole situation sounds questionable .

Quoting Kinsella page 29

"In Febuary 1980 Mac'a Phersoin and a group of like-minded white supremacists registered the Invisible Empire Association of Alberta , Knights of the Ku Klux Klan under the provinces Societies act."
"In it's 3 page application , the Invisible Empire Association stated that it would fight for "racial and religious integrity" ..... all members of the society would be required to marry within their own religious and racial colour . " It also stated it would work to "preserve the rituals , paraphenalia and symbols of the original Ku Klux Klan of the 1860's as headed by Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest of Tennessee and as revived in 1915 by Col. the Reverend William Joseph Simmons of Georgia."
------------------- (

"Tearlach Macpherson, denies the group had anything to do with the incidents and said the organization may begin it's own  investigation if the RCMP are unable to find the culprits ."

"Macpherson said the burnings are giving the Klan a bad image. It will sue the culprits for misrepresentation since the fiery cross is a Klan symbol, Macpherson said. The Klan has two chapters in Red Deer and plans a public rally in the city this fall, he said. The group's literature says the Alberta Klan is  separate from all other Klan organizations. It has been kgally registered with the provincial government under the name of the Invisible Empire Association Klan membership is open to all men and  women of all races, religions and colors, says the literature.( con ... )"
Quoting Kinsella page 28 ;

"Despite his claims though Mac a'Phearsion would later admit that he had warned the RCMP about the planned attacks seven days before they took place. "

Quoting Kinsella

" Two weeks after he condemned the Red Deer attacks Mac a' Phersion and his followers had a change of heart . They decided to hold another cross burning in the same city . " To clear up any misconceptions about the clan. "
( con... )

"About 25 people, half of them from Saskatchewan would be inducted into the Invisible Empire in a ceremony presided over by South Carolina Grand Dragon Robert Scoggin ..."

( my note - doesn't Tearlachs involvment with the KKK Grand Dragon from South Carolina kind of contradict his previous claim that "the Alberta Klan is separate from all other Klan organizations" ? )

"But the City of Red Deer fought back"

page 29 Quoting Kinsella
"The cross burning Cereony did not take place"

Quoting Kinsella , page 29

"According to police sources , he also acted as a paid police informant.Whenever a neo-Nazi criminal event was about to take place , Mac a' Phearsion would somehow aquire knowledge about it; he would then offer to sell information to the police or the minority communities affected ."

p.30 Quoting Kinsella

" Pressed on the subject of race relations Mac a'Phearsion demurs, saying ," The Klan believes intermarriage between the races should be abolished. With regard to marriage , I would not perform a marriage between two people of different color." But he insists he is not a racist . "

( my note ; Page 163 of "Web of hate" explains how Terry Long was made leader of Aberta Aryan Nations . According to Kinsella  , Terry typed up a press release in November 1984 , part of which said ; )

Quoting Kinsella , page 163

"Aryan nations is an Identity Christian movement that believes that Northern European peoples compromised of Anglos-saxon, Celtic , Germanic , Basque , Nordic , Slavic , and Lombard peoples are the lost tribes of Israelhaving migrated to their present locations following the two great dispersions of biblical Israel in 720 and 585 BC Adaquet documentation is available to prove communism is Jewish in origin and is presently controlled by the Jewish elite . Since Jewish Communists in their own publications advocte the take-over and annihilation of Western Christian civilization through the extermination of the , Aryan Nations , in accordance with God's seventh commandment advoctes and works for the racial purity of true Israel "

page 164 Quoting Kinsella

"...... apart from a brief item titled " Right to Hate " in Jan. 7 1985 no media organization took notice of Terry Long's new job . But the Ku Klux Klan did . "

Page 164 Quoting Kinsella

"On November 13 , Long met in Calgary with self annointed Alberta Klan leader Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsion . Mac a' Phearsion was the owner of the copyright on the various Klan symbols; he offered to sell Long the rights to the emblems for $6000 . The next week mac a' Phearsion confirmed his offer to Long in a registered letter as well as a telex .On November 26 , the Aberta Aryan nations leader wrote to Mac a' Phearsion to politely refuse the Klansmans overture .(con...)
Mac a' Phearsion , for his part ,does not deny that he attempted to sell Klan symbols to Long . But ever the philanthropist,he claims that he tried to persuade Long to pursue "legitimate things , constructive things , things that don't require opposing anyone or exterminating Jews or any of these things ." in a 1986 interview , Mac a' Phearsion sniffed with distatse at Long's written response . " of course his answer was that he rejected that .In effect , what he said was that the movement had to be violent. " "
Quoting Kinsella , Page 32

"Under a contract signed between Erhart [my note ;Tom Erhart] and Mac a' Phearsion dated February 14 , 1985 , Radio Free Alberta agreed to pay Kardec Consultants $6,000 to set up their radio station  ( con...)"
( my note ;from the preceding paragraph )

"Says Mac a'Phearsion : " I met with Mr Keegstra [my note; Jim Keegstra ]and Mr Erhart who explained the station would be used to promote their views and similar views . Views of people like Mr. Keegstra and the Ayran Nations . And that Jews , for instance , couldn't be on the station to express their views." 
Quoting Kinsella , Page 33

"Says Mac a' Phearsion: "I had no objection , of course , and would have no objection , to Keegstra or anyone else expressing their viewpoints . So long as those people who might be attacked would have an opportunity to retaliate ."

( my note ;  Radio Free Alberta never actually materialized )

Page 33 Quoting Kinsella

"In 1988 Mac a'Phersion was charged with gross indecency following a complaint by a mentally disabled teenager . The boy told police that Mac a'Phersion drove him to a deserted field outside Calgary and instructed him to engage in mutual masterbation . ( In November Mac a' phersion was convicted and fined $1000 ) "

( my note ;Also in 1988 two members of Mac a' Phersion's Calgary Klavern ( members of his KKK cell ) were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder and and conspiracy to commit property damage or serious injury by use of an explosive . These men were 19 year old Robert Wilhelm Hamiltion and 29 year old Timothy David Haggen .)

Quoting Kinsella , page 34 -35;
"In an interview 2 years before the bomb plot came to light , Mac a' Phearsion claimed that the true Ku Klux klan was neither anti-Semitic nor white supremacist . He said :"Many , many groups , and in fact many Nazi groups , have used the name Ku Klux Klan as a front to perpetrateall sorts of things . It was used by anti-Semitic people especially during the 1930's and late 1920's. What it became , I disagree with. And I would like to see it returned to what the original intention for it was. People have used the [ Ku klux Klan name] wrongly , in violation of the original four oaths of the klan. And terrorism certainly isn't one of them ."

( My note . This sounds like in 1986 Tearlach was claiming concern that the KKK name was being wrongly used by anti-Semitic organizations , but a year earlier in 1985 Kinsella claims Tearlach offered to sell these same KKK symbols and affiliations to the clearly anti-Semitic Aryan Nations leader Terry Long .   )

Quoting Kinsella
"But according to the Court of the Queens Bench judge who presided over the case , and according to the lawyers who defended Hamilton and Heggen and the Crown Attorney who prosecuted them , this sort of claim was pure and unadulterated bilge. The mastermind of the bomb-and-assasination plot was none other than Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsion . In May 1988 the Imperial Wizard hatched the whole scheme . For pure malice , Mac a'Phearsion persuaded the two Klansmaen to also bomb a blue Chrysler belonging to the wife of a  well-known Calgary pharmacist. The woman was targeted simply because Mac a' Phearsion
was piqued that the woman had outbid him during negotiations for the purchase of the car . Once he had convinced Hamilton and Heggen to do the dirty work, Mac a' Phearsion fell back on old habits; He started writting to Crown prosecutors, Calgary lawyers and members of the Jewish community .

In his letters Mac a' Phearsion stated that he knew of a plot against the Jewish community and demanded $200,000 (U.S.)in exchange for relevant facts ."
Page 35 Quoting Kinsella

"( When reporters confronted Mac a' Phearsion , he claimed he didn't know Hamilton and Heggen. Later he stated he did know them, adding that he had kicked them out of the Invisible Empire Association after the pair allegedly met with an Aryan Nation leader. )

Incredibly , Mac a' Phearsion was not charged . But at Hamiltonand Heggens trial , which took place in calgary in February 1989, Court od Queens Bench Justice Allen Sulatycky made clear thet the Imperial Wizard should have been . The judge said Mac a' Phearsion appeared to have masterminded the plot and accordingly , was Calgary's number one hatemonger.

"In their immature naivete' , [Hamilton and Heggen] were victimized by a man who should face , and would face , if he were charged with this offence , a penalty approaching the maximum ".   "
Sources sited by Kinsella ;

Interviews with Tearlach Mac a' Phearsion in 1986 and 1993 ,

"Alberta Klan head , seen in daze after slaying court told ", Globe and Mail , Dec 9 , 1975

'"Alberta Klan head led policeman to body ,trial told", by Suzanne Zwarun in the Globe and Mail , Dec 10 , 1975

" The Klan is alive in Alberta" , by Dan Powers , in The Edmonton Journal , Aug. 9 , 1980

"Crosses burn at Red Deer" , in the Red Deer Advocate ,August 12 , 1980

""Bylaws may douse Klan plans"


"Klan Rally to include cross burnings and hoods" by Debbie Weismiller in The Edmonton Journal, Sept 5 ,1980

"Two held in anti Jewish bomb plot " , Calgary Hearld , June 5 , 1988

"JDL links to Yank conspiracy" , by Mike Hayes in Calgary Sun , June 6 1988       

" Bomb plot against Jews linked to KKK" , in The Ottawa Citizen ,June 6 , 1988

"Klan supporters face charges in Alberta plot to bomb Jews" by Drew Faggan, in The Globe and Mail , June 6 , 1988

"The plot to bomb Jews" by Paula Simons and others , in Alberta Report , June 17 1988

"Predator used bomb plot pair" by Monica Zurowski ,The Calgary Hearld , Febuary 28 1989

"Intolerant KKK plotters jailed for 5 years " by Monica Zurowski , the Calgary Hearld , March 1 , 1989

Of a final note , in some way Charles / Tearlach still seems to be active in relation to "The principality of Mergentheim"
( Inverness technology also has some relationship with Miracle Native Healing and is mentioned as connected on the Miracle native Healing web page ) (

The Stormfront webpage that spoke of Tearlach being mentioned in Kinsella's book no longer comes up through a Google search on the term "Miracle Native Healing" but for now anyways it can be acessed through the cached page link below.

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on March 09, 2007, 03:55:36 am
I have a bridge to sell anyone that believes this man(MacPhearison). His long history with the Klan is why Watch Dog groups keep an eye on him. And anyone that believes it is just a paternal or faternal organization is sadly mistaken. One of the reasons for watching the Klan and ex-Klan is that Canada now has the NA(National Alliance) seeping in from the States. I think they are trying to see if these people hook up with the NA. The NA makes the Klan and One Nation look like Mary Poppins. And that is even with the Klan's history of hangings, bombings, arson, and just plain murder. The Klan turned anti-Semitic at a later time. Then they went to everyone that wasn't WASP. The NA is White Supremacy, Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semitic, and hold the theory the Holocoust was a Hoax. They are very organized and and slick. Ingeborg gave a good example a couple of weeks ago in a post of how subtle racism can be. It can be used just by talking down to people. I don't think he just has epiphanies and follows that thought, I think he is very caculating and I wouldn't do business with him under any circunstances. He goes where he thinks the money is. And there is really no new information on him. And there is very little anyone can do about him until he gets caught and meets another Judge who uses his discretion in handing down a sentence no matter what the prosecution ask for. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Ingeborg on March 09, 2007, 12:08:25 pm

( My own note , I suppose it's possible if someone learned about the KKK through their own family from a young age , they may not have been informed of the many acts of racial violence and suppression this organization has been associated with . )

Quite to the contrary, T. grew up in an environment in which white supremacy was a *fact* not to be questioned and never saw it questioned by parents and peers. I'd assume that info on acts of racial violence were available quite freely (e.g. by overhearing people's conversations), and growing up in such an environment will rather have the effect of such acts being seen as 'normal', perfectly justified, and 'doing the right thing'. In such an environment, racial violence is in correspondence to the ideology held by everybody, so there's no need to hush things up 'among ourselves'. The lesson to be learned by a child would rather be: We're 300% right about this, we know better, but there are stupid and ill-meaning people 'out there' [who additionally got defamed as closet n....] whom we mustn't tell.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: jannie on March 09, 2007, 04:57:14 pm
I have read this with great concern and have passed it on to a number of people mentioned here. As agent for Alan Hatfield, I have been instructed by him to inform that although he met with Charles MacPherson and spoke with him and listened to his idea's that is as far as this has gone. Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams. Alan has nothing to do with MacPherson and quite frankly there are other people mentioned on here that may have gotton sucked in at one time to this particular scam but has since realized and have nothing more to do with him or his plans. I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law!
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: debbieredbear on March 09, 2007, 05:16:08 pm
Hi Jannie
I suspect nothing has been done because no one has reported it to the proper authorities. Maybe people don't know this is going on or don't know who to report it to.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: jannie on March 10, 2007, 02:11:04 pm
I think they have. Ever noticed that the crazier you are the more you seem to get away with things? Maybe he does things just under the wire. All i know is that he has so many scams going on its a wonder he can keep track. I know for sure there are some people on his website that have gotton sucked in and don't want to have anything to do with him. I believe that he contacts well known people, pitches his ideas, and of course for the most part people like to believe there is good out there and want to help other people so they are all for it, he gets pictures taken with them, he posts them on his website, they find out its a scam, then they go down as well. There is no retreats, who knows where he got some of those pictures from, and how many people he has scammed for money, pretty scary guy. Affiliations with the kkk, sexual predator, interesting to know that he is involved with young men at this very moment, I would probably venture to guess that he takes in guys who have no direction, wayward kids and god knows what happens then. If he is so well known (there are many sites dedicated to this freak) how is he getting away with this????
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 10, 2007, 03:51:28 pm
Hi Jannie
Thanks so much for coming here and letting us know that Mr Hatfield has been used in a scam .

Maybe one of the moderaters could insert a comment at the bottom of my first post , explaining that in reply # 25 and 27, Mr Hatfield's agent explained his name and photograph had been used without his consent and he was not in any way affiliated with Miracle Native Healing Retreats . It is a kind of long thread and people might not read all the way through . I would not like to further damage Mr Hatfield's reputation by appearing to confirm the information that he was a part of this scam when he was not . Like you say , I think the authorities do know , and there are a number of websites discussing this guy , but getting the word out to people in the Aboriginal community is probably a good idea . Many eyes can compensate for a few blind ones .This guy does seem to have some skill at flying beneath peoples radar .
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Barnaby_McEwan on March 10, 2007, 04:06:28 pm
Hi all. Members can edit their own posts, if they are logged in.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on March 10, 2007, 11:14:19 pm
Part of the problem of getting away with this is that someone would have to file charges against him or the State(here) would have to do this. Many times they get under the wire as no one will, for what ever reason they have, the cost, being tied up in Court, or just embarassed they were scammed, or worried about some retallatory action, or just not wanting to get involved. Plus, if you don't have some concrete proof to give to the District Attorney you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit.  And the District Attorney's office won't pursue anything without  enough proof to go to court. You could not even think of taking him to Tribal Court here, as he is non-Indian and it's not on Tribal Land. The people whose  names he is using without permission should make him take down any reference to them from his websites. That seems to be a fairly common practice of using names on many of these websites. But I sure don't think he is "crazy" I think he well knows what he is doing.     frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 11, 2007, 02:17:49 pm
The article says 2 sexual charges were dropped.  How many were there?

Looking back over what is posted ,I can see these some of the undated articles are confusing .   

The unsourced article posted on a Gay Matchmaking site , which mentions "Mac a' Phearsoin , 45 ," , and alleges he ,"was sent to jail for six years Monday for sexually assaulting a young man," was probably refering to an event alleged to have occured in about 1993 -1994 , as Mac a' Phearsion would have been about 45 at that time . ( the link to this is found in reply # 4 )

The undated article "Klansman faces sex rap - By Peter Smith, Sun Media - Edmonton Sun" which alleges sexual misconduct and permitting a house to be used for sexual activity is on a page of articles mostly dated 2002 , and the top of the webpage says the list is for March 2002 . ( the link to this is found in reply # 4 )

There is another unsourced begining of a " news note" on a Gay and Lesbian website which alleges Charles Macaphearson was "charged with having sex with underaged boys " which is dated March 13 , 2002 . ( the link to this is found in reply # 12)

Then there is the begining of an article titled," Charges Dropped Against KKK Charles Macaphearson (53) - 4/6/02 By Peter Smith - Calgary Sun :The Crown has dropped two sexually related charges it laid against the former imperial wizard of Alberta's KKK ... ( the link to this is found in reply # 12)

I am guessing these charges in 2002 that were dropped , are probably the incident of Sexual Misconduct Frederica and Skinny have heard about. Sorry if the way I posted things as i found them was confusing .

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: jannie on March 12, 2007, 12:02:16 pm
i should also mention that Dakota House does not want to have anything to do with him either, he just recently found out that he is still listed on MacPherson's website for these retreats. Evelyn Jacobs was gung ho for helping too until she found out it was all a scam. So now he has tried to ruin 3 people's good name by affilating these people with him. Again, these retreats do not exist. What was he going to do, fly Alan Hatfield out everytime he had a client for the retreat, it states on his website that a consultation with Alan was part of the curriculum. Charles is a self appointed everything. Perhaps he is interested in the native community due to the funds available
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 13, 2007, 02:32:30 pm
Apparently Tearlach's involvement with inmates is not completely in his imagination . (

2002.Sep.26 - Press Release - Community Action Will Stop Halfway House, Says Hanger

Community Action Will Stop Halfway House, Says Hanger

CALGARY  Reacting to the proposed opening of the Deganawida House halfway house in the residential community of Forest Lawn, MP Art Hanger has announced that he will work with community activists to lead their opposition.

Community activists have started a petition to ensure City and Provincial Officials are aware of the tremendous opposition to this initiative. Hanger, MP for Calgary Northeast and long-time justice activist, will assist in coordination and communication.

It’s hard to believe that this initiative is still being considered at any level. There is no need for a half-way house in Calgary for inmates from BC, the choice of location is nuts, and the management of the proposed facility says to me that residents have every reason to be concerned, said Hanger today.

I’ll work with residents in Forest Lawn to make sure this idea is quashed even before it hits the drawing board. I look forward to elected City of Calgary officials stepping up to the plate to protect their constituents,??? concluded Hanger.
Deganawida Spiritist Society is a registered division of Tearlach's Spiritist Church . I would guess Paul Daniels has more interaction with Aboriginal inmates than Tearlach . Even if there is no retreat , the Miracle Healing website does advertise a Sweat lodge every Sunday , and the the write up on Tearlach / Charles on the PCL webpage mentions a street minitstry . I would guess you don't have to be that organized to have access to vulnerable people . 

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on March 13, 2007, 06:12:27 pm
The Half-Way house never got off the ground, Doesn't exist. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: frederica on March 13, 2007, 10:41:08 pm
PS/ Read Skinny's first post, it states Paul Daniels does do Sweats, for a price. frederica
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 14, 2007, 05:34:47 pm
Here is another creepy aspect of all this . Besides the fact these people are disrepecting the most basic Native traditions and are advertising and selling ceremonies I notice the term Miracle Native Healing Retreats has a ® after it and is "registered" . I hadn't really considered the possible implications of that , legally , but look at this .
The symbol may be used when trademark rights are claimed in relation to a mark, but the mark has not been registered with the government trademarks office of a particular country or jurisdiction, while the ® is used to indicate that the mark has been so registered. It is not mandatory to use either symbol, although the force of convention is such that the symbols are widely used around the world. However, in various jurisdictions it is unlawful to use the ® symbol in association with a mark when that mark is not registered. ( con...)

Establishing trademark rights use and registration

The law considers a trademark to be a form of property. Proprietary rights in relation to a trademark may be established through actual use in the marketplace, or through registration of the mark with the trademarks office (or "trademarks registry") of a particular jurisdiction - e.g. US Patent and Trademark Office. In many jurisdictions, trademark rights can be established through either or both means. Certain jurisdictions generally do not recognise trademarks rights arising through use (e.g. China). If trademark owners do not hold registrations for their marks in such jurisdictions, the extent to which they will be able to enforce their rights through trademark infringement proceedings will therefore be limited.

A registered trademark confers a bundle of exclusive rights upon the registered owner, including the right to exclusive use of the mark in relation to the products or services for which it is registered. The law in most jurisdictions also allows the owner of a registered trademark to prevent unauthorised use of the mark in relation to products or services which are similar to the "registered" products or services, and in certain cases, prevent use in relation to entirely dissimilar products or services. (contin...)
Does this mean Tearlach registered this in the hopes he would own miracle /miraculous Native healing ? Does he imagine he could sue other people selling miraculous Native healing "products" , or franchise out the rights to do this ? Maybe that is one of the ways he hopes to make money on this ? I can't see how there would be any point in registering this , if that wasn't his intention .

That also might explain why he would pay for all the advertisements that have been coming up in Native forums since last May , when people say these retreats don't even exist .

Gee maybe we could work with this guy , and sick him on the long list of frauds we got here, who might be violating "his" registered ownership of Miracle Native healing .

I really do mean "sick him on".  ;D LOL Maybe the guy could be useful .
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Skinny on March 14, 2007, 09:24:33 pm
Yes I did say Paul does sweats.  It cost us 40. plus tobacco for the sweat.  He did some out at Westridge Park Lodge where there was a glimmer of hope that MNHR woud get going.  The sweat lodge may still be there.  The hotel manager paid for it and paid to have it erected.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 12:59:27 am
Daniel Jacobs also registered the website. So Sorry about your experience and maybe going at a quick pace to the RCMP is in order, especially if you think the klansman may be involved or planning other crimes ? The Sherwood Park RCMP is open 24/7 and they will listen to your concerns. Not much help i am but here is some more information on these people.

In peace  :)

Status:         EXIST                                             
Registrar:      easyDNS Technologies Inc.                         
Registrar-no:   88                                               
Registrant-no:  1551139                                           
Domaine-no:     1551139                                           
Renewal-Date:   2007/06/06                                       
Date-Approved:  2006/06/06                                       
Date-Modified:  2006/06/06                                       
Organization:   Westridge Park Lodge                             
Admin-Name:     Dan Jacobs                                       
Admin-Title:    President                                         
Admin-Postal:   MicroSmart ComputerWare                           
                #157 52351 Hwy 21                                 
                Sherwood Park AB T8B 1L4 Canada                   
Admin-Phone:    (780) 910-4141                                   
Admin-Fax:      (780) 416-2627                                   
Admin-Mailbox:  *********                                 
Tech-Name:      Dan Jacobs                                       
Tech-Title:     President                                         
Tech-Postal:    MicroSmart ComputerWare                           
                #157 52351 Hwy 21                                 
                Sherwood Park AB T8B 1L4 Canada                   
Tech-Phone:     (780) 910-4141                                   
Tech-Fax:       (780) 416-2627                                   
Tech-Mailbox:   *********                                 

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 15, 2007, 01:01:40 pm
Hi Mugzie
Thanks for the info .
I notice Evelyn Jacobs and Daniel Jacobs were on the PCL Miracle healing staff webpage. She is the woman who had a bad experience with Tearlach somehow getting title to a home in Sherwood Park she feels is hers . Daniel Jacobs was also on the PCL webpage  , but they have both now disappeared from the staff page so , I would guess Daniel Jacobs is her partner ?  The Westridge Park Lodge is probably the same as the residence shown in Sherwood Park on the Miracle Native healing webpage where it says that there is Sweat Lodge ceremonies there every week ? I'm not sure what you mean about crimes , unless you are refering to Evelyn 's problems with title to her house .  I don't think the police RCMP care about people corupting traditional ceremonies . Unless Tearlach is presently doing something against the law - and we have no evidence he is - I doubt the RCMP would do more than make a mental note. Sounds like Evelyn Jacobs has already gone to the police .

My concern is more what can happen to people psychologically and Spiritualy when someone like this is trusted as a Spiritual guide or involved with running healing programs- though obviously with this guys past there are possibly some other risks as well .   
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 04:59:21 pm
elyn Jacobs and Daniel Jacobs were on the PCL Miracle healing staff webpage. She is the woman who had a bad experience with Tearlach somehow getting title to a home in Sherwood Park she feels is hers . Daniel Jacobs was also on the PCL webpage  , but they have both now disappeared from the staff page so , I would guess Daniel Jacobs is her partner ?  The Westridge Park Lodge is probably the same as the residence shown in Sherwood Park on the Miracle Native healing webpage where it says that there is Sweat Lodge ceremonies there every week ? I'm not sure what you mean about crimes , unless you are refering to Evelyn 's problems with title to her house .  I don't think the police RCMP care about people corupting traditional ceremonies . Unless Tearlach is presently doing something against the law - and we have no evidence he is - I doubt the RCMP would do more than make a mental note. Sounds like Evelyn Jacobs has already gone to the police .

My concern is more what can happen to people psychologically and Spiritualy when someone like this is trusted as a Spiritual guide or involved with running healing programs- though obviously with this guys past there are possibly some other risks as well .   

Thank you Moma_porcu  and others.
I  certainly appreciate your hard work and opinions. I would like to add to what you have found and ask you some questions, to clarify a few points, if that is okay with you?

I think Daniel Jacobs is likely her son, since they do look alike.
I will add this piece of information as well. The dns information above has the phone number 780 910-4141. This number leads to a business called "Advanced Energy Refrigeration", and also adds to sell snack vending machines that are located throughout BC and Alberta.Seems Daniel Jacobs is a contractor and presumably travels about filling up said machines. That is a full plate, looking after "traditional" sweats and doing commercial aerial photography, operating a computer company and a refrigeration contracting firm, not to mention the vending machines!

Their photos *oddly* disappeared after Evelyn Jacobs supposedly got wind of the fact that several people were looking at her claims online.Now i am not saying that she is not somehow a victim, but her responses seem scant, flimsy and just not quite "right" for one so educated.The interest in her is justified because of the connections to these people, their fraudulent claims and her seeking private "interviews" with family members with murdered young relatives.Also anyone can pay to take course with Mr Roy Hazelwood, even you. Only those who are police officers, or retired police officers with a minimum of ten years as a detective in a serious crime unit would be called on to do what is called a criminal behavioral analysis. Evelyn's use of the term "profiler" belies her actual training.The people at the serial killer board have reason to question her motives and timing. That is my opinion on the matter and i am educated in bs detection, its my heritage...if you will.

The website with her photo on top and above the kooky klansman started in May 2005. I am sorry but i have my doubts about her intentions. You are right the RCMP would not be overly concerned about the corruption of traditional ways (as is their tradition) unless it is a nasty and sickening ruse for further fraudulent activities, or more serious crimes. I am glad you personally have no evidence that Tearlach is committing any crimes,but as you stated and i agree with "with this guys past there are possibly some other risks as well".Just browsing his past affiliations and criminal career there is no doubt the RCMP will i am sure provide due diligence in the matter, rather than just mental notes.

Evelyn Jacobs and her son Daniel Jacobs should go to the RCMP if they have not already,agreed.How awful to have your home stolen! Here is an article in todays paper about such terrible deeds:

Again i support your concern, as it is warranted especially as it relates to the corruption of traditional ways, since Evelyn Jacobs has stated that they intended to "mix" Christianity with their brand of traditional sacred teachings. My concern is what other activities would a semi-slick and connected klansman be involved in? Evelyn's connection to this fraudster and her desire to go along with such a scheming adventure is unfortunately a done deal.Taking down a photo or two does not extricate her from further scrutiny, nor should it.

Also i believe Evelyn Jacobs has some questions to answer by a few others at the serial killer site you mentioned. She might want to answer them since these people are serious about their pursuits in assisting to locate the serial killer in the Sherwood Park region.

Finally my question to moma_porcupine is do you know Evelyn personally?

Again pleased to meet you all and thanks for all your painstaking research, it adds to what we have already dug up.

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 15, 2007, 06:04:45 pm
Hi Mugz and thanks so much for the information . I agree there are concerns and it is probably a good thing this is in the public awareness -You sound like you are a member of the edmontonsk forum . Thanks to everyone there for all the info you all have posted in the Sick Pastors thread on these folks . It really helped point towards what has been put together here .

I was just looking at the edmontonsk thread and I see Jannie went over there and so has Evelyn ( Ev ) ( who writes a lot like Skinny ) but somehow they managed to post a lot of misinformation .  Creating a bunch of dumb rumours can be just as effective at covering up the truth as not saying anything at all .

Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of , but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less . 

Jannie says something happened with a 14 year old boy ? It did ? Where did she get that from ? "Teenage" is all I've seen . And Tearlach was never charged with murder- as far as I know . Where did Jannie get that ? And where did Ev get the information Kinsella says he was responsible for 2 deaths ? I have the book , and i don't see that in there at all . There was another "accidental shooting" in Saskatchewan , whick killed a Native man , which bore some similarities in circumstances , but Tearlach absolutely WAS NOT involved. And then there is the story that Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct . Is that true or is it just a rumour started by information that appears to be unverifiable ?     

Gotta wonder how they managed to get so much so wrong . I notice both Evelyn and Skinny keep saying how the 6 years was for sexual misconduct and there was no mollestation . I have no idea if there ever was a 6 year sentence , as alleged , but that Ev would claim there was no mollestation after Kinsella's report of a conviction for gross indecency was posted here twice,  is a bit hard to understand . She also managed to  post  an edited version of what was the ?1994 allegation of a 6 year sentence ,together with part of the 2002 sexual misconduct concerns , as if it was one article . ::)

As I am trying very hard to get accurate and fair information out there , I am a bit annoyed to see that .

There is other inconsistant things that made me wonder . Jannie came over here and identified herself as Hatfields agent , and then went over there , using the same user name , but saying she is afraid to share all she knows, because someone might guess who she is . If this is true ,I think the girl is in need of adult supervision online . I don't think it will be too hard for anyone to figure out who Allen Hatfields agent is , and that she has said she "knows" things , really does make her a potential target . That is , if there was serious wrong doing going on .

I most definently DO NOT know Evelyn or any of these people personally !!! As I told you in a PM my only "tip" was that traditional ceremonies are not rightly advertised and sold - even as a package deal - and Medicine people do not advertise themselves as such .  If we take care of the ceremonies and traditional teachings , the ceremonies and traditional teachings will take care of us . Very simple , but in my experince , very true .

If you read my posts here over the past year you will see this bugs me in any situation , and I go on and on and on and on about it ...

I would highly highly recomend that people who are interested in this read all of Warren Kinsella's book , as it really is a web of interconnections , which sometimes appears to involve some serious miscarriages of justice . What I posted here is only one thread .

Thanks again , and Take care  :-X
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 06:35:19 pm
I have read this with great concern and have passed it on to a number of people mentioned here. As agent for Alan Hatfield, I have been instructed by him to inform that although he met with Charles MacPherson and spoke with him and listened to his idea's that is as far as this has gone. Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams. Alan has nothing to do with MacPherson and quite frankly there are other people mentioned on here that may have gotton sucked in at one time to this particular scam but has since realized and have nothing more to do with him or his plans. I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law!

I too have great concern for the following information to be clarified Jannie. As an agent you should be further concerned. If Mr Hatfield only met Mr MacPherson once and just listened to his ideas then please clarify how is it that he and i take this directly from Mr Hatfields website received a charter membership from the same non existant scam title group operated by Mr MacPherson himself from as far back as December 2005? I guess that was his mistake eh?

From Mr.Hatfields website:
"Alan also has been honored to receive a charter membership from The Alberta Council of Native
Spirituality Elders, who officially recognize him as a Mi'kmaq Native
Elder and Spiritual Medium, signed by the Grand Chief on December
1, 2005 in Edmonton.

I am having trouble with this idea Jannie that "Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams" if he felt honored to receive this "official" recognition.This group does not exist that has been documented. The only thing that comes up for this group with such a lofty title (once again) is the following information:

Private Collateral Lenders Corp., Ltd.
He is a Life Member of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders. His teacher is Elder Noel Knockwood, the Grand Spiritual Leader of the Mi’kmaq Nation. ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

Does Elder Knockwood have knowledge of this scam as well Jannie? Did you tell him about this too? He should be informed that a former wizard of the KKK and convicted criminal is claiming that Elder Knockwood is his "teacher".

"I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law"

I think it is safe to assume that we all feel the same way Jannie.This is just sickening.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 06:43:37 pm
Hi Mugz and thanks so much for the information . I agree there are concerns and it is probably a good thing this is in the public awareness -You sound like you are a member of the edmontonsk forum . Thanks to everyone there for all the info you all have posted in the Sick Pastors thread on these folks . It really helped point towards what has been put together here .

I was just looking at the edmontonsk thread and I see Jannie went over there and so has Evelyn ( Ev ) ( who writes a lot like Skinny ) but somehow they managed to post a lot of misinformation .  Creating a bunch of dumb rumours can be just as effective at covering up the truth as not saying anything at all .

Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of , but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less . 

Jannie says something happened with a 14 year old boy ? It did ? Where did she get that from ? "Teenage" is all I've seen . And Tearlach was never charged with murder- as far as I know . Where did Jannie get that ? And where did Ev get the information Kinsella says he was responsible for 2 deaths ? I have the book , and i don't see that in there at all . There was another "accidental shooting" in Saskatchewan , whick killed a Native man , which bore some similarities in circumstances , but Tearlach absolutely WAS NOT involved. And then there is the story that Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct . Is that true or is it just a rumour started by information that appears to be unverifiable ?     

Gotta wonder how they managed to get so much so wrong . I notice both Evelyn and Skinny keep saying how the 6 years was for sexual misconduct and there was no mollestation . I have no idea if there ever was a 6 year sentence , as alleged , but that Ev would claim there was no mollestation after Kinsella's report of a conviction for gross indecency was posted here twice,  is a bit hard to understand . She also managed to  post  an edited version of what was the ?1994 allegation of a 6 year sentence ,together with part of the 2002 sexual misconduct concerns , as if it was one article . ::)

As I am trying very hard to get accurate and fair information out there , I am a bit annoyed to see that .

There is other inconsistant things that made me wonder . Jannie came over here and identified herself as Hatfields agent , and then went over there , using the same user name , but saying she is afraid to share all she knows, because someone might guess who she is . If this is true ,I think the girl is in need of adult supervision online . I don't think it will be too hard for anyone to figure out who Allen Hatfields agent is , and that she has said she "knows" things , really does make her a potential target . That is , if there was serious wrong doing going on .

I most definently DO NOT know Evelyn or any of these people personally !!! As I told you in a PM my only "tip" was that traditional ceremonies are not rightly advertised and sold - even as a package deal - and Medicine people do not advertise themselves as such .  If we take care of the ceremonies and traditional teachings , the ceremonies and traditional teachings will take care of us . Very simple , but in my experince , very true .

If you read my posts here over the past year you will see this bugs me in any situation , and I go on and on and on and on about it ...

I would highly highly recomend that people who are interested in this read all of Warren Kinsella's book , as it really is a web of interconnections , which sometimes appears to involve some serious miscarriages of justice . What I posted here is only one thread .

Thanks again , and Take care  :-X

Thanks for all you do ;)
Oh ya i also contacted my pal Warren K today,as i did a few months ago just waiting for his return call. I will tell him how much you enjoyed his book! Nothing like free advertisement these days. I will send him the link to this thread to brighten his day. The interconnectedness is like a web to be sure! Everyone knows someone, who knows someone. The agent is especially concerning, see my new post.

Thanks again sister 8)
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 07:04:53 pm
"Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of , but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less"

Your sense of justice is profound and respected.The truth will eventually be told; no more and no less.
Have a great day Moma_porcupine, your not so prickly but them quills speak for you! ;D
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Skinny on March 15, 2007, 09:41:52 pm
Some clarification:

Mugzie Dan Jacobs worked at the Westridge Park Lodge and did their computer work.  That is his business and very legit. 

Yes, Moma porcupine I, Evelyn Jacobs was on the PCL Miracle healing staff, I am the  Licensed psychologist they refer to.  I am no longer involved with them and that title of licensed psychologist should be removed. Unfortunality I do not have the power to do it. Daniel was never on it.  He was on the PCL staff page.

The home in Sherwood Park has belonged to us for 10 years.
The experience with Tearlach has crushed us. We just became aware of what is behind him.  Daniel is my husband.

The Westridge Park Lodge is not the same as the residence shown in Sherwood Park on the Miracle Native healing webpage where it says that there is Sweat Lodge ceremonies there every week.  The picture is of our home.   There is no lodge or sweat lodge here, nor was there ever.  Forgery is a crime and the police RCMP are aware.  No I don’t believe the police care too about people corrupting traditional ceremonies. Not unless a crime is committed during the ceremony.  They don’t care about the corruption of other religious ceremonies either.

Mugzie I would like to help you further clarify re Daniel Jacobs.  "Advanced Energy Refrigeration" is one of Daniel Jacobs businesses. The vending machines are advertised throughout BC and Alberta because they are for sale.  They and are only located in Edmonton. Daniel is a contractor but works in Edmonton.  Daniel has nothing to do with the sweats, "traditional" or other wise. Twice we attended ones held by Elder Paul Daniels out at Westridge Park Lodge that is how we know what it cost.  Charles instructed us on what to pay. I did not feel it was proper but Charles said it was for Paul’s expenses.  If you are asking for a healing you are to figure what you may have to pay for the treatment from a doctor and that is what you should pay.  That I was told by Paul himself.   And yes, Daniel Jacobs  does do commercial aerial photography, does have a computer company and a refrigeration contracting firm as well a operate 3 vending machines. They are all legit and have nothing to do with Charles or the others he is affiliated with.

The photos of (us) Daniel and Evelyn disappeared after we refused to allow a loan on our home to support Charles and his retreats after learning some things about him. I don’t find that “odd??? at all.

What kind of response would you like to see me make Mugzie. The truth is the truth educated or not.  You are way out in left field if you believe my “seeking private "interviews" with family members with murdered young relatives.??? is anything but legitimate.

Wrong again  not just “anyone can pay to take course with Mr. Roy Hazelwood.???  I have a background in psychology. “Only those who are police officers, or retired police officers with a minimum of ten years as a detective in a serious crime unit would be called on to do what is called a criminal behavioral analysis.??? Wrong again. That is only if you are a member of the police force. 

Have your doubts about me, no worries.  The truth will always come out.  But you had better sharpen you bs detector, you are way off track here.

The website you are referring to - The website with her photo on top and above the kooky klansman started in May 2005.  It was a loans company that we believed to be legit.

Again sharpen your bs detector because Tearlack has committed crimes recently and there is evidence and I would hope the police will do their “due diligence in the matter, rather than just mental notes.???  Maybe you can help find evidence.

We have gone to the RCMP.

You are right “I did state that they intended to "mix" Christianity with their brand of traditional sacred teachings.??? It is already being done. I did not say I was going to, and I never have.. “My concern is what other activities would a semi-slick and connected klansman be involved in???? Very good and terrifying question. That is my concern too. “Evelyn's connection to this fraudster and her desire to go along with such a scheming adventure is unfortunately a done deal.??? True, it is too late to undo the connection now that I knows the truth.  “Taking down a photo or two does not extricate her from further scrutiny, nor should it.’  Right.  Scrutinize all you like. The more you learn the more you will realize that we were/are his victims and we are trying to stop him.

“Also i believe Evelyn Jacobs has some questions to answer by a few others at the serial killer site you mentioned. She might want to answer them since these people are serious about their pursuits in assisting to locate the serial killer in the Sherwood Park region.???  I agree and I have done so.

Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of, but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less.  No problem.

Here is some truth. 
This is one of the deaths he is responsible for… I was wrong about the other it was an attempt..
Quoting Warren Kinsella ,

starting on Page 25
"Then in September 1974 , the Confederate Klans of Alberta suffered a blow from which it never recovered . Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsoin killed a man. A non white man.
The Mexican, Elias Acuilar Ramirez, was 21 when Mac a' Phearsoin brought him to his parents place on Center Street in Calgary. The two of them had met earlier that summer in Santa Rosa . Ramirez's home town; they quickly became close friends.  After a brief discussion, Mac a ' Phearsoin's parents agreed to take Ramirez into their home. The Dunsfords said they would provide him with room , board , clothes , and a small salary-although what services Ramirez would perform was never made clear.

Just before 11:00 o'clock on September 12, 1974, and three days after the arrival of Ramirez , the Dunsfords were in their beds , sound asleep. MacP and Ramirez , meanwhile , were down in the Dunsfords basement , in the Klan leaders bedroom . On the walls, Confederate flags, Klan certificates and Civil War lithographs had been tacked up. Knotted ropes hung from the ceiling. Scattered here

Page 26
"and there was correspondence from Ku Klux Klan leaders from across North America.

At precisely 11pm. a single shot rang out. Evelyn Dunsford jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. She found her son in the hallway, the $51 revolver in his hands. He was crying. “My god, MacP wailed??? it can't be, it can't be." His mother peered into his bedroom, where she saw Martinez's body sprawled on the bed. His trousers were pulled down and his penis exposed. There was a single bullet hole in the Mexican’s chest, two inches below a tattooed peace symbol.

MacP appeared to be in a trance, mumbling to himself. His mother hugged him and then went upstairs to call the police.

That night Det. Loren J. Shields was working traffic detail in a uniform car. Shortly after 11pm, his car and another received a call about a shooting on Center Street. The officers sped to the nondescript house, where they were met at the door by MacP. He was wearing a nightgown and he was weeping uncontrollably. "He's dead," MacP told Shields. "He's been shot."

"Where is the person who’s been shot?" Shields asked.

Sobbing MacP led the police officers downstairs. The Dunsfords hovered in the door way, blinking in the light; they did not appear to understand what was going on, Shields would later recall. At the doorway to his bedroom, MacP pointed to the body of Ramirez. Shields checked the body for a pulse; there was none.

"Where is the weapon?" he asked. MacP led him to an adjoining room, where the revolver had been placed on a chair, under a Confederate flag. "We were arguing," MacP said, crying. "The gun went off. I think he's dead. Help me please, dear God, I think I've shot him."

To Shields and his police colleagues, there appeared to be little doubt that MacP had in fact, shot Ramirez. Shields placed the Klan leader under arrest, then led him outside to his cruiser. Mac P did not resist. He was charged with criminal negligence causing death. His parents posted bail.

Page 27
"Many years later, Loren Shields is asked whether Calgary police found it significant that the Imperial Wizard of the Confederate Klan’s of Alberta had shot and killed a non white. Says Shields: "We didn't discuss the Klan. We didn't really question him in regard to that. There was always some speculation as to what the real motivation was, but we never established a motive for it to be murder. You could speculate all you wanted. It could have been a homosexual thing and it could have been a situation where he didn't like Mexicans. No one knew."

Nor apparently did anyone care. At his trial, held in December 1975 MacP was defended by A. Webster Macdonald, Sr. a colorful local lawyer who is listed as a reference on MacP's resume. Evelyn Dunford was called to give evidence about what she recalled of the death of Ramirez who she called "that poor boy". Mac P's mother revealed that her son had been hospitalized before the shooting, “for nerves a few times??? and that he had been on medication the night of Ramirez's death. “He could never hurt anything," Evelyn said,??? He could never shoot anything, he couldn't even hook a fish or run over a gopher with his car."

Another witness, 26 year old L.E. Burwell of Calgary, a one time friend of MacP's, told a packed court room that he had warned the Klansman about the dangers of carrying a loaded revolver. MacP insisted on keeping it nearby, he said because he was afraid of a possible attack by an anti-Klan activist. Burwell said his relationship with MacP ended when the Klansman "made a pass at me". When called to the stand himself, Mac P stated Ramirez had asked to see the revolver that evening. He claimed that Ramirez told him the loaded revolver could be "unloaded" by pulling back the hammer.

After a three day trial, the Confederate Klans leader was fined $1500 for criminal negligence causing death and $500 for dangerous use of a fire arm without lawful excuse.??? During the trial we have heard much about the Ku Klux Klan," said Court of the Queens bench Justice W. K. Moore, "but the operations of the Klan are irrelevant to this case."
Page 29,
"In passing sentence, Moore told the court:??? The accused's not turning away when he was loading the revolver showed a reckless disregard for the safety of Ramirez. The accused knew the gun was loaded. He was an intelligent person and knew he was holding a lethal weapon."

The shooting and the resulting trial were the beginning of the end for the Confederate Klans of Alberta. In July 1975, the group was dissolved by the provincial government.

 Page 33 (not a part of the quote - This is the 14 year old.)
"In 1988 Mac a' Phersion was charged with gross indecency following a complaint by a mentally disabled teenager. The boy told police that Mac A’ Phersion drove him to a deserted field outside Calgary and instructed him to engage in mutual masturbation. (In November Mac a' Phersion was convicted and fined $1000) "

This is the attempted murder -
Also in 1988 2 members of Mac a' Phersion's Calgary Klavern ( members of his KKK cell ) were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to commit property damage or serious injury by use of an explosive . These men were 19 year old Robert Wilhelm Hamilton and 29 year old Timothy David Heggen.

page 34 -35;
"In an interview 2 years before the bomb plot came to light , Mac a' Phearsoin claimed that the true Ku Klux Klan was neither anti-Semitic nor white supremacist . He said:"Many, many groups, and in fact many Nazi groups have used the name Ku Klux Klan as a front to perpetrate all sorts of things. It was used by anti-Semitic people especially during the 1930's and late 1920's. What it became, I disagree with. And I would like to see it returned to what the original intention for it was. People have used the [ Ku Klux Klan name] wrongly , in violation of the original four oaths of the Klan. And terrorism certainly isn't one of them."

"But according to the Court of the Queens Bench judge who presided over the case , and according to the lawyers who defended Hamilton and Heggen and the Crown Attorney who prosecuted them, this sort of claim was pure and unadulterated bilge. The mastermind of the bomb-and-assassination plot was none other than Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsoin. In May 1988 the Imperial Wizard hatched the whole scheme. For pure malice, Mac a' Phearsoin persuaded the two Klansmen to also bomb a blue Chrysler belonging to the wife of a well-known Calgary pharmacist. The woman was targeted simply because Mac a' Phearsoin was piqued that the woman had outbid him during negotiations for the purchase of the car. Once he had convinced Hamilton and Heggen to do the dirty work, Mac a' Phearsoin fell back on old habits; He started writing to Crown prosecutors, Calgary lawyers and members of the Jewish community. In his letters Mac a' Phearsoin stated that he knew of a plot against the Jewish community and demanded $200,000 (U.S.) in exchange for relevant facts."

Page 35
"(When reporters confronted Mac a' Phearsoin, he claimed he didn't know Hamilton and Heggen. Later he stated he did know them, adding that he had kicked them out of the Invisible Empire Association after the pair allegedly met with an Aryan Nation leader.)

Incredibly, Mac a' Phearsoin was not charged . But at Hamilton and Heggens trial, which took place in Calgary in February 1989, Court of Queens Bench Justice Allen Sulatycky made clear that the Imperial Wizard should have been. The judge said Mac a' Phearsoin appeared to have masterminded the plot and accordingly, was Calgary's number one hatemonger.

"In their immature naiveté', [Hamilton and Heggen] were victimized by a man who should face, and would face, if he were charged with this offence, a penalty approaching the maximum".   

“Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct. Is that true or is it just a rumor started by information that appears to be unverifiable?    This article may interest you, you can even check it out.
Klansman faces sex rap
Edmonton Sun
The former imperial wizard of Alberta's Ku Klux Klan has been charged over allegations of sexual misconduct. Police say children as young as 12 years old were visiting a youth club infiltrated by cops investigating the allegations. After a four-month investigation, vice unit detectives have
charged one man with counselling anal intercourse and permitting a home to be used for sexual activity. Sun sources say the man charged, Charles Macaphearson, is better known by the alias of The Rev. Dr. Tearlach Dunsford-Mac a'Phearsoin, of the Calgary-based Church of St. Lazarus.
He was also imperial wizard of the Alberta Ku Klux Klan under the name Tearlach Mac a Phearsoin.

Concerned residents near Sebastian's Meeting Centre in Calgary, linked to St. Lazarus Church, first contacted cops about the centre. "Complaints centred around allegations of sexual misconduct involving children at the centre, and the use of alcohol and drugs," said Staff Sgt. Dean Young of
the vice unit. Vice cops carried out a four-month sting at the centre, which closed down during their operation. "From our observations and from information we received, we estimated children visiting the centre were aged from 12 years right up to 18 years," explained Young. "The allegations
of sexual misconduct came in relation to general activities at the centre."

After the centre closed down, vice unit detectives involved in the operation raided a home in northeast Calgary linked to the investigation. As a result, Macaphearson, 53, has been charged with one count of counselling anal intercourse and being a householder permitting sexual
activity in his home.

As for the sexual misconduct and statement that there was no molestation that was how it was reported.  I believe Charles was fined in the case involving the 14 year old boy.  Something like 1000. or 1500. dollars. Don’t take my word for it do a convictions check. Find out for yourself.
“She also managed to  post  an edited version of what was the ?1994 allegation of a 6 year sentence ,together with part of the 2002 sexual misconduct concerns, as if it was one article.???  Obviously it was not that hard to figure out with all the information posted. I was definitely not trying to mislead anyone.

“As I am trying very hard to get accurate and fair information out there, I am a bit annoyed to see that.??? Like I said do a convictions check. That may be less confusing for you. I’m sure accurate and fair information will be there for you Moma_porcupine.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 10:19:09 pm
"I am no longer involved with them and that title of licensed psychologist should be removed"

Very odd Evelyn! Why remove your "legal and registered" title of "licensed psychologist" just because you are not with the klan fraudsters anymore? You have an M.A i presume and it was up on that website for many many months. ::)

Are you saying that now you lose your "title" because your not involved with them anymore? Yes that sounds about right.Charles really does giveth and taketh away doesn't he? 
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 15, 2007, 10:23:49 pm
Some clarification:

Mugzie Dan Jacobs worked at the Westridge Park Lodge and did their computer work.  That is his business and very legit. 

Yes, Moma porcupine I, Evelyn Jacobs was on the PCL Miracle healing staff, I am the  Licensed psychologist they refer to.  I am no longer involved with them and that title of licensed psychologist should be removed. Unfortunality I do not have the power to do it. Daniel was never on it.  He was on the PCL staff page.

The home in Sherwood Park has belonged to us for 10 years.
The experience with Tearlach has crushed us. We just became aware of what is behind him.  Daniel is my husband.

The Westridge Park Lodge is not the same as the residence shown in Sherwood Park on the Miracle Native healing webpage where it says that there is Sweat Lodge ceremonies there every week.  The picture is of our home.   There is no lodge or sweat lodge here, nor was there ever.  Forgery is a crime and the police RCMP are aware.  No I don’t believe the police care too about people corrupting traditional ceremonies. Not unless a crime is committed during the ceremony.  They don’t care about the corruption of other religious ceremonies either.

Mugzie I would like to help you further clarify re Daniel Jacobs.  "Advanced Energy Refrigeration" is one of Daniel Jacobs businesses. The vending machines are advertised throughout BC and Alberta because they are for sale.  They and are only located in Edmonton. Daniel is a contractor but works in Edmonton.  Daniel has nothing to do with the sweats, "traditional" or other wise. Twice we attended ones held by Elder Paul Daniels out at Westridge Park Lodge that is how we know what it cost.  Charles instructed us on what to pay. I did not feel it was proper but Charles said it was for Paul’s expenses.  If you are asking for a healing you are to figure what you may have to pay for the treatment from a doctor and that is what you should pay.  That I was told by Paul himself.   And yes, Daniel Jacobs  does do commercial aerial photography, does have a computer company and a refrigeration contracting firm as well a operate 3 vending machines. They are all legit and have nothing to do with Charles or the others he is affiliated with.

The photos of (us) Daniel and Evelyn disappeared after we refused to allow a loan on our home to support Charles and his retreats after learning some things about him. I don’t find that “odd??? at all.

What kind of response would you like to see me make Mugzie. The truth is the truth educated or not.  You are way out in left field if you believe my “seeking private "interviews" with family members with murdered young relatives.??? is anything but legitimate.

Wrong again  not just “anyone can pay to take course with Mr. Roy Hazelwood.???  I have a background in psychology. “Only those who are police officers, or retired police officers with a minimum of ten years as a detective in a serious crime unit would be called on to do what is called a criminal behavioral analysis.??? Wrong again. That is only if you are a member of the police force. 

Have your doubts about me, no worries.  The truth will always come out.  But you had better sharpen you bs detector, you are way off track here.

The website you are referring to - The website with her photo on top and above the kooky klansman started in May 2005.  It was a loans company that we believed to be legit.

Again sharpen your bs detector because Tearlack has committed crimes recently and there is evidence and I would hope the police will do their “due diligence in the matter, rather than just mental notes.???  Maybe you can help find evidence.

We have gone to the RCMP.

You are right “I did state that they intended to "mix" Christianity with their brand of traditional sacred teachings.??? It is already being done. I did not say I was going to, and I never have.. “My concern is what other activities would a semi-slick and connected klansman be involved in???? Very good and terrifying question. That is my concern too. “Evelyn's connection to this fraudster and her desire to go along with such a scheming adventure is unfortunately a done deal.??? True, it is too late to undo the connection now that I knows the truth.  “Taking down a photo or two does not extricate her from further scrutiny, nor should it.’  Right.  Scrutinize all you like. The more you learn the more you will realize that we were/are his victims and we are trying to stop him.

“Also i believe Evelyn Jacobs has some questions to answer by a few others at the serial killer site you mentioned. She might want to answer them since these people are serious about their pursuits in assisting to locate the serial killer in the Sherwood Park region.???  I agree and I have done so.

Definently Tearlach is someone to be very cautious of, but the guy still deserves to have the truth told - no more and no less.  No problem.

Here is some truth. 
This is one of the deaths he is responsible for… I was wrong about the other it was an attempt..
Quoting Warren Kinsella ,

starting on Page 25
"Then in September 1974 , the Confederate Klans of Alberta suffered a blow from which it never recovered . Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsoin killed a man. A non white man.
The Mexican, Elias Acuilar Ramirez, was 21 when Mac a' Phearsoin brought him to his parents place on Center Street in Calgary. The two of them had met earlier that summer in Santa Rosa . Ramirez's home town; they quickly became close friends.  After a brief discussion, Mac a ' Phearsoin's parents agreed to take Ramirez into their home. The Dunsfords said they would provide him with room , board , clothes , and a small salary-although what services Ramirez would perform was never made clear.

Just before 11:00 o'clock on September 12, 1974, and three days after the arrival of Ramirez , the Dunsfords were in their beds , sound asleep. MacP and Ramirez , meanwhile , were down in the Dunsfords basement , in the Klan leaders bedroom . On the walls, Confederate flags, Klan certificates and Civil War lithographs had been tacked up. Knotted ropes hung from the ceiling. Scattered here

Page 26
"and there was correspondence from Ku Klux Klan leaders from across North America.

At precisely 11pm. a single shot rang out. Evelyn Dunsford jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. She found her son in the hallway, the $51 revolver in his hands. He was crying. “My god, MacP wailed??? it can't be, it can't be." His mother peered into his bedroom, where she saw Martinez's body sprawled on the bed. His trousers were pulled down and his penis exposed. There was a single bullet hole in the Mexican’s chest, two inches below a tattooed peace symbol.

MacP appeared to be in a trance, mumbling to himself. His mother hugged him and then went upstairs to call the police.

That night Det. Loren J. Shields was working traffic detail in a uniform car. Shortly after 11pm, his car and another received a call about a shooting on Center Street. The officers sped to the nondescript house, where they were met at the door by MacP. He was wearing a nightgown and he was weeping uncontrollably. "He's dead," MacP told Shields. "He's been shot."

"Where is the person who’s been shot?" Shields asked.

Sobbing MacP led the police officers downstairs. The Dunsfords hovered in the door way, blinking in the light; they did not appear to understand what was going on, Shields would later recall. At the doorway to his bedroom, MacP pointed to the body of Ramirez. Shields checked the body for a pulse; there was none.

"Where is the weapon?" he asked. MacP led him to an adjoining room, where the revolver had been placed on a chair, under a Confederate flag. "We were arguing," MacP said, crying. "The gun went off. I think he's dead. Help me please, dear God, I think I've shot him."

To Shields and his police colleagues, there appeared to be little doubt that MacP had in fact, shot Ramirez. Shields placed the Klan leader under arrest, then led him outside to his cruiser. Mac P did not resist. He was charged with criminal negligence causing death. His parents posted bail.

Page 27
"Many years later, Loren Shields is asked whether Calgary police found it significant that the Imperial Wizard of the Confederate Klan’s of Alberta had shot and killed a non white. Says Shields: "We didn't discuss the Klan. We didn't really question him in regard to that. There was always some speculation as to what the real motivation was, but we never established a motive for it to be murder. You could speculate all you wanted. It could have been a homosexual thing and it could have been a situation where he didn't like Mexicans. No one knew."

Nor apparently did anyone care. At his trial, held in December 1975 MacP was defended by A. Webster Macdonald, Sr. a colorful local lawyer who is listed as a reference on MacP's resume. Evelyn Dunford was called to give evidence about what she recalled of the death of Ramirez who she called "that poor boy". Mac P's mother revealed that her son had been hospitalized before the shooting, “for nerves a few times??? and that he had been on medication the night of Ramirez's death. “He could never hurt anything," Evelyn said,??? He could never shoot anything, he couldn't even hook a fish or run over a gopher with his car."

Another witness, 26 year old L.E. Burwell of Calgary, a one time friend of MacP's, told a packed court room that he had warned the Klansman about the dangers of carrying a loaded revolver. MacP insisted on keeping it nearby, he said because he was afraid of a possible attack by an anti-Klan activist. Burwell said his relationship with MacP ended when the Klansman "made a pass at me". When called to the stand himself, Mac P stated Ramirez had asked to see the revolver that evening. He claimed that Ramirez told him the loaded revolver could be "unloaded" by pulling back the hammer.

After a three day trial, the Confederate Klans leader was fined $1500 for criminal negligence causing death and $500 for dangerous use of a fire arm without lawful excuse.??? During the trial we have heard much about the Ku Klux Klan," said Court of the Queens bench Justice W. K. Moore, "but the operations of the Klan are irrelevant to this case."
Page 29,
"In passing sentence, Moore told the court:??? The accused's not turning away when he was loading the revolver showed a reckless disregard for the safety of Ramirez. The accused knew the gun was loaded. He was an intelligent person and knew he was holding a lethal weapon."

The shooting and the resulting trial were the beginning of the end for the Confederate Klans of Alberta. In July 1975, the group was dissolved by the provincial government.

 Page 33 (not a part of the quote - This is the 14 year old.)
"In 1988 Mac a' Phersion was charged with gross indecency following a complaint by a mentally disabled teenager. The boy told police that Mac A’ Phersion drove him to a deserted field outside Calgary and instructed him to engage in mutual masturbation. (In November Mac a' Phersion was convicted and fined $1000) "

This is the attempted murder -
Also in 1988 2 members of Mac a' Phersion's Calgary Klavern ( members of his KKK cell ) were arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to commit property damage or serious injury by use of an explosive . These men were 19 year old Robert Wilhelm Hamilton and 29 year old Timothy David Heggen.

page 34 -35;
"In an interview 2 years before the bomb plot came to light , Mac a' Phearsoin claimed that the true Ku Klux Klan was neither anti-Semitic nor white supremacist . He said:"Many, many groups, and in fact many Nazi groups have used the name Ku Klux Klan as a front to perpetrate all sorts of things. It was used by anti-Semitic people especially during the 1930's and late 1920's. What it became, I disagree with. And I would like to see it returned to what the original intention for it was. People have used the [ Ku Klux Klan name] wrongly , in violation of the original four oaths of the Klan. And terrorism certainly isn't one of them."

"But according to the Court of the Queens Bench judge who presided over the case , and according to the lawyers who defended Hamilton and Heggen and the Crown Attorney who prosecuted them, this sort of claim was pure and unadulterated bilge. The mastermind of the bomb-and-assassination plot was none other than Tearlach Dunsford Mac a' Phearsoin. In May 1988 the Imperial Wizard hatched the whole scheme. For pure malice, Mac a' Phearsoin persuaded the two Klansmen to also bomb a blue Chrysler belonging to the wife of a well-known Calgary pharmacist. The woman was targeted simply because Mac a' Phearsoin was piqued that the woman had outbid him during negotiations for the purchase of the car. Once he had convinced Hamilton and Heggen to do the dirty work, Mac a' Phearsoin fell back on old habits; He started writing to Crown prosecutors, Calgary lawyers and members of the Jewish community. In his letters Mac a' Phearsoin stated that he knew of a plot against the Jewish community and demanded $200,000 (U.S.) in exchange for relevant facts."

Page 35
"(When reporters confronted Mac a' Phearsoin, he claimed he didn't know Hamilton and Heggen. Later he stated he did know them, adding that he had kicked them out of the Invisible Empire Association after the pair allegedly met with an Aryan Nation leader.)

Incredibly, Mac a' Phearsoin was not charged . But at Hamilton and Heggens trial, which took place in Calgary in February 1989, Court of Queens Bench Justice Allen Sulatycky made clear that the Imperial Wizard should have been. The judge said Mac a' Phearsoin appeared to have masterminded the plot and accordingly, was Calgary's number one hatemonger.

"In their immature naiveté', [Hamilton and Heggen] were victimized by a man who should face, and would face, if he were charged with this offence, a penalty approaching the maximum".   

“Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct. Is that true or is it just a rumor started by information that appears to be unverifiable?    This article may interest you, you can even check it out.
Klansman faces sex rap
Edmonton Sun
The former imperial wizard of Alberta's Ku Klux Klan has been charged over allegations of sexual misconduct. Police say children as young as 12 years old were visiting a youth club infiltrated by cops investigating the allegations. After a four-month investigation, vice unit detectives have
charged one man with counselling anal intercourse and permitting a home to be used for sexual activity. Sun sources say the man charged, Charles Macaphearson, is better known by the alias of The Rev. Dr. Tearlach Dunsford-Mac a'Phearsoin, of the Calgary-based Church of St. Lazarus.
He was also imperial wizard of the Alberta Ku Klux Klan under the name Tearlach Mac a Phearsoin.

Concerned residents near Sebastian's Meeting Centre in Calgary, linked to St. Lazarus Church, first contacted cops about the centre. "Complaints centred around allegations of sexual misconduct involving children at the centre, and the use of alcohol and drugs," said Staff Sgt. Dean Young of
the vice unit. Vice cops carried out a four-month sting at the centre, which closed down during their operation. "From our observations and from information we received, we estimated children visiting the centre were aged from 12 years right up to 18 years," explained Young. "The allegations
of sexual misconduct came in relation to general activities at the centre."

After the centre closed down, vice unit detectives involved in the operation raided a home in northeast Calgary linked to the investigation. As a result, Macaphearson, 53, has been charged with one count of counselling anal intercourse and being a householder permitting sexual
activity in his home.

As for the sexual misconduct and statement that there was no molestation that was how it was reported.  I believe Charles was fined in the case involving the 14 year old boy.  Something like 1000. or 1500. dollars. Don’t take my word for it do a convictions check. Find out for yourself.
“She also managed to  post  an edited version of what was the ?1994 allegation of a 6 year sentence ,together with part of the 2002 sexual misconduct concerns, as if it was one article.???  Obviously it was not that hard to figure out with all the information posted. I was definitely not trying to mislead anyone.

“As I am trying very hard to get accurate and fair information out there, I am a bit annoyed to see that.??? Like I said do a convictions check. That may be less confusing for you. I’m sure accurate and fair information will be there for you Moma_porcupine.

Thanks for the information Evelyn.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Skinny on March 15, 2007, 10:39:26 pm
"Very odd Evelyn! Why remove your "legal and registered" title of "licensed psychologist" just because you are not with the klan fraudsters anymore? You have an M.A i presume and it was up on that website for many many months." 

I am trying very hard to understand you logic Mugzi  If I am no loger associated with them, why should they still claim to have a licensed psychologist as part of their organizatio on the site  To say the least it is false advertising.  I want no part of me on their site.  I am a licensed psychilogist and it sure as hell has nothing to do with Charles. I worked hard for it!  Do you really believe I could have worked in a Federal Pen with a title given to me by Charles? Are you not reading the posts. Give your head a shake. Enought already.

Do you really want the truth?  It appears not.

Are you saying that now you lose your "title" because your not involved with them anymore? Yes that sounds about right.Charles really does giveth and taketh away doesn't he? 
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 16, 2007, 12:46:52 am
"Are you not reading the posts"
"To say the least it is false advertising"

No i guess not as clearly as i could.
I will not bother with you any longer my head hurts from shaking it.
good night.

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: Moma_porcupine on March 16, 2007, 01:56:36 am
Wow when people re post so much stuff that sure is a lot to skip over when people try and read / find the new stuff!

Skinny / Evelyn
It must be really hard to have so many people publicly asking you such probing questions . I am in no position to know what is true here , but I do appreciate that you seem to be really trying to answer all this . It takes a fair amount of personal strength of character not to just loose it and try to verbally smack someone  . I think we are all feeling a bit frazzled over all this . 

On the point of thinking there was 2 deaths ; I also thought Kinsella might be suggesting Tearlach tried to blow someone up in a car he wanted , but noticing there was no charge of attempted murder , I re read it, and realized it was probably only the coveted car Tearlach planed to bomb . We all make those kind of errors sometimes ,  but for your own safety I would be very careful not to post something as a fact , that is just not true . 

Murder , according to my dictionary , is the PLANNED killing of another human being . Tearlach was charged with criminal negligence causeing death . There is a big difference between murder and criminal negligence causing death .

It wasn't necesssary to repost the whole story that was in Kinsella's book , to correctly state that Tearlach was charged and convicted of criminal negligence causing death . Yes , based on our limited knowledge , the circumstances do seem very questionable - but it is still not true Tearlach was charged or convicted for murder

“Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years for sexual misconduct. Is that true or is it just a rumor started by information that appears to be unverifiable?    This article may interest you, you can even check it out.
Klansman faces sex rap
Edmonton Sun
The former imperial wizard of Alberta's Ku Klux Klan has been charged over allegations of sexual misconduct.  (con...)

The article you just posted about sexual misconduct , was dated Jan 17 2002 . ( a link to the article is in the recent postings in the Sick pastors thread on the edmontonsk website ) It mentions charges and an investigation but it doesn't mention a conviction . A few months later , at least a couple of those charges were droped .

I have never seen anything reporting a 2002 conviction . WHY WHY WHY  do you keep linking this event in 2002 with a 6 year sentence ?

The only alleged 6 year sentence i have seen is alleged to have occured when Tearlach was 45 - which was in about 1993 -94 .

For you to continue suggesting this 2002 event got him a 6 year sentence , without telling us the date of conviction or linking us to a reliable online newspaper article or something , so people can verify this , if this is incorrect , does seem misleading .

Surely if you have worked on criminal profiling , police investigations and in prisons , you know the difference between "charges" , "dropped charges" and a "conviction"?

You seem to be implying that you got the information about the age of the teenage boy , (which was mentioned by Jannie in the edmontonsk forum thread ), through a convictions check ? If you have information on Tearlach / Charles's prior convictions , why not just tell us , if Tearlach was sentenced to 6 years and what the date of his conviction and sentencing was , so people can easily verify this ? If you don't really know about this WHY do you keep trying to sound like you do ? Maybe I am just not understanding a bunch of stuff , but it seems either irresponsible or misleading  .  I don't mean to be unkind , but I have to be honest , and I do see some things , that repeatedly don't seem quite right in your presentation of the facts .

Personally , I am not comfortable getting into what seems to be an ongoing criminal investiagtion involving many people , on line - I can't possibly get all the facts sitting here in front of my computer. My intention was to help people to have enough information to stay safe , and i really can't do to much more , unless I come across more information .

Thanks for all you have shared , and I wish you well in protecting what is yours . Sorry that you have been so hurt in this . That is why we are so concerned with unqualified downright unbalanced people like Tearlach imagining they can be traditional Native Spiritual leaders . The results on innocent people who get mixed up with them can be completely devastating . I am really sorry you have had such a bad experience and know how deep that hurt can go . I really wish you well .
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: mugzie on March 16, 2007, 03:55:25 am

Evelyn i have to concur with Moma ,the way things are stated by you just seems to not fit or something. I cannot make heads meet tails with your words. I too wish you well as you try and figure this all out.I also see the courage it takes to answer all these questions and apologize for my brashness, but i do not apologize for putting this out in the open. Good luck with the RCMP and getting your house back.
Title: Re: Is this confusing? Tearlach
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:31:04 pm
Tearlach has sent a series of angry complaints and less than credible threats to sue. The emails are extremely confused, but I thought it best to post them in their entirety. A couple points are important to pick out:

Tearlach is not denying most of what's in this thread, though perhaps he simply has not gotten around to it.

He is claiming a conspiracy by Evelyn Jacobs and others to smear him. How a former Klansman with a long list of charges against him could be smeared is still not clear.

Jannie and Skinny's posts are the main ones he objects to. Though they have not posted here in over a year, I hope they will see this and respond.

Tearlach says he was pardoned, or that some of the charges involved consensual sex between him and an adult male boyfriend. He's repeatedly screaming "No proof!" even though the evidence comes from multiple sources, including a number of newspapers.

I've offered several times to post any evidence he has that would clear him, such as links to newspaper articles, govt sites, or to type out any scanned govt docs he sends.

He refuses to do so.

Still, it's important to post all the evidence we have and let others make up their own minds.

The following half dozen posts will be his emails in their entirety. Any confusion (wait, you'll see what I mean) in the emails is purely his fault. Outside of labeling the emails 1st, 2nd, etc. the words will be entirely his.
Title: Re: Is this confusing? Tearlach
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:35:56 pm
1st Email

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Miracle Native Healing Retreats" <>

Dear Sir or Madam:

This complaint comes to you regarding a published web forum dated beginning February 4, 2007 and located at:

Please find attached with this e-mail the forwarded e-mails to: Alan Hatfield, Dakota House, Janet Henderson and Evelyn Jacobs. It is, I believe, self-explanatory.

I agree that people are entitled to their opinions (however wrong they might be) BUT when opinions are expressed as FACTS and published in a permanent record on the internet at: then the matter becomes much more serious, in my opinion.

Your New Age Fraud Forum clearly states that people using this forum are expected to use clean language and be responsible in what they say. I submit that the above people (particularly Evelyn Jacobs and Janet Henderson) in the forum dated beginning February 4, 2007 WENT WAY BEYOND fair comment or legitimate personal opinion.

They presented statements as TRUE FACTS (most of which ARE LIES OR HALF-TRUTHS OR MIS-REPRESENTATIONS OF A SMALL BIT OF TRUTH with lots of lies thrown in)

The problem I have is that these opinions are expressed as FACTS on your forum and anyone accessing will believe what is being said, since this weblink is available to the public to read. These become then, not just personal opinions, but are statements presented as TRUE FACTS for public viewing.

I would ask your organization to be fair about this and to remove this link from the internet. Most of the presentations at are either OUTRIGHT LIES, or HALF-TRUTHS or a small bit of TRUTH with a lot of LIES PRESENTED AS FACTS thrown in to make a completely different (and untrue story).

As an example: Dakoka House (who was officially granted an Alberta government clergy license by myself at a formal presentation) was presented as a "victim" who was being presented on our website WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE. The TRUTH is that Dakota (who I spoke to in person last week, July, 2008) had signed a WRITTEN CONTRACT permitting his picture and name to be used on our website AND the contract was witnessed by a Cree Treaty Status Native Elder.

Another example: Janet Henderson (Alberta Agent for Alan Hatfield) clearly states that Alan Hatfield gave NO PERMISSION to be on our website, etc. The FACT is that I personally met with both Alan Hatfield and Janet Henderson (his Alberta agent) in Edmonton on more than one occasion. I have a THANK-YOU E-MAIL from Mr. Hatfield thanking me for having him elected to Life Membership of Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders.

Another example: It is stated on the forum that Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders does not exist. The FACT is that the Council is duly registered with the Government of Alberta as a Branch Society of the Church. The Church, itself, is a recognized religious denomination under the laws of the Government of Alberta and I, personally, have government recognition to appoint clergy (who are then granted government licenses) and to perform legal marriages.

Another example: Evelyn Jacobs is NOT the licensed psychologist referred to on our website. Her license (which I encouraged her to re-new) is in the NorthWest Territories. Our licensed psychologist is an ALBERTA-LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST with a Ph.D. from university.

Another example: It is being presented that we CHARGE for Traditional Native Medicine and Spiritual Healing. That is TOTALLY INCORRECT. We DO charge for accommodation and food at Retreats. We DO NOT charge for ANY medicine or Sweats.

The list could go on and on. There is LIE after LIE stated on this forum and will be believed by people reading the internet because these statements are being presented as FACT by your Forum Members.

What is your organization prepared to do about this presentation that is available for all to see on the internet on one of your Forums and that is full of LIES presented as FACTS?

I respectfully request an answer.

Yours sincerely,

Rev. Tearlach Dunsford-Mac a' Phearsoin (English translation of by Birth Certificate name is: Charles Macpherson)I

Licensed Alberta Clergy

Board of Directors:
Elder Kathleen L. Osborne, President and Director
Rev. Lloyd Osborne, Vice-President and Director
Elder Charles Macpherson, Secretary-Treasurer and Director
Registered Branch Society of Alberta Native Spirituality
Halfway House Society (under The Societies Act of Alberta)

--- On Sat, 7/26/08, Miracle Native Healing Retreats <> wrote:

From: Miracle Native Healing Retreats <>
Received: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 3:51 PM

Dear Mr. Hatfield

It is with great sadness that I recently read all the outright lies and half-truths that your Alberta Agent, Ms. Janet Henderson had taken upon herself to place on the internet at

It would appear that, in concert with Ms. Evelyn Jacobs (who, you will remember I introduced to you in person previously) have taken it upon themselves to do their best to harm the legitimate work that I am doing.

I am taking these internet statements by your Alberta agent and Evelyn Jacobs to Lloyd Osborne, a Licensed Private Investigator - who is also a Voting Member and Director of my government-recognized Church) and my lawyer and asking them to take steps to challenge these lies and to take appropriate action UNLESS your Alberta Agent, yourself and Evelyn Jacobs decide to correct these mis-representations.

To clarify my position, please be advised of the following:

1. I have had removed ANY REFERENCE to you on the website and had your picture removed as well.

The fact is, ALL YOU HAD TO DO was contact me and ask that your picture and text referring to you be removed. But, you chose not to do that and, instead, your Alberta representative did her diatribe on the internet. Why didn't you simply contact me and ask that your picture be removed AND at the same time, you might have had the decency to ask whether or not all the lies and half-truths that Janet Henderson and Evelyn Jacobs were stating were true OR if there was another side to all this. But, you chose not to do that.

2. Regarding Dakota House, I had a WRITTEN CONTRACT with Dakota signed by himself and witnessed by a licensed Native Spirituality Elder that gave full permission to me to use his picture and name on our website.

3. I have NEVER been convicted of MURDER. I was convicted 34 YEARS AGO of "Criminal Negligence Causing Death." That is NOT the same thing as MURDER as your Alberta Agent (as a former private investigator should know).

4. I have NOT been convicted of ANY sexual crimes against children. The charges wrongfully laid WERE ALL DROPPED BY THE CROWN PROSECUTOR. There was NO EVIDENCE. Another troublemaker (the same sort of troublemaker as your Alberta Agent, in my opinion) convinced the Calgary Police that such crimes were occurring. THAT WAS A TOTAL LIE and, THE CHARGES WERE ALL DROPPED. Maybe your Alberta Agent and Evelyn Jacobs should get their facts straight.

5. I WAS convicted of having CONSENSUAL ORAL SEX with a 22 year old male (my boyfriend at the time, by the way) who, angry with me because I wouldn't pay him money to buy drugs, went to the homophobic police and I was charged and convicted. The SIX YEAR SENTENCE was DROPPED under Court Appeal to THREE YEARS. In any other place in the world (except homophobic Alberta) the charge would have been laughed out of court.

6. It is TRUE that I am a gay male (and very comfortable and proud of my sexuality). I DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH UNDER-THE-LEGAL-AGE PERSONS. In case you and your Alberta Agent and Evelyn Jacobs are now aware, it is LEGAL to be gay in Canada, gay people are PROTECTED FROM DISCRIMINATION under the laws of Canada and GAY MARRIAGE is legal in Canada. It is NOT a crime to be gay and I feel no need to apologize to ANYBODY for being gay.

7. EVERYTHING on the two websites: and IS TRUE AND VERIFIABLE. There is NO FRAUD involved and everything I do is LEGAL and PROPER under the law.

8. There was NEVER any attempt by ANYBODY to "steal" any property from Evelyn and Dan Jacobs. Evelyn and Dan Jacobs PERSONALLY signed the ownership of their Sherwood Property over to Church of the Healing Spirit at Land Titles Office in Edmonton, Alberta. It was ME who complained to the R.C.M.P. and asked them to investigate what Evelyn Jacobs was doing NOT Evelyn complaining to the R.C.M.P. There is an official R.C.M.P. file to PROVE THAT.

9. Because of all the difficulties and lies from Evelyn Jacobs, I hired a lawyer and we settled out of court. The Church society (Church of the Healing Spirit) was dissolved, the ownership of the land was returned to Evelyn and Dan Jacobs and they CEASED to hold any shares in Private Collateral Lenders Corp. and Evelyn Jacob's CLERGY LICENSE (which I obtained for her) WAS CANCELLED.

10. Evelyn Jacobs was granted an Alberta clergy license BECAUSE OF ME and I was the one who assisted Evelyn Jacobs to obtain her license as a mortgage agent and to re-new her psychologist's license in the NorthWest Territories.

11. Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders IS OFFICIALLY REGISTERED as a Branch Society of the Native Spirituality Church and everything is officially REGISTERED with the Government of Alberta. There is NO MIS-REPRESENTATION involved and NO FRAUD (as your Alberta Agent, Janet Henderson and Evelyn Jacobs appear to suggest on the internet).

12. You personally thanked me for obtaining for you a membership in Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders. To claim (as the internet piece suggests) that you didn't know, IS A LIE by your Alberta Agent. You knew you had been granted a Life Membership in the Council because you sent me an e-mail thanking me AND you listed the appointment on your official website. So your Alberta Agent is telling a historical inaccuracy there, too.

13. Your membership in Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders has been CANCELLED. So, I guess you don't have to worry or complain about that anymore, either. All you had to do was CONTACT ME and ask to resign from the Council. Why didn't you do that?

14. It IS TRUE that I inherited the Ku Klux Klan world-wide copyrights through The Hon. David Mullen (Minister of Agriculture for the Province of Alberta under the United Farmers of Alberta Government) and my uncle Charles MacDonald (who inherited them from The Hon. David Mullen). My ownership of these copyrights are registered with both the Copyright Office in Ottawa, Canada and the Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. (And, if you wanted to be true to your Aboriginal Heritage, you would read the Traditional Hopi Prophecies (that go back hundreds of years) and you would find out that THESE COPYRIGHTS are mentioned and, in fact, the pictures are shown in these Prophecies)

15. It is ALSO true that I was, along with Rabbi Lewis N. Ginsburg, an incorporator of Alberta Fellowship for World Peace, which society was intended to open peaceful discussions between the K.K.K., Jews, Palestinians, etc. It is also TRUE that I inducted the FIRST BLACK person in history into membership of the legitimately-incorporated K.K.K.

16. It is ALSO true that I worked WITH CALGARY POLICE when two people expressed an intention to bomb the Jewish Centre in Calgary. The REASON I wasn't charged is because it was ME who worked with police to STOP this from happening. No lies or half-truths will change the truth of what I am saying.

17. My feudal nobility titles (regardless of the nonsense published by people on the internet) are LEGITIMATE and duly registered with an office of the Government of Great Britain. The LAWYER who arranged the Deeds of Conveyance for these titles is STILL a practicing lawyer in London, England and Privy Council Agent to the Queen and he has been a licensed lawyer for over 30 years. (The nonsense on the internet is NOT PROVEN)

18. I AM a Sacred Pipe Holder and recognized Native Spirituality Elder. This is CONFIRMED IN WRITING by recognized Treaty Status Elders. I have studied Traditional Medicine since 1976 and besides having certificates from recognized herbal colleges, I have studied under recognized Traditional Native Medicine People who are also Treaty Status. I have attended over 450 Sweat Lodge Ceremonies and Medicine Sweats.

So, there is DEFINITELY ANOTHER SIDE TO THE STORY and it is my submission that your Alberta Agent (in her hatred of me, for whatever her personal reasons) is presenting OUTRIGHT LIES AND MIS-REPRESENTED HALF-TRUTHS on the internet.


If you and your Alberta Agent decided to be HONEST and FAIR, then you would present the REAL STORY on the internet. You have a chance to do this now OR FACE A LAWSUIT.

Please Govern Yourself Accordingly,

Tearlach Barra Eoin Ros Dunsford-Mac a' Phearsoin

(Charles Macpherson - this is the English translation of the LEGAL NAME on my Birth Certificate)

C.C. Elder Kathleen L. Osborne, Lloyd Osborne

Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:38:03 pm
2nd Email

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Miracle Native Healing Retreats" <>

Board of Directors:
Elder Kathleen L. Osborne, President and Director
Rev. Lloyd Osborne, Vice-President and Director
Elder Charles Macpherson, Secretary-Treasurer and Director
Registered Branch Society of Alberta Native Spirituality
Halfway House Society (under The Societies Act of Alberta)

--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Miracle Native Healing Retreats <> wrote:

From: Miracle Native Healing Retreats <>
To: "Janet Henderson" <>
Received: Friday, August 1, 2008, 2:04 PM

Dear Ms. Henderson: Your statement that you have never been online on the website at:                                                     would appear to be untrue. The following statements are on the 2 Section of this website from "Janny" the  Agent for Alan Hatfield: Are you not an Agent for Alan Hatfield? Isn't "Janny" short for Janet? Is somebody on that website using the nickname "Janny" claiming to be an agent for Alan Hatfield? As far are you contacting "Wayne" at Edmonton Police Service, at the same time you might ask them to run a CPIC under my name. I think you will find that I was granted a FULL PARDON from the Canadian Government. A Police CPIC will NOT SHOW ANY CRIMINAL RECORD on file under my name. jannie
 Re: Is this confusing? « Reply #25 on: March 09, 2007, 09:57:14 am » 

I have read this with great concern and have passed it on to a number of people mentioned here. As agent for Alan Hatfield, I have been instructed by him to inform that although he met with Charles MacPherson and spoke with him and listened to his idea's that is as far as this has gone. Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams. Alan has nothing to do with MacPherson and quite frankly there are other people mentioned on here that may have gotton sucked in at one time to this particular scam but has since realized and have nothing more to do with him or his plans. I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law!  jannie
  Re: Is this confusing? « Reply #27 on: March 10, 2007, 07:11:04 am » 

I think they have. Ever noticed that the crazier you are the more you seem to get away with things? Maybe he does things just under the wire. All i know is that he has so many scams going on its a wonder he can keep track. I know for sure there are some people on his website that have gotton sucked in and don't want to have anything to do with him. I believe that he contacts well known people, pitches his ideas, and of course for the most part people like to believe there is good out there and want to help other people so they are all for it, he gets pictures taken with them, he posts them on his website, they find out its a scam, then they go down as well. There is no retreats, who knows where he got some of those pictures from, and how many people he has scammed for money, pretty scary guy. Affiliations with the kkk, sexual predator, interesting to know that he is involved with young men at this very moment, I would probably venture to guess that he takes in guys who have no direction, wayward kids and god knows what happens then. If he is so well known (there are many sites dedicated to this freak) how is he getting away with this? jannie
  Re: Is this confusing? « Reply #32 on: March 12, 2007, 05:02:16 am » 

i should also mention that Dakota House does not want to have anything to do with him either, he just recently found out that he is still listed on MacPherson's website for these retreats. Evelyn Jacobs was gung ho for helping too until she found out it was all a scam. So now he has tried to ruin 3 people's good name by affilating these people with him. Again, these retreats do not exist. What was he going to do, fly Alan Hatfield out everytime he had a client for the retreat, it states on his website that a consultation with Alan was part of the curriculum. Charles is a self appointed everything. Perhaps he is interested in the native community due to the funds available. I want to get the facts straight. As I said in my previous e-mail, if Alan Hatfield didn't want to be on the website, then all he had to do was contact me and ask that his picture and name be deleted. He never did that. Regardless, he has been deleted from the website and his membership in Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders has been cancelled. Yours sincerely,  Tearlach (Charles) Mac a' Phearsoin 

Board of Directors:
Elder Kathleen L. Osborne, President and Director
Rev. Lloyd Osborne, Vice-President and Director
Elder Charles Macpherson, Secretary-Treasurer and Director
Registered Branch Society of Alberta Native Spirituality
Halfway House Society (under The Societies Act of Alberta)

--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Janet Henderson <> wrote:

From: Janet Henderson <>
To:, "ALAN hatfield" <>
Received: Friday, August 1, 2008, 9:39 AM

This is what i know for sure:
- i have never been on this website, nor did i ever know it existed
- i have met evelyn jacobs one time and thats it, if i passed her on the street i wouldn't know who she was
- i could give a rats ass what and who you are, but thanks for the info, interesting reading, had no idea. No interest in your past or your future.
- someone contacted alan a long time ago asking questions about me but wouldn't say who they were, unfortunately alan can't remember the conversation
- my name and all my information is listed on his website under agents, WHO HAS A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU, who ever and whatever....I don't want any part of it, nor do I have time for this or any inclination to get involved. Guess YOU better figure it out.
- guess you should contact all the people on this website that made comments and this person who wrote the book and sue them
I have passed this email on to Wayne at the Edmonton Police Service. If i hear any more of this craziness, i will be filing a harrassment charge.
Jan Henderson
Title: Re: Is this confusing? Tearlach
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:40:53 pm
3rd Email

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Miracle Native Healing Retreats" <>

Dear Sir or Madam: We are in receipt of your e-mail today. It is interesting that your e-mail doesn't give the name of the author. Why is that?  With regards to the lies and nonsense that is published under the aegis of your website at: we are respectfully asking that his link be removed from your website. It is true that I have a full pardon from the Government of Canada and it is also true that charges were fully dropped by the Crown Prosecutor HOWEVER, it would seem to me that, rather than ME having to prove the truth of those statements, it should be up to the authors of to prove the truth of all the statements being made on that part of your website. Why should I have to prove MYSELF to you before having the facts published on your website when you were very happy to keep the LIES (without any proofs offered) on your website thread all these months. I have challenged two of the authors of these statements on your website thread to do a criminal check with the police (CPIC) to see if I have any recorded criminal record. They refuse to do that because, if they do, their whole story of lies falls apart. If your website is so interested in truth, then do a CPIC check yourselves with any police agency in Canada and you can find out the truth for yourselves. Is it a case that you don't really want to know the truth and hurting people with the lies you allow to be published is of more interest to you? You certainly accepted and permitted the untrue statements of Evelyn Jacobs and the others on your website many months ago without asking any proof that the statements they were making were true. Why should the onus of proof be on me? Again, I am respectfully requesting that your organization remove the thread from the internet UNLESS you can prove the statements that are being made on this website thread.
Yours sincerely,
Rev. Te? rlach (Charles) Dunsford-Mac a' PhearsoinLicensed Alberta Clergy
Title: Re: Is this confusing? Tearlach
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:43:04 pm
4th Email

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Miracle Native Healing Retreats" <>

Sir (or Madam) [since you appear reluctant to use your name] You might be interested in reading this forwarded e-mail from Janet Henderson (the Agent for Alan Hatfield). She claims that she has never been on your website and that the person on 2 section of identified as "Jannie" and an Agent for Alan Hatfield is somebody making false claims. If such is the case, are you not concerned that somebody is claiming to speak as Alan Hatfield's agent when they are not? There is so much mis-information on your website. Don't you want truthful information? Would you like it if I set up a website and stated as a fact that the webmaster of New-Age Fraud was a known whore and drug dealer without you having the chance to have these statements corrected?  Yours sincerely,   Rev. Te? rlach (Charles) Dunsford-Mac a' PhearsoinLicensed Alberta Clergy

Board of Directors:
Elder Kathleen L. Osborne, President and Director
Rev. Lloyd Osborne, Vice-President and Director
Elder Charles Macpherson, Secretary-Treasurer and Director
Registered Branch Society of Alberta Native Spirituality
Halfway House Society (under The Societies Act of Alberta)

--- On Sun, 8/3/08, Janet Henderson <> wrote:

From: Janet Henderson <>
Received: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 10:53 AM

I am not an idiot, i read everything that you sent the first time and i dont' know how much clearer i have to be, again, i have never been on that website nor did i know it existed, i met the jacobs woman once and never again after that, nor was i aware of your previous activities etc. As far as im concerned this is the end of it, i did not post anything on that website, i don't belive anyone has a bone to pick with me nor do i have a bone to pick with you

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 11:04:11 -0700

Dear Ms. Henderson: Your statement that you have never been online on the website at:                                                     would appear to be untrue. The following statements are on the 2 Section of this website from "Janny" the  Agent for Alan Hatfield: Are you not an Agent for Alan Hatfield? Isn't "Janny" short for Janet? Is somebody on that website using the nickname "Janny" claiming to be an agent for Alan Hatfield? As far are you contacting "Wayne" at Edmonton Police Service, at the same time you might ask them to run a CPIC under my name. I think you will find that I was granted a FULL PARDON from the Canadian Government. A Police CPIC will NOT SHOW ANY CRIMINAL RECORD on file under my name. jannie
 Re: Is this confusing? « Reply #25 on: March 09, 2007, 09:57:14 am » 

I have read this with great concern and have passed it on to a number of people mentioned here. As agent for Alan Hatfield, I have been instructed by him to inform that although he met with Charles MacPherson and spoke with him and listened to his idea's that is as far as this has gone. Alan has not given Charles permission or authorization to include his name or post his inclusion of Charles's scams. Alan has nothing to do with MacPherson and quite frankly there are other people mentioned on here that may have gotton sucked in at one time to this particular scam but has since realized and have nothing more to do with him or his plans. I think the question on everyone's mind is why nothing has been done about all of this, this is against the law!  jannie
  Re: Is this confusing? « Reply #27 on: March 10, 2007, 07:11:04 am » 

I think they have. Ever noticed that the crazier you are the more you seem to get away with things? Maybe he does things just under the wire. All i know is that he has so many scams going on its a wonder he can keep track. I know for sure there are some people on his website that have gotton sucked in and don't want to have anything to do with him. I believe that he contacts well known people, pitches his ideas, and of course for the most part people like to believe there is good out there and want to help other people so they are all for it, he gets pictures taken with them, he posts them on his website, they find out its a scam, then they go down as well. There is no retreats, who knows where he got some of those pictures from, and how many people he has scammed for money, pretty scary guy. Affiliations with the kkk, sexual predator, interesting to know that he is involved with young men at this very moment, I would probably venture to guess that he takes in guys who have no direction, wayward kids and god knows what happens then. If he is so well known (there are many sites dedicated to this freak) how is he getting away with this? jannie
  Re: Is this confusing? « Reply #32 on: March 12, 2007, 05:02:16 am » 

i should also mention that Dakota House does not want to have anything to do with him either, he just recently found out that he is still listed on MacPherson's website for these retreats. Evelyn Jacobs was gung ho for helping too until she found out it was all a scam. So now he has tried to ruin 3 people's good name by affilating these people with him. Again, these retreats do not exist. What was he going to do, fly Alan Hatfield out everytime he had a client for the retreat, it states on his website that a consultation with Alan was part of the curriculum. Charles is a self appointed everything. Perhaps he is interested in the native community due to the funds available. I want to get the facts straight. As I said in my previous e-mail, if Alan Hatfield didn't want to be on the website, then all he had to do was contact me and ask that his picture and name be deleted. He never did that. Regardless, he has been deleted from the website and his membership in Alberta Council of Native Spirituality Elders has been cancelled. Yours sincerely,  Tearlach (Charles) Mac a' Phearsoin 

Board of Directors:
Elder Kathleen L. Osborne, President and Director
Rev. Lloyd Osborne, Vice-President and Director
Elder Charles Macpherson, Secretary-Treasurer and Director
Registered Branch Society of Alberta Native Spirituality
Halfway House Society (under The Societies Act of Alberta)

--- On Fri, 8/1/08, Janet Henderson <> wrote:

From: Janet Henderson <>
To:, "ALAN hatfield" <>
Received: Friday, August 1, 2008, 9:39 AM

This is what i know for sure:
- i have never been on this website, nor did i ever know it existed
- i have met evelyn jacobs one time and thats it, if i passed her on the street i wouldn't know who she was
- i could give a rats ass what and who you are, but thanks for the info, interesting reading, had no idea. No interest in your past or your future.
- someone contacted alan a long time ago asking questions about me but wouldn't say who they were, unfortunately alan can't remember the conversation
- my name and all my information is listed on his website under agents, WHO HAS A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU, who ever and whatever....I don't want any part of it, nor do I have time for this or any inclination to get involved. Guess YOU better figure it out.
- guess you should contact all the people on this website that made comments and this person who wrote the book and sue them
I have passed this email on to Wayne at the Edmonton Police Service. If i hear any more of this craziness, i will be filing a harrassment charge.
Jan Henderson
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:44:55 pm
5th Email

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Miracle Native Healing Retreats" <>

Dear Sir or Madam: (since you seem afraid to give your name) You claim that my complaint has nothing to do with your website or organization. My whole concern is based upon the lies and mis-representations contained on the web at:;all Are you claiming that this is not part of your organization website?  Are you unaware of what internet defamation means? Since you say in your e-mail that I write unclearly, maybe the law firm of Ciunna and Donofrio LLP can state this much more clearly for you (unless you think that they are also unclear writers?)  Ciulla and Donofrio LLP (law firm) can probably say it clearly enough for you:
What is Cybersmear?
Libelous messages placed on the Internet, regardless of whether the message or statement appears on a website, on a computer bulletin board or chat room, in an on-line newspaper, diary or weblog (“blog???) or in an e-mail, may be actionable. As will be discussed later in this article, the motives for cyberlibel range from product boycotts, scams, disparaging rumors and gossip to furthering political agendas and securities manipulation. Most cyberlibel shares a common pattern; the common attributes of cybersmear include:
A website or blog detailing the purported injustices committed by the target company, individual or political organization;
References and/or links to statutes, regulations or other legal sources and/or an amateur/unlicensed interpretation of the law (conclusions are usually provided as well);
Information or quotes taken out of context or represented in very small segments as to be presented in a more misleading manner;
Cybersmearers almost uniformly claim to be “independent,??? “neutral,??? and attribute the purpose for the blog, website, chat room or e-mail as being a “public service,??? protection of the “unsuspecting consumer/customer,??? concern for “innocent victims??? and the like;
Cybersmearers categorize their comments as “informational??? or “opinion??? when in fact, the statements represent propaganda or libel;
Many of the people who post on such sites post anonymously;
Cybersmear web site operators, for the most part, will utilize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so that their sites receive high rankings in search result pages by doing things such as linking their sites to other sites, choosing key words to include in the titles of their posts/body of their text and in meta tags so that someone searching for the company or individual targeted by the cybersmearer will find the cybersmear website; and
Posting “actual e-mails from readers??? when discussing comments received from readers, none of which can be verified as actual or all of which comes from fellow perpetrators of cybersmear.
 You may think it is "amusing" that we would state our intention to sue your website, but I would assure you that our intentions are very serious. Unless you can PROVE the nonsense that is written on;all and if you refuse to remove this from the internet, we will have no choice but to file lawsuit. We, of course, will also file suit against the Canadian liars (such as Evelyn Jacobs) as well. Your being "outside Canada" is no impediment to being sued by a Canadian society. I am very competent and able to provide proof of my FULL PARDON from the Canadian government AND proof that charges were COMPLETELY DROPPED. My issue is that I shouldn't have to prove that your internet web statements are lies. YOU and the people writing these things should have the "burden of proof" on THEM to prove that all their statements are true. Is that "clear" enough for you?
Yours sincerely, 
Rev. Te? rlach (Charles) Dunsford-Mac a' PhearsoinLicensed Alberta Clergy

Title: Re: Is this confusing? Tearlach
Post by: educatedindian on August 04, 2008, 02:55:20 pm
And my replies to Tearlach.


It took a while to figure out just what it is you were complaining about since the complaints are very confusing, poorly organized and written.

We have never heard of any of the people you claim are out to get you. None of them are members of NAFPS, nor have they ever contacted or written to anyone at NAFPS to the best of my knowledge.

If you would like these emails of yours posted so that others can see your denials, we can do that, though I doubt most people could make head or tails of them.

If you would like to post evidence of you never having committed or being pardoned of these crimes, please provide links to government websites, news articles showing you were cleared, or attach scanned official documents that prove what you say.

And the threat to sue is amusing because:
1. We get empty threats of lawsuits all the time.
2. That the threat of a lawsuit should come from people claiming to be psychics and "licensed Native spirituality experts." I can't think of anyone who would be less credible.
3. And we are not even located in Canada.

In any case, hopefully you can provide proof of what you say. Otherwise it's just (very paranoid) opinions posing as facts.


Hey, it's real simple.

Or it would be if you'd bothered to actually read our website.

Individuals take all responsibility for their posts, including legal consequences.

Your problem is with that individual, who you don't seem to know who they actually are.

And your problem is also this:
They provided evidence, and you refuse to do anything to refute them other than make empty threats and throw a fit, several times.

The best you do is post links from a law firm, in a silly attempt to to bluff and imply they represent you. 

Obviously if they did, they would be sending the letter, not you.

I've offered repeatedly to post your rebuttals.

You decline to even make them.

So I'll post these emails and people can decide for themselves. 

Your denials of what they said will now be a public record, and all our site has done is provide two points of view.

You know, since you work with an alleged "psychic," it's a shame you did not have them predict this would be the outcome of your emails.
Title: Re: Is this confusing? Tearlach's Pardon
Post by: educatedindian on August 06, 2008, 05:39:45 pm
Tearlach has sent me a scanned copy of his pardon, along with a lot more ranting in the other emails, as well as a thank you for posting his emails.

I don't see any sign of it being false, forged, or altered, but anyone is welcome to IM me their regular email address and I'll forward the doc to them.

Here's what it says.

Government of Canada
National Parole Board
Ontario, Canada


The National Parole Board is pleased hereby to award

Tearlach Barra Eoin Ros Dunsford-Mac Aphearsoin

a pardon under the Criminal Records Act

AND this pardon is evidence of the fact that that the board, after making proper inquiries, was satisfied that the said

[Name again]

has remained free of any conviction(s) since completing the sentence and was of good conduct and that the convictions should no longer reflect adversely on his/her character and, unless it ceases to exist or is subsequently revoked, requires the judicial record of conviction to be kept separate and apart from other criminal records and removes any disqualification to which

[Name again]

is, by reason of the conviction, subject by virtue of any act of parliament or a regulation made thereunder.

Given at Ottawa this 18th day of July, 2008.

Mario Dion, Chairperson


In other words, this doc confirms his conviction. He was not found innocent. He served his sentence, had good behavior while on parole, and was given this pardon.

I don't know about Canada, but in the US, by accepting a pardon you admit your guilt of the crimes you were convicted of.  And in Texas, pardons are almost automatic. You fill out the paperwork and they generally get granted as long as you committed no other crimes.

Also note the date. Tearlach has gotten pretty angry with Jannie and Skinny for their posts, but the pardon is only a few weeks old, more than a year after Jannie and Skinny posted.

The main question, to my mind, is if that pardon is good enough. To be a medicine man as Tearlach is rather ludicrously claiming means first of all, you'd have to be NDN and not white (and even a white supremacist as he was for much of his life). You'd have to have high moral standards, and a history of sexual assaults doesn't fit that.

Also, powwows have many children around, and you just don't want kids near a convicted sex offender, even if he is pardoned.

So to Tearlach, glad to know you're staying out of criminal trouble, at least. But to claim to be a Native medicine man is still ridiculous.

For another thing, your temper and immaturity also shows you are just not suited to be one.
Title: Re: Is this confusing?
Post by: MatoSiWin on August 07, 2008, 07:59:38 pm
I would give my right arm to have the amount of free time this person has.  Geez.