Author Topic: William Two Feather AKA William Schober  (Read 156224 times)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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William Two Feather AKA William Schober
« on: July 10, 2007, 08:37:06 am »
I was surprised to find there's only an archive thread about this one! He was last heard of in some hippie enclave in northern Australia couple of years ago, and a couple of years before that was spotted doing sweat lodge ceremonies for money at a new age fair in southwest England.

Now he may be back in the Houston area, "networking", and busily turning himself into a living Franklin Mint Heirloom Collector Plate. Images may take a while to load but they're worth it.


Franklin Mint Plate:


Franklin Mint Plate:


Franklin Mint Plate:


Franklin Mint Plate:


Franklin Mint Plate:
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 12:32:28 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 02:50:47 pm »

Check out his homepages.

"William Two Feather & I am a practicing Faith Healer ovr 10 years, & done so around the world 3 times in this capacity. A legend in my own mind and a self proclaimed Intellectual. Each day is the best day of my life."
Additional information:
"A lecture on ~ Concepts of Faith Healing ~ Jan 13th Only such Lecture in USA until a world tour # 4 is finished in 2008"

He actually said all of these:
Legend in his own mind
World tour
Self proclaimed intellectual
Faith healer (you know, like the snake oil televangelists)

And he actually offers these:
"William Two Feather has performed hundreds of exorcisms around the world and has practiced this along with faith healing for over a decade. It is not like the Hollywood pictures here in the trenches. The dark side possesses a code of conduct and guidelines are in force.
There are three types of infestation - person, place, and thing. Students will not be taught how to perform an exorcism per se as it is very dangerous, but all participants will come away with a healthy understanding of the inner workings of this phenomenon that is found in every country around the world.
What about ADD or hyper hypo this and that? Is there a link in such cases to the dark side of spirituality? What should you do if you feel someone is possessed?
Bring your questions, comments and experiences to this teaching and we will address them all.
This teaching/discussion will last one to two hours.
Hands on Exocrisms are no longer available."

Well I feel so much better knowing that. ;)

And this bit is pretty funny.

"Who are the warriors of light? Why do we need them? How do they attain their position? What tools are available for confrontation? If someone we know is being spiritually attacked what can we do? Who is the dark side and why are they gathering up their forces?"

Luke, you don't know the power of the daaaaahk side.

"Is the time coming for the war to go past bombs and bullets? William Two Feather has trained over a thousand Spiritual Warriors and many have become teachers themselves.
This training spans one to three hours."

As little as one hour? Taking down your credit card number must be half the lesson.

And this bit:

"Each practitioner-to-be must fully comprehend the entire methodology and will be given an oral examination at the end of teachings. The ones who pass will be certified and will join a worldwide family of practitioners.
This class is a minimum of 10 hours, to be split into two days, Saturday and Sunday.
>>>For those who are interested in psychic surgery, a bonus night on Friday the 17th will be available for an additional $100 contribution. No certification will be awarded on this particular teaching."<<<

Pretty hilarious. Psychic surgery is from the Philippines. It's basically palming bits of cow guts and blood.

"Those interested and who are now practicing are recommended to attend this seldom shared teaching. Be aware that there is limited methodology that is permitted to be taught to the public and strict guidelines are in force. * see preparation sheet for reference on how to get ready for these teachings.
Your recommended contibution of $500, $100 to pensioners of Scorpios (natural born healers), and
a 10% scholarship will be considered upon acceptance of one-page handwritten petition sent to:to: N.A.S.P. PO Box 696 La Madera, NM 87539"

Euro astrology proves you're a natural healer?

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 12:41:13 am »

It is no surprise that WTF has branched out, to include the Franklin Mint.  When we met him, in Saskatchewan, he was very much into attracting attention to his need for "fame" and "fortune."

I'll always remember when my wife embarrassed him and another Elder made light of his "showbiz" attitude, at the International Gathering of Traditional Medicines and Healing.  I wonder why he was never invited back?


Offline chiefytiger

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 12:23:29 pm »
this guy sure looks like a fraud ,w/the pics he looks like a hairy Native , Hair all over his chest ...... so where is he located ?

Offline MatoSiWin

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2008, 03:03:26 pm »
EducatedNDN... you made me LOL with the Luke comment.... I think it irritated the Statistician that sits across from me (they're very quiet and focused... and have no snese of humor at all). 

WTF reminds me of Iron Eyes Cody for some reason.

And really, WTF is up with those initials???

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2008, 03:57:48 pm »
And really, WTF is up with those initials???

*snerk* Glad to see I'm not the only one laughing at that. And really, those pictures... WTF?

Offline Kevin

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2008, 03:08:23 pm »
- on top of all that, he is not even a decent flute player - he is choppy and can't prolong tones

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2008, 03:01:16 pm »
Youtube vid on William Rainwater Barnes (aka William Two Feathers, Billy Two Feathers)

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2008, 08:34:21 pm »
That's a different WTF. They're running out of names!

Offline chiefytiger

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2008, 12:38:40 pm »
I just watched the WTF You Tube and I  hcnestly say that ,what medcine man would do such a thing. Talk about medcines as what WTF is doing. From what i know its always been kept from ppls ,so that they dont disturb the plants and take it for money. I feel that many of our medcine men an women only give it to ppl who seek help and dont take it for profit or commercilize it in anyways ....

Offline EagleVision

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2009, 11:59:12 am »
A Comment from Australia!!!

Yes, I write from Australia, and after a quick search discovered our old little friend William Two Feathers!!! As one of the posters writes, he was offering all kinds of ceremonies in northern Australia, but most particularly, lots of free sex with the girlies!!!

However, if it was only just the bed hopping, we might excuse him, but I am afraid our friend William stole two flutes from a local flute maker...yes stole them...yes, did not pay for them....So be very very careful of this individual.

I saw William at several New Age Festivals, notably the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne, and several times at the Universal Insights Festival, also in Melbourne. He offers "drum washes" which meant he drumed up and down in front and behind you like a mad-man and that apparently heals you. He was always well turned out in his buckskins and beads, but spent most of his time flirting with the girls (he seemed to prefer blondes!!)

I understand that he overstayed his visa and is now blacklisted by the Australian Government. He also did not pay any taxes here and so is again blacklisted by Australia.

So people out there be very careful of this true medicine person would steal property.

many bright blessings!!!

Offline Sober Native

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2009, 05:24:57 pm »
OMG!  HEIMLICH MANUVEUR SOMEONE ~~ ANYONE!!!  <cough cough> I was eating when I read this.  If he's good for nothing else, at least it's a great belly laugh.  Thanks!!!!

Offline Sitting Owl

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2009, 03:58:28 am »
Namaste' Eagle Vision and All
Is this man still hanging around this country? I met him when came to Ballarat (not Balart like he says in his 'Get Involved' page of his web site). I helped build those three huge lodges in exchange for participating in his 'Warrior Retreat' Workshop. He had some ok things to say, but man what an ego. I have heaps I could talk about here as I saw him first hand, but I think everyone gets the picture. The first time I saw him I could see he was Mr Ego himself and he didn't even have to say anything. He is certainly not a good ambassador for the Native American People or what real Medicine is about, but the new agers and especially the women seem to love him. Obviously he has not been game to come back down my way as I haven't heard anything of him since that weekend in 2004, but then again I don't go to Mind Body Spirit Festivals. So I was surprised to see he was up north here in Australia. I guess he has to be somewhere and I'm sure he would be very unpopular back home.
Yours in Spirit
Sitting Owl

Offline that_dakota_kid

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2009, 03:43:24 pm »
I remember this guy from Trader's Village pow wow in Houston. My uncle started really questioning him when he leared he was holding naming ceremonies at a pow wow in Banderas, TX and two feather was trying to counterquestion him about my uncle's authenicity and when two feathers learned he was a sun dancer two feathers showed his scars and demanded my uncle show him his. My uncle replied, " You want to see my scars, bro come to a sweat and we'll see who's who". Two Feathers walked away. He's no spirtual leader he's a straight fraud.

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Two Feather
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2009, 04:42:29 pm »
Ok...posted a link to a different WTF earlier, but these videos are made with the WTF this thread is about.  Just like with any other fraud these guys expose themselves when given enough room too....I still believe Youtube is what a plastic shaman believes is their biggest ad tool, but in reality is the most damaging evidence of their charlatanism.  These vids are from a series of films being produced by a guy named Gregory Owen Pearse and just to warn you...this is the oddest set of videos on Native Americans I've EVER SEEN.....

You see WTF praying to a piece of a plant he picked...playing flute for statues of Asian philosophers, picking up a skull cast out of a pond in a park...playing to geese and at the end of one of the videos there's a scene of a shawl dancer dancing in the clouds....on further inspection it's WTF wearing a shawl and dress and dancing a very hokey version of fancy shawl dancing.....

Much of these videos are inundated with stereotypical music and imagery.  There's one part where WTF says he's gonna sing a song for the statues..picks up his drum and then a recording begins playing of someone else singing....

If these vids aren't enough to convince people this guy is a total fraud then I don't know what is.... you go...

"Last Song of the Earth"

"One Day in the Life of the Last Indian"

"The Shaman"
