Author Topic: Troy Johnson, "Grey Ghosthawk", Florida Pagan Gathering, Four Winds Lodge  (Read 55626 times)

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Tampa Bay Florida
Here is info on All  World Acres.

""On Thursday night; Meet and Greet ritual around the main fire. This will lead directly into drum circle. On Friday night; Tom Carroll concert, Bardic circle, and then something new; a Home Coming Ball that will feature music and lights for dancing in the courtyard. On Saturday night; a special main ritual presented by Between Worlds followed by the Body Goddess ritualistic body painting, and then trance dancing and drumming around the main fire.

Other activities will include the amazing Yula Hula show and workshop presented by Kat, Moon Lodge workshop for women only, the Electric Pickle, a tie dye workshop, sweat lodge, mistletoe dance, and more. The theme is homecoming and everything will be light, festive and fun for the entire family.

Dec. 9-12 at All World Acres in the Tampa Bay area. Register now and it's ! only $35 per adult. This includes all workshops, activities, entertainment and camping for all 4 days.

Please help spread the word about this event. This is an important fund raiser for All World Acres. AWA is a not for profit Pagan sanctuary that has hosted handfastings, rights of passage, death rites, cronings, and many other rituals for the Pagan community.""

above taken from the websites.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2004, 05:32:10 am »
All I can say is good grief! What a hodge podge!

Offline groundhog92000

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Troy Johnson, "Grey Ghosthawk", Florida Pagan Gathering, Four Winds Lodge
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2005, 11:24:39 pm »
Anyone hear of this guy? He's in my area. Here's a link.

Thanks, Deborah

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2005, 12:25:27 am »
Warn everybody in the area that GGH's teacher is Morgan "Eaglebear" Maez, the phony claiming to be Geronimo's greatgrandson, and one of the worst sexual exploiters of his followers.

The warning from the Ft Sill Apache Tribe:

And the phony ceremony he uses to sexually exploit his followers:

Don't know if GGH does the same, but it doesn't speak well of him if that's his main teacher.

Cached at
"Troy Grey Ghost Hawk: Ceremonialist and Teacher
A Little About Me:
Grey Ghosthawk has been apprenticed to Morgan Eagle Bear, an Apache Shaman for 12 years. He has also studied with Ojibway, Seneca, Anishinabe, Muskogee, Choctaw and Lakota Elders from North America. Recently I was privileged to study with Toltec and Huichol Elders from Central America as well as the Ketchiwa people of South America. He studied with a Maori Tahunga named Joseph Winterhawk and has been appointed a Warrior in this as well as the Apache Tradition.
My Background:
Ghosthawk has participated in ceremony in South Dakota with Lakota Elders, in Peru with Ketchiwa Shaman and many other locations with many different Elders and Shaman. He has also been honored with working security and aiding in the Elders' Kitchen at Sun Dance along with other members of the Native American Church, The Brotherhood of Indigenous Spiritualism.
My Qualifications and Training:
As a Ceremonialist, he has been given rites to conduct the Native American Purification Lodge (Inipi), Vision Quest (Hanblecheya), Cherokee Moon Ceremony and other rites for releasing and healing. Ghosthawk carries his own personal Canupa Wakan and was honored with the ability to share his Pipe in ceremony while at the top of Machu Pichu."

And if I remember right there is no "Cherokee Moon Ceremony."

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2005, 01:46:13 am »

Never heard of a "Cherokee Moon Ceremony"


Offline groundhog92000

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2005, 11:53:30 pm »
Thanks, will do.

Offline groundhog92000

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2005, 11:58:21 pm »

Offline TimberlineWarrior

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2005, 06:47:07 pm »
Cherokee Moon Ceremony

I was told about that ceremony by a Cherokee friend in Cal. It's a personal one done at the time of the full moon. No leaders, Elders or anyone involved, just you and a bowl of water and the full moon.

^. .^

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2008, 02:57:26 pm »
And there is a new one this april..

Got this email from a friend.. I died laughing..
Scroll down the 'activity' list.  They're doing a "Sweat Lodge"...okay, they disclaimer the list with "There will be nudity and activities of a sexual nature".  Naked people in a dark sweat lodge - don't tell me there isn't going to be some touchy-feely orgy going on in there. 
And no, I have no idea how I landed on this spot - was looking for 'tattoo'!  Cool tattoo on her though...

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Grey Ghosthawk
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2008, 04:43:13 pm »
Evidently he's doing the ceremony for the world of acres or whatever they are.

unless there is another Ghosthawk about.

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2008, 05:35:45 pm »
friend is also a smartass..

Wrote to them asking about stuff.. this was their response..

> The sweat lodge is facilitated by GhostHawk and is very much Native
> American Spirtuality. The drum circles are a very eccletic mix of
> African, Celtic, and Native spirtualities. The intention of the entire
> event is to help everyone make a better connection with spirit. Each
> person is able to do this with their own individual focus and with
> whatever their individual path may be.
> Thanks for your interest

is ghosthawk the troy grey ghosthak or is it someone else?


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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2008, 07:32:03 pm »
No way to tell who he is. Looks like a thrown togeather mix of Hinduism, Buddihisn. and whatever else they can muster up. Suprised they have added Santeria. Never heard of naked Sweat Lodges before the internet, Doesn't sound good. But I never heard of coed Sweats either, always told it would make your hair turn white. Bkut I know some do do them.

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2008, 11:31:49 pm »
maybe I'll get her to write and ask who he is, get more details.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2008, 10:20:41 pm »
And they've got a tipi, too.

Offline Cat

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Re: Tampa FLA "Sweat Lodge" & "Moon
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2008, 10:22:16 pm »
Hi all,

Here is the link to Grey Ghosthawks page...did a little digging and found him... Pretty scary lookin guy lol.....
