Author Topic: Just when you thought politics couldn't get any stranger - lesbians "sage" the W  (Read 45124 times)

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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I live in the capital of weird, so I'm used to seeing a lot of silly things from the lesbians, but this woman's off her gourd. (At least she blinks more than the ones around here)

Canadian-Lesbian comic, Kate Clinton is trying to round up other Lesbians to "Sage" the white house because she thinks they can rid it of the "evil spirits" left over from Dubya.

This was posted on DDR


Kate Clinton,  a white lesbian comedian,  thinks our religion is fodder for her comedy.
From her website:

"Kate Clinton has a perfect event coming up on January 19th.
It’s to Sage the White House after Bush’s 8 years of ruinous
residency. Just as the priests & shamans were called in to sage
Machu Picchu after George Bush's ten minute “So You Think
You Can Dance??? visit to the ruins, she says, “Let's banish those
evil spirits the night before the Inauguration of Barack Obama.???
In our exclusive audio-interview @ OUTTAKE VOICES ™
Kate gives her honest & hilarious opinions of the state of our
country & the future of our LGBT community. Check it OUT...:)
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage"

"The list is growing, are you joining in on this adventure? Send an email to and in the subject line write: I'm In! to join our SAGE THE WHITE HOUSE mailing list. Please include your name, email, and snail mail address.

Just as the priests and shamans were called in to sage Machu Picchu after George Bush's ten minute So You Think You Can Dance visit to the ruins, it is time to Sage the White House after George's eight years of ruinous residency. Let's banish those evil spirits the night before the Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama.

Watch for more details of our spontaneous, ingenious spectacle. Sage the White House! Tell your friends."

She’s put up a Youtube video:

Sage the White House
In the YouTube video, Ms. Clinton claims that she plans to “sage the area to get out the bad spirits.??? She advises her audience that you can get it (sage) from your “favorite woo woo lesbian in your community.???

On January 19th, she plans to gather with other fools like herself and “fire up our sage sticks and do some and do some spontanesous chants to get the bad spirits out of the white house.??? She concludes, “We might have some actual shamans there but basically it’s a secular spectacle.??? 

Please visit YouTube and voice your outrage at this misguided cultural appropriation.

----------------------------------end quote -------------------------

I know I'm going to tell all my friends about this one.

Can't imagine the outfits the "woo woo lesbians" will be wearing  for gettin in the good Obama energy.

join YouTube
rank low
send an email ...




I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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In so many ways the newage sector of the Lesbian community (to the extent the Lesbian community even exists any more) is very insular. I think there are women who don't have the slightest idea that this is not a universal practice, or that it would offend anyone. I would expect more awareness... and among the more radical women there is a lot of anti-racist awareness. Sadly, it doesn't seem like Kate is among the more radical women. She doesn't seem to have the slightest idea that this would be offensive. I shudder to think what "shamans" they might have at the event.

I'm thinking of writing Kate about this:  I don't really know her. I  mean, we've crossed paths at events before, but not in a long time and we were never friends. If they're already invested in doing this, I doubt they will cancel it. I'm thinking that if we could suggest an alternative. What could they do as an alternative that wouldn't be offensive? Maybe they should just pattern it directly on the  humorous "Exorcism and Levitation" that was attempted by hippies and activists at the Pentagon in the sixties. I think they chanted "Out, demon, out!" That was a performance art sort of thing that I don't recall being culturally insensitive. Well, maybe to Catholics...  I don't know; maybe there's no point to trying to talk to her about it. I need to think about this.

OK, this is what I wrote Kate Clinton:

Hi Kate,

Some Native American activists are offended that you want to combine what for them is a sacred religious practice into this performance piece. They feel it is culturally insensitive at best, and racist at worst. Also, check the comments that are coming in on your YouTube page.

Can you possibly re-orient this event a little? Maybe pattern it more on the attempted levitation of the Pentagon in the sixties?

I agree that the White House could use a spiritual cleansing, and I agree that humour is important. But Native folks don't find it funny or healing when white people appropriate their traditions. Could this event proceed with non-Native methods of cleansing?

« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:10:43 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »


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The Yippies exorcising the Pentagon is the first thing that came to my mind too.  I hope Kate will take your advice to heart. 

Offline Superdog

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hmmm....just clicked on the link and it didn't work.  Checked Kate Clinton's youtube profile.  It seems she's removed the video and then reloaded it....probably to remove the comments.

Just fyi it's still playing, but clean of comments.  I almost thought she was gonna do the right thing there.

The new link for the video is here.

Kate posted this on her profile in response to kathryn's comment.
"Sage the White House

Several Native Americans have told me that they find the plan to Sage the White House a co-optation of a sacred ritual. My intention was not to co-opt but to embrace the optimistic, cleansing spirit of the ritual. I apologize for my white insensitivity.

Since I have often saged a new writing space, or a new office to get rid of the? prior occupants vibe and begin anew, I thought saging would be a good beginning of the huge clean-up effort necessary after eight long years of George Bush.

Mindful of the rich traditions of the people who were here first, we are recalibrating our action and will encourage people to bring more secular symbols of clean-up: brooms, Lysol spray, Shout-it-Out.

Again, my apologies and an invitation to join us all in the clean-up effort. "


However, the original video is still playing, unchanged, calling for people to "Sage the White House"

« Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 08:45:15 pm by Superdog »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Yeah, mixed messages. The original video and text are also still posted on her website, unchanged.

I think far more people will see the unchanged video and webpage than her apology on her YouTube profile. I haven't signed up for her mailing list, but I'd also be curious to see if any of these changes have been sent out to the list.

I encourage people to go back to the video and comment. Commenting has not been turned off, and I was able to leave a comment, rate and flag the video. I also replied to Kate on her profile page, and I encourage others to do so as well.

If the video is moved again, this is the URL for Kate Clinton's YouTube profile:

ETA: Kate wrote me back; her reply was the same text she posted on her profile page.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:11:16 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Sort of OT Tangent here: I've been thinking about her claim that "shamans" in Machu Picchu "saged" after the Bush debacle. I don't know much at all about South American Indigenous traditions, but I have never heard of burning sage as one of them. Does sage even grow down there?

I haven't found much on the Machu Picchu event, but of the stories I have found, not one mentions burning sage:


Looks like Kate Clinton, or whoever she got her info from, has the mistaken assumption that all Indigenous people burn sage.


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I'm no expert, but there are many different forms or types of "Sage".  A few Salvia, Veberia, Uncaria. The last is a vine, una de gato, "Cat's Claw".  It's a lowland, bog, rainforest plant in South America, but has been used  in Peru by Tribes for medicinal purposes. I think not everyone "cleans houses" with Sage.

Offline ska

  • Posts: 162
Good morning,

I find your posts informative and helpful - thanks for the time you give to the work of this site.

It is clear to me that Kate Clinton has little understanding or respect for Indigenous Peoples' unique and varied ceremonial traditions.  Her  suggestion that sage can be obtained from a "favorite woo woo lesbian in your community" shows that she does not believe that Native people should be consulted or even contacted in order to obtain the required "medicine" for this "ceremony".   Where would a "woo woo lesbian" direct a person looking for sage?  Most likely to a New Age herb shop where sage bundles and sticks, and braids of sweet grass are SOLD as "traditional Native medicine".   At the same time that she feigns respect for ceremony, she dismisses spirituality as "woo woo". 

I  have heard  the term "woo woo" being used by individuals who have not been raised in any spiritual tradition.  Their secular upbringing instills a basic mistrust and rejection of spiritual belief.  In the world of post-secondary education, I've met educated people who use the term "woo woo" because they are either hostile to spiritual ways (because of the "rational" beliefs or their "scientific" skepticism) or because they yearn to connect with some form of spirituality but feel embarrassed to admit it.  White privilege (and class privilege) is often part of the equation and, in the spirit of political correctness, the beliefs and practices of "others" are given token acknowledgement, usually in the form of New Age abstractions which, as many of us have found, bear little resemblance to the original.  Instead, New Age formulations tend to offer up watered down pap and use the justification that "we are all the same" to abuse, appropriate, and bastardize traditional knowledge and wisdom and to make it seem as though this wisdom can be carried by anyone, even someone born outside of the tradition. 

New Agers free themselves of the constraints of being accountable to community and kin, meaning they take advantage with no system of checks and balances to stop their egos from running rampant.  People who are raised to respect spiritual traditions will not accept  that unique beliefs and traditions can be merged and melded into a huge glop of shite, but this is the modus operandi of New Agers.  I read a comment on a blog this morning where a woman describes how she uses sage to "cleanse her chakras" and balance her "karma".  Maybe a New Ager can understand this bafflegab.  I cannot make heads or tails of it, but what do I know about chakra-cleansing karma?  I'm only an Indian-born (ie. India) woman who was raised with respect and devotion for Hindu values and beliefs. 

I doubt that Kate Clinton has ever had any discussion with a Native person who speaks their language, grew up in their community, and had a chance to practice their way of life.  I have never heard the term "saging down" in a Native community.  I have come across this term in academic settings and community political events where token acknowledgement is made to Native nations and a "saging down" ceremony is presented as something that is universally used in Native communities, irrespective of the specific beliefs and practices of a Nation's traditions.  Again, I find there is more effort made to be "politically correct" than to actually be respectful of different cultural traditions.  I have also found that, in urban centers, there are Native people who have no knowledge of their traditional ways because of colonial and culturally genocidal policy, yet often these are the people who are being put front and center to represent Native traditions.

I have not found any reference to a "saging down" ceremony at Machu Picchu, but some stories do mention the burning of incense as a form of purification following Bush's visit.  Many cultures around the world burn incense for purification and other purposes, including Catholics.  I think Clinton's reference to "saging down" as a purification ceremony is indicative of the links between Feminism and the New Age and the faux respect that is paid to Native cultures within these circles.   

I see no evidence that Ms. Clinton has any link or connection to any Indigenous community.  And despite the best efforts of several people to try to inform her, she has chosen this opportunity to remain blissfully ignorant of her power to appropriate and confuse.

best, ska

« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:11:57 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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You know, the night before you posted this, ska, I was discussing just this thing with some friends. Over and over I have seen people have this dual fascination with spirituality combined with their need to keep an ironic distance.

I see this duality as having very little to do with feminism, per se, but everything to do with people who are raised with no sense of meaningful spiritual tradition. It's very much present in intellectual environments - in academia, and among those whose primary identification is with their intellects.

I have known so many people raised without religion (or in a religion they found unsatisfying, stupid or embarrassing) who have expressed interest in having a spiritual practice, yet they feel compelled to simultaneously mock it. Often they don't realize they are mocking. A lot of this impulse comes from people associating religion with ignorance. You also find this in political circles where Marxism is an influence.

At times I've felt like I've treaded a delicate boundary with these things; I think humour is part of spirituality, humility and self-awareness. Look out when someone who thinks they're all spiritual has no sense of humour about themselves. But it's one thing to be self-deprecating, and another entirely to make fun of someone else.

It's also one thing to poke fun at your own culture and community, and a whole other deal to, even unintentionally, mock an oppressed group.

I really think Kate Clinton had no idea going into this that her attitudes or actions were offensive. I don't think she's particularly radical herself, but she's had enough contact with radical feminists - for whom the fight against all oppression is integral to the the fight against oppression of women - that I do believe she is upset to find out that what she's done is racist. The problem as I see it now is what you point out: She's issued a PC apology; she's said the words; but as the video is still up and the comments of Native people are still gone, it rings hollow. I think she needs to post a new video that not only presents the revised plan for the performance piece, but which includes an apology for her earlier statements.

Your analysis of the interconnections and reasons behind the appropriation here are right on, ska. I could quote your whole post, but will just thank you for taking the time to post it. Many well-meaning white people, in the feminist, ecological, hippie, etc communities really have no idea how often they listen to other white people or tokens rather than the voices of the people they steal from. They really believe they are being "respectful" by co-opting and misappropriating, and their own racism makes them relieved when they can find a white person or assimilated token to tell them what they want to hear. Sometimes I lose my patience and don't try to give any of them the benefit of the doubt. But I have to remember that some of them can be reached. Ignorance is curable. So it's a matter of seeing if the person is willing to listen and change.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:12:27 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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All of those whose comments were deleted got the same response from Kate Clinton. Here it is:

(It was more than several, and many of them had some very good things to say)

"Several Native Americans have told me that they find the plan to Sage the White House a co-optation of a sacred ritual. My intention was not to co-opt but to embrace the optimistic, cleansing spirit of the ritual. I apologize for my white insensitivity.

Since I have often saged a new writing space, or a new office to get rid of the prior occupants vibe and begin anew, I thought saging would be a good beginning of the huge clean-up effort necessary after eight long years of George Bush.

Mindful of the rich traditions of the people who were here first, we are recalibrating our action and will encourage people to bring more secular symbols of clean-up: brooms, Lysol spray, Shout-it-Out.

Again, my apologies and an invitation to join us all in the clean-up effort."

She says she's "recalibrating" her action to include secular cleaning products, but she hasn't answered anyone's question as to whether she will eliminate the use of sage.  She put the video back up after it was removed by YouTube as innapropriate and racist.

Pensmoke posted a pretty funny reply:
"Spontaneous chants? Are you serious? Why don't we all just do some spontaneous white lesbian things? How about we get some ladies to dress in some authentic butch lesbian regalia and play Melissa Etheridge and burn some bras too. If you are going to put on some sideshow you should leave other peoples' culture and practices out of it. "


She tried to invite her strongest critics to come to D.C. to teach the woo-woos how to do it right.

If you look at Kate's YouTube site, you can see that most of her friends and subscribers are white woman. Very little color.
Lots of cat lovers, though

reddrumroad posted this

Kate! Please do not mistake a few "entitled" white people's complaints - i.e. queen [redacted], as being anything but their own bossy bigotry. They do not speak at the bequest of ANY traditional Native Spiritual leaders - who, last time I listened, have clear voices of their own. Until you hear from someone actually directed by a Native Spiritual Elder (who will then tell you by name who that Elder is, compete with contact information for verification) please take the rantings and ravings of the newly-offended- by-everything-they-themselves-used-to-do with a grain of salt.

She just recently re-posted several comments blaming the censorship on the YouTube technicians -- it could be that YouTube shut down the video because of all the complaints, but let her put it back up again?????

She'll probably loose face big time if she backs out of the event because it's advertised everywhere:

She's been advertising this full throttle since early November, so I don't see how she can bow out of it gracefully.

I got this from the Iktome crowd today:


Over this weekend, when Native people on YouTube pointed out how offensive this video was, Ms. Clinton’s response was to immediately censor their responses. She then tried to blame it on the YouTube “technical team??? and went on vacation until January 7, 2009.

Please go to this video and flag it as inappropriate and send comments directly to Ms. Clinton.

She will probably delete all the comments you post on YouTube, so you need to send her a personal message or send a message to:


Even though numerous Native YouTube subscribers requested an apology, Ms. Clinton ignored their request.

You can visit her website to see if she apologizes in the coming weeks at:

Several other Native YouTube posters have written to us and asked that fellow activist post this info to as many other newsletters and boards as possible and organize an action to STOP this minstrel show.

To add insult to injury, Ms. Clinton plans to stage her updated secular spectacle on Martin Luther King Junior day.

Perhaps the Obama White House should know how Native America really feels
about cultural misappropriation.

Remember, hand written letters are the most effective, then phone calls, then email.

Mailing Address

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Phone Numbers

Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461


Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121
Please send your comments to

These are general numbers to the White House.
Obama's website says that the Presidential Transition Team is now
accepting comments at
There's an email contact form here:

He still has an email at his senate address

You can write Barack Obama a letter to any of his five senate offices
for issues related to the state of Illinois, or to his campaign
headquarters for issues related to his presidential candidacy.

Washington D.C. Office
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Chicago Office
John C. Kluczynski Federal Office Building
230 South Dearborn St. Suite 3900 (39th floor)
Chicago, Illinois 60604

Springfield Office
607 East Adams Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701

Marion Office
701 North Court Street
Marion, Illinois 62959

Moline Office
1911 52nd Avenue
Moline, Illinois 61265

Obama for America
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL 60680

Finally, you can pick up the phone and reach any of Barack Obama's
five senate offices or his campaign headquarters in an instant.
Washington D.C. Office (202) 224-2854
(202) 228-4260 fax
(202) 228-1404 TDD
Chicago Office (312) 886-3506
(312) 886-3514 fax
Toll free: (866) 445-2520 (for IL residents only)

Springfield Office (217) 492-5089
217) 492-5099 fax
Marion Office(618) 997-2402
618) 997-2850 fax

Moline Office (309)736-1217
(309)736-1233 fax



They're looking for people in the D.C. area to stage a counter-protest and I think someone said they were working on a rebuttal video.  Creative ideas are appreciated:

For a comedian, Clinton doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor.


« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:13:12 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »
I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!

Offline Moma_porcupine

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reddrumroad posted this

Kate! Please do not mistake a few "entitled" white people's complaints - i.e. queen [redacted], as being anything but their own bossy bigotry. They do not speak at the bequest of ANY traditional Native Spiritual leaders - who, last time I listened, have clear voices of their own. Until you hear from someone actually directed by a Native Spiritual Elder (who will then tell you by name who that Elder is, compete with contact information for verification) please take the rantings and ravings of the newly-offended- by-everything-they-themselves-used-to-do with a grain of salt.

Sounds like a spin doctor is out there doing what they do best - creating confusion.
Notice the sneaky little subliminal suggestions being used - that Kathryn is a "Queen" and implying she is assuming a position of power she is not entitled to. Then there is the unsubstantiated allegation that she herself has been involved in cultural appropriation, and the implication that anyone who has made any mistakes in the past now has no right to support  Native people , and even if the information these people now present is correct and it comes from legitimate spokespeople within the Native community - somehow this has now been twisted to being a message that doesn't deserve respect.  Very sleazy tactics there.

When so many Native people and Spiritual leaders have explained and defined what cultural appropriation looks like and have spoken out against this , I can't see what sort of verifiable references anyone needs to repeat this information , except references to the many Elders who originally defined this ,  and said that cultural misappropriation needs to stop.

What seems important is that it is the recognized Spiritual leaders within Native communities who define what is and what isn't cultural appropriation - not who carries this message. It also seems important that it can be verified this definition was put forth by the recognized leaders in Native communities- and not someone who wants to bend things to fit with their own agenda. . But once this has been defined by the people who have a right to define these things, I can't see where support from people like Kathryn is doing any harm . More importantly , without this type of support , I can't see how exploiters who depend on non native audiences can be stopped.

It is after all non native people and PODIAs who are in the communities that enable cultural misappropriation , and it is mainly non native people who are responsible for either encouraging this or discouraging it. 

It sounds like this person is trying to say that non native people can only speak out against exploiters if a named Elder asked them to do this , specifically, in every single situation that comes up . Such nit picky unreasonable demands sounds like it is nothing more than an attempt to bog people down in a lengthly, repetitive , never ending and unnecesary verification process , the sole purpose of which would seem to be to wear people down and to shut people up..

« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:13:39 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline ska

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The more I read Ms. Clinton's words on this subject, the more it is clear that she has a lot more connection to New Age feminism than she does to those with a critical perspective or those trying to forge relationships based on friendship, understanding, and decolonization of our Settler consciousness.

What is this "sacred ritual" that has an "optimistic spirit" and allows one to remove the "vibe" of previous persons?  To me, her "saging down" ceremony sounds akin to placing a Glad plug-in in a room to remove malodorous pongs.  Her reference to "evil spirits" makes me cringe and reminds me of racist cartoons that depict "witch doctors".  It all sounds like the creative invention of Settlers peeking from the outside of Native communities and inventing contexts and practices for things that we have no knowledge or little understanding of.  Her proposed "ceremony" is not reminiscent of any use of sage that I have ever had the privilege of experiencing in a Native community.  Nor does it seem like anything that my husband practices on a daily basis as an expression of his Lakota way.

Also, this stuff really gets me:

"They do not speak at the bequest of ANY traditional Native Spiritual leaders - who, last time I listened, have clear voices of their own. Until you hear from someone actually directed by a Native Spiritual Elder (who will then tell you by name who that Elder is, compete with contact information for verification) please take the rantings and ravings of the newly-offended- by-everything-they-themselves-used-to-do with a grain of salt."

Apparently, Settlers can do whatever crap we want and, unless some "Native Spiritual Elder" calls us on it, we can carry on believing that our behavior is just fine.  So now a small number of Elders across this vast continent are supposed to police 350 million plus (Canada/USA) Settlers?  And until they do, we do not have to be accountable for our behavior?  This is logic from the apex of colonial hubris.  I doubt that many traditional people have much time or inclination to scour the Web searching for misguided instances of racism and appropriation. 

It is also a sad reminder that we, as Settlers, have forgotten how to make communities in which we forge ties of respect  and networks of love and caring that allow our Elders to develop the knowledge they need to guide us.  Some Settlers claim to want to listen to Elders, but where are OUR Elders?  And do we know even know how to acknowledge Elders anymore, and do we know how to listen, so that when Elders speak they will be heard?  Where is the responsibility to think for ourselves?  To engage with the vast amount of Native scholarship and publicly shared traditional knowledge (like the Declaration of War on Spiritual Exploitation) that is available to us?  Can "Native Spiritual Elders" ever be free of their imagined responsibility to govern the daily behavior of Settlers? 

Sorry, but I'm tired of this weak, lame posturing because it's disguised as support and respect.  If these folks are so sure that what Ms. Clinton is doing is necessary, why can it not be accomplished without a pseudo-Native intervention? 

All kinds of Settlers claim to respect Arvol Looking Horse and Oren Lyons (I use their names because they are both well-known faith and knowledge keepers in their respective nations).  Well, the words of these men are widely available on the internet, and access to their instructions requires seconds of "googling".  If Ms. Clinton can create a website, surely she can google some logic and direction for herself?

best, ska

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Well, at times I have been asked by traditional people (who aren't on the Internet) to speak out about various issues. Sometimes I've passed on messages, other times I have declined to do so.

However, as already pointed out, basic issues of cultural misappropriation have been addressed by elders so frequently, and for so long, that there is nothing controversial about a person of any race or Nation pointing out to a white person that they need to listen to Native voices. 

This "reddrumroad" troll is using a classic tactic - make personal attacks on your critics in an effort to distract from the issues at hand. The troll's phrasing is identical to that of someone who has been trying to post racist attacks about Al. I imagine this white troll is frustrated that his attacks go unseen. The white "reddrumroad" troll is also posting on YouTube rather than here because here we can see his IP. We know who it is. You've all seen him here before, under a variety of aliases, posting lies and ad hominem attacks. Apparently he's decided that posting wild lies about me (and Al) will distract from the actual work we are doing, and help him in his work of making money off the shameons. According to his latest YouTube attack, he wants to draft Kate Clinton into his stable of appropriators. To anyone who's been online for any length of time, his trolling tactics are all too familiar and transparent.

ETA: Revised video is up:

But the original video is also still up:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 12:14:42 am by NAFPS Housekeeping »


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That's almost become silly. Telling people to bring shovels, and lysol.  I can see with all that security their letting these people in with shovels. DuPont Sq. or not.

Offline SouthwestSkeptic

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Re: Just when you thought politics... It just got really ugly!
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2008, 12:47:53 pm »
It’s getting really ugly!

Kate has changed the title of both her videos from "Sage the White House" to "Save the White House", but she can still be seen holding up a sage bundle and advising women to get sage from their local “woo woo lesbian.???

The new site is here:

She must have deliberately re-posted the video after the YouTube bot removed it.  She would have had to have contacted YouTube with an explanation to be able to repost the video.  The comments may have disappeared that way, but I know she was aware of them since she couldn't have sent me an apolgy to my YouTube inbox without reading and clicking on my comment first.

This piece of white feminist wisdom was posted by “snowyowlwomon???

We got her comment spammed so to view it you have to choose the “Show all comments??? option and then
Click on “show??? where it says “Comment(s) marked as spam Show???
 “Cnogaard is right!
These ignorant casino rats don't know anything about spiritualty. They're too drunk and lazy to go to university. They just want to drag us into their reservation sewers with them. My skin is white as a feather but my DNA is more red than these hater's will ever be. I wish these vermin would just go extinct!???

It seems strange that Kate/YouTube would remove my comment, but not this one.

Didn’t Goebbels depict the Jews as hordes of sewer-dwelling rats and a race of vermin?

Many of us have flagged for “hate speech??? by Kate’s supporters can’t post to YouTube for 45 days.  Snowyowlwomon, however, is free to share her wisdom with the world.

I still remeber that this is exactly the type of thing that the white lesbian-feminists said to us at our last big protest in Tucson. (except they called us casino niggers) I think I was about 13 or 14, but I will always remember the bright red faces and the absolute hatred directed at us simply for not being extinct. 

Those that said the most hateful things were always the women and it always involved extinction.

They love us when we’re dead and silent, but they can’t stand it when we try to live like full human beings or have an opinion that isn’t flattering to them.

This thing has gotten so out of hand that even if Kate does the right thing and cancels the event, her supporters are determined to exercise their white privilege and have planned "saging" events all over the country in defiance.
Anybody got an address for AIM in DC?


I'm not a bird, I'm not a plane, I'm super NDN skeptic -
Debunking non-NDN bunk, one nut at a time!